Bipolar Freak

The Many Reasons Why

*Written by Shaneru-chi :3

*Mir's POV*

I trudged to school. Yesterday's events haven't left my mind at all. I would think about Eun Mi, and I would smile because at least I got to know her name. But at the same time, I'm sad because I don't know when I'll see her again. Then I would mess up my hair in frustration because she said that we used to be childhood friends, but I don't remember anything! I don't remember being friends with some girl when I was little. 

I was in a constant battle with my emotions: I would be all happy, then I would get all sad, and then I would get mad at myself for being forgetful. I must have looked weird to the people around me because some kid on a tricycle called me a "bipolar freak". I scolded him for being a rude little kid but he ran over my foot with his tricycle.

"OW!!" I grabbed my left foot and began hopping up and down. The little kid rode away and I stuck out my tongue. "Mehrong!" 

He turned his head, "How childish." He smirked and continued riding downhill. 

"Ya!" I took out my left shoe and held it up in the air. "Don't make me throw this shoe at you!" 

"Go ahead! And then I'll steal it and never give it back and you'll be shoeless!" The little boy laughed. 

"Smart brat," I muttered. I put my shoe back on and continued walking to school. I entered the school gates and in just a second I was surrounded by Baksu High students of all grade levels. The girls huddle together and acted all cute and shy. 

"Mir oppa, I heard you made it to the finals! Congratulations!" One girl said. 

"Mir oppa, you're so cool!"

"I wish I could have seen your performance."

The guys were no exception.

"Hyung, you were so great yesterday!"

"Hyung, can you teach me to rap as good as you?"

"You're my role model!" 

I looked left and right, looking for an opening. Please tell me there's an exit in this crowd. I bowed and thanked them for the compliments and quickly slipped away. I ran towards the main building as more people continued to congratulate me for making it into the finals. I thanked them with a big smile. 

I stepped inside the cool building and passed the lockers. I noticed two friends of mine putting their stuff away. They saw me passing by and decided to greet me.

"Oh Mir, I heard you made it to the finals! Congratulations." 

"Sorry we couldn't go yesterday. We were busy and--"

"Cool. Thanks," I said blankly and walked passed them. 

I walked up to the second floor where my Korean history class was. I found my seat which was the first table in the middle row. I walked to it and put my bag down.

"Oh, hi Mir," A.I greeted. "I heard you made it to the finals! Congratulations!" She stood up to give me a hug but I sat down in my chair. 

"Thanks," I muttered. 

I heard her scoff. "Fine! Don't accept congratulatory message!" 

I waved my hand and I heard A.I say something like "I'm going to beat this child with my umbrella." 

"Sorry we couldn't make it yesterday," Minyoung said. "We were finishing up our project."

I was just going to ignore it, but the word "project" caught my attention. I turned around abruptly. "Project? What project?" 

"You forgot? You and your partner are suppose to choose an era of the past and research on it," A.I said. "Make a poster and give a reflection paper on what you learned." 

I looked at the floor and back at her. I must have looked so lost because A.I said, "Well, you're screwed."

A.I and Minyoung went back to finishing their project while I looked at the empty seat next to me. Now that I think about it, I did get a text from him this morning saying: Congratulations on making it to the finals! Oh, and if I don't come to school today, I'm really sorry. Good luck!

I reread the tex and sighed. So that's what he meant. I payed no attention to it this morning because I was too happy that I know Eun Mi's name. I looked back at the empty seat next to me and then to the black board. On the left has the agenda for today, and the first thing on the list was: Turn in projects! No exceptions. 

I really am screwed. At that moment, a pair of hands slammed on the desk infront of me. I looked up and saw a pale pink haired guy. "Oh. Hey L.Joe."

"Hey? Hey?!  How could you just ignore me and Chunji earlier?" I looked over to Chunji who was silently nodding his head. I thought back and tried to remember if I saw them earlier. I snapped my fingers once I finally remembered.

