Words of Encouragement....... Or maybe...... Not?

The Many Reasons Why

*Written by cheesebloo :D

Jieun's POV:

"Where is he ~??" I sighed as i sat down on the bench patiently waiting. I looked at my watch then at the at both sides of the bench. "I swear if this idiot's late i will stab the --"

Before i could finish my sentence, Cheondung ran towards me. He then hugged me. "OMO ~~ JIEUNNIE ~!!" he said, alittle loud. "JEONG MAL MIANHAE ~ THAT I CAME LATE ~"

"Aish ~!" i said, as i pulled him away alittle. "Wae do you always do this ?" i asked him. He then pouted. "I said, i was sorry ~" he apologized. "Gosh ~~" I sighed. "What's your excuse this time ?" i asked him.

"Well -- my friend asked me what time i'm going to his rap challenge thing ~" he said, as he scratched the back of his head. "Or...... I think thats..... What he said ?" I looked at him weirdly. "You think?" i asked him curiously. He then nodded slowly & unsure. "He told me he's challenging someone ~"

"Weird......... My friend told me that she's challenging someone in rapping too ~." i said, while looking at him. "Oh...... Chincha ??" Cheondung said surprised. I nodded. "Who's your friend?" i asked Cheondung curiously. 

He then started looking alittle nervous. "His-- umm - His name is Bang....... Yong...... Chul." I nodded my head. "Ahhhh ~ does he go to our school ? I heard that today, 2 people are challenging Baksu High School......"

He then flinched alittle. "Ummm..... Yeah ~" he said, hesitantly. I then looked at him weirdly. "Ya ~~ Gwenchana ?" i asked him. "You're starting to look pale.... Like you just saw a ghost -- or something ~"

He then waved his hand infront of my face awakwardly "Aissh ~~ No i didnt ~" he said, suddenly. "Gaja ~" he said, as he linked his arm eith mine. "Before we're late to that rapping competition ~" He's lying.......... What's this guy hiding ~?

Eunmi's POV:

"Aissh ~~" i said, as i sat impatiently on the bench, looking at my watch. "She said she'd come ~ Where is she ~!!" i sighed then looked around to find her. After a few minutes of endless searching & looking.... i gave up. "Some bestfriend she is ~" i said, quietly to myself. 

"Yeah ~ Some bestfriend i am ~" I turned around to see Jieun standing there. I stood up. "Ya ~~ Where were you ??" i asked her. "I was with a friend ~" she said, calmly. 

"Who's your friend huh ?" i asked. "They're suddenly more important to you then i am ?" Jieun then slowly shook her head. ""You should try relaxing ~~" I then looked at her surprised. "See -- this is why you dont grow -- you stress out to much ~" she continued.

"How can i relax when i'm about to rap to one of the rappers at Baksu High ~" i exclaimed. "What if i lose ?"

"What if you win ?" Jieun said pointed out. "Then again -- winning isnt everything ~"

I then looked at her like she has gone crazy.... right before my eyes. "Uhh ~ Yes. Yes it does ~" I said, trying to point something out. "Dude.... Are you forgeting that this is Baksu high we are talking about..... BAKSU HIGH ~ Our school HATES their school. Its been like this for 7 years now ~ Everyone gave Seongmin the cold shoulder when he lost to that guy from Baksu High at freshmen year..... remember?"

"Oh yeah ~" she said, in sudden realization. "He told me it was his worse year of high school.... like ever ~" she then looked at me with a reassuring smile. "Good luck ~ Hwaiting ~" I then hit my forehead. How can she forget about this ?

Mir's POV:

I was pacing back & fourth, waiting for the announcer to call me so i can do what i do..... & That was rapping. I normally dont get nervous when i perform in front of people...... this is honestly my first time. Aiish ~ Why am i nervous ~? I've done this so many times..... Why am i so nervous like its my first time rapping ?

"Psst ~ Mir ~~" I quickly turned around. No one was there. OMO ~ I think i'm going crazy ~ I'm hearing things now ~ "psst ~ Mir ~" the voice went on again. I looked back to see no was there. What's happening ?

"Mir ~~ OMO Are you blind? ~~ Look behind the blue curtain ~" the voice said. My eyes quickly found the blue curtain. I slowly walked towards it. "You...... You better show yourself ~" i said, studdering away with fear. "O-Or I-- I'll have to use my limited taekwondo skills on you ~" i threated whoever the person behind the curtain was. "&--- & --- & I'm not afraid to use it ~"

Once i reached the curtain..... a hand grabbed me then pulled me. This person then covered my mouth. "Dont say a word." this person said. "I'm not suppose to be in this side of the place." Wait...... this voice it sounds so familiar ~ I looked up to find Cheondung hyung. "HYUNG ~" i said, muffled.

"Aish ~" he said, alittle annoyed. "Didnt i tell you to be quiet ~?" I nodded & removed his hand off my face. "Hyung ~ What are you doing here ??" He chuckled. "I'm here to visit my favorite dongsaeng & wish him luck ~"

I chuckled. "Gomawo. I'll work hard ~" i said. He smiled. "You'll do great ~" he said, "I should go......" he said, while looking around the small space we had to ourselevs. "I'll get into trouble when they find me here."

"Yeah ~" i said, looking at small space as well. "That & the small space." i continued as he nodded. "I'll be going now then" he said then waved at me nicly. "i'll be watching ~ Hwaiting ~" he said, as he got out of the curtain & soon enough he was gone. I exited the curtain.

"Mir ~" someone said. I looked at see a buff guy there. "You're next ~" he said, then grabbed my arm. "Jakkeu -- WAIT ~ Where are you --"

He stopped walking then faced me. "You'll be challening Infinity High school right ?" I nodded. He then smirked then continued to drag me. He then passed a few people till we reached the center floor. He then looked at me. "Good Luck".


Chapter one........ Done ~ Wow ~ This took me almost........ No time ~ I'm surprised. I thought i would finish writing it on Monday ~ But i guess not. xD

Also...... i purposely missed spelled Mir's name ~ So yeah ~ I hope you'll enjoy the story ~ :D Yeah ~ xD

Ignore all grammer & spelling errors ~ I would fix them myself........ but i feel lazy ~ xD

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Please update. I'm begging you ;_;<br />
*puppy dog eyes*
Well why didnt you corrected it ~~ You said you were gonna correct it but NO ~!! You just left it alone ~ xD
It was hideous... Your spelling and grammar that is xD
oh my gosh... why a cliffhanger?!? you two are just literally trying to kill me, aren't you? xD
Mireu <3 owo