My First Date

Sweet Vengeance.


Siwan’s POV

“W-What did you just say?” Kwanghee stammered, confusedly.

“Must I say it again?” she replied. I honestly had no idea why she had just said that she wanted to be his girlfriend. “I guess she just got curious and the tough girl was just an act,” I thought. “Damn, I might actually have to run around wearing a ridiculous outfit”

 “Y-You want to be MY girlfriend?” Kwanghee repeated, still in shock.

I stood there, watching my idiotic friend thinking “Why is this boy so scared of this girl? He could get any girl he wanted in a flash yet he’stammering when this girl here just says that she wants to be his girlfriend? Where has his pride gone,” shaking my head.

Ha Kyung’s POV

Before coming to Kwanghee’s office, I had promised myself that I would not go smitten over his charms, and fall for him too hard so that I became vulnerable if I were to be his girlfriend.

I acted confidently and strongly. A girlfriend that could lead instead of following him like a lost little puppy. That was the look I was going for.

Standing there, I felt like I was as confident as I had ever been; andd it felt great seeing the almight Kwanghee [Yes; not Almighty Key for you SHAWOLS out there] stammering stupidly.

Suddenly, he sprung up and took hold of her hand. Now it was my time to be shocked. I had never held a guys hand before, but the feeling that I got from holding Kwanghee’s hand was something that I culd not explain using words.

The warmth of his hand that travelled into my hands sent shivers down my spine in the cool spring day. Perhaps he was different from how I depicted him to be; I thought.

While I was daydreaming, I didn’t notice that I was being dragged by Kwanghee towards his car. By the time that I finally came to realise, I was already sitting on the leather seats and he was leaning over me putting on my seat belt.

“YAH~! Where are you taking me?! I need to go home!” I exclaimed, struggling to get out of the car, but he was already belted in and was about to start the car.

“You’ll see, just sit back and relax. I’ll explain to your mother if there are any troubles,” he replied, cooly and calmly.

I relentlessly sat back, mumbling  jibberish that I myself didn’t understand. “He better be a good boyrfriend to me,” I thought before closing my eyes as the cars engine lulled me to sleep.

Kwanghee’s POV

After 30 minutes of driving we arrived at our destination. I turned to Ha Kyung and saw her sleeping peacefully. She looked prettier when she wasn’t frowning at me and screaming I thought.

I shook her lightly, “Yah, Ha Kyung, wake up, we’re here.”

“What?” She replied, still drowsy from her sleep, rubbing her eyes.

Once she opened her eyes, she saw an amazing wharf with a great view of the sunset on the beach.

“WOW~” She whispered, her eyes wide with excitement.

 “Girls love the romantic sunset on the beach. What better way to start the relationship than to make her fall in love with me at the beach? Memorable and Romantic,” I thought to myself, nodding in approval.

“Let’s go,” I said aloud, taking her hand once more and walked her out onto the wharf.

We walked on the wharf, watching the sunset in silence. I wrapped my arms around her torso while she leant on the wooden handle.

Ha Kyung’s POV

Surprised, I turned around to see Kwanghee with his eyes closed, deep in thought leaning his head on my shoulder. It felt like bliss. It felt as thought they had been together for so long. Oh how quickly my feelings had changed. From hating his persistent ways, I was falling for him.

“NO!” Suddenly something in my heart screamed to me. Warning me not to fall too quickly. I knew I had to more cautious, but I ignored my conscience and stood there, enjoying the moment.


Kwanghee’s POV

She was falling for me wasn’t she?

---------------------------------------------------To Be Continued

KEKEKE. How was my update? 8) Do you think that she's moving too quickly? Or maybe it's too mushy? Any suggestions I'd be happy to fix it ;D KWANGHEE IS EVIL. MUAHAHAH.

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Duckie_Bites #1
LMAO , i was laughing all the way for no reason at the 2 last paragraphs , what the is wrong with me unnie D: ! update soon >:(
heloo (: haha update soon ~
AHAHA. Naww, thank you for the comments and dongjoon comes in later (;
Duckie_Bites #4
Unnie thank you :D i really appreciate what you do ! i should be able to start writing by tonight ^^
THANKYOU U-kissSTORY~! I'm glad that you're enjoying it xDD I'll try to have it updated by at least tomorrow night.
Duckie_Bites #6
OMG ! haha ~ so cute ! ANY OF YOU MESSES WITH MY GIRLFRIEND , MESSES WITH ME XD YOU GOT THAT ! haha ! update soon !
Duckie_Bites #7
haha ~ update soon ! :)