Chapter 5: Our House

We Got Married

            They board the train that will take them back to Seoul.

            “I’m tired~” Indie sighs as she collapses on to her seat.

            Baekhyun can’t help but laugh when she sees her pull out a can of coffee from her backpack. She looks up at him and pulls out another can of coffee. “You want one? It’s café au lait.”

            He chuckles as he accepts it. “Gomayo.”

            “Baekhyun Oppa,” she rummages through her backpack. “Since we met on the 17th of February…happy late Valentine’s day! And thank you for today!” she hands him a large, clear bag filled with double chocolate chip cookies, tied closed with a red ribbon.

            “Wahhh, jincha? You made them?” He opens up the bag and takes a bite out of a cookie. “You sure you didn’t buy them? This tastes good enough to sell.”

            “Of course I made them,” she replies proudly.

            “Gomao,” he thanks her as he closes up the bag and puts it away in his backpack. “I will have to hide them so my other members don’t steal them.”

            Studio: Ohhh yeah, the other members are always a concern.

                        She made those specifically for him! Of course, he doesn’t want to share.

-The train departs and they both drift off to sleep-


-They arrive at WGM village- Time: 8:30 PM.

            “Which house is ours?” Indie asks in a sleepy voice.

            “The mission card says that our names our on the front of the house.” Baekhyun explains to her.

            “We have to look for it~?” Indie rarely whines but she was still sleepy from the train ride.

            BH sighs and adjusts his backpack to the front of his body. He gets down on one (not to propose). “Come here, I’ll carry you there.”

            “Andwea. You don’t have to~.” She keeps walking forward.

            “Come here. I’ll carry you.” He repeats but in a firmer voice.

            “Arasseo,” she gives in but before she gets on his back she warns him, “but I’m heavy.”

            “You’re one of the smallest people I’ve ever met. How could you be heavy?” He stands back up with her on his back with ease. “See? You’re light as a feather.”

They chit chat as they walk up to the houses one-by-one, looking for their names.

They approach a white house with a red roof. “House number eight~.  Is this our house~?” BH calls out.

            “Is this our house~?” Indie parrots. “I want to see our house~.”

            “Oh! Ai-chan! Ai chan! I think this is our house!”

            “Is it?”

            They walk up to the front gate of the home. “Baekhyun  Indie.” They both read out loud.

            “Waaah. Our house is really pretty!” Indie comments,

            “Let’s go inside. I bet it’s even better inside.”

            They walk up to the front door and as BH tries to open the door, Indie attempts to wiggle off his back. “Aish! Stay still! I’m going to carry you inside.”

            “You don’t have to~. Put me down~.”

            “Nonononono. Stay still!” He opens up the door and they stumble into the home a laughing mess.

            “Put me down~. We’re inside~.”

            “Okay, okay.” He finally puts her down. “Ohhh, it’s such a nice house. Let’s look around.” They both remove their shoes and BH puts his backpack back on to his back.

            The interior of the house is primarily white with pops of red and purple to give it a modern feeling. The center piece of the living room is the white sofa with red and purple pillows that has a clear, glass coffee table in front of it, and is situated across the room from the large TV that is against a wall. On the wall where the TV is, there are two photo frames, one to the right of the television and the other to the left. The right frame contains a picture of Baekhyun that is tinted red, while the frame on the left holds a picture of Indie that is tinted purple. Connected to the living room are the dining room and the kitchen. Just as Indie had desired, the kitchen is relatively large with a large refrigerator and an American style oven. Again, most of the kitchen is white but on the fridge red and purple magnets are placed as decoration. The dining room has a white, square table that is the perfect size for just the two of them. The two chairs beside the table are also simple, and white.

            “Wow!” Indie exclaims as they walk into the living room area.

            “Look!” BH points out. “The kitchen.”

            She gasps when she sees where he is pointing at. Without a word she quickly waddles her way over to the kitchen area. She moves around and meticulously examines all the appliances. BH just sits down at the dining table and watches her and all of her excitement and listens to her mutter to herself in English.

