Not The Reality I Wanted !

The Many Reasons Why

*Written by cheesebloo :3

Mir's POV:

Cheondung hyung continued to drag me to the listings of who made it to the finals. Many people gathered around the list. Some were crying due to the fact that thy didnt make it to the finals...... & some....... Some were being straight up mean. Aish ~ People should really watch what they say ~

Little by little, the large crowd in front of the list began to disperse & pretty soon a couple people were standing there. Including us.

I looked away from the list & looked at the potted plant next to the wall. Cheondung hyung then nudged me. "Ya ~ Arent you going to see if you made it to the finals?" I brushed his elbow away from my arm & folded my arms. "I dont care anymore ~" i answered him. "All i want to know is that girls name ~ Thats it ~"

"Hey Mir ~ You made it to the finals ~" Cheondung hyung said, then patted my back. "Great job buddie ~" He didnt listen to what i just said........ Hyung ~ Wae you no listen to me ? Huh ? Is this competition more important then your bestfriends feelings ~? I sighed.

"Oh ~" Hyung said surprised. He then looked at me. I looked at him. "Wae?" i asked him.

"You're gonna be challenging someone from our school ~" Cheondung hyung said. I looked at him weirdly. "Uhh yeah ~ Isnt that how its suppose to go ~?"

He then shook his head, then pointed at the list. "You'll be challenging a girl" I sighed as i looked away. My brain then began to process what he said. After a minute, i looked at him, all wided eyed. "Mwo ? What did you say ?"

I then looked at the list myself. "Baksu High School's Bang Chulyoung Vs. Infinity High School's Park Eunmi" i read aloud. So thats her name ~?  I quickly looked at Cheondung Hyung. "Hyung ~ do you know a Park Eunmi ?"

He then looked at his imaginary bubble for a while then looked at me. "Aniya ~ I mean -- i know a lot of girls...... But i only talk to a like what.... a couple girls ~" A flood of disappointment then filled my heart as i slowly looked back at the listings. At least i know her name now....... Park Eunmi....... Infinity High School.

Eunmi's POV:

I was walking back when someone tackled me from behind. I looked back & i wasnt too surprised at the person. "Aww ~ Eunmi-ah ~" Jineun said, huggung me. "You were great out there ~"

I smiled alittle. "Gomawo ~" She then left go & then nudged me. "Lets go & check if you made it you lost ~~" Jieun said, as she started to drag me towards the nearest list. As we were walking towards the list, i saw some people glaring at me & some were whispering amongst themselves. Most of the glares & whispers were from Baksu High School, which is totally understandable. What's not understandable is that a few of the glares & whispers were coming from people in MY school. Why are people glaring at me so suddenly ? I then nudged Jieun. "Ya ~" she looked at me. "Is it me ~ Or are people glaring at me for some reason ?"

Jieun then awkwardly looked around & noticed the stares. She then looked back at me then shrugged her shoulders. "Mollayo ~" Once we reached the list, I noticed Hoya's name was place on number 2. "Huh ? He didnt make it to the finals ?" Jieun then tapped my shoulder repeatedly. Out of annoyance i looked at her. "What ~?"

She then slowly looked me then pointed the list. "You made it to the finals ~" I looked at her not believing a word she said. My eyes grew then looked at the list. "Jeong mal ?" & there i saw my name..... Written in bold letters. "Infinity High School's Park Eunmi"

I blinked a couple times before responding. "OMO ~ I'm in the finals ~" I then started jumping up & down & held onto Jieun's arm. "Why arent you jumping with me ~" i then stopped jumping. "What kind of best friend are you ?" She then looked at me. "You do aware that you're in the finals right ?"

I then smirked then nodded. "No duh ~~ Why do you think i'm jumping up & down ~?"

"& you also DO aware that you just beat Hoya ~" Jieun said. The reality bus then hit me. "OMO ~" i said. "I just beat Hoya ~ Hoya unsually wins this........ This is the first time in 2 years he lost ~"

"Now ~" Jieun said, as she placed her hands on my shoulders. "The whole school is counting on you to win." She's right............. THIS IS NOT THE REALITY I WANTED NOW ~ I dont like pressure ~~

Hoya's POV:

At school, I still didnt get over the fact that I lost the rapping competition to a girl yesterday. "Hoya ~~" Sunggyu said. I looked at him. "I know you're upset that you lost, but at least talk to us."

"Yeah hyung ~" Myungsoo said. "Talk to us ~ But just dont talk to people outside of us ~"

"Aissh ~" Woohyun said. "Why try ~? You guys already know that Hoya doesnt talk to anyone when he loses ~" Sunggyu then hit the back of Woohyun's head. "Ya ~~"

"Mwo ~?" Woohyun said, as he rubbed the back of his head. "Its true ~"

"Hyung ~~" Sungjong said with a sad tone on his voice. "Stop being mean to Hoya hyung ~ Cant you see he's upset ~?" Sunggyu hyung smiled as he messed up Sungjong's hair. "Aww ~ Maknae's looking out for his hyung ~"

Sungjong then fixed his hair. "Of course hyung ~ Its my job you know ?" Sunggyu then looked at me. "Ya ~ Gwenchana ~ If that girl loses ~ The whole school will just give her the cold shoulder ~ Just like what we did to Seongmin Freshmen year ~"

I scoffted. "I guess." I then stood up. "Hyung ~ Where are you going ?" Sungyeol asked. "Just to clear my head ~" i sighed. "Annyeong ~" i then walked away from the group.

I should've won ~ Not that girl ~ I'm more qualified then she is ~ I then found myself walking towards a hill with a tree. I walked towards the tree & layed on the green grass. I then smirked. She'll lose ~ the whole school will hate her guts ~


Chapter DONE ~!! OMO ~ Hoya's POV took me time since i didnt know their personalities that well ~ (except for Sunggyu & Sungyeol xD Also.... sorry for making Hoya so cold ~ T^T)

I hope you like it ? Chapter 4 might take a while since Shaneru-chi is writing it ~ & She's........ slow when it comes to updating ~ :D xD Mianhae Shaneru ~ xD

Ahhh ~ Anyways ~ as always..... ignore all those hidieous grammar & spelling errors ~ xD Thanks for subscribing ~ & commenting ~ keep it up please ~

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Please update. I'm begging you ;_;<br />
*puppy dog eyes*
Well why didnt you corrected it ~~ You said you were gonna correct it but NO ~!! You just left it alone ~ xD
It was hideous... Your spelling and grammar that is xD
oh my gosh... why a cliffhanger?!? you two are just literally trying to kill me, aren't you? xD
Mireu <3 owo