A Little Something

Our Adventure With EXO
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 Hello everyone! I wanted to surprise all of you with a special update! We really appriaciated all the new subscribers that have started to read our story!

I really hope you enjoyed it! ^~^

So for all of you hope you enjoy this special update. And if we reach our goal of 100 subcribers than we might as well right another special for you guys!

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Kai's POV

A week later...

I was laying down in bed, since we didn't have any schedules for the remainder of the week. I started thinking about how Lay had gotten Seon a bracelet with a unicorn pendant, made me wonder if I should get Jaehwa a necklace with a teleportation pendant. If I could find one.

But I knew I could just go to a jewerly store and ask if they could make one. I smiled at the idea.

I was about to get up when I realized that I would have to sneak out of the dorms and go to a jewerly store. I didn't want my members to know about what I was going to get Jaehwa.

I sighed and layed back down. Maybe I could ask Lay hyung to come with me? He could help...

I quickly shock my head at that thought because Lay had gone by himself and kept it a secret from everyone else. If he did it, then why can't I?

After thinking over and over again on what I was going to do. I finally decided that I was going to go by myself.

I grabbed my coat since it was really cold outside and a hat. I grabbed my phone from the night stand and went out my room. I saw that most of the members were too busy watching tv so it gave me the perfect oppurtunity to quietly sneak out.

I had reached the door and was about to put my shoes on when Tao caught. "Where are you going?" he asked as he eyed me.


"Kai are you going somewhere?" Suho asked as he turned around. The rest of the members turned around and looked in my direction. I glared at the panda and I wanted to punch him right there. "Yeah. I"m just going to get some fresh air that's all," I said as I slipped my shoes on and went towards the door.

"Do you want one of us to go with you?" asked D.O. "No I'll be fine,"I retorted as I opened the door and went out before any one of them said anything more.

I closed the door behind me and walked towards the elevator. I'm seriously going to surprise Jaehwa. I should probably also get a music note or a ballet pendant for her as well...

I smiled at the idea as I got into the elevator and pressed the button for the first floor.

Once I walked out of complex, I made my way towards my car and got in. I turned it on and decided on which jewerly store I should go to. I decided on the nearest one, only hoping they would have what I wanted or could do what I wanted.


Seon's POV

"Take a break," Son In said as he paused the music and both Jaehwa and I collasped onto the floor.

"Man that was rough," I breathed as Son In tossed us water bottles. I happily drank the refreshing content as I felt my body cool down a bit.

"We need to practice more," inquired Won In with his back against the mirrored wall and his arms crossed with his head down and eyes closed.

"You're just saying that because you messed up that one time while we didn't," smirked Jaehwa. Won In's eyes flew opened and glared at the girl.

"Yah, why don't you two just stop bickering for once," I said raising my arms trying to calm down both parties.

Won In huffed. "Fancy little bracelet you got there," he smirked seconds later. "Jesus, you have a short attention span don't you?" I said earning myself a glare from said boy.

"Be quiet," he huffed once again. "Did you're boyfriend get that for you?" asked Son In smiling at me. Causing me to blush. "Uh yeah he did," I looked down at the bracelet with the single pendant dangling with it.

"Come on lets practice again," Won In interjected as he pushed himself off the wall and went towards his brother.

"Let them rest. We've been practicing for two hours staight," Son In said with concern. "So what? We've practiced for a lot longer before,"

"That's us. Not them,"

"Uh oh. Brothers are bickering. This is not good," said Jaehwa as we both watched the twins bicker between themselves. "Why don't we just leave," I whispered.

"Sure thing,"

We both gathered our stuff as quietly as possible before sneaking out the practice room and headed towards the elevator as fast as we could before they even noticed.

As the elevator doors closed we each breathed a sigh of relief. "Man that was close," I said as the elevator went down.

"I know. I thought we would be stuck in there for another hour or maybe five because of Won In,"

"Tell me about. I was so tired. Thank god we have Son In or else we would still be practicing," I added. "True,"

We reached the first floor and quickly made our way towards the parking garage and headed towards Jaehwa's car. We threw our stuff in the backseat and Jaehwa wasted no time turning on her car and putting it into drive. Before we knew it we were already out on the road and who knew how the brothers we doing back in the studio.

"They're probably freaking out right now," laughed Jaehwa as she came to a red light. "They probably are. And Won In is going crazy accusing Son In for our disappearance," I laughed as well.

"Watch they're probably going to call us,"

Minutes past and sure enough Son In called us. "Hello?" I answered trying hard not to laugh as I my phone on loud speaker.

"Where did you guys go?" he asked calmly. "GET YOUR ASSES BACK HERE!" we heard Won In the background. "No," answered Jaehwa as she turned to the right.

"You guys don't have to come back. We have practice in three days so that'll be good okay?" said Son In. "Neee," Jaehwa and I chimed. "Alright bye," he said calmly. "Bye," I hung up.

"Man that was awkward. I could tell he was a bit pissed as well," said Jaehwa. "You think? I hate it when he's upset, because he gives you either the silent treatment or just answers with one word," 

Jaehwa nodded. "Where are we going anyways?" I asked as I looked around at our surrounding. "EXO's dorm," she smiled as she pulled

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ss501rocks99 #1
loved it...too nice
excellent story.