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Our Adventure With EXO
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"Do we really have to?" I shook my head chuckling. 

I was stretching my arms from side to side before we got into position and Won In raised his hand up in the air to hit me but I just scooted out of the way. 


Seon laughed and Young Soo rolled his eyes before signaling us to start as soon as the part came on.

"Follow me?" I turned around to look at Seon to which she nodded eagerly before getting into position.

The music began playing and as soon as Won In counted down, we broke into our respective parts for the routine.

I was never one to become nervous or afraid when I was dancing but when you had someone literally staring holes into your soul it was sort of distracting. After every move, every time I turned around and had to face forward I could feel Kai looking at me. When our eyes met at one point he had the decency to smirk while I frowned and concentrated back on what I was supposed to be doing.

Towards the end of the song when it finally finished, the rest of the guys sitting around clapped loudly and whistled while Kris came forward and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Wow you guys are really good, I think this is my favorite routine out of them all!"

"You've only seen two though," Seon laughed and shook her head.

"And one of them was for a contest," I added in while Baekhyun shook his head. 

"Jeez you're so stupid Kris," he rolled his eyes and the big giant frowned before delivering a well deserved punch to the boys arm which made him yelp and almost lunge at the rapper. 

"Stop it baek," Chanyeol frowned and lifted the small boy up like he was nothing to carry him across the room. 

All the while Seon and I were just looking back and forth with amused smiles on their faces and Suho who looked like he wanted to rip both of their heads off for causing a scene. Instead though he just huffed and ran his hands down his face while Chen rubbed his shoulders. Poor leader. 

"You guys are really immature you know," Kyuhyun said matter of factly and Sungmin frowned at him while poking his thigh. 

"You're one to talk," 

"Yeah Kyuhyun you really can't talk," Donghae shook his head. 

Said boy frowned at them and got to his feet while brushing his knees off and making his way to the center of the dance floor.

"Whatever, let's just get back to the main topic at hand," he clapped his hands. 

The rest of us laughed and shuffled around the room to get out of their way and Seon accidentally ran into Donghae  causing her to blush and apologize profusely to which he just smiled at her. 

"It's alright," he said rubbing her arm and Lay frowned when he noticed how red her face was. 

He really couldn't be anymore obvious. 

Speaking of eyes trailed off in the opposite direction where Kai was leaning against the rail and he was literally glaring daggers at Kris whose hand wasn't on my shoulder anymore but slipped around my waist in a friendly gesture. 

When he caught me staring, he rolled his eyes with a cold expression and pushed himself up to stalk out of the room. No one seemed to notice or care when the door slammed shut behind him. 

I wanted to go after him and see what his deal was but I didn't just want to walk out of the room while Super Junior was performing for us so I put that in the back of my head and paid attention to them. 

It was interesting to see how even after all this time, after all these years that they were still able to move like this. They were definitely serious about what they did and proud of what they were doing, you could tell just by the way they moved. 


Twenty minutes later and Kai still hadn't come back from wherever he vanished to. 

We were all sitting around the floor as Eunhyuk was practicing his own moves quietly at the side. Lay had managed to get ahold of Seon and was showing her something on his phone that made her smile. Sehun and Luhan had dozed off on the couch with their heads resting on each and Kris kept on messing with Tao who would whine and tell him to stop or he would bite him. 

"I'll be back," I said after a minute. 

Seon looked up curiously from her spot on the floor and raised her eyebrow at me while shifting on her elbows.

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ss501rocks99 #1
loved it...too nice
excellent story.