            When she is all done, she shuffles her way to her “husband.”

            “Joah?” he asks despite knowing perfectly well that she likes it.

            She nods in response with a big smile on her face. “But the refrigerator is empty so let’s go grocery shopping next time.”

            “Yeah, I would say let’s go now, but it’s a bit late…” Time: 8:45 PM. “Let’s go upstairs, since this is all that there is on this floor.” He gets up from his seat and leads the way upstairs, with Indie closely behind.

            Once upstairs they are greeted by two red doors, one to the right and one to the left. In front of them is a wall with a square window that looks out onto the streets of WGM village.

            BH peeks into the room to the right first. He then closes the door and turns to Indie with a smirk. She only tilts her head to the side in question. “I think we got what I wanted,” he whispers to her in excitement.

            “Music room!?” Indie straightens up in excitement. “We really got a music room!?”

            He opens up the door. “Jjan~!”

            The room is completely black and white. The wall are painted artfully like a musical staff with the musical notes painted in silver. There is an electric keyboard at one end of room and at the other there is a glass case holding an alto flute, a standard flute, and a piccolo. There are also two guitars and a microphone at the center of the room.

            “Wow!” Indie gasps as the two of them enter. “This is amazing!” She runs over to the glass case to look at the flutes while BH looks around at the wall.

            “Oh, it’s our song.” He notices. Indie looks over to where he is looking. “It’s the beginning piano sequence of ‘Baby Don’t Cry.’”

            “Then is my song here too?” She looks around at the walls and sure enough one of the piano heavy songs from their album is on the wall. “Found it. It’s ‘Love Me.’”

            The two spend the next few minutes looking around at the walls, trying to identify all the different songs that are painted on them.



            Indie is still playing around on some of the instruments that were in the music room when BH decides to move across the hall and peek into the other room. He quickly closes the door and makes his way back to Indie, then without warning picks her up bridal style.

            She screams in response. “What are you doing!?” but puts her arms around his neck instinctively.

            Studio: Omo! How romantic!

                        I don’t think she thinks so, judging from her reaction. Hahaha.

            He doesn’t answer her question but hurriedly makes his way across the hall and opens up the door. “Jjan~! Welcome! To our bedroom~.”

            At the center of the bedroom is the queen-size bed. The comforter is white with irregular stripes of black going across it. The pillows are also white but there are a few that have bright colors for decorative purposes. On both sides of the bed, there is a bedside table with a simple lamp on them. The walls are white except for the big flower that is painted onto the wall. Overall, the room is simple with a modern feeling, like the rest of the house.

            He carefully puts her down onto the bed. “Sorry, I had to do that as a man.” He sits down next to her on the bed.

            Suddenly the two become quite, both shy at the notion of a bedroom.

            Studio: Despite all the skinship they had on the date, they’re still awkward when it comes to the bedroom.

            Who wouldn’t?

            “Let’s go back downstairs.” Indie suggests after a minute of awkward silence.   

            “Yeah. Let’s.” BH quickly agrees and they both make their way back down stairs.


PD: How do you like the house?

Ind: I like it a lot! It has a nice kitchen, a music room, and a nice living area. I really like the color scheme: white with pops of red and purple. It really is nice and it really makes me want to make many, many memories in our home together.


PD: How do you like the house?

BH: Oh I like it a lot. Especially the music room. It has a piano and all sorts of  other instruments. Because we are not super close yet, there are still a lot of things that we don’t know about each other, but music will always be a stable common interest. So the music room will really help us, and enable us to make many happy memories together in.


            As they make their way down the stair, BH notices something. “What are these?” he asks as he walks up to two chalkboard easels. “Ahhh. Chalkboards.” He answers his own question.

            “Oh! Oppa! I have an idea.” Indie quickly grabs hold on one and brings it over to the sofa. BH follows suit and takes the other one over as well. They sit down next to each other on the sofa with the easels in front of them. “Let’s write down three wishes that we have for each other. As in something you want the other to do for you. And three wishes for something that you want to do together as a couple.” She carefully explains while holding up a piece of chalk.

