Boom Bang Boom


[ Luna ]

The worst part of the following days was eating in the cafeteria. Luna wished that she could earn more money and eat out, but she couldn't. Despite the offers the others made to take her out to eat, she declined politely. They'd earned their money themselves.

Whispers. Avoidance. Fear.

Luna took her place at the table gloomily, ducking her head as she sensed the tables beside her shifting away.

"They're just being ridiculous," Amber griped, waving the air as if there were flies. Luna hunched over her bowl of soup and tried to make her silence seem like an agreement.

"I don't blame them," she hummed, closing her eyes and resting her head on her fist. It was amazing how fast one could go from curiosity to admiration to horror.

It wasn't particularly horror that the other Specials felt, nor was it exactly terror. They just tended to float away from a possible threat, and Luna could understand. It just hurt knowing that she couldn't be accepted as a human or a Special now.

She was just . . . existing.

Of course, there was the small group of people that still accepted her, and Luna was grateful for them. But just a few days . . . a few days, and everything would change. Luna shuddered. What if they didn't succeed? What if she was sent away to wherever the government wanted her, and the others would continue to be trapped here? Or worse . . .

Luna didn't want to think about it.

"Are you not hungry?" Onew asked in an effort to get Luna's mind off the others. Luna eyed her mushy looking macaroni. Why did she even bother going to the cafeteria? Being here made her lose her appetite, and the food wasn't that appetizing to begin with.

"I don't think so. Maybe I'm getting nervous," she lied smoothly, allowing Taemin to take her food. "I think I just want to train more so I know that I can definitely get us out."

"You know the plan. We talked about it. We can't help but wait until then," Onew replied with a pitiful stare. Luna nodded, staring into space as she thought deeply about her dream. Or whatever that had been when she had spoken to her mother. How were they going to get to Seoul when they didn't even know where they were? And her family - that thought scared her the most. The fact that she had a family that was willing to see her - that she was going to see - terrified her. She had lived her life trying to forget the idea of family.

Now she suddenly had one.

Luna jerked in shock when a blast of cold water practically slapped her across the face. Sulli grinned sheepishly.

"You need to work on your reflexes."

Minho poked his sister's cheek, causing Sulli to flinch violently.

"Ow!" Judging from the red print on her right cheek, Minho had been at a higher temperature than normal. The two exchanged challenging glares before Luna burst out laughing. She noticed the way everyone relaxed when she did, and she realized that her tenseness must have made everyone else uncomfortable. She continued to smile, apologetic and regretful.


Oh, god. Luna was still, her smile frozen in place. Onew was just as stiff, fists clenching and unclenching on the table with nervousness.

"Hi, Lizzy," Luna replied quietly, turning to meet the girl's eyes. An immediate stab of guilt lodged itself into Luna's back, sharp and unforgiving. Lizzy's once cheerful demeanor was now blank and unresponsive. One could tell that she had been through a lot, when in reality, she had merely experienced Luna's wrath.

Unintentionally, of course.

"I wanted to . . . congratulate you for winning." Lizzy paused, trying to regain her composure. "I won't bother you again. Sorry for the . . . inconvenience." Her eyes darted to Onew, but they quickly slid away. She bowed her head and left, walking in a speed that told Luna she really wanted to run away.

"That's the first time she didn't greet me," Onew noted. Luna shot him a look that hinted at murder, so he raised his hands in surrender. Luna stood up and clenched her teeth in irritation.

"I'm going to go train. You guys can finish eating," she said before fleeing from the awkward atmosphere. A sigh of relief immediately left her lungs when she got outside. She spotted Lizzy off to the side, arms crossed, and that immediate sense of dread filled her again. The feeling was more contempt towards herself rather than the other girl. Luna nearly flinched when Lizzy's eyes met hers, although it made more sense for the other to do so. Taking in what bravery she could, Luna approached the wary girl cautiously.

"W-What do you want?" Lizzy muttered.

