With you

Bring me back to life.
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When I was six years old, I still lived in my hometown, a very beautiful countryside. And after that, I had moved. My family was so poor and my parent decided that, we had to move into big city so we could live on. If we stayed there, we would never had enough money for life. I remembered that time, my family was so happy. Although we were poor and didn’t have enough money, sometimes we must eat bread in months, or we must move over houses to house because we couldn’t pay the rent, or my sister and I almost couldn’t go to school. But we always had smile on our face, we hugged each other, we held each other’s hand, and told each other that we could get over this hard time, had a house, could eat so many tasty food. I rested in my mother’s embrace, listened to my dad’s laughing sound, my sister’s lovely vocie when she sang for me, and slept peacefully. I always think, that time, certainly is one of the  warmest and happiest time of my life.

When I was nineteen years old, and everything has changed from that. My dad finally succeeded in life after had tried very hard in ten years. He built his own company and it brought us so many money. We became very rich. At first, I still felt nothing. However, when all persons around us looked at me with  admire and jealous in their eyes. When my classmates in my school, especially those who used to look down on me and bullied me because I was poor, now turned to flattery me when they saw the car drove me to school, when they saw my expensive clothes, or when they saw my mansion. They run after me like puppies, acted like they were always my best friend. And I…felt satisfied about it. You know, although I always told myself, I only lived my life well and people would understand who I was. But nothing, nothing would changed if I didn’t become rich. I used to feel so sad and discontented, why did people treat me that way just because I was poor ? I always thought like that. And I also changed. I stormed into all the parties through nights. I spent money to make people wrok for me, become my toys. I spent money so I was the one to stand on people’s life. I drunk, I smoked, hell, I almost used drugs, but luckily, I stopped at the right time. I became what people used to call: trash in society. Money and my dark side, my greedy and my over pride, made me become a monster. My parent and my sister prompted me or even begged me to stop, still it was no use….

And the worst came when I turned twenty years old, I first met her. She was the one whom I loved with all my heart the first time.  I chased after her, I pursued her like crazy, I did everything I could to have her. At first, she hated me. But with my apperance, my money and my power in this city, little by little, she was moved by me and finally, she accepted me. The time I was with her, I treated her like she was my queen. I gave her anything that she required although sometimes it was so expensive that I almost couldn’t buy them for her. Still when I saw her smile, it was so worth it. At that time, I really thought like that. A stupid trash felt in love, yeah, so good.

I remember the time when my family was so tired with me. Two years late, I didn’t go to university, I didn’t want to work at my father’s company, I didn’t want to stay at home. I didn’t want to talk with my family anymore. My mother and my sister cried all their tears because of me, but I didn’t care. I talked back to them and shouted that I didn’t need them. Hell, I was a ing trash…. And finally, my father decided, they’re going to abroad, they couldn’t stand to see that I destroyed myself anymore. My father left for me the company and all the money that he had worked hard to have over twenty years. They left all the properties for me. They only brought all the pain, all the tears, all the memories about a good son, little borther with them. They must feel really hurt, too hurt because of me….

However, no matter how rich my family was, with a person like me at that time, of course I couldn’t keep it. I only knew how to spend money, didn’t know how to make it or save it. Days by days, I sold out everything, the company, the mansion, all the things I could sell. I spent money like water, to serve my games, and for her luxury life. In the end, I had nothing anymore. Nothin

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pandari_1212 #1
Chapter 21: i just found on 2020
this story so beautiful
Chapter 21: I've just read this story .. So romantic and i can't handle it :')))) they're so lovely ..
peggyw #3
Chapter 21: Such romantic thoughts. Ty for the sweet story.
Chapter 21: yaaaa one day they will walk hand by hand....believe it!!!!...one day...it will come..
choco25 #5
Chapter 21: ommmmmmmoooo!!!! So romanticcccc. Thanks for update again :)
choiismychoice #6
Chapter 21: this is a really wonderful story!
thankyou so much authornim, i love you :')
Chapter 21: Wooooow T___T This is too much...it's so beautiful... T.T ♥
ciko999 #8
Chapter 21: huuuwaaa..so romantic...if this become real..
Chapter 21: Aish this was so beautiful and sweet! I want a love like the one they have T.T
Chapter 20: oh my god its so beautiful...it isnt sad story ...but i cant hold my tears......