            “So six wishes in total?”

            “Yes. Six wishes in total.”

            “Ohhh. And we have to grant each other’s wishes?”


            “No matter what?”

            “I would assume so.”

            “Okay. Six wishes.” BH takes a piece of chalk into his hand and begins to write. Indie follows suit and also begins to write.

            After about ten minutes of thinking and writing, both seem to be done with their wishes.

            “Ladies first.” BH gestures for her to share first.

            “Okay,” she turns her easel so he could see as well.



1.Sing me a song in Japanese ♪ ♪

2.Hug and comfort me when I am sad or tired

3.Don’t you dare flirt with other girls! (I know you’re popular but I’m your one and only right?)


             BH can’t help but laugh when Indie reads her last wish for him out loud. “I won’t do that! I swear that I won’t!”

             “You never know, my oppa is just SO popular.” 

            He hits her arm playfully, “I won’t, I won’t, I’m not that kind of man so keep going.”

            “Okay, okay.”          



1.To hold hands whenever we can.

2.To go on a trip with just the two of us.

3.To be close, even outside of filming.


           “These are doable.” BH comments. “Since we have each other’s numbers now, we can contact each other outside of filming. We also have our exchange diaries.”

           Indie nods in agreement, “We also see each other in the office often times.

           “We do, we do. Okay my turn.” He turns over his easel to share his wishes.


            WISHES FOR INDIE:

1.To make me something delicious in our kitchen.

2.Do not flaunt over other guys.

3.Send me at least one selca every day.


          “Hey, you said that you wouldn’t dare flirt with other girls but you don’t trust me to not flaunt over other guys!?”

          “Aish. Just like you, I put that there just in case.”

          “Arasseo, arasseo.” Indie mutters. “But every day?” she points at the third wish. “Why? I don’t even take pictures every day, let alone ones of myself.”

          “Every day.” BH answers. “I want to see you every day, and this way you’ll think of me every day.”

          She lets out a sigh. “Okay, every day.”



2.Fall asleep in each other’s arms

3.Hold hands whenever we are in front of people.


PD: What did you think of the six wishes for each other?

BH: I thought that it was a really good idea. This way we were both able to be a bit selfish and express our desires for each other. After sharing with each other it became obvious that we both want to be closer. We both wrote the wish of holding hands, which is good because it would have been a bit awkward for me if I was the only one who felt that way. Hahaha.


          “Do you want a couple name that badly? We’ll eventually be named something, you know.”

         “I know, I know. But it’s not fair that you have pairing names with other guys but not with me,” BH explains. “Like ‘Galaxy siblings’ with Kris hyung, ‘Tapioca bubbles’ with Sehun, ‘Charisma line’ with Amber sunbaenim, even though she’s a girl…see! You get paired together with many people, but not with me…”

         “Arasseo, arasseo. Let’s ask our fans.” Indie says as she pulls out her cell phone. She turns on the camera function and stretches out her arm to take a selc a with BH. “One, two, three.” *click* “Ohhh, that’s cute.” She comments as she looks at the picture. She begins to type out loud, “’We need a couple name… What should it be?’”

        “Where are you posting it?” BH asks.

        “Insta? And twitter? Ohhh and weibo. I’ll just write it all in English since it’s simple. Posted~.” 

        “How soon do you think we’ll get a response?” BH asks curiously.

        “Five minutes, not even.”


         “Oh!” Indie checks her phone after five minutes, and sure enough there are plenty of responses. “Our fans work fast haha.” She chuckles. BH looks over her shoulder as she scrolls around down her phone. “’Awww, you guys are so cute!’” she reads out loud. “Kansamhapnida… ‘BaekYeol.’ Ya! That’s not even me!” BH can’t help but laugh at her reaction. “’Adam couple version two.’”

          “Ya! Ya! Ya! I’m not that short!”