"Oh yeah. You greeted me earlier by the lockers today." I said in realization. "Oh, good morning to you too! And thanks."

L.Joe looked taken back. "Uhh... You're welcome..."

"L.Joe, unless you have something to say to the rest of the class," our teacher said once she walked in, "I suggest you sit down."

"Sorry seonsaengnim,"L.Joe bowed and scurried off to his table with Chunji already sitting. Our teacher moved to the front of the room and greeted the class.

"Good morning students."

"Good morning seonsaengnim," the class said in unision. 

"All of you already knew for weeks now that your project is due today. I don't want any excuses. You had three weeks to do this." She eyed the class and sorted out her papers. "I'll call you and your partner and tell me if you did your project." She looked at some papers and adjusted her glasses. "First group, Bang Chulyong and Shim Hyungsuk."

*Minyoung's POV*

The rest of the class watched as Mir made up excuses as to why he didn't do his project. In the end, he confessed that he was too busy preparing for the rap competition. The teacher just nodded and said "Don't let it happen again." 

For the rest of the period, me and A.I couldn't help but notice Mir's mood swings. Sometimes, he would be swaying back and forth or bobbing up and down like he's really happy. Other times, he would groan and put his head down. And then he would sit back up and mess up his hair. By the end of class, his hair looked like a tumble weed. 

A.I leaned over, "What's wrong with him?"

I shrugged and watched as Mir put his head back down again. "I don't know."

"Hey Mir!" A.I whispered.

Mir groaned and turned his head. "What?"

"What's wrong?" 

"Mehhh," he said and put his head back down again. 

*Chunji's POV*

L.Joe and I were talking during the free time given to us, but I keep noticing Mir's strange behavior. He would be all happy, then he would get all sad, and then he looks like he wants to punch himself in the face.

"What's wrong with Mir?" I asked L.Joe. He looked over to Mir then back to me.

"Mollayo. He's been acting strange since this morning." L.Joe shook his head. "I was going to give him an earful earlier for ignoring us, but he seemed... like his usual self. I don't know! The boy is being bipolar. I don't know why, I mean, he should be happy that he won the competition." 

I looked at L.Joe. "He didn't win. He just made it to the finals." 

"Yeah, but Mir won many times before. Plus, he's up against someone from Infinity High. A girl no less. Pretty much you can say he won." L.Joe leaned back in satisfaction. "Our school is going to win again this year." 

I rolled my eyes and got up. 

"Where are you going?" L.Joe asked. 

At that moment, the bell rang and everyone got up to leave. I was going to ask Mir what's wrong, but he dashed out of his seat and left the classroom. I turned to Minyoung and A.I who were putting their stuff away. 

"Hey, what's wrong with Mir?" I asked Minyoung. 

She shrugged her shoulders. "Mollayo. He won't tell us what's wrong." 

"Oh... I see," I looked back to the door. "It's weird because Mir is usually happy and hyper all the time. I wonder what's gotten into him."

*Mir's POV*

I walked up the stairs that led to the rooftop. Good thing they left the door opened. I needed fresh air. I mean, I can go outside to the field, but there's too much people there. I needed some time alone. I lay on the concrete and stared at the clear blue sky, trying to come up with ways that I can see Eun Mi again. 

I thought came to me and I quickly sat up. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed a number. I raised the phone to my ear and waited for the other line to answer. 


"Dunggie hyung, I need to ask you a favor..." 

Another cliffhanger~ I'm pretty sure we're killing someone with all these cligghangers~ xD

Ignore any spelling or grammar errors. 

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Please update. I'm begging you ;_;<br />
*puppy dog eyes*
Well why didnt you corrected it ~~ You said you were gonna correct it but NO ~!! You just left it alone ~ xD
It was hideous... Your spelling and grammar that is xD
oh my gosh... why a cliffhanger?!? you two are just literally trying to kill me, aren't you? xD
Mireu <3 owo