A Feeling I've Missed

The Many Reasons Why

*Written by cheesebloo :D

Eunmi's POV:

"So I was thinking -- Since we're all talented -- We should find a place to meet up & practice -- or talk even ~" Jieun then looked at me. "That's not a bad idea ~" She admitted, she then made a face. "But --" What ? No but's ~!! This plan is like pure genius ~!!!

"But where are we going to find a place to practice ?" Jieun asked. My shoulders sunk. "I mean -- It's not a bad idea -- but the problem is where ?" she continued. I sighed. "I was just getting to that ~!!" I said. Jieun then blinked a couple times. "Ohh ~" she said, She then slightly looked away. "I knew that ~" She said quietly -- but still hearable. I chucked alittle as I shook my head. "Jieun ~" 

We then looked forward to see who called out her name & to our surprise... It was Sunggyu & Myungsoo. What do they want ?

I then saw Jieun cross her arms. "Mwo ~?" She said, alittle coldly. "What do you want ?" I looked at her then back at the two guys in front of us. Myungsoo & Sunggyu exchanged looks then looked at us again, looking serious. "C-Can we talk ?" Sunggyu said. I raised a brow. What's this ? The schools so called leader is studdering ? Damn it -- Where's my camara when I need it ? That would be pure blackmail gold ~!

Jieun & I looked at eachother then back at them. "About what ?" Jieun asked. "There's nothing else to talk about ~" Sunggyu then sighed as he walked alittle closer towards Jieun. Jieun just stayed at her place, not moving an inch. Once he was in front of Jieun he spoke. "Yes we do ~" he said. Myungsoo then quickly walked towards us, looking alittle annoyed. "It's about yesterday ~" Myungsoo said. 

Jieun & I then exchanged looks then looked back at them.

A.I's POV:

"I MISS EUNMI ~" Mir said aloud. "I WANNA SEE EUNMI ~!!! OHH I GOT AN IDE--" I then stuffed bread on his mouth signaling him to be quiet. "Ya ~ Be quiet ~" I said as I continued to bite on my piece of bread. "People are looking ~"

Mir then pouted as he pulled the hanging piece of bread off his mouth. He sighed as he chewed on the bread. "But I wanna see her ~ Can we visit Eunmi ? Just for alittle bit ?" I sighed as I took a bite of my bread. "We cant ~" i simply said. 

"Awww ~!! Why not ~!!" Mir said as little pieces of bread & saliva exit his mouth. I then moved my bread away from him since I didnt want Mir DNA on it. I then looked at him alittle annoyed. "Have you forgotten that our school hates their school ? If we're caught with them -- the whole school could go against us ~" Mir then pouted as he took a bite of his bread.

"Speaking of Eunmi ~" I heard Minyoung say. I looked at her as she continued to look forward as she continued to look forward. "There's Eunmi & Jieun right now ~" I then heard Mir gasp & soon he headlock me. "WHERE ~!??!!?" he said. "WHERE DID YOU SEE HER MINYOUNG ~??? OMO MINYOUNG I LOVE YOU FOREVER ~~"

I then held on to Mir's arm. "Mir ~" I said. "Let go ~" but he wasnt paying attention. "They're over there with --" Minyoung then stopped talking & Mir's grasp loosen. I looked at them to find them looking shocked. I followed the direction they were looking & found that two of those boys from their school's popular group was right behind them. 

"Why are those Infinite boys following them ~?" Minyoung asked worriedly. "Do they even know that they're being followed by them ?" Mir asked, sounding worried as well. "I dont know ~" I said quietly. "Let's follow them ~" Mir suggested. Minyoung & I then looked at him. "Just to make sure those guys wont do anything bad to them ~" he said. "If they do something bad to them -- we can call the police ~" I then looked at Minyoung & we both nodded & started to follow them.

We were a few feet away from which is good since we're not to close & not to far from them. I then remembered something. I looked at Minyoung. "Ohh ~ Where's Chunji ?" I asked. "I havent seen him for the whole day today ~" Minyoung then looked at me. "I think he's having a bad day ~" she said. "He told me he needed time for himself ~" I then nodded as we continued to follow Jieun, Eunmi, & the two members of Infinite.

Once they reached the part of the park that had nothing but tall bushes, Eunmi & Jieun turned around & face them. Minyoung, Mir & I then hid at the bush infront of them. "We're here ~" Jieun said. "So talk ~" The two members then looked at eachother as my eyes widened. It was that cute guy with no eyes who joined that mean guy on the competition yesterday. I then recognized the guy showing a blank expression. I was about to tell Minyoung but I guess she already got the message because her eyes never left him.

"It's the no emotion guy ~!!" she whispered. I looked back as I looked back at the cute guy with no eyes. "We're sorry about yesterday ~" The cute guy with no eyes said. Eunmi then tilted her head. "What do you mean ?" Eunmi asked. "The audience voted for you guys -- You guys won fair & squa--" The blank ecpression guy them spoke. "No we didnt ~" he said.

