Transfer Student

Who is the one?!




*Kevin's place*

*Mia knows that Kevin attend school but the truth. he is not. his been reacting so much about what he have done last night.

Kevin: is this the result of having no girlfriend? am i really liking my bestfriend? i think i just needed a girlfriend. to make this feelings throw to waste!. this feelings hurts me!. *then looks at the wall sees his picture with Mia and their childhood friend and looks carefully at the picture of their childhood friend* she's always been beautiful. she's like an angel. can't wait to see her again. my 1st love.


*at the school clinic*

*Dong Ho's POV*

 ohh God! why?. my head does not feel any hurt, but my heart feels all the hurt!!. Aissshhh!.

Mia and IU: Dong Ho are you alright now?

Dong Ho: a bit

IU: why did Dong Ho bump his head on his desk?

Dong Ho: can't say.

Mia: why?

Dong Ho: its a secret. can you two leave me alone here? please i just need some rest.

Mia: IU lets go! Dong Ho needs it. And i'll go to Kevin now to tell him my feelings.

Dong Ho:  yahh right. what feelings Mia? *pretending he doesn't know*

IU: her feelings for Kevin. her love for Kevin. kekeke~~ Vinie is her bestfriend.

Mia: ohhh. IU didn't i tell you its a secret?!.

IU: you didn't say that!

Mia: no! i said it!

IU: no you don't.

Dong Ho: oohh please stop it?. i don't want you two arguing. i need some rest now. thanks for bringing me here and to you Mia FIGHTING!!~~ *pretending not to be hurt*

Mia: thanks Dong Ho. *smiles* get well.

IU: yahh~ get well soon. *waving goodbye*


*Kevin's class*

Teacher: class, we have a new transfer student, she'll be attending class starting today, please be good at her. *looks at the door and calls the transfer student to enter the room*

Seohyun: *little bit shy* anyeong. i'm Joo Seohyun, i'll be attending school starting today, hope that i'll get along with you guys. nice to meet you all. *bows*

Students: nice to meet you too. *boys: she's so beautiful (murmuring)*

Teacher: ok. Seohyun you can now seat beside that vacant chair.

Sehyun: ok mam.



IU: are you really going to tell Vinie now?

Mia: yahh~~ *feels excited*


*Kevin's classroom*

Mia: can i excuse Kevin Woo?. i have something to tell him.

Classmate: he's absent

Mia: ok. *disappointed then sees the transfer student. looks carefully*

IU: who is that girl your staring at?

Mia: i don't know. but i know i see her from somewhere.





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"but promise i'll finish this fanfic before the year 2010 ends."
rofl it's turning 2013
SeohyunorSica #2
Chapter 21: how do you have seohyun be a bad girl? in real life she is as innocent as an angel.
SeohyunorSica #3
Chapter 2: please read my story and suscribe to it. it's called seohyun and jinwoon. and plz join my writing contest called totalseobaby and captaincasey's writing contest!
Chapter 38: i hope u do update again though
update soon >.<
pinkypn #6
i hope u update soon
@KevLene91. SORRY! :(<br />
still not finish doing the next chapters.<br />
getting too busy from school. <br />
but promise i'll finish this fanfic before the year 2010 ends.<br />
<br />
SORRY AGAIN! i'll try to update as soon as i can. >.<
<br />
When are you gonna update this ?? :(( I think 2 weeks is already over .
Make it Kevin~ LOL