
Who is the one?!


**CHAPTER 22**


*Mia's POV*

*covers her face with a blanket and hugs a pillow and cry* yah~ Dong ho your right. he hurt my feelings but you know. i still love him. but now i feel that you are the one who really cares for my feelings and you're the one who really loves me. and you're not afraid to what will happen if i reject you. so for that i think i'm starting to fall for you Dong Ho. i think i like you.


*IU's way to Mia's apartment*

IU: *sees Kevin* hey Vinie!

Kevin: yah~

IU: did you visit Mia?

Kevin: yes

IU: i thought you'll not visit her?

Kevin: yah~ but i'm worried.

IU: ooohhhh. kekeke~ did you talk to her? how is she feeling now?

Kevin: i don't know. i didn't talk to her. there is a stupid guy there so i leave already.

IU: guy? who is it?

Kevin: Dong Ho guy. that is his name.

IU: oohh. he is not. he is very nice.

Kevin: no he isn't ummm. gotta go so goodbye.

IU: ok. bye bye.


*IU's POV*

  why did he said that Dong Ho is stupid? he still cares for Mia. this is a good news. kekeke~


*Mia's apartment*

IU: anyeong.

Dong Ho: *sitting on the floor while watching Mia* oh anyeong.

IU: kekeke~ i'm glad you're here. i have someone to help me take care of Mia.

Dong Ho: yah~ she is now sleeping.


*NOTE: Mia already fall asleep because of crying*


IU: ohhh. ok.

Dong Ho: uummmm. i'll just go to a grocery store now. i want to drink some alcohol beverage.

IU: ok. but why?

Dong Ho: you don't need to know. i'm just feeling bad.

IU: ok bye.

Dong Ho: bye.


*after a few minutes. Dong Ho is back with some alcohol beverage*

Dong Ho: IU lets drink.

IU: no. i can't.

Dong Ho: please just one! i'm really in a bad vibes right now.

IU: ok. i'll try.


*after 1 hour. Dong Ho is out of his mind*

Dong Ho: *imagines that IU is Mia* you know i like you. i really wish that someday you'll like me.

IU: huh?

Dong Ho: *crawls to where IU is* i like you.

IU: hey? Dong Ho? are you still ok? *moves away*

Dong Ho: i like you *corners IU*

IU: hey Dong Ho? what are you doing?

Dong Ho: i like you Mi.... *kisses IU*

IU: *eyes grew big and pushes Dong Ho away from her*

Dong Ho: i... like... you..... *falls asleep*



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"but promise i'll finish this fanfic before the year 2010 ends."
rofl it's turning 2013
SeohyunorSica #2
Chapter 21: how do you have seohyun be a bad girl? in real life she is as innocent as an angel.
SeohyunorSica #3
Chapter 2: please read my story and suscribe to it. it's called seohyun and jinwoon. and plz join my writing contest called totalseobaby and captaincasey's writing contest!
Chapter 38: i hope u do update again though
update soon >.<
pinkypn #6
i hope u update soon
@KevLene91. SORRY! :(<br />
still not finish doing the next chapters.<br />
getting too busy from school. <br />
but promise i'll finish this fanfic before the year 2010 ends.<br />
<br />
SORRY AGAIN! i'll try to update as soon as i can. >.<
<br />
When are you gonna update this ?? :(( I think 2 weeks is already over .
Make it Kevin~ LOL