Adventure in the Amusement park.

A Summer Of Disasters With The Famous Idiots! (Hiatus)




Eunhyuk’s POV

“Aaaa~~~~~~” Ryeowook kept screaming right in my sorry ears.

“Aaaa~~~~~~” I heard Teuki hyung & Zhoumi screaming together from behind me.

“Aaaa~~~~~~” I heard Henry and Yesung hyung screaming from behind as well.

“Aaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~” Well, that’s me who’s screaming now after hearing all those screams!

“Woooohoo~~~~ THIS. IS. FUN!!!!” I heard Hani exclaiming loud enough for me to hear since she’s in the seat just in front of mine along with Sungmin hyung.

I think I came to realize completely today that Hani is definitely Sungmin hyung’s sibling. They both are enjoying this crazy rollercoaster nightmare as a candy! And guess what? They ate 2 buckets full of popcorn and 2 medium sized pink cotton candies each right before the ride started as if they were going to watch a movie! I can totally imagine myself puking if I had been the one doing that instead! This crazy ride does NOT go with those snacks! God! These 2 siblings never seize to shock me! Why is my POV filled with exclamations??? Let me continue what I was doing before this…. “Aaaaaaaa~~~~~~”

Shindong’s POV

“Siwon-ah I’m hungry.” I plainly told Siwon.

“But hyung, you just ate!” He remarked with a shocked face.

“But I feel hungry again~~ I did exercise as well you know.” I replied back.

“Hyung, all you did was watching the rollercoaster and eat while watching it going. When did you ever exercise?” He asked confused.

“I was exercising using my eyes and my mouth which includes my jaws, tongue, teeth, palate and also my esophagus and stomach and intestines which consists of both large and small intestines and Ileum, duodenum,..” I continued but was soon cut off by him.

“HYUNG! STOP! Aigo~! I understood that your whole digestive system has exercised by now and has digested your 2 big sandwiches, a big bottle of coke, a big bowl of rice and a box of KFC within the short time of 10 minutes! Hyung, weren’t you supposed to be on a diet?” He asked looking shocked. I can’t even express how his expression looks like at the moment. Not that I can’t, I’m too hungry to do that. But seriously, he should be used to my hunger by now.

“I have a good and fast metabolism. And by the way, I was just informing you about my hunger.” I replied as if it was a matter of fact. Aigo~ I actually wanted him to buy me another box of KFC but he reminded me of my diet. Sheesh! Now what do I do about this sinful, hungry stomach of mine?

“Aaaaa~~~~” Hehehe…My members look so funny in that rollercoaster ride. Hehehe.

Hani’s POV

That ride was the BEST! 4 times in a row! And actually, I made some idiots, if not all, take it again and again and again hehehe. Let me take you back to the little flashback.


“FINALLY that nightmare got over!” The monkey commented from behind me the moment the ride came to a stop. His hair was all messed up and he looked really funny with all his hair sticking up. The other members had the similar expressions too. In fact, some were too dazed to even get up from the seats.

“It was fun. :) I want to take it again. What say?” I excitedly spoke up when we were all out of the seats.

I noticed Sungmin and the Koon guy whatever exchanging smirks and say, “We’re in!” excitedly.

“I’m in for the fun too :D and I’m making Alex tag along as well.” Uki spoke up quite cheerfully.

I looked at the other members and noticed the Monkey backing off without letting others notice him. Hmm…. I can’t help but pull him in now. Time to use my Aegyo again. *smirks* Too bad he got caught by me. It’s actually kind of fun teasing him.

I approach the Monkey and pout in front of him, making him shocked.

“Monkey man, can you plea~~se tag along and be my partner in this? I don’t have anyone to sit next to. Sungmin and the Koon guy—“ “It’s Kyuhyun!” The Koon guy interfered. “Whatever! That Koon guy—“ “It’s Kyuhyun!” He interrupted again. “Yeah, yeah. The Koon guy— Now DON’T INTERRUPT! – are sitting together and Uki and Alex are sitting together and I’m ultimately left alone. *pouts again* Please sit with me. Pretty plea~~se *Puppy eyes*” Ugh! This feels disgusting but, it’ll be fun later BHUHUHAUHAHA…

I noticed him turning pink and he started rubbing his nape while looking as red as a tomato now.

