Chapter 16 - The Long Awaited Encounter

A Complicated Regard

“Where are we going, Taehyung?” Jungkook asked as he floated alongside the orange haired boy who walked down the road in his uniform. It was a particularly warm day even though the sun was hiding behind the dark clouds which were threatening to rain soon. Jungkook mentally thanked Taehyung’s mom for handing him an umbrella before they went out.

The translucent ghost had asked this question because he noticed something strange. Even though Taehyung was in his uniform, he wasn’t headed to the usual bus stop. In fact, he went to the exact opposite direction of his usual bus stop.

Taehyung just looked at Jungkook and gave him a small smile. “We’re going on an errand, remember? Mom told us to visit Uncle Junhong again for allergy pills.”

Jungkook nodded absently. He didn’t recall Taehyung talk to his mom but she must’ve said it when he wasn’t with them then.

“What about school?” Jungkook asked worriedly, not ignoring the fact that Taehyung had on his school uniform; that dashing blue blazer fitting very cozily above his white ironed shirt. And those slimming black trousers and that dark blue tie. Wow, Jungkook could go on all day staring at the boy. And he was getting some weird thoughts…

What the hell are you thinking about, Jungkook? He scolded himself and reverted back his attention to what Taehyung had to say.

“I’m not in the mood for it today. And I already asked my mom if I could miss it just for this one day. She didn’t disagree to it,” Taehyung said casually. Jungkook chuckled a little. Taehyung must have the best mother in the world, compared to his heartless one.

“Then why’d you wear the uniform?” Jungkook asked, seeing the idiocy of wearing the uniform without the mere intention of going to school.

The elder of the two seemed to notice the outfit just then and he stopped in his tracks. “Oh yeah,” he simply said until he continued his journey again. Jungkook chuckled handsomely and followed his one love. Taehyung was just so weird and charming.


“A habit, I guess,” Taehyung shrugged it off and walked on, making sure that the marooned haired ghost was following him still. And the ghost was never far behind.





The elevator button dinged at every floor as Taehyung and Jungkook waited for it to reach the deemed floor. Floor number thirteen. Dr. Junhong had changed his stations again at the hospital.

Various people got on and off at every floor but the two confidantes waited patiently to reach their deemed destination. And finally the bell dinged and the silver doors slid open to the thirteenth floor.

“Now,” Taehyung said and searched around the floor for a reception or help desk. Jungkook too looked around but he heard a thumping of a heart beat all of a sudden.


It was just one beat but he felt it loud and clear. It resonated as if it were coming right from beside him – from within him that he felt breathless.


“Jungkook?” Taehyung called out softly, not noticing the younger’s confusion. “There it is. Come on,” he said, referring to the reception desk and led the ghost towards the newly discovered place a few meters away from the elevator door. Jungkook loosened his tensed face and followed Taehyung to the desk and listened to him negotiate with the nurse at the desk about Dr. Junhong’s schedule for the day.

The maroon haired teen listened only to hear a faint conversation of the nurse and Taehyung talking about Dr. Junhong’s schedule and where he was at the moment. If Jungkook had heard right, Dr. Junhong was assisting in a surgery at the moment and he would be done only after an hour or so. Besides this, he couldn’t hear anything else. Instead, he heard the same sound as before. But this time, it sounded louder and there were two thumps.


What was going on? Whose heart beat was that? And why could he hear it?




“Thank you,” Taehyung gave a bright smile at the cheerful nurse by the desk and turned to Jungkook after the nurse had buried her face back into the computer again. He was a little surprised to see Jungkook looking slightly disheveled. “Kookie?” he whispered bring the dark eyed ghost out of his troubled trance.

“Huh?” Jungkook replied unintelligently, appearing to notice Taehyung by his side suddenly.

“Are you okay?” Taehyung asked, a fraction of worry seeping into his perfectly structured face. His hand left sneaked up to the ghost’s own right hand, the warmth once again coming in contact with the cold. Jungkook blinked a couple of times and answered, not very confident himself. “Yeah,” he said. “I’m quite fine, hyung.”

Taehyung decided to trust him for the moment and continue the matter at his uncle’s room. “Okay,” he said and squeezed his companion’s hand. “Let’s head to uncle’s office now. It’s just down the hallway.” Jungkook nodded unsurely but floated right beside the student in the uniform who held his hands re-assuring him that everything would be fine.