"I wanted to apologize," Luna blurted, surprising both herself and Lizzy. "I don't think you should be the one saying sorry. You proposed a challenge and I accepted it, but I played dirty." Lizzy's gaze shifted uncomfortably.

"You didn't play dirty. There was no cheating involved . . . right?" Lizzy looked at the tattoo on Luna's arm pointedly.

"No," Luna answered firmly, covering her tattoo as discreetly as possible. "But as a Level Ten, I should have declined the offer, knowing what I could do." Lizzy's eyes narrowed, her cute features scrunching into one of suspicion. Of course she couldn't trust Luna just yet. Or ever.

"Sure," Lizzy grunted, turning around and walking away. "Apology accepted."

Luna stared after her miserably. Well, there was at least one other person who could talk to her. She yelped when a hand clapped her on the shoulder, and then a loud cry of pain and shock came from behind her. When a low thump sounded under Luna's feet, she whirled and stared down at Onew's form.

"What are you doing on the ground?" she asked nervously.

"You literally just the energy out of me, and you're asking why I collapsed?" Onew gasped, clutching his arm in astonishment.

"I'm sorry! It was an automatic reflex - I didn't mean to - I mean-"

"It's fine," Onew laughed, cutting Luna off. He sat up, wincing slightly, and held out his hand for Luna to grab. She hesitated before helping him up, subconsciously noting the warmth of his palms. "I came out to see if you could hold up well on your own, but you obviously can." He rolled his shoulders slowly. "Were you just talking to Lizzy?"

Luna shrugged half-heartedly, her gesture for "I guess."

"Oh. How is she?"

"Good." I, on the other hand? Not so good. But that didn't matter, so Luna kept quiet as she placed her hand against the trunk of a maple tree. She watched as the streaks of auburn-colored energy faded into her hand, and the tree withered at her touch. Onew in his breath, eyes filled with pure fascination as the tree revived when Luna pushed its energy back in.

"You basically control all of our powers," he marveled, his hand going to the maple as well. They were now on opposite sides of the trunk, hands pressed to the rough bark as they felt the power of nature pulsing beneath it. "You've got a lot of talent."

"Some people don't view it as a talent," Luna responded dryly, tilting her head to meet his eyes. They kept their gazes for a while until Luna jerked her head to the side, squinting at the Normal that was approaching them steadily. What were they doing here? She still had about two days until she would be taken away.

"Park Sunyoung, subject name Luna." The Normal recited the words in monotone. "You will be reporting early to the destination to be determined. Further question may continue during the ride. Please follow me to the main building so that we may sign you out of the camp."

"What?" Onew interjected, stepping in front of Luna. He twitched when the officer pulled out a taser gun, and Luna immediately pulled him back.

"Put that away," she demanded. She put as much venom and threat into her words, satisfied when the Normal shakily put the gun into its holster. "Why am I being taken away so early? My things haven't even been packed. And I need to say goodbye to my friends." Luna continued to ramble nervously. She faltered when the others came out of the cafeteria, and they all frowned when they saw her and Onew talking to the Normal.

The Normal, whose nametag read Mai, followed Luna's gaze.

"Well, there's your friends, right?" He shook his head, and Luna could imagine the Normal rolling his eyes underneath the mask. "Say goodbye now. Your things have already been put away and are waiting for you. Mai crossed his arms as the other eight ran to Luna, their voices overlapping with their concern.

"You can't make her leave early! We had a week notice," Victoria argued, eyes glinting with a dangerous shade of green.

"The week has been broken down to-"

"I will break you down to something," Jonghyun snapped, pointing his finger against the Normal's chest.

Despite all the protests of the others, the Normals were always above Specials somehow. Mai called backup, and he held onto one of Luna's arms, his friend gripping the other, and they dragged her to the main building with five Normals following suit. Onew, Victoria, and the other members were right behind them, enraged and irritated. They ignored the murmurs and rumors going on around them.

Luna wanted to disappear when she recognized the mutters of relief when the Specials realized that she was going to be leaving.

