The Chase

The Many Reasons Why

*Written by cheesebloo xD

Mir's POV:

"Uh Oh" i said as i looked at A.I and Minyoung. Snap ~ They found me....... What to do..... what to.......... I blinked a couple times then an Idea came into my head. Run..... Running seems to be the best option for me so A.I wont kill me with her umbrella.

I turned to hyung. "HYUNG ~" i said, aloud. "RUN ~!!"

I then turned around & started running. "Wait ~" i hear Cheondung hyung yell out. I looked back to find hyung running, & behind him were A.I & Minyoung.

"YA ~!!!" A.I yelled out. "MIR GET BACK HERE SO I CAN HIT YOU WITH MY UMBRELLA, YOU TRAITOR~!!!" Must........ Out ....... Run........ Them ~!!

Jieun's POV:

We reached Sweet dreams in a matter of minutes. Once we got in the shop, Eunmi started jumping up & down like a litte girl. "Yay ~!!" She cheered happily. "We are going to eat ice cream now ~!!"

I sighed as i looked around the shop to find some people looking at her weirdly. I then hid my face. "Ya ~" i said. But Eunmi didnt hear me & continued to jump up & down. "See ~" i said, "This is why people still think you're in elementary ~" Eunmi then looked at me then sticked out her tounge. "At least people think I'm young ~" she stated as she folded her arms. I scoffted. "At least I'm growing..... Unlike you who will stay short forever ~"

I then walked pass her. While walking pass her, i heard her say these exact words with a sad tone. "...... Me....... Short........ Forever ? Andwae ~!"

I smirked & made my way towards the ice cream selection. I then felt someone's face on my arm. I looked down to find Eunmi looking at me with a smile in her face. Well...... She got over my comeback pretty fast...... either that or.......

"Hey bestfriend ~" she said, then poked my stomach. "Wanna pay for my ice cream ?" i sighed Of course ~ She'll ask me to pay ~ "Where's your wallet ? Dont you have money ?" i asked her. "In my bag ~" she simply stated. "& yes ~ i have money ~"

"Well ~ Why dont you use it?" i asked. She then sighed. "I'm saving money for that MWHITE album ~!!" she stated. "Either you buy me ice cream or you buy me the album ~" I sighed. "Didnt i already BUY one of their albums for your birthday ~?" i asked. "What ? You arent satisfied with that ?"

"But -- But ~" she said, "I want their recent album ~ Jihae showed me their most recent album & OMO ~ Once i saw it ~ Its my destiny to get it ~" I then shook my head. "Its your destiny to get ALL of their albums ~"

She then nodded her head. "Exactly ~" I shook my head as the lady behind the counter walked towards us. "Annyeonghaseyo ~" she greeted us. "Are you guys ready ~?"

I nodded. "Can i get Cookies 'n Cream?"

"& Nutella for me ~!!" Eunmi said, out of nowhere. I looked at her then back at the lady. "Yeah ~ & Nutella, Please ?" She smiled. "Sure ~ Both in cones ?" I looked at Eunmi & she shook her head. "Cup, Please ~" She smiled & started scopping ice cream. While she was doing that i looked at Eunmi "You're paying for me right ?" she asked as she showed me the peace sign. I sighed in defeat. "I guess so since your destiny's calling ~"

"Aww ~" Eunmi said. "You know me so well ~" I chuckled atlitte & noticed a guy, around my age walked in the shop. He's pretty cute ~ He then made his way towards a table then he sat down. I then noticed the uniform he was wearing has the word 'Baksu' written on it. Awww ~ He's from Baksu high ~ Its such a shame ~

"Ya ~" Eunmi said, that then snapped me back into reality. "Ne ?" i said, as i looked at her. She then handed me my ice cream. I took it, surprised. "You..... paid for it ?" She then chuckled alittle. "Ani ~ I took your wallet & paid it ~" she said, as she waved my wallet around. I took it away from her. "Ya ~" i said, as i held it close to me like it was some kind of gem.

She scoffted. "Thats what you get for not paying attention ~" she stated. "Who were you looking at anyways?"

I ate a bite of my ice cream. "Nothing ~" i said, as i walked away from her & took a window seat. Eunmi then sat infront of me. "Aish ~ Geojitmal hajima ~"

I sticked my tongue out as i looked out the window and continued to eat my ice cream. I then noticed a girl running past the shop. "Hey isnt that the new girl from school ~?" I asked, while pointing at the girl as she continued running. "Who girl ?" Eunmi asked.

"Aissh ~ Jinjja ~?!" I turned my head to find the guy who walked in earlier stood up. He then awkwardly looked around & bowed. "Joesongmida ~" he said, as he suddenly sat back down. I tilted my head as i looked back out the window. I then saw Cheondung running. "Cheondung?" i said, surprised. "Wae is he running ~?"

