STEP FIVE: stalk him. (1/2)

30 steps to quitting Jonghyun
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Chapter 11

Stalk him. find his flaws, revenge, make him hate you.


“It’s me, Shin Se Kyung.”   She said and I could feel my mouth freeze and my tongue suddenly retreat. I feel like I became an effigy in the middle of this damp street. Several questions had formulated on my mind, but from the entire list of questions, this is the only question that I wanted to vocalize – what are you doing with Jonghyun’s phone?   But there’s no point of vocalizing it, coz she already answered my question—it’s me, Shin Se Kyung.   Yeah. The famous Shin Se Kyung. Kim Jonghyun’s girlfriend, so what should I expect from this and that? One word—nothing. Because she is the GIRLFRIEND and I am just the BEST FRIEND. She can control everything that he do and I have no right to complain.   “Ohh…” was the only thing I could say. I am so speechless that either…   1.       She would say, “You know what Nam Gyu? The first time I’ve seen you I know you’re a bad news, and I can smell something fishy about your presence.”   And naively, I would smell myself before I answer with a squeaky voice, “no, I don’t smell like a fish.” Then I would pout on the phone like a three-year old kid. And when she sense that I got pissed off with her statement, she would finalized our chit-chat with her finishing move, delivering the killer girlfriend statement (with a sinister laugh) “So yeah, Jonghyun and I are having SOOOOO much fun, so PLEAAAAASE , I know you have plans to steal him, I’ve been on that stage already (I will be so stun that I did not realize my mouth is hanging wide open, until I would get choke with a large fly) so don’t bother us. Just go back to your ex boyfriend.”   Or.   2. I would be the one who will end our call, saying, “Ah, Se Kyung-ssi, nice talking to you, got to go now.” Then once she is out of the hearing range, I would be screaming like a mad woman on street, and inevitably when I got tired I would stop running and would catch my breath. From the split second of resting and gasping, I would reflect on what just happened and I would ask myself, “Which you know is a big lie because the only thing that I said to her was, ‘oh’ and was that even a nice conversation?”     “Jonghyun left his phone at my car—” She says an immediate reply as if she was reading my mind. A grimaced had left on my face; it clearly shows how disappointed I was. If it were not for the streetlight, I might have seen my thwarted and ugly reflection on the store’s window.   Again I was on my “oh” agenda. How is it possible for me to reply a long sentence when I’m dissatisfied with my life’s current state? And when the person on the other line is someone whom I wanted to avoid the most?   I spun around and duck my head, ready to go home from being frustrated. I waited for her to end our phone call before this thing would turn into a disastrous anecdote. But the next thing that happens is something I never expected to.   A really bright and dazzling headlights are sharply aiming at me. My eyes squinted and I raised my right palm, to cover my eyes. It even rubbed the salt into the wound—what does this annoying and immodest person wants? I glare at the owner of the car and smirk. I turn around again, I lifted my foot, and pace at the exact opposite direction of my house.    “Yoboseyo?” I ask calmly over the phone, since Shin Se Kyung-ssi happens to disappear.     I waited for her reply, but it seems like she has forgotten that she should still be on her phone, talking to me. Instead I hear the car door opened, and someone went down. I did not bother to look back and check who it was. I can distinctly hear the sound of the shoes tapping the ground, and its coming nearer to me – then it stopped.   “Nam Gyu-ssi!” She yelled. I turn around, having this weird expression on my face. She skips closer to me and smiled joyously.   Oh great, she even bother to meet me.   ---   A couple of days earlier, A.K.A the post-traumatic days of having heartache, I had imagined different scenarios of: ‘It Was Bound To Happen, Meet the Girlfriend’, and the latest (and the worst) imagination that comes into my mind is…   .   “How’s Jonghyun?” I asked her casually, as if the of two us were great friends during our high school days.   “Jonghyun... is great.” She paused. I can clearly see her eyes sparkling just hearing the sound of his name. I clenched my fist tighter and I could feel my forehead throbbing. “He-he-he’s good. He supports me and we have goals together. We’re even planning to take it to the next step.”   “The next what?” I ask and apparently, I would no longer hide my real emotions, I would be raging in anger now.       She flusters, and lowers her head. She looks around and when the coast is clear, she whispers, “We’re planning to get a secret marriage.” She giggled.   I, on the other hand, acting impulsively and flabbergasted would slam my fists on the table (matching standing to have a greater effect) and shot daggers at her. “Mworago?!”   .   And I actually say it aloud, “Mworago?!” She looks surprise and her eyes become wide. I could feel my breath becoming short and my lips are twitching. I inhale slowly, all the tensions on my nostril.   “Ha? Nam Gyu-ssi, are you okay?”      Eh? Okay, I can’t help but to overreact when I hear the word, ‘next.’ I slightly lower my head and raise it again. “I’m sorry, I misheard something, what are we talking about again?”   Her shoulders shrug and she chuckled breathlessly, I’m glad she did not take it badly, or else she might have this notion that I am not listening to her—which is what I’m doing already. “We’re talking about Jonghyun remember?” I faked a smile, waiting for her to continue. “He drops by my apartment, and said that you guys are going to meet somewhere. So I volunteer to drop him off on the Tavern, and on our way, something must have happened after he reads a message, coz he insists that he would step out of the car two blocks away.”   I was in haze of shock, that I said, “Do you think…” I trail off. “Jonghyun is seeing another girl?”   I bit my lip, oh god, if that would happen I don’t know how to handle a new rival.     She paused for a while and looked intently at my curious face. I bet she’s thinking that this is a test from mine, a test from the best friend, a test to determine how far she will go for him – how far will she run just to chase him.   She smiled again, and answers proudly, one of the gazillion things that I did not expect from today. “No. I trust Jonghyun and I’m pretty sure he would not do that to me—” WOW. Over confidence, I wanted to correct her and tell my insight, love stinks, it never last.   However she did not stop there.  “—Jonghyun is… he’s good. He supports me and we have goals together. We’re”   “STOP!” I say in full English. I showed her my five fingers (luckily, I was able to raise the other four and not the middle one only.) I don’t want my imagination turn to a reality, BECAUSE THIS IS NOT THE REALITY THAT I WANTED.   A curve had form on my lips, as I try to act sweet and innocent, just like what a kindergarten usually d
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[30 steps to quitting Jonghyun; 030113] Step 19 (1/2) posted. :D