Jieun then squinted her eyes alittle. "What do you guys mean by....... No we didnt ?" she asked. Cute guy with no eyes then sighed. "Hoya...." he said. "He.... He rigged the votes ~ well... we -- i mean"

My eyes grew wide as well as Eunmi & Jieun's eyes. & I'm pretty sure Minyoung's & Mir's eyes grew wide too. "You... guys.... rigged the votes........" Eunmi said slowly. The two guys then looked at eachother as they slowly nodded. Eunmi was walking towards them but Jieun pulled her away & held her back. "YOU  -- YOU -- YOU ~!!!" Eunmi yelled out as tears fell down her cheeks. I then heard Mir breathing weirdly.

"You guys wanted to win.... wanted to beat ME so bad that you would go THAT low to rig the votes ?" Eunmi said irritated & hurt. 

Jieun's POV:

"It wasnt our idea ~" Myungsoo said. "It was all Hoya hyung's idea ~!!"

I scoffed. "But you're still apart of it since you knew about it but didnt say or stopped anything ~" I said. Myungsoo then looked away. I then looked at Sunggyu. He lifted his head alittle but looked down once our eyes met. "& I thought you were the leader ~" I said coldly. "I guess winning is everything to Infinite huh ?"

"JUST BEAT THEM UP ALREADY ~!!!" My eyes widened as I slowly turned around to find Mir standing there as he covered his mouth. "Mir ?" Eunmi said, surprised. Mir then slowly looked down. "There's no use on hiding anymore ~" he said. A.I & Minyoung slowly stood up. "A.I ?" I said. "Minyoung ?" They let out a little chuckle. "Hey guys ~" A.I said nervously. "How's it doing ?"

Sunggyu then pointed at A.I. She then started to look more nervous. "Wait -- Both of them are Baksu students ?" He said. "I thought -- I thought they went to our school ~" Myungsoo then smirked. "I knew something was fishy about those two girls ~" he said. Sunggyu then looked at him weirdly. "No you didnt ~" he said. "If you did -- You would've said something ~" Myungsoo then hit Sunggyu. "Shut up hyung ~" Myungsoo said. "Can i be right for once ~?? Gosh ~"

I then looked at Minyoung to find her smiling alittle as she blushed. She looked at me then quickly put her head down. I smirked. Awww ~ Minyoung likes Myungsoo............. I disaprove of this.

Dongmin's POV: (play this ~ You know -- For dramatic effect ~ xD)

I shoved my hands in my pockets as I walked the long way home, which was the park. I sighed as I walked the familiar pathway. I began to reminisce the memories i spent with her here. Walking, talking, laughing, holding hands, hugging, kissing. I reminisce everything. Even those bad memories..... like that one day..... that one day where she broke my heart & even humiliated me in front of everyone. After that day -- one by one, day after day -- all my friends turned their backs away from me.

I felt so lonely to the point where I had to beg my mom to let me transfer schools & thank god she gave in because if she didnt... everyday would be like hell. Once I transferred schools, I forced myself to stop loving her & just forced myself to hate her to the point where just looking at her breathe irritated me. I scoffed as I kicked a small rock. Crap -- I'm thinking about her again ~

I looked up at the familiar sky as a familiar feeling came back. A feeling that I havent felt in a while.... A feeling I missed. My shoulders sunk which caused my sports bag to drop. I looked down & sighed as I picked it up & continued to walk home. Quit thinking about her Dongmin... You hate her now... & I'm for sure she hates you... Just stop......... missing her.

"JUST BEAT THEM UP ALREADY ~" I stopped walking & looked around. The voice came from the other side of the bush. I quickly walked towards the end of the bush & looked to find Infinity & Baksu students breathing the same air. I then looked at every single one of their faces. Then suddenly my eyes then grew & my heart dropped when I saw a familiar face that i convince myself to hate with a burning passion... but in reality... I just couldnt...



Who could it be that Dongmin hates..... but secertly loves ?? I dont know ~ You have to wait for the next chapter & see ~ Ahahahahahahaha ~ Yeah ~ 

I dont know what else to say now ~ I'm getting distracted from LED Apple ~ xD

Ta-Times up... Wooo Ohh Woo Ohhh Hoo ~ xD

Anyways ~ Ignore the grammar & spelling errors I'm too lazy to fix ~

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Please update. I'm begging you ;_;<br />
*puppy dog eyes*
Well why didnt you corrected it ~~ You said you were gonna correct it but NO ~!! You just left it alone ~ xD
It was hideous... Your spelling and grammar that is xD
oh my gosh... why a cliffhanger?!? you two are just literally trying to kill me, aren't you? xD
Mireu <3 owo