Taehyung recalled what the nurse told him at the reception desk. Dr. Choi could take about an hour or more with the surgery but after that he would be free until lunch. So, Taehyung decided to wait for him in his room which the nurse had no objections since she knew Taehyung as Dr. Choi’s nephew.

The orange haired male sat down on one of the empty chairs and allowed Jungkook to get comfortable in the room too. And while the ghost floated around the room, looking at the objects in the room like a lost kid, until he leaned down in front of the desk, right beside Taehyung’s chair. Taehyung called out his name making the ghost turn immediately towards the speaker. “I’ve been thinking, Jungkook,” he began in a serious voice as he turned to meet Jungkook’s eyes. And immediately, the atmosphere in the room turned grave and serious.

“What if your unfinished business is for you to talk to your mom?”


Jungkook’s eyes widened in sheer shock and confusion. He was angry.

Why was he angry?

“Hyung,” he said, knitting his eyebrows and narrowing his eyes to Taehyung out of disbelief. “Why would you say that? Why?” he couldn’t portray out the words clearly any longer.

Taehyung tried to explain, “Well, you told me of how you were going to return to your mom’s place before you died so I just thought…”

Jungkook raged out. “Do you know what will happen if I complete my unfinished business, Taehyung? Do you want me to disappear? I thought you said…”

The elder saw the glistening eyes of the beautiful faced ghost and he immediately felt guilty. But he had given this idea a lot of thought ever since Jungkook told him of his regained memories. So he continued to speak as he interrupted Jungkook’s train of words. “I know what will happen to you, Jungkook,” he said, his face warping into a sad expression which Jungkook couldn’t bear to see. “I know what’ll happen to you if you complete your unfinished business,” he repeated. Jungkook tried to sneak in a sentence of his own beginning with a “then…” but Taehyung didn’t allow him.

“I know what’ll happen to me if you leave. If you complete your unfinished business on this earth. But I’m just telling you to consider the possibilities. If you don’t get to complete your work here on earth, you might never get a second chance. And who knows, what if I die and my spirit doesn’t remain here like you? Then what will happen?”

The tears on Jungkook’s dark almond shaped eyes were threatening to fall now. “I don’t care. I’m staying with you. And you can’t make me do anything against my wishes,” he replied stubbornly.

Taehyung reached out for the ghost’s icy cold cheeks and cupped them lovingly. “You’ll have to consider it one day, Jungkook. I don’t want you to suffer for eternity, stuck on this earth as a ghost, regretting something which I could’ve helped you with.”

The younger of the two replied, noticing the same pain in Taehyung’s eyes as well. As cheesy as it sounded, he said it anyway, “You know I’m willing to do anything for you.”


And that made everything better and worse. Taehyung felt his inner strength crumble down into cookie dust but at the same time, he felt happy to hear that sappy line from the person whom he was indefinitely in love with.

“It’s just a possibility, Jungkook,” he said and pulled himself away from the ghost, not wanting to look into his pained eyes anymore. He was so stupid. He shouldn’t have brought up the topic in the first place. He should’ve known that Jungkook would react like this.

“I know it is, hyung,” Jungkook said and moved backwards by an inch. “But I don’t want to consider it now,” he admitted, “at least, not yet.”


Taehyung felt so bad about making Jungkook get teary that he apologized after a moment of silence. “I’m sorry, Jungkookie,” he said. “I’m just worried for you. I was just concerned...”

The ghost cut him off, clearly not wanting to discuss any longer. He had an equally saddened expression on his face as he refused to make eye contact with the elder for the rest of that time. “I know hyung. I know. And I am eternally grateful for worrying about me but I just don’t want to talk about this yet.”

Taehyung nodded in defeating agreement. “Okay,” he whispered. “Okay,” Jungkook replied after a few seconds, not particularly for anyone to hear.





The door, partially glass and partially wooden, opened and in entered a tall and lean man in his white coat. Both Taehyung and Jungkook stood up as a sign of respect and the doctor acknowledge his nephew and pulled off the glasses off of his nose.

“Taehyung,” he greeted, “So nice to see you again.”

