Chapter 14

A Summer Of Disasters With The Famous Idiots! (Hiatus)



Ryeowook’s POV


Coz I can’t stop think ‘bout you girl~. No matter how old this song gets, I still love humming it.” Sungminnie hyung happily cooed while going through our overly pinky wardrobe. He has so changed my old wardrobe! Now whenever I open the closet, all I ever see is pink! If only Hani was a little kind and didn’t throw his clothes out in the living area, I would have had my wardrobe as my own. We can still try to persuade her? Sorry to burst the bubbles but she already disagreed. How can these siblings be so same yet so different??

“Help me~” came a shriek from outside our room. That sounded like Hani.

“I can’t even go through my wardrobe in peace anymore. Just when I was singing happily, Hani had to be screaming her lungs out like her life depended on it!” He grumbled as he pressed his head into the clothes hanging in the wardrobe. His mood swings so much now. He used to be so calm and composed and lively before. “Let’s see what’s up anyways. Come Wookie-ah.” he turned around and pouted as he left his wardrobe open and headed out of the room. I was just about to follow his lead out of the room when, poof! he’s now on the ground with his sister on top of him.

Oww~” they both whispered at the same time. I’m glad I didn’t fall in the same fate as hyung.

“My back” hyung groaned.

Soon Yesunggie hyung came running from his room and he too lost his balance and fell on the fallen siblings. Ouch.

My BACK~!!!!” Minnie hyung screamed in pain upon the impact of another fall on him.

MY BACK TOO~~!!!” Hani screamed too.

What should I scream about now~?” Yesung hyung screamed too. He’s still on top of the siblings by the way. This is pretty funny actually and it would be a lie if I say that I’m not enjoying the scene in front of me. I think I should really hangout less with Kyu or I’ll really turn evil.

“Get off me you turtle maniac!” Hani groaned. Should I help them?

“Get off me you turtle maniac!” Or should I not? Yesunggie hyung repeated what Hani had groaned. I think I can enjoy the show a little longer.

“I said get off me you moron!” she screamed again while Minnie hyung just groaned with pain underneath the two.

“I said get off me you moron!” Ye hyung repeated again. God! This is so hilarious! I can’t help myself from snickering.

“Get off us hyung!” Sungminnie hyung screamed in pain.

“You mean you’re telling me to get up and weren’t guiding me what to scream about?” Ye hyung asked confused.

“Ask your lame questions after you get off me!” Hani groaned again. “And remove your filthy hands off my hair! You’re freaking pinning them on the ground!” she added in the same tone. Oh! So that’s the reason she didn’t kick him off after his fall on them! Wait. Why is my POV filled with exclamation marks?

Just when Yesung hyung was getting off the siblings, Shindong hyung entered the scene and got excited. O! O~~ this is bad.

“Wow! A game of falling on each other! I’m joining in too!” he happily exclaimed (again with the exclamation marks?) and started running towards the fallen trio. Trust me when I say that it all looks like a slow-mo scene. His running and the trio’s panicking I mean.

“No~~~~” the 3 (actually 2 ‘victims’ and 1 ‘culprit’) screamed in panic but it was too late. Hmm, seems like 3 bags of hot water are to be prepared now. Ryeowook, time to earn some good deeds.

“Why is Wookie skipping so happily?” I heard Shindong hyung comment from behind.



Hani’s POV


Aaaa~~” that’s me.

Ooo~~” the culprit number one a.k.a. Turtle maniac.

My whole body is gone~” Minnie mouse.

In short, we are whimpering and groaning in pain after experiencing the pain when a building collapses on them.

“Somehow, I really don’t feel any pity for these three.”

“That’s mean Kyuhyun.” Uki snickered.

“You people dare make fun of me?” I glared at the two, shooting daggers into them hearts (imaginarily of course. Not in the state to do it in reality, Ouch!)

“Don’t give me the crap of those glares please. I’m immune to them.” The evil maknae slash Starcraft addict smirked. You just wait.

We victims are lying on our stomachs in the living room on the heavenly (that’s what I feel at the moment) couches.

“Now spit the anger out guys…and girl. I didn’t know you guys weren’t tripping as a game.”

“You assumed it and didn’t even bother to ask before jumping on us. Aargh~ I’m so sore” seriously I’m sore~

“But why were you screaming for help before all this chaos happened?” Wookie cookie asked as he gently pressed a hot water bag on the turtle maniac’s back.