          “Are you sure? How tall is Jo Kwon sunbaenim?” She quickly searches it on the internet. “173 cm. How tall is Baekhyun?” She hurriedly searches again before he can stop her. “Ahhh. 174 cm. You’re an entire centimeter taller than Jo Kwon sunbaenim, chukaheyo~.” She teases.

          “I don’t want to hear it from the girl whose 154 cm.” He pouts.

          “Well since I’m about the same height as Gain sunbaenim and you’re about the same as Jo Kwon sunbaenim we really are like the second Adam couple. Hahaha.”

           “What other ones have they come up with?”

           “Hmmmm. Let’s check Insta…” After a few moments of tapping around on her phone she starts to snicker, much to BH’s confusion. “’Eyeline couple!’ Ohhhh daebak. Even though I wear the most eyeliner in my group it still doesn’t compare to you Oppa.”

           He can’t do anything but hit her arm lightly. “Maybe you should start wearing more so we match,” he says sarcastically.

           “Oh that’s not a bad idea! I’ll tell the make-up unnie to do that next time. Kkkk.” She goes back to her phone. “’Star couple.’ That one isn’t bad.”

           “Because of our rings?”

           “Ne, I think so… Cat-dog couple?”

           “Ohhhh it’s because I’m a part of the Beagle-line.”

           “And I’m a part of the kitten-line. That’s kind of cute. ‘Baekdie,’ ‘InHyun,’ ‘BaekIn,’ our names don’t really flow well together.”

           “That’s because they’re using ‘Indie’ instead of your real name. You can make something like ‘BaekAi.’”

           “Wow! I actually like that. BaekAi, it’s cute.”

           “You think so?” BH raises his eyebrow. “Then it’s decided, we’re BaekAi from now on.”


PD: You already accomplished one of his wishes.

Ind: Ne, it seems that he wanted for us to have a couple name pretty badly. From what he told me, he was jealous of close relationships with the other members of EXO, and wanted to flaunt to the world that we’re even closer, I think. Hahaha. I posted a picture of us on my SNS asking for fans to name us and they really came up cute ones like “Star couple,” and “Cat-Dog couple” but in the end we came up with “BaekAi” ourselves and liked that one best.


            “Are you going to be busy again?” Indie asks.

            “Hmmm. Probably.” Baekhyun responds.

            “It must be hard being a part of EXO.”

            “It’s hard, but it’s fun. It must be hard being a part of CK-JAm.”

            “Mmmm. It is sometimes, but I make the most of it.”

            “When do you think is the next time we’ll film [WGM]?”

            “I’m actually pretty lenient this month schedule wise. But I’m going to America at the end of May, so I’ll probably be busy April and May. I want to say sometime this month again. Maybe next week?”

            “Oh but EXO’s comeback is next week. I’ll be busy these next couple weeks.”

            “Ohhhh yeah. I almost forgot about all the posters around the office… Oh wait… hold on…” Indie takes her cell phone out again. “Mcountdown?”

            “Yeah, that’s our comeback stage.”

            “I think we’re doing a program in the same building that day.”


            “We are!” she puts her phone down and looks up at him. “I’ll come visit you.”

            “Really?” he smile brightly.

            “Mhmm.” She nods. “I can properly say hello to my brother-in-laws.”

            “With your other members?”

            After a moment of thought Indie responds, “I’ll ask manager Oppa to distract them.”

            “Good call.” BH agrees. “We don’t want all the natural disasters to occur at the Mnet building.” After a moment’s pause, he remembers something. “Oh yeah, Ai-chan, EXO has a showcase at Japan in April.”

            “Ohhh, jincha?”

            “Yeah, we do. So you need to teach me Japanese as repayment for the beanie I bought for you today.”

            “Okay~.” Indie sits up straight. She takes one of the chalkboard easels that they had put to the side and turns it to the other side that hasn’t been written on yet. “What should I teach you?”

            “Phrases that I can use on the fans at the showcase, teach me those.”

            “Like what? ‘Are you having fun?’”