“I…don’t think..I can. Miane” He said in between his stuttering.

Oh no, you don’t. I’ll make sure you tag along.

“Oooppaaa~~ (insert a girl killing herself by suffocating herself out of disgust in her own imagination when this is going on) *blinks continuously* Jeba~~l. Pweeaase. *pouts*” Kill meeee

“Oo…oo..ooppaa??” He asked in total shock.

“Oppa??? YAH! Hani! When did you last address me as ‘Oppa’ that you’re addressing him as one!?” Sungmin jumped into the conversation.

“Let me think when I last called you one…..Never.” I smugly told and turned to talk to the Monkey man again. “And moreover, I don’t like addressing guys as oppa, so cherish this and get into the ride with me. Ara?!” I said in a cute way. I know, the content is demanding but since I changed the way from sounding demanding to sounding (EWWWWWW-ly) cute, it’s Ok :p

“O...Ok?” The Monkey man responded with an unsure expression.

“What about you gu—?” I turned around to ask the other members but noticed that they had vanished already… But they were there just a moment ago. Anyways…

“Very well then. Let’s GO!” I commented happily.

End of Flashback

And mind you. It was so funny when I kept on looking at the Monkey man trying to keep his normal composure and not ruin his image by screaming in front of me throughout the whole ride. Hehehe. Poor guy, his face was worth looking at after we got down the ride. It looked like he could puke any moment from there.

“Hmm…what else can we do here in the Amusement park?” I spoke out my thoughts loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Haunted house!” Alex excitedly spoke up.

“Haunted house? There’s something like that as well?” I asked confused.

I noticed everyone nodding.

“OK then. Haunted house it is! Let’s GO!” I happily remarked.

Void’s POV

Curse these broken bones of mine! I wanted to go to the amusement park as well. And, to think that I’m stuck in this dorm with that snake of Uki’s, it’s nothing but extreme torture. All I’m trying to do at the moment is keep myself and my son Alvin, safe from that snake by locking ourselves up in this room of mine. By the way, if you don’t know then let me tell you, Alvin is my pet squirrel. If you didn’t know about him, then that explains that you didn’t read my story yet.

It’s 8pm and the idiots and the chicks are not back yet. I’ll make sure to get my revenge from them sooner or later. HMPH!

“Come here Alvin! Don’t run out! That Victory will make you his dinner!!!” Aaargh! I have to run behind him with these broken bones of mine now! Lee Hani, I’ll get back to you sooner.

Eunhyuk’s POV

“RU~~N!” screamed Teuki hyung again. ! Why did that 1 fan need to overreact and shout out loud about us being in the Amusement park and literally announce to all the ELFs present there? What makes it the worst is the fact that the fan was the announcer and announced it on the microphone!

Since we were present and roaming in a big group, we nearly got into the hands of the chasers. So, in order to avoid getting caught and safely reach the dorm, we made a plan.


“Get your disguises on and run to wherever or whichever direction and transport you feel the safe or convenient to escape! Make sure you reach the dorm before dawn. Now Run!” Teuki hyung shouted out loud.

Some of the members ran to this place where weird Disney costumes were being sold or rented. Uki and Donghae ran hand in hand and I don’t know what disguise they came up with because we lost contact after that.

Alex, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Henry ran together to God knows where.

Me, Hani, Siwon, Sungmin hyung, Teuki hyung, in short, the rest of the members tagged along with us to the nearest washroom— Except Hani— and got our disguises – the hoods, caps, medicated masks and glasses— on, all except Hani since she didn’t really need to disguise herself. 

We exited from the washroom and found Hani beating up a few guys into pulp God knows for what reason.

“There they are!” screamed one of the fangirls while pointing at me.

“GET THEM!!!” Screamed another fan among them.