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Songnumberfive #1
Chapter 1: I really like this story, T-T I really want it to continue till the end, i'ts been years, by any chance, shall you not have time or don't know how to end it, I would like as a second option that you chose a person of your like that have red the whole thing to write the next chapters :)! Author lots of girls follow this story.
Please~ cheerings.
Chapter 32: Who is this girl in this ff cover pg? I like her. ^^
Chapter 32: Wow!!! Sooo awesom writing!!!! Seriously super duper story. Author nim!!!! Plz can you up date this ff? I want to read this till end!! Please. . ....... *pleading with pupy eyes*
Chapter 32: Your last update was on 2013, and today I'm reading this on 2015. The first thing caught my mind when I read this was, how could I've never known that such an amazing story like this exists?!?
At first I thought it would be great if Jonghyun and Gyu end uo together BUTTTTT
The way you made Gyu interacts with the other member is super duper great. ALL OF THEM has a chemistry with Gyu. I'm curious, do Minho, Key, and Taemin like Gyu? Like, like a crush?
And does Jinki like Gyu again as a crush?
And why would Jonghyun dated Sekyung when he knows he has liked Gyu since 16???? (Sorry I got really confused at this part maybe because my mind was too late to connect lol)
Please continue this awesome story. My eyes got watery because I read it in one night like really on mid night. If you have time, please do continue:)
dhinikeybum #5
Chapter 32: Authot nim...can you???

I seriously miss this fict...
Its been 2 yrs since ur last update...
If u still hv a lil bit time....can you??
dhinikeybum #6
Chapter 1: Author nim can u update this?? I kind of read in 2010 n till now i still wait this ff to be finish though ^^.... Love this ff~
Chapter 32: KYAAA! Jinkyu moment! Is this discontinued? ;-;
princess-frog #8
update soon!
Chapter 32: Freaked out the moment onew was revealed as his EX. I mean i was like
"DUDE, I DID NOT SEE THAT COMIN!" but this is really awesome btw, hope you'll update soon author-nim, oh and i TOTALLY ship namkey :33
Chapter 1: i just read the 1st chapter and i love the story, the way you write it, the girl character. <3