You, Me

Falling Against Us
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Hope for the snow.


I don't understand how to confront this situation...

I'm confused and I just feel all over the place... 

And I noticed now, 

I've always been told if I did this or that I would be doing something great. 


"I don't intend to let her leave me for you." 

"You knew..?" "I know that you two kissed on that day and I never mentioned it after until I confessed to her." 

"So you made her pity you into the fact that you lived a rough life?" 

"I would never." 

"I don't care if she's madly in love with you, I just want her to walk in front instead of behind someone. And that's not love, when you love, you love yourself too. Her bruises she showed me a few years ago, she was sad, yet she smiled, she accepted the fact that she wasn't perfect, but now, when she stares at her pale slender body... She doesn't see herself, but how she is supposed to be." 

"Bruises?" Kai sticked his hands in his pockets. "She was abused by her 'parents' in high-school, I told her to tell you, but she always thought of you..." 

He took one step back only to fall against the wall. "...It's like you know everything about her." 

Kai stood in front of him. "I won't deny the fact that she'll never look at me the way she looks at you, but I still see that there is a better future for her, don't you?" 

"Other than me, everything is better for her." He kneeled down. "I never accepted the fact that our relationship was cut off by something so pointless... You're great at your work and you produce great things. I want you to make something great out of her, then when you're ready, let her go."

Taemin looked confused. "Why are you making such decisions for me and her?" "We've replayed a situation like this with a different girl, we knew how it ended, now we know what to do the second time." Even though Kai wanted to smack him in the face, it wasn't the right time to do so. He walked back inside and a loud kick after. 


"Oh Aleah, be a dear and give us some time alone." "Of course Mom." She picked up her bag and phone to the lounge. 

"Oh sweetie, take off those glasses and mask." I slowly slipped them off and wiped as many tears as I could. 

She fixed her posture, and with the tubes and tape on her hand, she gently wiped my cheeks. "Now, what's gotten you so confused?"

I fidgeted with my fingers looking for the right words. "I'm madly in love and when I think about it, i

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noomin #1
Chapter 1: Love ittt
Chapter 15: This is beautifully painful T___T why did i read this just now? Taemin is selfish. He doesn't love Sulli because that's not how love works. But then I remember the line in Perks of Being a Wallflower, "We accept the love we think we deserve" and it really fits Sulli's situation here. I cannot wait for the sequel. Pls continue this ;;

P.S. Am I the only one who would want Sulli to end up with Sehun here? Not to mention I'm a hardcore sesul shipper but he is just sooo adorable as her friend here!
azuraes #3
Chapter 14: im still roothing for kailli hehe
f5sulli #4
Chapter 14: Omg! Can't wait. Gus taelli or kailli
Update soon pleaseee
Chapter 5: more update soon please
thank you :)
Chapter 4: kailli thanks :)
Chapter 1: Update soon, i want to read next chap :)