Mental Institution

My Ghost Friend

Location: Cure Mental Institution

Time: Mental Institution, July 4, 2014

"Hey, wake up child! Dr. Smith's assistant has come here to pick you up,"

I sat up on the bed, rubbed my eyes and saw that my stuff were already packed.

"Hurry up! You don't have to change. You can just clean up there," 

I looked up at the woman's face and she looked horrible. You could obviously tell that she was afraid of me like I was some kind of freak.

I purposely walked slowly around the room, pretending to find something.

"Hurry up and leave already! You're making me sick!" She yelled at me.

I frowned at her and grabbed Husky.  I was quickly escorted outside forcefully, still wearing my pajamas, by the strange woman. She was pushing my back wanting me to walk faster. I turned around to face her and she had a look of relief on her face.

"Not to scare you or anything but there are scary demons always resting on your shoulders," I told her loud enough for only her to hear. 

Her expression changed from relief to scared less. I smirked at her. Behind her I saw Suga sticking his tongue out at her. I bursted out laughing. Her eyes grew wide with fear.

I quickly entered the car and slammed the door. The assistant took my luggage and put it in the trunk of the car.

I looked outside the window during the whole car ride. We stopped infront of a huge white building and the words 'Cure Mental Institution' caught my eye.

Mental Institution? Why are we here?

The assistant opened the door for me.

"Go inside and ask the guy at the front to direct you to Dr. Smith,"

I nodded and held Husky tightly to my chest.

I entered the building and asked the guy for Dr. Smith.

As we were walking to Dr. Smith's office, we were passing by a lot of rooms. I could clearly hear the shrieks and screams of the patients with every step I took.

Am I going to be staying here? Mommy, I'm scared.

Every hallway we walked through were filled with voices. Finally, he knocked at a door and I proceeded to enter.

"Come in,"

I walked closer and sat down on a chair.

"How are you?" He asked me.


"That's good," 

"Okay, let's get this started. You remember our conversation before right?"

I nodded.

"So, is your 'guardian angel' still showing itself to you?"

I nodded again.

"Can you describe its appearance?"

I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Are you not going to answer my questions?"

I shrugged my shoulders again.

"Do you know what we do to bad children?" 

I shook my head.

"Oh! You don't know? We punish them!"

As he said that he pushed a button on his desk and 2 guys entered the room. Both guys grabbed my arms.

"Take her to Nurse Williams!"

The guys dragged me to a dark room. I could hear cries getting louder and louder. As we reached the woman, she immediately smiled.

"Hi there!" She sounded too enthusiastic.

Candles were the only light source of this place. I could see a huge shadow hitting another shadow.

Are they going to hit me? I'm afraid.

The 2 guys left and I was alone with this scary woman.

"Are you new here?"

I nodded.

"Not much of a talker, eh?"

I just kept quiet and avoided eye contact.

"Hmm, that's the problem," she whispered to herself.

"Listen kid! If an adult is talking to you, you answer politely!"

She took out a whip and started hitting me. I was just standing there cluelessly when my legs gave out. I abruptly fell because of the sudden strike of the whip.

I let out my cries. She didn't stop until my legs were red and throbbing with pain. I tried to gather anything that was left and tried to stand up but I couldn't.

"Good session everyone, now get out!" The nurses yelled out to us. 

Everyone was frantically running outside to leave this place. People were literally stepping on me.

"Hey, there!" 

I looked at this woman.

She smiled and carried me outside.

"Kid, which one is your room?"

"I don't know,"

"Wanna stay in my room for a minute until your legs heal up?"

I nodded.

"Hey, you! Why are you carrying the child?!"

"Because of the who took her stress out on this poor child. She's just a kid, couldn't she have gone easy on her. She can't even walk," she explained to the 2 guys from earlier.

"Well, get your hands off her!" They commanded her.

She gently placed me on the floor. As soon as my foot felt the floor, my whole body just fell down.

They dragged me back to Dr. Smith.

"Have you learned your lesson with Nurse Williams?"

I nodded.

"Seems to me like you haven't,"

"I'm sorry. Yes, Dr. Smith,"

He smiled wickedly at me.

His face scares me.

"Good child,"

My legs still ached.

"Show her to her room," he told the guys 

They brought me to my room and was told that it will be lights out in 15 mins.

I made myself comfortable on the hard bed. I rubbed my legs hoping that it will help ease the pain.

Someone entered my room.


It's the woman who carried me.

"How are you?"

"Not good," I answered.

She placed an ice bag on my legs.

"Thank you," I whispered to her with tears streaming down my face.

"Don't cry kid,"

She grabbed Husky and placed him on my lap.

I smiled at her.

"What's your name?"


"Cute name,"

"What's yours?"


"Can I call you mommy? My mommy already left me,"

"Yeah, sure kid,"

She patted my head.

"Well, good night!"

Good night,"

Then, she left and closed the lights in my room.

She's nice. Maybe even nicer than my own mommy. I want to go back home.

"Miss me?" I heard someone.


He smiled at me and touched my leg.

"Wow, it doesn't hurt anymore,"

"The woman hit you pretty hard,"

I nodded.

"Thank you Suga Oppa,"

"You're welcome,"



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Chapter 14: Pls update i want 2 know what happen next kyaah^.^
RinaNisMei #2
Chapter 14: I really dont know! whether I choose V or Suga ~cause I LOVE THEM BOTH SOOOOOOO MUCH~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3<3
nice fic ... i like it ^^
Chapter 12: ahhhh this is too cute. i love these two <3 v is adorable in every fanfic ugh my baby c: im really looking forward to reading more!
Chapter 11: poor girl :( honestly her relationship with yoongi was adorable when she was a kid. <3 the yoongi feels. i was wondering, once all the background is done being explained, is the story just gonna focus on her going to high school? (I just really want to read what happens with human yoongi and v lol).
Totally digging the triangle between Yoongi and V :)
blank16 #7
I love it :D ♡
Please write more. I'm dying to read your update.
Chapter 10: This is cute XD
Just a question-- I'm really sorry please don't think I wasn't reading carefully ; u ;
This is the future right..?
FallenDemon #9
Chapter 6: Chapter 6: I really like this chappie plz continue!! ^-^
ilovekimjongina #10
ooo,, cant wait to start this