And to think I'm going to help them all escape, she thought bitterly. She shook her head. No. Be a good person. Save everyone, no matter what. You have morals, Luna. Morals. Sometimes. Not really. She decided to not think about it anymore.

The visit to the main building was brief. The person at the front desk seemed to know what was happening instantly, typing something into the data files before nodding her head with a sweet yet tight smile.

"The subject Luna has been approved for her leave. Gates will open in exactly eighty seconds starting from when you exit the main doors. Your file is still within our access and your happenings have been recorded. Any other activities after you exit these gates will belong to the head government. Thank you," the young human said curtly.

Why do I feel like I've been checked out of a hotel and not a prison? Luna wondered as she was being led out of the building - or rather, being dragged. She caught her friends waiting by the steps, separate from the other bystanders that simply wanted to witness her being kicked out. Onew nodded once at her, and she knew exactly what that meant. Luna closed her eyes and breathed through her nose quietly, trying to control herself and build up her energy at the same time. Oh, how she wished she'd had more time to practice.

"It's about time she left."

"I'm surprised they haven't just executed her before. She's too dangerous."

"Another victim to the Normals."

All of those words, although they processed in her brain for a millisecond, went in one ear and out the other. Luna bit her lip, drawing blood, and opened her eyes to see Bom waiting a little ways down the pathway. She would be assisting her. Luna tilted her head as imperceptibly as possible.

"Ugh!" she hissed when the Normal to her left tugged on her arm too hard.

"Dude," Mai hissed, "don't provoke her. She'll go crazy."

Great. Luna was already going back to being a mental patient. Trying not to seem too agreeable, Luna struggled slightly against the Normals' grips. She calmed down a bit when one of the Normals in the back nudged her with his gun. She could have easily killed all seven Normals on the spot, but she didn't want to have their plan backfired.

Oh. And of course, she didn't want to murder.


Luna shook her head at her thoughts, genuinely fearing for her sanity. Maybe she should be in a mental ward. Her breath caught when she got closer to the front gates. They stood tall and intimidating. Her eyes followed the lights outside of the gates - the force field. It felt as if her heart was picking up pace when the gates began to open. She could see the car driving up on the other side of the force field, and the back opened to reveal the uncomfortable seats she'd sat in before.

Then the force field began to weaken at the entrance, and Luna stared, mesmerized, as the color shifted away from the opening. Now was her chance.

She pulled her arms away from the Normals and sprinted forward. She could hear them racing after her, thinking she was escaping, but she stopped abruptly where the gates opened. Luna threw her arms out, gritting her teeth and using all her power to widen the force field. She glanced up at the top of the dome-shaped barrier, The structure was basically beginning to collapse on itself.

Luna knew that the number of Normals behind her were rapidly growing, but she knew that the number of powerful Specials were, too. It was likely that the other eight from her dorm, as well as CL's and G-Dragon;s dorm, could hold offf at least a thousand Normals. Bom was suddenly by her side, helpiing her bring down the force field. She wasn't doing much, but Luna felt a small bit of weight leave her shoulders.

There was screaming, and she could sense some Specials already escaping the opening without even staying to help.

Wimps, Luna thought, wishing she could use KEy's power to project that insult at all of them. She gasped in pain when the force field finally crumbled, and she turned to look at the action behind her.

"Oh, !" Luna gsped, diving to the side as a Normal lunged at her.

"Sorry, sorry! That was mine!" Taemin shouted, chasing after the attacker. Minzy saluted her briefly as she sprinted around Luna, slashing at another officer.

As much as Luna really wanted to help, she could see the force field starting to regain its shape again.

"They have a backup power storage! We need to speed it up!" Taeyang boomed.

"They have backup Normals, too! This is already too much!" Krystal shouted as a Normal leapt towards her. Minho immediately threw a fireball at him, much like Mario, growling. Luna glanced behind the fight to see a mob of officers in white uniforms racing towards them, holding loaded weapons. On the other side of the gates, Normals were getting out of the car, and there were even more vehicles pulling up behind it.

