
Fabricating Stardust In Oblivion

“So what’s the bad news?” I asked, munching on a blueberry muffin. The table was filled with food. There were plates of bacon, eggs, mushroom, buttered toasts and sausages. It was a long marble table and I happened to sit on the side where all the waffles, muffins and muesli were placed.

“I got a message yesterday night, that the village’s security zone is in place because someone has trespassed,” he said, like it’s a matter of fact, “And I think that person was you.” He looked across the table to me and took at bite of toast.

“Pardon?” I shouted across the table, a few muffin crumbs fell from my mouth and I quickly clamped my hands over it and mumbled, “Sorry!”

The table was so long and the dining room was so big that I couldn’t hear what he was saying because he was so far away. He repeated the sentence again and I dropped the muffin onto my plate in utter shock.


“Yeah, don’t worry though, I’ve called the guardians and they said that they will stop the search team,” he assured me.

I felt a little better but then his sentences finally processed in my mind. If only my brain processed as fast as the cache in a CPU.

Security Zone? Guardians? Search team?

This is all too much, I knew those were English words but used in this context was mind puzzling.

“You looked confused?” he said, then taking a sip of coffee.

“Of course!” I said a little too angrily, “I was dumped onto the side of the road by my aunt and then I find myself magically in a cemetery and then a café where things move by themselves and then get hit by a door and chased by bloody creatures in the middle of the night!”

I sighed after releasing my anger. That was a lot of events I went through in fourteen hours.

“I’m sorry,” I apologised, “It’s none of your fault and I shouldn’t take my anger out on you, I’m really thankful for what you have done for me, there nothing else to blame but my sad, unlucky life.”

He shook his head and smiled at me.

“So what’s happening now?” I asked, “What’s so bad about the news?”

“Well, I guess it isn’t bad news,” he said, “It’s just that the security barrier is still up and running so you won’t be able to get out of the village until tomorrow.”

I gave him a ‘really?!’ look and sighed loudly. “Is there a telephone I can use, so I can call my aunt?”

“I’m sorry, but there’s no signal in this village.”

“Oh, so I guess my aunt won’t be able to contact me and I won’t be able to contact her.”

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“For what?” I asked, “You haven’t done anything wrong, its lucky that I’ve met you, if not I’ll be wandering around the village streets anyways.”

He stood up from his seat and grabbed a tissue from the centre of the table.

“Are you full?” he asked.

“Yes, thank you so much for the breakfast.”

“Erm…I think you should stay in the house because there could still be a search team out there looking for you,” he said, “I need to go out but I’ll be back very soon. Feel free to look around the house but don’t get lost!”

“Okay, but it’s going be hard not to get lost in such a big house, bye.” I waved as he walked out of the kitchen.

Soon, I heard the front door shut with a bang. I looked back at the table and the food was sitting there on the plates, getting cold. What do I do?

Just as that thought came into my mind, a strip of bacon lifted itself from the plate and hovered towards the bin. Then the same thing happened to a mushroom. And then the rest of the food and then the plates stacked themselves into the dish washer and automatically . I was slowly backing away from the table, the same thing in the café was happening here. I stopped when my back hit the side counter. I froze and continued to watch in awe and panic.

“Who is doing this?” I shouted out to this empty house, “Please stop!”

Suddenly, something tugged behind my back.

“Aaa!” I screamed and jumped forward.

The cloth hooked on the side moved itself towards the table. I grabbed the cloth to see what will happen. It just fell limply into my hand. Then I loosened my grip and let it slip from my hand. Before it touched the ground, it hovered up again and then moved towards the table to wipe the surface. I walked away from the kitchen and decided to retreat back into my room.

As I jogged up the stairs, I felt the smooth curves of the gold metal which twisted around the black handrail. The petal designs were engraved dexterously into the gold. It must have taken a long time. When I got to the two pillars at the top of the stairs, I finally realised that there were dragon designs all over it. It was a 3D dragon which spiralled up the post. The head was at the top and tilted back as it looks up at the ceiling. The ceilings above the pillars were windows and the blue sky above lit the landing up. There was no need for light bulbs; the stars can be seen clearly from here if it was night.

I continued walking down the hallway which I dreaded. All the doors were closed and I made sure that this time, I wouldn’t stop to open it even if a voice from inside was calling my name. All the doors looked the same; I couldn’t remember which one I slept in yesterday. Then I remembered my suitcase was still downstairs by the kitchen. I ran downstairs to get it and then carried it upstairs again.

Trying as hard as I could to remember which door belonged to the room, then I suddenly stopped.

I don’t remember seeing this sign before?

“I don’t care if you’re pretty or ugly or tall or short or fat or thin or smart or dumb, I love you no matter what.”

It was imprinted onto a piece of wood; it hung onto the wall by a metal pin. The door beside it was open. And I had no intentions of looking inside. I continued to walk pass it until I tripped over and landed on my face. Something was pulling me by my foot. I turned to look back to see what was holding me.

I screamed. The piecing sound of my voice echoed down the hall but this time, he was not here to save me, so I screamed even louder. A pair of hands has locked themselves around each of my ankle and was harshly pulling me towards the room which was slightly opened. I kicked my feet around and used my hands to pull myself forward.

“Let go!” I shouted to the hands.

It was just a pair of hands, no arms, no body. Just hands, each fingernail was long and pointed, it was also painted bright red, the colour of blood. I continued screaming until my voice could not be heard anymore.

I gave up. There nothing more I could do. The hands were obviously stronger than me and I just let them pull me into the room. Struggling will only make things harder for me and whoever the hands belonged to. After pulling my body into the room, I let my head rest against my arms, the friction between the carpet and my arms as the hand pulled me, left me with carpet burns; the stinging was so painful that tears were threatening to fall. I wasn’t bothered to look up to see what was in this room, but I heard the door shut with a loud bang and the lock fell into place. 


Aren't you curious as to who the guy could be? Have a guess! :P Thanks for reading! ^^ - Cheeeeeries

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Sorry!!! I will update as soon as I have 2 hours of freedom! College and work has taken over my life. My poor little fangirl life! XD


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gaianerd #1
Chapter 43: omg i love this! i subscribed to it ages ago, but only just have had the chance to read it! it's amazing :D <3
Chapter 33: Wohoo!! Finally an update xD ! And this chap is funny xD ! Hahah kiss or whatever :3 ? Nice, Raine xD !
Chapter 29: SUHO you left noooooooo I need you and Chen back all thirteen of you make a whole not 11
Chapter 26: Poor Suho. I just wish you didn't have to get bullied.