“Good morning uncle, how was the surgery?” Taehyung asked and sat down in front of the desk very formally. Junhong poured himself a glass of water before sitting behind his desk. “It went fine. All successful,” Junhong assured and they went down to talk like men did.


Jungkook, however, failed to catch any of the words that was shared between the two men as he heard that darned heart beat for the third time. And this time it was even louder.



What is that? He thought. Was a person in the hospital dying? Was the reason of being able to hear the heartbeat because he was a ghost?



Taehyung continued to discuss about everything and nothing in particular with his uncle when suddenly, a small ring from Junhong’s pocket disrupted the conversation.

One look into the screen and Junhong apologized, saying that he had to take the call. Taehyung didn’t mind and allowed him to answer the call which his uncle did after pulling out a file out of his drawers. Junhong placed it on the table and left the room to have a more private talk. But right before the door closed fully on the two boys, they overheard something incredibly familiar. They heard Junhong call out a very familiar name.


“Did he…?” Jungkook turned to Taehyung looking wide eyed as him. Out of shock or excitement, no one could tell the difference.

“Mrs. Jeon. He said Mrs. Jeon!” Taehyung announced in a hurry and turned back to the closed door simultaneously as Jungkook did.

“We probably misheard it,” Jungkook tried to rationalize and not explode out of excitement and false alarm. “Or it’s someone else. We shouldn’t get our hopes…” But Taehyung wasn’t listening by then. Because his eyes had caught sight of something on the table. And that something was a brown file case with a name labeled on it.

“Jeon Jungkook”


“Jungkook,” Taehyung called out for no particular reason and reached for the file on the desk. The younger too turned to see the file already in Taehyung’s hands. Oh My God!


“My uncle,” Taehyung said and gulped. He continued with a lump in his throat, “He’s a brain surgeon. Why does he have your file…”

Jungkook was feeling equally breathless. Why was his name on a file case? Did this mean that he wasn’t dead? Did this mean that his body was in the hospital right then and there?


Taehyung quickly flipped open the pages and tried to absorb the sentences in but simply couldn’t. The adrenalin rush disabled all of his ability to concentrate. But he sprang up the minute he saw something which he could comprehend.

Room 301



“Yes, I’ll see you at one thirty, Mrs. Jeon,” Junhong spoke into his phone as he re entered the compartment. He spoke addressing to his nephew, “Sorry. That was an important call…” But to his surprise, he saw Taehyung in a completely shell shocked state, looking more scared and dazed than a deer in headlights.

“Taehyung?” Junhong called out and approached him swiftly to check if his nephew was alright.


“Jungkook,” Taehyung only managed to mutter out. “How… Why is Jeon Jungkook here, uncle? What…”


Junhong made Taehyung sit down and offered him a glass of water. He had never seen Taehyung so astonished before.

The orange haired boy refused the glass of water and continued to question his uncle. Meanwhile, Jungkook felt the heartbeats get louder and louder. And by then, he realized what and whom the rhythmic beatings belonged to. It was the beating of his own heart.


Junhong merely answered with the protocol of the hospital, “I’m sorry Taehyung. We can’t discourse any conversation about our patients to a stranger…”

“I’m not a stranger,” Taehyung interrupted impatiently. He stood up and paced around the room, trying not to rush out of the room like a maniac in search of room 301. “You know me very well.”

Junhong corrected his nephew warily, keeping a close observation on the tiny details of Taehyung’s every move now. “I meant with the patient.” What was it that he needed to know about Jungkook and why?

Jungkook was one his most critical patients. So why was Taehyung…?

“I’m his boyfriend,” Taehyung immediately said, shocking Junhong to the very core. “What?” the doctor asked, very very confused. “I am Jeon Jungkook’s boyfriend.”

Choosing to believe that, he still said that the information was restricted to family members. “Please uncle,” Taehyung begged literally. “I need to know.”

Junhong tried to steer the desperation away. “I can’t, Taehyung. And if you’re his boyfriend, wouldn’t you already know what happened to him?” he asked, his left arm resting on Taehyung’s shoulder. Taehyung quickly interrupted, growing very angry of the ‘guessing-game’. “Why isn’t he dead, uncle? That bus accident killed everybody, did it not?”