            “Yeah! And maybe how to do my introduction in Japanese.”

            “Okay, ‘Are you having fun?’” she carefully writes in Korean on the board. “Would be something like ‘Tanoshinn deru kai?’” She carefully writes in Japanese. “Oh yeah you can’t read Japanese…” she sounds it out and writes down the pronunciation in Korean. “Oppa, try it.”

            “Tanoshinn deru kai?” BH slowly reads it. “How’s my pronunciation?”

            “Honestly, it’s awful,” Indie says with brutal honesty. “You sound like your saying nonsense in Korean. Hahaha.” He looks down at the ground and puts his head in his hands. “It’s okay, it’s okay. Let’s sound it out together.” They slowly sound it out syllable by syllable. “Now all together~!”

            “Tanoshinn deru kai~!?”

            “Ohhh! That’s a lot better!”

            “Okay. Just have to remember the feeling. Tanoshinn deru kai~? Tanoshinn deru kai~?”

            She laughs at the ridiculous faces he makes as he practices the one phrase. “Now for your introduction. How do you introduce yourself in Korean?”

            “Just the typical, ‘Anyonghaseyo, I am the main vocal of EXO, Baekhyun.’”

            “Okay, okay.” Indie writes this down on the board as well. “Let’s take it one word at a time. Thank goodness sentence structure is nearly identical in Japanese and Korean.”

            They slowly take the introduction word-by-word, syllable-by-syllable.

            “All together now!”

            “Konnichiwa, EXO no meinn bo-kalu, Baekhyun desu.”

            "Ohhh. Applause, applause, applause,” Indie claps happily for him. “Kya~! Oppa~! Kkakoii~!”

            He collapses on the sofa. “Japanese is hard,” he groans.

            “Hmmm. I guess so, but it’s similar to Korean.” She leans forward, propping herself up with a elbow against her knee.

            “Not similar enough…” BH mutters. Indie can’t help but laugh at his frustration. “I don’t understand how you have so many languages in your head. Ya!” he grabs her head playfully. “Is there a computer in there? Hm?” he knocks soon her head lightly as she tries to swat his hands away. “Is this really just a human brain?”

            “Oppa, stop it~. I’m a person.”

            BH pets her head. “I know. You’re just really smart. Miyane.”

            After some silence, the two decide that they want to see a movie.

            “What kind of movie?” BH asks as he tries to navigate his way around the selection screen on the television.

            “Something easy to follow.”

            “What do you mean?”

            “It moves slowly~ so even a foreigner like me can understand~.”

            “Like a romantic comedy? Let’s just watch one that you’ve seen before. It’ll be easy to follow then.”

            “That’s a good idea.” She agrees, her exhaustion becomes more and more apparent with every word she says. “Then let’s watch…hold on… have I seen a Korean film before?” she realizes. “I‘ve gone to the cinema many times but that was to watch an English or Japanese film that had Korean subtitles…miyane…”

          He can’t help but chuckle at her airheadedness that rarely appears. “It’s okay. I’ll just pick one that I like then.”


            He’s browsing through the films that are available when he comes across one and smiles.

            “’Attack on the Pin-Up Boys’? Does that even count as a film?” Indie questions as it begins to play.

            “Of course it does!” he sneakily puts his arm around her shoulders at this moment. “It’s our Super Junior sunbaenim, we must admire them and appreciate them. Plus, this is Kibum sunbaenim’s first film, it is a proud moment in our company.”

            “Arasseo.” Indie is too tired to argue at that point and leans into BH’s shoulder.

            As the movie plays on, the two are obviously tired from the day full of activity. Slowly but surely they both drift off into dreamland, leaning against each other.


So how was it? 

I'm officially out of school so hopefully, I will be able to update often.

And this ended up longer than I had anticipated, oh well.

Is there anything that you want to see from the BaekAi couple? If so, tell me~!

Hope you enjoyed~!

Much love to you! >w<

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Chapter 7 is UP! Enjoy kiddies~


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Chapter 12: I like your story, please update soon
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