Unexpected Twists

Sweet Vengeance.


Ha Kyung’s POV

The only thought that went through my mind as I tried to squirm my way out of the kidnapper’s hold was my mothers face when she came home to police telling her that her only daughter had been and murdered.

Remembering what the karate lesson at school had taught her about defending yourself; I went strongly towards the kidnapper and then swung my arm back, hitting him in the face causing him to hastily let go of me. Before I ran off, I turned around to see who the perpetrator was, to see a familiar face kneeling on the ground clutching his face in pain. I had no choice but to run back and help him after realising he was innocent.

Siwan’s POV

My god this girl was strong,” I thought as I knelt on the ground, holding my face which was experiencing a pain inexplainable.

I heard her turn around and start running towards me, ‘Are you okay?” she asked urgently, trying to touch my face.

DO YOU THINK I’M OKAY?” I screamed back, throwing her hands off, “How am I meant to pick up girls with a bruised face!”

HEY! It’s not my fault you decided to grab me from behind and drag me towards a car. You look so familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it. Who are you again?

You don’t know me? How could you not know me? You know Kwanghee but not me?” I complained, pissed off that I was just a mere shadow of my best friend.

AHHH. Yo. Are you his friend that he’s always hanging around? S-Siwon? WAIT. Did Kwanghee bring you up to this?”

It’s SIWAN. Not SIWON. I’m not from Super Junior. And NO . I don’t really go for girls your type; clearly too strong and goody goody. Can never end the relationship cleanly without tears with your type” I replied.

I had gone out with a girl like her before going to my playboy ways. She was so clingy, and whiney. It was much more effortless and fun to have a fling with some girls that I could just say nod my head to when it was all over.

Where is he? Bring me to him NOW,” she said, waking me up from my thinking, dragging me towards my car.

Honestly, what does he see in this girl,” I thought.

Ha Kyung’s POV

There was an awkward silence during the car trip, but it was okay because it gave me time to think. When we got to our destination, I got out and slammed the door closed and stalked up to the building.

However, I was clueless about where I was, and embarrassedly stopped in my tracks, waiting for Siwan to guide me. I heard him snicker behind me when I suddenly stopped. I shut him up by glaring at him.

He took me up into the elevator and onto the 9th level, where Kwanghee’s office was placed.

I immediately stomped into his office, and found him talking on his phone, legs up on the table. I decided to wait until he finished with the call.

Kwanghee’s POV

I was on the phone with a customer of our company.

Yes, thankyou so much, I’ll tell my father when he gets back, good bye’ I said into the phone, bored.

Suddenly, someone stormed into my office and slammed their hand onto my table. I looked up angrily, but my face changed when I saw Ha Kyung staring at me. I gulped, “I’m in for a big lecture,” I thought.

YES.” She said.

What?” I asked, confusedly. Could she hear my thoughts?

“Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.”

---------------------------------------------------To be continued.

KEKEKE. Did I surprise you guys? >;D I'm sorry for not updating in ages; and I bet you guys don't even read my stories anymore. I'm sorry that I haven't been trying my best to update as much as I can. But don't worry, holidays are coming up; and I don't have that much stress going on; so I'll most likely be updating! 

SPREAD THE LOVE YO <3 Comments and subscriptions are loved (: 

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Duckie_Bites #1
LMAO , i was laughing all the way for no reason at the 2 last paragraphs , what the is wrong with me unnie D: ! update soon >:(
heloo (: haha update soon ~
AHAHA. Naww, thank you for the comments and dongjoon comes in later (;
Duckie_Bites #4
Unnie thank you :D i really appreciate what you do ! i should be able to start writing by tonight ^^
THANKYOU U-kissSTORY~! I'm glad that you're enjoying it xDD I'll try to have it updated by at least tomorrow night.
Duckie_Bites #6
OMG ! haha ~ so cute ! ANY OF YOU MESSES WITH MY GIRLFRIEND , MESSES WITH ME XD YOU GOT THAT ! haha ! update soon !
Duckie_Bites #7
haha ~ update soon ! :)