If Junhong were a police officer or a detective of sorts, he would have immediately suspected Taehyung to have a hand in that accident which took place only a few months back. After all, the bus did ‘mysteriously’ lose its brake powers and glided right off a cliff. But since our story is not a ‘crime and detective’ story, Junhong just replied with a straight face. “He was almost dead when he got here. Several broken ribs, a fractured leg and what could’ve killed him, a severe brain injury due to fractured skull.”


Jungkook refused to listen anymore as the rhythmic beats of the heart – his heart - resonated louder and louder, sounding more alive than before. So he slipped out of the room, hopefully without anyone’s knowledge and let that strange pull from his heart lead him to room 301. That was two floors above floor 13.


Taehyung let Jungkook go and continued to listen to his uncle spill everything about Jungkook’s case. He was worried that the ghost left him but he rationalized with himself, knowing that Jungkook needed to do this.

From what Taehyung heard and learnt, Jungkook had been almost dead when he arrived at the hospital in the ambulance. Apparently, the maroon haired student was one of the only people in the bus who was left breathing. All bloody and tattered up, he was rushed immediately into the emergency room and tended upon by all the specialists in the hospital because by then his mother reached there and begged for the doctors to do anything and everything to save her only child.

Miraculously, the doctors managed to stop the incessant bleeding and regulate the flow of blood, but the injury to the brain had become more severe than expected. Due to some terms which Taehyung found hard to pronounce and comprehend, Jungkook had been stuck in a coma ever since, not waking up from the eternal sleep that he had been stuck in every since the bus accident.


Everything made sense now. Jungkook wasn’t the ghost of a dead person. He was experiencing those ‘astral-body-leaving-from-the-physical-body’ thing which many people in the world claimed to experience.

“So he’s alive,” Taehyung asked, wanting desperately a plain and simple yes. But since doctors were complicated people (either because of their profession or because they were born that way, no one knew) Junhong took in a deep breath to give disappoint Taehyung. “He’s alive, but he’s in a coma. And I have to be truthful here, Taehyung. His condition is deteriorating.”


No. No. That can’t be! Jungkook was alive! Why couldn’t he be alive like a normal person? Why couldn’t he be progressing like any other person in a friggen coma and wake up any time soon?


“I need to see him,” Taehyung blurted out but it didn’t really surprise anyone. Junhong swallowed hard, not wanting to disappoint his nephew but he had to run over the protocols again. “Taehyung we’ve been over this. You can’t see him unless you’re a family member.” Taehyung was almost about to lose it. Couldn’t his uncle just let it slide? He needed to see Jungkook now. What was wrong with his uncle? Couldn’t he understand the gravity of the situation?

Then Taehyung remembered that he hadn’t explained the situation to anyone yet. Which was why his uncle couldn’t understand his desperation.

As soon as this thought settled, a reactionary thought flashed into his mind. Do you know how crazy you’ll sound?


Holding back a choke in defeat, Taehyung swallowed hard. He, however, refused to back down and resorted to begging by kneeling down before him. Junhong was too shocked to say anything when the door was knocked upon and a nurse with a sweet sounding voice peeped in to announce that Dr. Junhong’s 1:30 appointment was there. She chose to not question the doctor’s private affairs even though she was downright confused as to why the handsome young orange haired student was kneeling down in front of the doctor.

Junhong ushered Taehyung up with an “I’m sorry” and reached for the door to let his appointed client come in. Taehyung refused to budge from the room and remained adamant until he lifted his eyes to the waft of perfume which filled the cubicle’s air. And he saw her.

She was a beautiful woman of stern and strict aura. She had wavy curls bunched up in a bun but there were small threads of hair falling on her shoulders and to her face. Judging by the small wrinkles around her eyes, she was in her early forties. Her face was perfectly sculpted and had some sharp features, like a particular someone that Taehyung came across previously knew personally. Her almond shaped eyes were lined with kohl and liner and everything seemed perfect, from those perfect lined eyebrows to her red balmed lips.

But Taehyung noticed the lack of shine in her eyes. Those eyes were dull and weary. And it didn’t do justice to the beauty of the shape one bit.

Then Taehyung took notice of her outfit. It wasn’t flashy and outrageous but it had the whiff of sophistication written all over. From the fitting grey coat to the black pencil skirt to the ruby red stilettos to match her lipstick (and not forgetting the perfect amount of jewelry casted around her neck and hands), he knew that this was her. It was most definitely her.


