The reason

Bring me back to life.
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Lee Seunghyun still felt wary to me. Of course he did. No one could believe in a stranger who bursted into your life and told you that he would stay by your side and protect you no matter what ? I thought it was even normal for him to think that I’m a crazy guy. Still, I must do this. I’m a Lion Zodiac so I couldn’t take thing too slow or too unsure. I decided that I must repay Lee Seunghyun and do everything for him, so it must begin right now, right away. I couldn’t wait time for him to accept me or see me as a friend. No time for that ! I’m a paternalistic man and also very possesive person, I always know it clearly.

And with this scene, I could tell that Lee Seunghyun was very scared of me too. I was standing right at his rent room and looking around. Lee Seunghyun stood beside me, his eyes were looking at the ground, his hands twisted into each other and although I couldn’t see his face, I knew that he was bitting his lip. It’s Seunghyun’s habit when he felt uneasy. You want to know why was I here ? After I took him to hospital and treated his wound, he invited me to his room……..Yeah, of course it was a lie. Lee Seunghyun nearly run away when I took him to hospital, I almost had to carry him and pull him into there. He told me that he didn’t have money for that. I didn’t care, he has already had me from now. And I “ gently” asked him that could I take him back to his room ? It wasn’t a question from me, of course. Lee Seunghyun wanted to say no, however, with me, “ no” definitly wasn’t in my dictionary. Alright, in general, I forced him, that’s it ! I had to know where he lived and what he wanted so I could make his life more comfortable. That’s my duties.

What I was looking at ? What’s those ? Cheap noodles were everywhere in his room, certainly it’s his every meal. Now I understood why Lee Seunghyun looked so thin like this. His room was very small and shanty.Because Seunghyun lived alone and he had to work part time jobs till night so his room was very dirty. It was so full of trashes.  I could see one or two mouses run everywhere in his room.And I noticed that his sleeping place was too near the toilet, it wasn’t good for his health. In summary, this place isn’t suitable for a person to live.

Lee Seunghyun finally have a courage to look at my face. I could see that his face was a little red. He still twisted his hands and whispered to me.

“ My room is a little…messy and dirty. So, can you come back now ? It’s not good for you to stay…”

I glanced at him and Lee Seunghyun immediately shut up. His eyes averted his eyes to the ground again, I could only see his head and his eyelashes’s shadow. Lee Seunghyun in truth is a really handsome man. When he grew up, I could see that. When he’s a teenage like now, he’s also very cute. His skin is white, his hair is silky and his eyelashes is very long. If he wasn’t too thin, he would be the boy who is every girl’s idea type. But I didn’t know why, when I looked at him like that, I only thought of little cute animal, who was scared and ruffled feathers to protect itself. Panda indeed is the right answer. I couldn’t help laughing at my imagination and reached my hand to rub his hair. He looked at me with his big and full of confused eyes. It made him look more adorable than anything. I had to cough so I could stop myself from my desire to take him up like a stuffed Panda. Oh, what’s wrong with me ? I just couldn’t help it !!!

I looked away and come to find cleaning equipment. I had to clean this room for him. At least it must be fresh enough for a person can live. I must wait a little longer, when my family’s going to have money so I can rent for him a better room. Lee Seunghyun noticed my action and his face was so shocked. Like he was seeing an alien in his room. He run to me and wanted to stop me.

“ Let me do, this’s my room.”

“ Stand right at here!”

“ Ah, you…I can clean my toilet. Please let me do this !!”

“ Come out !”

“ No !! I can wash my blanket, don’t do…”

“ Lee Seunghyun !!!”


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pandari_1212 #1
Chapter 21: i just found on 2020
this story so beautiful
Chapter 21: I've just read this story .. So romantic and i can't handle it :')))) they're so lovely ..
peggyw #3
Chapter 21: Such romantic thoughts. Ty for the sweet story.
Chapter 21: yaaaa one day they will walk hand by hand....believe it!!!! will come..
choco25 #5
Chapter 21: ommmmmmmoooo!!!! So romanticcccc. Thanks for update again :)
choiismychoice #6
Chapter 21: this is a really wonderful story!
thankyou so much authornim, i love you :')
Chapter 21: Wooooow T___T This is too's so beautiful... T.T ♥
ciko999 #8
Chapter 21: romantic...if this become real..
Chapter 21: Aish this was so beautiful and sweet! I want a love like the one they have T.T
Chapter 20: oh my god its so isnt sad story ...but i cant hold my tears......