“Oppa~~~~ MARRY ME~~~~!” Screamed a few more in chorus and started running towards us. This is 1 of the scariest part of being famous.

“RU~~N!” screamed Teuki hyung again.

End of Flashback

And here we are, me and Hani, separated from the other members, in the train we got into, after the long run and chase and lucky enough to catch, before the chasers could get in.

We looked for an empty seat to sit on and lucky enough, we got one to sit onto. I’m glad that it’s evening time and it’s the time most of the middle aged people get into the trains after getting done with their jobs. I’m glad because even if there might be our fans among them, they don’t get to notice people around due to the tiredness and the crowd in the train, giving us a chance to get out unnoticed.

After 5 minutes of the ride in the train, we noticed the ticket collector making his way towards us. Shoot! We didn’t purchase the tickets before getting in. I can’t help but panic!

I noticed Hani looking to an elderly sitting in the seat just opposite to ours, reading a newspaper. She smirked and the next moment, I find her approaching the elderly and politely bend and talk something I couldn’t really hear. I noticed the elderly smile and nod his head in approval. He passed on the newspaper he was reading to Hani and exchanged a smile with her. I wonder what’s going on. ! The ticket collector is getting nearer.

Hani made her way back to me and took her seat next to me. I looked at her with a puzzled expression and spoke up,

“The ticket collector will be approaching us soon enough. Instead of panicking, what were you doing there? And, are you that carefree to read a newspaper in a situation like this?”

“Just wait and watch Monkey.” She spoke out with a smirk. “Remove that hideous mask of yours first. It looks like you got some deadly disease like SARS or swine flu or something.” She said with a scowl.

She opened up the newspaper wide enough to cover both our faces and brought her face close to mine. I got nervous by her action and my eyes opened up wide enough to pop out and my mouth opened up wider than my eyes had.

“Close that stinky mouth of yours or else the fly will get into it and die inside due to the stink.” I closed my mouth instantly after that statement she made.

“Now, listen to the plan. Hold the other end of the newspaper and help me make it wide enough to hide our faces. Don’t make a single noise and pretend, I repeat, pretend that we our kissing behind this newspaper. Make it look like we’re kind of making out so that the ticket collector won’t even dare to interrupt us and simply ignore. Ara?” she explained in a whispering voice. I couldn’t help feeling shy after getting the plan. I have to pretend to…kiss her. *gulp* This is kind of tempting actually. Shoot! What did I just think of?! She’ll kill me if she comes to know about my indecent thoughts!

I quickly nod my head and we position our faces in such a way that it looks like we’re kissing.

Shortly, we heard the ticket collector finally approaching us and I could sense his presence right in front of us. We heard a faint cough. I was about to look up when Hani pulled my face closer and glared at me. I couldn’t help but gulp loud enough for people to mistake it for something indecent.

“Continue to be in the same position and don’t you dare look up.” Hani whispered with clenched teeth in a tone that only I could hear. I became scared and started making imaginary kiss sounds to which Hani made a scowling face showing her disgust.

We noticed the ticket collector moving away from us and get to the other compartment with a red face. No longer from then, our stop came. I couldn’t really move from my seat but I noticed Hani getting up and returning the newspaper to the elderly from before, with a bow and a smile. She then turned to me, caught my hand, jerked my hand and got me up. She then told just one word with a beaming smile, “RUN!”

********************************************************************************** ^_^ **********************************************************************************






Lol at Kyu Behind.


I know, I know, I'm late again in updating BUT, I had a LEGIT REASON MAN! My net was cut off :(




tumblr_l9bxprXktm1qc044ko1_250.gif?t=128<--- U c Ye there? That's what My net did to me.


So, my net came back today and i finally got to update! TADAAAAN!!!





OK, DO tell me how did u find the chappie. I hope I didn't disappoint u guys.



Or did I?







I'm currently working on the next update and to be honest enough, I don't like the way it's going so far.


tumblr_l8br5cuPHc1qa7tfso1_250.gif<---This is EXACTLY what I want to do to myself after being stuck with the next chapter.

tumblr_l6anrrdJXu1qak47i.gif?t=128944523 <--- And this is wht I feel about it!