“Mrs. Jeon,” Junhong said and suggested to Taehyung with his hands. “This is Kim Taehyung, my nephew.”

The lady held out her hand for a hand shake and offered the tiniest of smiles, and damn, Taehyung realized the similarity between her and her son. Taehyung immediately accepted the greeting and bowed low. “It’s really an honor to finally meet you, Ma’am,” he said.

The lady knitted her brows at the over familiarity of the sentence. “I’m sorry, Mr. Kim,” she said with a soft but disbelieving tone, “what do you mean by ‘finally’?”

Taehyung decided to grab the opportunity and formally introduce himself. “Jungkook ssi told me so much about you, Ma’am.” The woman took back her hand and grew more interested by then. “Jungkook? You knew my son?”


The orange haired student took a deep breath and looked straight into the woman’s eyes, completely ignoring his uncle. “I am his boyfriend, ma’am.”


Any person in their right mind would expect a reaction much like this:

“My son isn’t gay. Get the hell out of here!”


But that was the very opposite thing that Mrs. Jeon did. “You’re very handsome, Taehyung ssi. I wonder how my son managed to get such a nice person like you,” she complimented. She then took note of Taehyung’s uniform and made a fond smile. “You’re not in the same school?”

Taehyung shook his head. “We met at the bus stop. A few months back.” This wasn’t partially false.

Mrs. Jeon pursed her lips, whether in doubt or sudden grief, Taehyung couldn’t figure it out because the smile returned and she questioned him even further. “My son was a very busy person. Too busy for a person of his age,” she said and Taehyung didn’t fail to see the regret in her eyes. He also figured out where she was going with this sentence.

‘My son was a busy person. When did he get the time to attain a boyfriend, that too from an entirely different school?’

“I met him on the day he fell into the coma, Ma’am,” Taehyung cut in, very much expecting the surprised expressions on both her and his uncle’s face. “It’s a very messed up story,” he chuckled but it wasn’t out of amusement.



Dr. Junhong decided it best to excuse himself from the conversation but he was kind enough to lend them his room.

“This is not funny, young man,” Mrs. Jeon announced once the doctor left. Taehyung immediately sensed the threatening tone in her voice and he quickly resorted to explaining himself.

“I know it sounds screwed ma’am. But I am irrevocably in love with him. And he is with me.”

Mrs. Jeon glared daggers at him as he continued. “He told me why he was at that bus stop at that time. He told me of you. He told me that it was his last day of his stay at his dad’s place. He was excited to go back to his mom’s place so he decided to skip out on the first period of school, trying to apologize to you if he had ever mistreated you or made you feel ignored.”

Taehyung noticed the woman’s cold features melting as he continued. “I know that he’s a very smart student. And incredibly talented too. He helped you with your work, didn’t he?” He got a small nod from the converting mother. “He wants you to know that he enjoyed it. Every little moment of it. But because of the pressure asserted on him by himself, of not wanting to disappoint you with his designs, he decided to take a break and go to his dad’s place.” Taehyung explained, clearly remembering all of the explanations that Jungkook had told him.

“How do you know this?” the woman asked, her skeptical side still getting the best of her. Taehyung answered truthfully. “He told me.” The woman shook her head in disbelief and spoke in a cracked voice. “You said you met on the day the bus crashed. How could you possibly know all this?”

This was the part where everything got weird.

“I can see him,” Taehyung answered.

The woman before him coughed slightly. “What?” she asked, her mind trying to register what the boy before her just said.

“He loves reading,” Taehyung blurted out, trying his best to convince the mother before rationality (the that it was) returned to her head. “More than anything, he loves reading,” he swallowed his saliva and continued nervously, trying his best not to break down just yet. “He loves acquiring knowledge despite him being already knowledgeable beyond his years. He is a very sweet person but he loves to annoy people to get what he wants. He’s way too polite for his own good. He has a sassy mouth at times but he is apologetic for it almost immediately. He is selfless beyond compare but not very honest with himself.”

By then, Mrs. Jeon covered to muffle her sobs. The boy before him was describing his son perfectly, down to the last dot, crossing out every t’s and dotting every i’s.