"Guys, retreat! We need to teleport - now!" Onew ordered. No one questioned his tone. They all sprinted towards the gates, towards the lesser amount of Normals. A huge albeit weak portal appeared in front of Luna's vision, and she didn't even hesitate to jump through. She didn't know what was on the other side of the portal, but she knew that behind it and in front of it, there were more humans out for her blood. She shut her eyes as pure agony tugged at her nerves, and a pair of strong arms wrapped around her in the midst of the whirlpool.

God, I swear if there isn't a bathroom on the other side of this portal, I will be so pissed, Luna thought. Literally.







Sorry for the crappy chapter. But went down in it, so did that make up for it?

I don't know. I felt like the beginning was too dragged out. Probably some more grammar mistakes.

And another long wait. My schedule really .

I notice that Luna had 2 whole chapters to herself? Wow, I need to add some Onew perspective

Smh, Luna stealing the show


I found out that Luna's sister's actual name was Park Jinyoung

So I changed it in the previous chapter

And by the way, I am so sorry for inconsistent chapter posting

My schedule is constantly booked and I am so stressed


I wish I could go on this website more often, honestly, to post

But fate will not let me do that. No, instead I have tons of homework and projects and clubs and crap


And seriously, the whole Kpocalypse happening right now?

I'm referring to all this sh*t going down for our idols

Like Bom, Kris, Sulli, and now Jessica and Luhan?!

And they're all characters in my story, past, present, or future

Idk what I'm going to do


Thank you for reading, though, guys

Your comments and votes and even just seeing that my chapter has been viewed

It just seriously makes my day and makes the stress just


my heart. thank.


Okay, story of the day:

This chapter was especially late

Because I had to draw a cow

For my sister


Sad gifs are sad, sorry :( but the last one is supposed to be uh sort of heartwarming LOL

The End.

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For some reason it was marked as complete for a bit? I don't know if I accidentally clicked it, but don't worry! Still updating! Progress made!


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Chapter 25: Omg it's been a while hasn't it ? I missed this story so much I remember rereading it after finishing while waiting for an update to come. And now it's here! The update happened when I wasn't on here for a few months for taking care of personal stuffs and some time off after... you know... what happened in December.... this is great for me. A joyful restart. Thanks authornim. Now I'm gonna wait for the next update and be immersed in the world of fantasy and fiction again when it comes.I wish you ease in life, victorious over whatever you're going through at the moment. Until we meet again.
whitepaper #2
Chapter 25: I recently got the courage to watch shinee again and I had a sudden thought of Lunew. Logging in after a long long time just to see old ff and saw you updating this.. Thanks so much :)
Hope life has been good to u and I will now look forward to your updates!
Oebmoon #3
Chapter 25: Lunew's kisssssss!!!!!
Welcome back authornim!!!!!
So glad you're back!!!!!!
I smilling widely when read this chapter
Jeongmal gomawo
Fighting.. Byong!!!!
Authornim... where are you.... are you going to leave this fic..? I hope not.. but if you are, then I'd understand.
I'm reading it again from chapter one... I really miss this story :') We'll not pressure you, we'll wait patiently for the next update, pal :)
Oebmoon #6
Chapter 24: Read again from chapter one huhuhu
I miss lunew
Authornim update juseyo T_T
Chapter 24: Lmao I really love reading ur notes with the gifs and stuff at the end of the chapter. They're really funny haha. Anyway, I'm glad youre back with an update and I hope you follow up soon
Oebmoon #8
Chapter 24: lunew's kiss ( even in dream) was so sweet (????)
finally they meet onew!!!
update faster authornim...we really curious huhuhuhu
glad you back.. gomawo authornim ^^
Chapter 24: Yay an update!
Noooooo a cliffhanger T_T
Anyway, good to have you back ^_^
Will be looking forward to what happens next.

Again, GREAT JOB AUTHORNIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really appreciate your hard work finishing the chap even though it was giving you a hard time with all the writer's block and stuffs...
See you soooooooooooooon n take care of yourself~