“Oww, this maniac!” I pointed at the turtle singer, “He was unnecessarily educating me on freaking bugs and the way they mate! My innocence is scarred forever.” I accusingly pointed at the culprit.

“But it is informative! And it’s not even gross!” he exclaimed.

“Mating…and Hani? Sounds like a really bad combination to me.”

“Shut up Void. I’m in no mood to break your bones again.” I muttered

“Not in the condition to hurt me actually babe. Bhuuhhahaha” Freak just let me get over this frigging pain and then I’ll tell you if it’s my condition or my mood.

“Hey y.”(I gagged at that) “I’ll help you press that hot water bag on your back, and body.”

“Stay where you are Void.”

“How can I miss such a rare chance? I’m cashing it in!” ERT!

Uki~~~” I shriek at the sight of the ert getting closer to me.


*Meanwhile in SHINee’s dorm*

No one’s POV


“Did you hear that scream?” Onew commented in shock as his chicken leg fell off his mouth.

“Might be a ghost.” The innocent Maknae panicked and the boys couldn’t help but shiver in fear.

“SM building is getting scarier day by day.” The immature Dino sneaked behind Taemin baby, scaring him out of his wits as he started making ghostly sounds. That dino is a nuisance!

Umma*” Tae called his Key Umma for his aid.

“Yeobo*! No dinner for you tonight!” Key shrieked as he witnessed the scene.

“Crazy hyungs*.” Minho plainly commented as he watched soccer on TV while increasing the volume to get over the noises in the dorm.


Hani’s POV


Bhuhuhahaha. I can’t wait for these beauties to be eaten by those beasts. “Bhuhuhahaha”

“Her laugh is freaking me out.” muttered Wookie as he tossed an omelet in a non-stick pan behind me.

Alex came skipping into the kitchen and neck-hugged me from behind. “Wow muffins!” she perked up as she saw the dangerous beauties in front of me that I was icing.

I lightly slap her hand away that reached to pick one of the muffins. “Don’t even think of it. It’s not what it looks like.” I murmured to her as she slightly pouted.

“But why?” she asked as her pout still remained. GOD! She looks so much like her fishy brother!

“You’ll see.” I smirked as I glanced at the beauties in the tray in my hands. “Oh right! Just keep in mind that you must definitely not consume these muffins at any cost. Got it?” I glared at her. “And Wookie,” I called him as he started preparing sandwiches on the dining table.

“Nae*?”” I warned him with gritted teeth and narrowed eyes.

“Can I save Yesung hyung?” he timidly asked.

“A no, means a no. Arasso*?” I kept my tone.

Nae” he pouted.

“Oh! Inform Uki too.” I added as I exited the mighty kitchen with the delicious looking tray in my hands. Boys, be prepared to get into my wrath. “Bhuhuhahaha”

“I so hate that laugh!” I heard Wookie’s shriek from the kitchen behind me.



Nae* = Yes.

Arasso* = OK/ Understood/ Understand

Yeobo* = Honey

Hyung* = Elder brother (said by a boy)

Umma* = Mommy/Mum/Mother

Hello my LOVELY readers. So? How was this chapter? I made a comeback after SUCH a long time! But I’m not really back for good. I’m on a mini vacation hence I could make some time to update. But I’m so sure my writing skills have deteriorated SO MUCH! Anyways, I expect feedbacks. Who knows, I might update yet again all thanks to them? :)


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I'm just doing some editing in the forward.


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Chapter 14: Lol, nom-nom!
Btw Hani's picture ressembles to an actress!!!! :P
Chapter 17: if she exist in real she would not be alive anymore after what have done to suju and shinee!!scary fans!
Chapter 16: his engrish pwhahaha!!
actually he's not good at learning any languages!
Chapter 14: apart of ur daebak story , ending conversations are jjang!
Chapter 12: it filled with sujus facts !
i love heechulie tour in dorm!
this ShinHyukMin ...=))!!! their friendship is precious !
Chapter 10: my brave man , sungmin!
& funny shindong !!<3 u & ur story!
Chapter 9: is hani as beautiful as our pumpkin? i dont think so !ke ke ke!
beauty & aegyo king & queen!!!<3 min!
Chapter 7: i know all these are for story's sake. but uri monkey is really neat as said B4!
and again im really curious!who is this jacksparow?
Chapter 5: hilarious pwha ha ha ha!
no kyumin?i'm kinda sad!