The photo of us.

Bring me back to life.
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Reason I decided to write this kind of story, the normal and very slow developments, a story has nothing's special, that's I want my Nyongtory in my dream be this way. Their love just need to be pure, to be completed and be happy. I want it so much. Nowadays, they make me feel so worry and sad. Especially, alright, you all know who I'm talking about, the one of a kind Kwon Ji Yong. I know that one day, Kwon Ji Yong will have a way for his life, a way that he wants to walk. I know that. However, I like Lee Seunghyun, Lee Seungri, V.I, Panda so much, it hurts me to think about it. I don't want him to be hurted by anything or anyone, even Kwon Ji Yong can't bring him pain no matter what. Seriously, I'll hate Kwon Ji Yong, if I see Seungri's sad or disappointed because of him.

Kwon Ji Yong needs happiness and his dreams ? Alright, I understand. I accept. But only with a condition, Seungri's happy too and he has never been hurted because of him. Never.

I'll let them go if it means Seungri'll never get hurt. I will. I'm rather let Nyongtory go away from my heart than seeing Seungri's sadness. That's all my thoughts.

Well, I just want to say about this story like that. If you're seeking something's interesting in this story, it'll dfinitely make you disappointed. Because like I said above, this story's just about the love I want Nyongtory can have, only my wish, only my desire. Just like that. 

Thank you for reading my story and my nonsene words. It means alot to me. Thank you much more if you let me know how to feel about my story ^^ Hope to see you in my stories soon.

From free with love ^^

One moth before summer’s going to end.

This year is the year I’ll try my best to attend University. The previous life, I didn’t have a thought about it, but now, I relly, relly need to. You ask why ? Although my family is rich but the money belongs to my parent, not me. I must have my own life, my own future. And aslo because in my life this time, I have a person whom I want to give him everything. My everything.

However, I still doesn’t know, what’s my really dream? What do I want to become ? What kind of life I should have ? So many questions and I don’t have answer.

I came to ask my parent that do they want me to learn about the economic so I can help my family’s business ? At least I can do something for my parent. But they only smiled gently to me and patted my shoulder.

“ Son, find your own way and live your life. Your happiness is all what we want.”

In truth, I don’t have any interests in economic, maybe I’m bad at calculation too so… Alright, it’s not a good choice. I hugged my parent back and told them don’t worry about me. This time, Any tears of them, I won’t let it drop down, never.

I asked for my sister’s advice, she laughed at my face. It’s the way to show her love for me.

“ Stupid brother. You life must be decided by you and you don’t even know what your wish. Go to your room and think seriously. Kwon Ji Yong, I believe, you have already had something in your heart, find it and make it become true.”

Something in my heart ? A light appeared in my mind when I heard her words, but still, I didn’t get it.

I came back my room and found Seungri was learning very seriously. Seungri is younger than me two years but he just studies under one class. Seungri came to school one year sooner and he has very good grade. Seungri told me, that’s the only way to make his family be proud of him. I thought, definitely Seungri has found his own way in life. I didn’t want to disturb him, so I sit in the bed and quitely watched him. After long time, finally, Seungri realized that I was in room. He smiled to me. His smile made me feel calm. I told him to go near and sit beside me.

“ What’s wrong ? You look like something is bothering you. Don’t wrinkle your forehead, it’ll make you become old, grandpa.”

Seungri touched my face and gently rubbed my wrinkles, it felt so comfortable. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his hands on my face. We have stayed together like this for two weeks, and Seungri little by little, became familiar with my existence. I had to say, human’s habit is also our weakness. I used that. I made my existence, my breaths, my emotion, my movement, slowly, just slowly enters Seungri’s life. I won’t force him anything, I just make him receive all of me, m

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pandari_1212 #1
Chapter 21: i just found on 2020
this story so beautiful
Chapter 21: I've just read this story .. So romantic and i can't handle it :')))) they're so lovely ..
peggyw #3
Chapter 21: Such romantic thoughts. Ty for the sweet story.
Chapter 21: yaaaa one day they will walk hand by hand....believe it!!!! will come..
choco25 #5
Chapter 21: ommmmmmmoooo!!!! So romanticcccc. Thanks for update again :)
choiismychoice #6
Chapter 21: this is a really wonderful story!
thankyou so much authornim, i love you :')
Chapter 21: Wooooow T___T This is too's so beautiful... T.T ♥
ciko999 #8
Chapter 21: romantic...if this become real..
Chapter 21: Aish this was so beautiful and sweet! I want a love like the one they have T.T
Chapter 20: oh my god its so isnt sad story ...but i cant hold my tears......