“He is an amazing person. He has your eyes. And that small smile you gave me before? It’s the exact same one that your son gives when he’s slightly pleased. He’s really funny and he’s so cute without even trying.” As he said these, not once did he realize that it would be awkward talking to HIS MOTHER like this.


Listening to all these, Mrs. Jeon began to cry. This stranger really knew her son well. Initially, she was incredulous. She, like any normal person, was of the opinion that the young man in front of her was a stalker or an insane person at the least. But as Taehyung described and talked of her son till he himself became teary, she saw it in him that he wasn’t lying.


Taehyung stood there awkwardly, looking at Jungkook’s mom. She was beautiful, just like Jungkook. And even when she cried, she was beautiful. It was amazing how beautiful this woman was. And it was even more amazing that her son was more beautiful than her. Was that even possible? The crinkling wrinkles on the corners of his eyes, the bunny teeth whenever he smiles, those eternally luscious lips, that silky lock of bright maroon hair… He had no idea why but only Jungkook’s face came to his mind. Jungkook. Jungkook…

! He needed to see Jungkook!


“Mrs. Jeon,” he said, wiping his slightly wet eyes and gave a pleading look. “Would you please allow me to meet Jungkook?”




Taehyung pushed the door inside after Mrs. Jeon gave him an agreeing smile. His heart, hammering like the sound of a janggu drum during an exorcism rite, he warily walked into the neatly furnished hospital room to see Jungkook on the bed and another Jungkook standing beside the bed, looking down at his own body, only turning to see Taehyung enter the room.

The red head’s eyes widened to see a familiar woman behind him, though.



Taehyung walked up to the bed and looked down, finally happy and sad at the same time. Though it was entirely understandable, his emotions.

Jungkook looked so peaceful. He looked like a normal boy sleeping and having the most pleasant dream, daring to wake up any minute. He looked so delicate that Taehyung felt he had to whisper when he came near.

“Jungkook,” he just whispered softly and turned to the astral body beside the bed.


Mrs. Jeon’s voice sounded from the back. “Is he here?” she asked softly.

Both Jungkook and Taehyung broke from their mesmerizing soul staring competition and turned to the voice. Taehyung cleared his throat. “Yes ma’am,” he said. “He’s right here, with us.”

“Can you tell him something for me?” Mrs. Jeon stepped forward, staring at what appeared to be blank space. Jungkook floated up to his mother and stood right in front of her so that it appeared like she was looking at him.

Taehyung smiled. “He can hear you.”


“Jungkook ah,” she began, her eyes tearing up again. Jungkook wanted to say “don’t cry” but he allowed her to continue uninterrupted.

“Eomma’s sorry for everything. I’m so sorry for making you feel ignored. I should’ve known better. I’m very sorry,” she continued to speak, apologizing and blaming herself for her son’s mishap which caused him to be in this current state.

Jungkook chuckled. “Mom, I don’t blame you. I’ve never blamed you for anything and I never will. So, you should stop blaming yourself for my accident.” Taehyung relayed out Jungkook’s statement out in reported speech. Jungkook then held out his right hand and grazed his mother’s left cheek ever so slightly. And Mrs. Jeon must’ve felt it because she reacted even in the slightest with the smallest hitch in her breath and the tiny widening of the eyes.

Mrs. Jeon gave a pained grin despite her teary eyes. On seeing it, Taehyung was immediately reminded of Jungkook. That must be the family brand grin, Taehyung reasoned and smiled at the scene.


“Jungkook,” she smiled. He’s here. Right at that moment, right at that spot, he was there with them.


She then turned to Taehyung who was looking at them with a very sweet and satisfied smile. “Taehyung ssi,” she began and walked up to him. Upon reaching, Taehyung straightened his back and faced her. She still had tears in her eyes, Taehyung noticed. And there was one more thing he noticed as well. Her smile was disappearing, fading like a healing scar; only, Taehyung didn’t feel anything being healed because of that fading smile.

The lady reached right before Taehyung, she being an inch shorter than him even though she was in heels, and she held out her hand to touch his left cheek, much like what Jungkook had done to her a few seconds back. “He’s not getting any better here,” she began. Yup, that was it. The ultimate blow.


Jungkook looked at his mother in shock. He’s not getting any better? What?


