
Fabricating Stardust In Oblivion

"Do you know how we're gonna get to your house from the airport?" Lay asked.

"I have no idea to be honest," Raine said, "I was a little kid when my family moved to Gisborne and my aunt took me in five years ago after my parents' death."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"Nah, I've got used to it," I shrugged, “What if we use the free internet in the airports! I'm sure they'll have it."

"Oh yeah, let's do that!"

After a while, the lorry stopped by the airport. It was just perfect that we caught a lorry which came to the airport. The wind has blown my hair backwards and it was all messy. I should have tied it up in a ponytail but I didn't think of that at the time. 

Carefully, we climbed down from the top of the lorry and wandered into the one and only airport on the island. The moment we stepped into the airport hall, we looked for the internet spot.

“There it is!” I exclaimed. But all of the computers were being used and there weren’t even a single one free.

“Oh, I know!” Lay said.

He walked up to a young boy who was busy on his facebook page stalking some girl, his crush he assumed. He suddenly leaned in the boy’s ear to whisper something.

“Erm, Lay, what are you doing?” I asked, the boy obviously couldn't see him but it might freak him out. 

“Come here,” he gestured to come closer. “I’m whispering to this boy so he will do what I ask him,”

“You can do that?” I asked in amazement. 

“Yeah, when I was still alive, Sehun use to tell me about weird things he did and apparently, ghosts can whisper to humans and they will obey them.”

And with that the boy's hand started moving across the keyboard; fingers scanned over the buttons to type something into the search bar.

- Flights from Saturna Island to Gisborne, New Zealand - 

A list of airlines popped out. The boy stared at the computer screen emptily, whilst waiting for his next command. He really looked like he's been hypnotized. 

"There's a flight now, from here to Gisborne, departing in 10 minutes," I said, reciting from the webpage. 

“Quick! We have to catch that plane then!” Lay said. He took my hand and ran for the departing terminal. We had to stop to look at the screen for a moment to check which gate the airline was.

We squirmed and squinted through the large crowd looking for the one terminal which will take us to Gisborne. The door to the plane was about to shut when Lay took my hand and pulled me inside. I closed my eyes in hope that we passed through, without getting trapped between the doors.

But we didn't and I was glad when we wandered down the aisle looking for seats. There were still a lot of free seats in the first class section. So to treat ourselves, we sat down, placed our feet up and started fiddling with the controls, deciding what movie to watch. 

I could see some shivers from the passengers when we passed by, the humans probably felt our presence but then thought it was just the freezing, cold air blowing through the vents. Then I wondered how they would react if I went around the aisles or play around blowing some air into their faces. I smiled to myself just thinking about it.

When the announcements were made by the pilot, we seated ourselves at the back of the cabin, fastened our seatbelts like how humans would.

In the middle of the plane ride I got bored. I twisted my headrest and tried to watch the movie which was playing on the screen. A cabin crew walked passed and almost jumped to seeing how it was on all of a sudden by itself.

She switched it off thinking no one was watching it and I pouted while inwardly cursing at the stewardess. But I wanted to watch something so I switched it on again. She tried not to shriek the moment it was on again. She asked for her colleagues for help whether it was a fault or malfunction. After for a few minutes of contemplating they decided to just leave it on to my content.

I somehow slept in the middle of watching a movie then woke up to the smell of savoury, peppery food. I opened my eyes to see that they were starting to serve lunch. They were serving black pepper steaks as I eavesdropped on what one of the crew member said. My stomach started to rumble.

"Don't worry bae I'm gonna get us food," I said to my stomach patting it.

I took off my seatbelt and reached over towards the food trolley and tried to get a tray of food but was halted when a hand stopped me.

Lay shook his head indicating a no. "Raine, wait for a while, you don't want to scare off the other passengers now, do you?"

I slumped back into my seat feeling rather disappointed.

"Let's wait when they have finished serving and we'll get our food from the back cabin later, okay?" Lay told me. I nodded with a frown on my face whilst I waited for the food to be served around. We sneaked into the back cabin looking for food a few minutes later. There was only one cabin crew when we searched for the food. There were still many lunch boxes left untouched. We thought if we would do it slowly and steadily, she wouldn’t see it but sadly, she saw the lunch boxes floating around in mid air, she almost screamed but fainted instead.

"Poor her," I said a little amused by her reaction.

"Raine, that's bad of you," Lay said but couldn't help giggling to himself thinking it was funny too.

"We have to eat it quick, if people see moving pieces of steak they will faint again," Lay said.

We ate our food, thankfully there weren’t any cabin crews until we have finished our food and chucked the containers into the black plastic bags. As for the lady, she was still unconscious. 

"Is she going to be fine?" I asked. 

"Don't worry, she'll wake up soon," Lay replied and we walked back to our seats. 

Soon, the pilot said that the plane was going to land soon so we buckled our seatbelts. The wheels thundered and rolled on the surface. All my food was churning in my stomach and ready to come back up, but luckily, the plane stopped and people started to take their luggages out of the overhead cabins. Lay and I waited until it has cleared and then we walked towards the gates. We skipped passed all the security checks and wandered out of the airport. I looked around, deciding whether to take a taxi to my house or just take the shuttle bus. The taxi was too risky so I told Lay about the shuttle bus and we waited by the stop. Soon enough, the yellow bus appeared and we hopped on after some people and took a seat at the back of the bus. 

"That's our stop," I said, when I recognised the familiar bus stop I used to take when I went to school. 

We got off the bus and I looked up at the sky. It was very hot and I didn't know that even ghosts can feel the temperature changes. I started to lead the way down the paved road towards the little cottage which I called home. As soon as we turned the corner, the tears swelled up in my eyes, the memories were fading but the feeling of wanting to be back at home was too overwhelming. 

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Sorry!!! I will update as soon as I have 2 hours of freedom! College and work has taken over my life. My poor little fangirl life! XD


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gaianerd #1
Chapter 43: omg i love this! i subscribed to it ages ago, but only just have had the chance to read it! it's amazing :D <3
Chapter 33: Wohoo!! Finally an update xD ! And this chap is funny xD ! Hahah kiss or whatever :3 ? Nice, Raine xD !
Chapter 29: SUHO you left noooooooo I need you and Chen back all thirteen of you make a whole not 11
Chapter 26: Poor Suho. I just wish you didn't have to get bullied.