"Who's Cheondung?" Eunmi asked.

After a few seconds later i saw two girls running after him. I didnt see there face's but i know what uniform they were wearing. Why are those Baksu girls chasing him....... & why is he chasing the new gir --........ Wait....... OMO ~ Bang YongChul...... Bang Chulyong ~ I quickly stood up "Ya ~" i yelled at the window. Eunmi jumped alittle from my sudden rashness. "Ya ~" Eunmi said, "You scared me ~ & sit down ~ People are starting to look at you weirdly."

"Aissh ~" i said, as i grabbed my bag. "Ya ~" Eunmi said, "Where are you going ~?" I wore my bag & was about to pace out the door till i bumped into the cute guy. He looked at me then bowed. "Mianhae ~" he said, then out the door he went. I tilted my head, then remembered what i was suppose to do. Oh right ~ 

I then ran out the door & ran the direction where Cheondung & the new girl ran. Park Sanghyun ~ You are so getting stabbed from me ~

Eunmi's POV:

"Ya ~ Wait where are you --" i said, again but Jieun just left . Some bestfriend she is ~ Thats it ~ I'mma go all rapper on her ~

I took my bag & our ice creams. I was about to walk out the door, then i remember something. I turned around & bowed. "Annyeonghigyeseyo ~" i said. "& Mianhae for my friends behavior ~"

I then turned around & exited the shop & ran the direction Jieun ran.

"Wait ~~ Jieun ~ Ugghh ~~ DAMN IT ~ I'm short so quit running so fast long legs ~!!"

Mir's POV:

I somehow ended up at the park. I slowly stopped running & tried to catch my breathe. I looked back & saw no one coming. I took a deep breathe. Thank god i lost them ~ OMO ~ I thought i was gonna die ~ 

"Mir ~!!!" My eye's widened. I slowly turned my head & saw Cheondung hyung running with all his might, while A.I, Minyoung & Chunji running after him. I then saw a girl that i saw at school earlier. I started running but i tripped on one of my shoe laces. "Oh snap."

I then fell on the ground, front side up. I sat back up & was about to run, but Cheondung hyung somehow forgot how to stop running & ended up tripping on me & fell on me. A.I, Minyoung & Chunji caught up as well as the other girl. I then saw Eunmi running towards us. Eun- Eunmi ~

Once they got to where i was...... All of them had mad expressions on except for Eunmi. She looked more surprised then mad. "M-Mir ?" she mouthed.

I awkwardly looked away...... Till A.I & Minyoung started to yell at me.

"MIR ~!!!" They yelled out in unison.

"Aissh ~ CHEONDUNG ~!!!!" The girl i saw earlier in school said.

"ICE CREAM ~!!" Chunji cried out sadly.

"EUNMI ~!!" Eunmi yelled aloud with her hands in the air. Everyone then awkwardly turn their heads at Eunmi. "I-- I felt left out ~" she said, as she awkwardly turned her head. She then awkwardly looked back at them but looked away again once she noticed that they were still looking at her.

Everyone then looked at me. "Mir ~ Why are you wearing that uniform?" Chunji asked alittle confused.

"Yeah ~ WHY MIR? Why ARE you wearing that uniform huh ?" A.I said, pissed off.

"You want me to hit you with this umbrella, you traitor ?!! HUH ??" Minyoung said, as she took A.I's umbrella & held it up in the air. A.I then looked at Minyoung. "Niggah thats my line ~" A.I said, as she quickly took the umbrella from Minyoung. "I'mma hit you with this umbrella for stealing ma line ~"

"Well..... I'mma go now ~" Hyung whispered to me. "Hwaiting." Cheondung hyung was about to stand up but i grabbed his uniform tie. "If i'm going down....... You're going down with me ~"


Chapter done ~ Did you see what i did there?? Instead of MBLAQ...... Its MWHITE ? xD Omo ~ I'm trying so hard to be funny ~ natsuyume thought of that by the way xD Anyways ~ Its cheondungie's birthday today ~ Yeah ~ 생일축하함니다 천둥 오빠 ~ ^^ (Happy Birthday Cheondung oppa ~)

I'm spending so much on this story that i completely abandoned my other stories ~ T^T

I'll update them soon ~ Dont worry ~ Anyways ~ Yeah ~ I hope you like this chapter ~~

Ignore the horrible grammer or spelling errors if any ~

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Please update. I'm begging you ;_;<br />
*puppy dog eyes*
Well why didnt you corrected it ~~ You said you were gonna correct it but NO ~!! You just left it alone ~ xD
It was hideous... Your spelling and grammar that is xD
oh my gosh... why a cliffhanger?!? you two are just literally trying to kill me, aren't you? xD
Mireu <3 owo