Anyways, Let's talk about THIS update. DO comment and lemme know how did u find this 1.



Actually, after I logged in after so long of being DEPRIVED of using this precious site due to my SCREWED UP net, I literally JUMPED wid excitement to see those "Alerts" being displayed. 50 NOTIFICATION for Facebook and 3 COMMENTS for this story! and 2 new subbers as well! 


OK, I'll do the replies to those LOVELY latest comments that I recieved for this story :)

bibigurrrl: Yeah. I guess Minnie isn't really the overprotective type. He should get some overprotective brotherly tips from Donghae and Siwon. :P

kpopluver3: You know wht girl? I LOVE READING UR COMMENTS! Your comments are 1 of the motivating ones and it really makes me want to write more and give more better updates. I always try to come up wid a good chapter so that it doesn't disappoint u guys. Honestly speaking, my SUJU treats are actually a result of encouragement that I get from ur precious comments. You might not believe this but, U're 1 of my FAVORITE readers. I love the way u express ur views for EACH chapter I post and also give opinions of how u want the story to progress or turn out to be (though I still do what I want to do :P ) DO KEEP READING AND COMMENTING! It really means A LOT to me. I LOVE READING LONGER COMMENTS!!! :)

Hwang_Stella: I reaaaaaally appreciate ur frankness and to be frank enough, I like this story better as well when compared to my previous 1 and it's obvious because, The other fic is actually the VERY FIRST fic I ever started writing and came up wid and it clearly shows that I'm a newbie. But I still love it coz, it was the start of my writing as a fanfic writer. Do keep supporting me as u have and don't worry, I'm trying to make that fic better as well.^^ WELCOME to Hani's world by the way :P

So, that's where my replies to the latest comments come to an End. 

I actually wanted to get an Opinion of u readers regarding something I thought of. I was REAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLY inspired by Sujudork602 and thought of doing something like replies for letters from my characters that u might want to write to them. If U have any questions or comments regarding my characters in this FIC, I can force my characters to personally reply back to those letters. Do comment down to let me know if U like the idea or not. If u do, I'll tell more about this plan in the next update.^^

Belated Happy birthday to Uri Hangeng By the way :)

Han Geng gif

As a treat, I present........


None other than.................





no other











(I Confess I'm Head over heels for this guy.)

















Till the next update, this is Ashmy, signing out with an excited and a happy mood :) 


DO keep reading, commenting, supporting and SUBSCRIBE if u haven't yet. :)

A treat to myself :P


Isn't he just......HOT! GOSH! I said it! I aid it! Y do I feel like a ert? 


Let me drool over him now.

Till then, Anneyong and Jaljaaaa~~~~^^

P.S.: Do comment.

P.P.S. : DO Comment!



Heenim: SHUT UP!

Heechul gif

Enough with your so-called INFINITE P.S.!




..........Ooops :D




I Lally U~~~ (It's basically 'I Love U' and YES I DO KNOW I FAIL AT AEGYO!)





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Thank you!
I'm just doing some editing in the forward.


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Chapter 14: Lol, nom-nom!
Btw Hani's picture ressembles to an actress!!!! :P
Chapter 17: if she exist in real she would not be alive anymore after what have done to suju and shinee!!scary fans!
Chapter 16: his engrish pwhahaha!!
actually he's not good at learning any languages!
Chapter 14: apart of ur daebak story , ending conversations are jjang!
Chapter 12: it filled with sujus facts !
i love heechulie tour in dorm!
this ShinHyukMin ...=))!!! their friendship is precious !
Chapter 10: my brave man , sungmin!
& funny shindong !!<3 u & ur story!
Chapter 9: is hani as beautiful as our pumpkin? i dont think so !ke ke ke!
beauty & aegyo king & queen!!!<3 min!
Chapter 7: i know all these are for story's sake. but uri monkey is really neat as said B4!
and again im really curious!who is this jacksparow?
Chapter 5: hilarious pwha ha ha ha!
no kyumin?i'm kinda sad!