Introduce Yourself

The Many Reasons Why

*Written by Shaneru-chi~ :3 (We're back from the grave~)

*Ji Eun's POV*

As we were eating our ice cream, a thought has been on my mind since we came in here. I finished the ice cream that was on my spoon and spoke, "I just realized that we haven't introduced our selves." Everyone turned to look at me. "You know, like officially. I mean, we go to different schools--rival schools no less. And here we are, sitting down and eating ice cream, talking like we're friends."

I saw Chunji nod his head. "That's true. Honestly, I find the whole rival thing stupid sometimes. And some students take it too far." 

Everyone unanimously agreed by nodding their heads. 

I finished the last of my ice cream and put my cup down. "So I'm Kim Ji Eun. 17 and a Senior at Infinity High School." I stopped to think of what else to say. "Well... my talents... are singing and dancing. My hobbies are--"

"Laying on the floor the whole day scrolling on tumbr. Oh and have I mentioned she likes to steal my laptop and go through my fridge and practically steals my food. Pretty much my house is her house," said Eun Mi who butted in. 

I hit Eun Mi's shoulder. "Ya. I don't do that. That's you."

Eun Mi looked down at the table while rubbing her shoulder. "Oh yeah..." She pouted but smiled afterwards. "Anyway~ My name is Park Eun Mi and I don't look like it, but I'm 18! As for my talents it's rapping and dancing. My hobbies are rapping, dancing, eating--"

"Isn't she short for her age?" I butted in to take revenged for earlier. "Oh and she practically steals my clothes, my air--"

Eun Mi pushed my face away to make me shut up. "And I like listening to MWHITE!" she ended with a big smile.

"I like rapping too!" Mir yelled out of nowhere. He saw everyone in the room staring at him and apologized for his loud voice. "I like rapping too," he said again, but in a whisper. 

"We heard you the first time," said Cheondung. 

"Clearly," A.I added.

"Sorry," he looked down and pouted. Cheondung nudged his side. "What?" Mir said, a little irritated.

"Introduce yourself!" 

"Oh! Well, my real name is Bang Chulyong, but everyone calls me Mir because a childhood friend of mine gave me that nickname. Uhh... I'm also 18 and a Senior at Baksu High School. OH! For my hobbies I like DJing. You know, scratching records--"

"No you scratch posters," interrupted Cheondung. 

"Shut up," whined Mir. He pouted and sat back in his chair. 

"Anyway," said Cheondung who completely ignored Mir, "my name is Park Sanghyun, but people call me Cheondung. 18, Senior at Infinity. My talents are rapping, dancing, and acting. My hobbies are rapping, dancing, and I like cats--"

"I love cats too!" chimed in A.I out of nowhere. Her and Cheondung high-fived each other and A.I kept a big smile on her face. When she saw everyone looking at her weirdly she whispered a 'sorry' and pouted.

Chunji gave her one last 'WTH' look and introduced himself. "Well, I'm Lee Chanhee, but you can call me Chunji. I'm also 17 and a Senior at Baksu High. My talent is singing - I'm really not that good at dancing. As for my hobbies I like--"

"He solves puzzles for a living!" yelled A.I

Chunji hit the back of her head. "Ya shut up!" He shook his head.

"You really like solving puzzles?" I ask, suddenly interested. I saw him blushed a little and nodded his head. 

"I like solving puzzles too!" He looked up at me, surprised to see that someone shares the same hobby as him.

Eun Mi looked at me then at Chunji. "You two should go out so that I can call you the puzzle couple or something~" she said, earning a hit from me. "Shut up!" I said and looked back at Chunji and when our eyes met, we both blushed. 

"Continuing introductions," A.I said, "My name is A.I. Not Ai, but the letter A then the letter I." 

"What does A.I mean?" asks Cheondung. 

Chunji turned to him and shook his head. "It's best if you don't ask. Even I don't know."

Cheondung looked confused. "Wh-- why?" 

"Just don't ask," repeated Minyoung.

"O... okae," said Cheondung, looking slightly scared.

"Just like most of the people here, I'm 17 and a Senior at Baksu. My talents are singing and baking. I used to dance but then my foot got enflamed. My hobbies are reading, listening to music, singing, eating--"

"And she rolls around the floor and wishes she owns thousands of cats," interrupted Chunji.

A.I gave him a death glare. "Do you really want to be the first person to die from an umbrella?" She threatened as she lifted her umbrella.

"I'll shut up now," said Chunji as he slumped in his chair and ate another spoonful of ice cream.

"Is it my turn to introduce myself?" asked Minyoung. We all nodded and she looked down, thinking of what to say. "Well I'm 17, a Senior at Baksu High. My talents are singing and dancing. For my hobbies..." She trailed off. "I really don't know what to say..."

"Then I'll say it for you," said A.I "She's obsessed with penguins and has a thing for awkward guys--"

"No!" yelled Minyoung as she pushed A.I's shoulder. "My hobbies are dancing, reading, and writing..." She trailed off once more, looked up and smiled. "And that's about it."

I nodded and looked around the table. That's about everyone. "Well I guess we all know the basics about each other." 

"What about relationship status!" Mir said out of nowhere. When everyone looked at him weirdly he hid behind Cheondung.

*Mir's POV*

"What about relationship status!" I yelled. Everyone gave me a weird look and I hid behind Cheondung's shoulder. 

A.I gave me a look. "Well you already know that I'm single. Forever alone!" She cried and ate a spoonful of her ice cream.

"I'm forever alone too," added Ji Eun. She rested her cheek on her hand.

"I'm forever alone as well," said Minyoung.

"Add me to the list of forever alone people," said Chunji.

"Well I'm single," said Eun Mi.

My ears perked up at her answer. Truthfully, she was the only one I cared about if she was taken or not. I turned my head and whispered a small "Yes!" and did a victory dance in my head. All of a sudden I felt Cheondung's shoulder hit my face and I fell onto the couch.

"I'm taken!" exclaimed Cheondung.

I rubbed my nose and sat up. "No you're not," I said as I gave him a death glare.

"A foreign model doesn't count," added Ji Eun.

Cheondung pouted. "Aww.."


I'm so sorry we've abandoned this fanfic for like, 3 months. The authors have been busy with school and other fanfics. T^T Plus, we needed our idea person (natsuyume) We'll try to update more often! Or at least once or twice a month if we can~ ... I'll hand over the mic to Cheesebloo *hands mic to Cheeseboo*

... *awkwardly takes the mic* ... I dont know why we have a mic -- we'll update as much as we can ~ you know -- to make up for those 3 months of......... not updating.... Well I cant promise for Shaneru-chi's behalf since she's pretty slow in updating compared to me ~

So yeah ~ Sorry ~!! For not updating for 3 months ~ Yeah..... I'm hungry now ~ *hands mic back to Shaneru-chi & goes to the fridge*

*looks at mic and then at Cheesebloo and does Sungyeol's twitch thing* Don't listen to her! I can update fast if I wanted to! ;A;

To view the chapters poster full screen, click here

Guide for who's who on the poster (The girl characters):
The girl in between Cheondung & Chunji: Jieun
The girl below Cheondung: A.I
The girl below Chunji: Eunmi
The girl on the bottom left corner: Minyoung

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Please update. I'm begging you ;_;<br />
*puppy dog eyes*
Well why didnt you corrected it ~~ You said you were gonna correct it but NO ~!! You just left it alone ~ xD
It was hideous... Your spelling and grammar that is xD
oh my gosh... why a cliffhanger?!? you two are just literally trying to kill me, aren't you? xD
Mireu <3 owo