The tears formed again automatically. Taehyung bit his lower lip to control his sobs but a small muffled whimper passed his lips.


“We’ve already talked about it with the doctors,” Mrs. Jeon began with a soothing voice. “We’re taking him to America for him for better medical treatment.They have better facilities there and everything is going to be taken care of.” Taehyung blinked the tears and looked deep into her eyes, listening and taking in every little thing she was saying, ignoring the shocked and disagreeing looks Jungkook was giving.


“You can’t!” Jungkook began but Taehyung zoned him out. Jungkook needs to be with his body. Who knew what would happen if he remained here with him? He would never wake up. And that was only one possible outcome.

“And I know we’ve only met but I think you’re a nice person. My son is a very lucky boy to have met you in his life, even if this state,” she said. She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath, “I know I have no say in this but I have to ask. Could you let him go until he gets better?”



“No!” Jungkook yelled. “Hyung! Say no! I’m not leaving you!”


Taehyung gave a dazzling grin even though a tear rolled down his left cheek. He didn’t trust himself to speak so he only nodded.

Mrs. Jeon gave him a re-assuring pat on his cheeks with her lingering hand before she pulled it away. Then she smiled at him adoringly, just like a mother would to her own child. She decided to leave the two boys alone so that she could confirm some papers with the doctors when Taehyung suddenly called for her. She turned right as she turned the door knob.

“When will you be leaving?” he asked, looking at the woman at the door.

“The day after tomorrow. In the morning.”


Taehyung took a shaky breath. “Until then, can I come and visit, if that’s not too much to ask?” he requested modestly. Mrs. Jeon gave a loving smile. “That would be nice,” she replied and walked out the door with Taehyung thanking her.



The orange head turned to the younger only to be greeted by a slap in the face with those cold slender fingers. “How could you?” Jungkook was crying by then. “We don’t know if I’ll ever get better. I might die when I’m in America! Have you ever considered that? I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I would’ve been happy staying with you even like this.”

Taehyung simply pulled the ghost into a bear hug and held his cold body tightly until Jungkook stopped talking. But he never stopped crying. “I’m willing to take every chance, Jungkook. And I know for a fact that you are going to get better.”

Jungkook wept bitterly. “What if I do get better? But we don’t return back here? Or worse, what if we do return but we never meet again?” Jungkook let all the fears and his experience through animes and movies rule over his emotions and came up with all the possible assumptions.

“We’ll meet. I promise you,” Taehyung assured. “You’re a genius who’s a societal celebrity. I can track you down that way. I promise, we’ll meet again.”

By then, Jungkook had calmed down by a little and a whimpering voice escaped from him that it sounded almost like a whisper. “What if I don’t remember you?”


Taehyung felt a thousand swords pierce his already crumbling heart. But being the elder, he replied with all the confidence anyone could muster up. “Well then, I guess I’ll have to jog back your memory then.”

Jungkook let out a small chuckle to hear the answer. Typical Kim Taehyung.

The elder pulled away from the hug and kissed the younger just before his ear. It was cold but that didn’t come as any surprise to him. “I promise I’ll come visit tomorrow. So stay here tonight and figure out how to reattach your spirit with your body,” he tried to joke. Jungkook rolled his eyes in spite of feeling like . “That’s not funny,” he said but the smile was revealing enough.

“It is,” the orange head replied and looked down to the sleeping boy. He didn’t have a scar on his face which made the elder wonder if he was really ill. However, the needles stuck into his body and the continuous beeping of the heart monitor did a good job reminding him exactly that.

He bent down to the unmoving body (besides the rise and fall of the chest) and planted a kiss on his forehead. It wasn’t as cold as the ghost who was looking down at him but nevertheless it was still cold.


The ghost in the room unconsciously touched his forehead to indicate that he felt the kiss. He felt that. Jungkook felt it when Taehyung touched his body. This could mean only one thing. He was still attached to his body somehow. However, despite this wonderful news, he couldn’t help but feel a slight pang of jealousy to see Taehyung kissing Jungkook instead of Jungkook, if that even made sense.




Taking note that Jungkook felt that kiss, Taehyung suddenly asked Jungkook to turn away. Confused but curious, Jungkook complied and looked away from Taehyung and his physical body.

The elder smiled and bent down to the sleeping boy’s ear. And he whispered something into it before planting another kiss. This time, it was on his lips.


Jungkook didn’t know how, but he could hear the words that Taehyung had whispered into his physical body. And his heart leaped out of happiness and ecstasy. To make it even better, he suddenly felt a warm tingling sensation on his cold lips. Of course it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that it was Taehyung who had stolen a kiss from him.

“I love you too,” Jungkook whispered back, secretly praying that he would get better soon. Needless to say, these prayers were the same as Taehyung’s. They both knew that anything could happen. He could get better and wake up, he could continue to get worse and die without even waking up… anything was possible. But they decided to take the gamble… They decided to gamble against everything else and just go forward.





Dedicated to ByunBaconEXO007 and ILoveExo_BTS_BAP... You're the best sisters in the whole world...

Here you go... Kookie is alive!!! (But you never know what could happen... Those who have read my other stories know what I'm talking about, don't you? ^_^)



It's time for me to disappear again. TT^TT This is so not fair! (Stupid government always searching for me to perform medical experiments on me for my awesome brain... XD )

I promise you better updates when I return.

Until then, please show your support by subscribing, commenting and upvoting... Love ya'll and thanks for sticking around so far <3




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oh my lo... I... wow. This got featured. And I found out only today ^_^" This is late but thank you guys so much for everything...


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Chapter 21: love how the story turned out. love how you wrote the story. love the ending, love the characters, basically LOVE EVERYTHING♡♡
thank you for writing such a nice story for us, author-nim.
♡♡ V KOOK ♡♡
Jimin_Got_No_Jams #2
Chapter 22: :,) I love this fanfic so much faaaaaaaaaaam <3
Chapter 22: I'M CRYING WATERFALLS OF TEARS. The ending broke my heart but mended it at the same time. I want to hug the day out of you for making such ending, but also punch something very hard. It's crazy!
I find this story exceptionally beautiful. Every chapter made me go insane and I enjoyed every second of it. This is seriously great story, I'm glad I was able to experience such journey with Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi, Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Sangwon. Thank you. Thank you do much TT
Chapter 21: Oh look. I'm choking on my misery. How unusual of me to get such a reaction after reading any chapter of yours mentioning taekook! How nice! Haha
I feel emotional fatigue right now. This story has such an effect on me.
And I love it so much.
Chapter 20: Aww, what a lovely chapter! It almost made me forget about taekook's tragedy ^_^ Hoseok and Yano are like two small kids haha And it's very cute! Maybe if they were to fall for each other earlier, it would save Hoseok from being heartbroken. But maybe Hoseok had to experience it? Fate planned for Hoseok such road? Who knows~
Chapter 19: And I love them! So so much *_* Yoonmin was my first ship in BTS - I'm the longest with them and so I have the biggest sentiment for them. And I want only happiness for them. So: thank you. Thank you so so much for the fluff T^T
Chapter 18: Is this the same story? Jin and Namjoon's relationship seems to be happening in a super different world. And yet, they're just next to Taehyung and Jungkook's tragedy. Woah. The realisation made me speechless...
Chapter 17: I should have prepared some tissues in advance... What this fanfiction is doing with meh ;; But now, I'm full of hope. Everything can happen now. Jungkook can either die, or get healed. I hope that everything will be alright will him in the end. I hope that since 16 chapters tho XD And I won't stop!
Chapter 16: Namjoon makes my heart melt. He's just so obliviously adorable it's amazing. But I'm glad he asked Jin out. They look like such a perfect couple, don't they? <3
Thank you. Thank you author for letting Jimin act impulsive. Thank you Jimin for admitting your feelings. Thank you Yoongi for not pushing Chimchim away. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all TT
It's so good that Hoseok is feeling much better. It's mostly Yano's work, and God bless him for being the best friend of Hobi ever!
And please forgive me skipping vkook, but they still make me want to sob. :(((
Chapter 15: The happiness wasn't enough T^T I am crying and sobbing so much right now
I'M DYINGGGG Kookie died in a bus accident? And Tae was almost a part of it? My heart broke so much when Kookie noticed Tae, and then went into the bus. And few minutes later, he died. My, my hearteu is, oh my Gosh.
Now, I'm back with being scared of reading next chapters T^T