Chapter 4: Hometown Field Trip, Tour Time

We Got Married

            Baekhyun leads the way around town and as they are about to enter the downtown area, he stops abruptly. “Indie-chaaan,” he experiments calling her cutely, as he grabs her wrist making her stop as well.

            “Ne?” she tilts her head to the side.

            “Since oppa is so popular—“

            “Pfft. Oppa? Are you complimenting yourself by calling yourself popular?”

            “Aish, just listen to what I have to say. Since oppa is so popular, I might be swept away by a swarm of fangirls and we get separated if that were to happen.”

            Indie scoffs at this. “Ne,” she replies sarcastically. “My oppa is just so popular that that may happen.”

            “Yeah!” BH smiles. “So I need your cell phone number in case that happens, and we need to find each other, especially since this town is unfamiliar to you.”

            Studio: Ohhhh how sly of him!

            Indie simply rolls her eyes as she pulls her cell phone out of her backpack. “Arasseo, arasseo.”

            BH smiles proudly as he imputs her number into his phone, silently patting himself on the back for finally getting it. he then heard her snicker as she inputted his number. “Mwou?” he demands trying to grab her phone from her.

            “Nothing, nothing, nothing,” she giggles as she runs out of his grasp.

            “Oh no you don’t! Come here! What’s so funny!?” he manages to wrap his arms around her waist. “Give me it!”

            Studio: Omo! So much skinship today!

            “No!” she screams as she stretches her arms out as far as possible. “It’s nothing! I swear! Jebal!”

            “You liar! I don’t believe you!” Keeping one arm around her waist he reaches out his other arm that is longer than hers. “Got it!” he snatches the phone from her hands and held it up about his head so she can’t get it back.

            “Kya!” she screams. “Give it back!”

            “Ya!” he says when he finally sees what she was snickering about. “Just because my last name is Byun doesn’t mean you can put me under as ‘Byuntae Baekhyun’ under your contacts!”

            “It’s a joke! It’s a joke! I’ll change it! Give me my phone back!” she flails her arms around as she jumps to try to get her phone.

            He stares at her with an exaggerated look of disbelief. “No! Because you did this, I get to decide what I get put under in your contacts.”

            “Hajima~” Indie whines. “I’ll take out the ‘tae’ so please~. Give me my cell phone~.”

            “No. I shall be known as… Handsome Husband… Ani… Daebak Baekhyun.” He nods in satisfaction as he saves it and returns her phone back to her. “You better not change it!”

            “Arasseo, arasseo,” she pouts as she puts her phone back in her backpack. “So where are we going?”

            BH puts his own phone away in his pocket as he says “I thought that we would walk around first and eventually make our way back toward the train station since there’s a traditional market there and then have dinner somewhere at the underground shopping center under the station.”

            “Ohh! Joah!”


PD: You showed her around your hometown.

BH: Ne. I wanted to show her and teach her about me. Where I learned Hapkido, where I went to school, where I first started music, where I spent my time before I joined the company. I wanted to show her all of it and then end the day with shopping at a traditional Korean market since I rememberd that she once said in an interview that she had never been to one. I thought it through rather thoroughly. *chuckles*


            As they are walking along Indie’s eyes catch sight of a building. “O! Baekhyun-sshi!” she calls to him. “Is that your high school?” She points excitedly at the upcoming structure.

            He chuckles at her excitement. “Ne, that is Jungwon High School.”

            “Wow!” she exclaims as they get closer to it. “It’s a pretty big school. I thought my high school was big, but yours has about two more stories than mine did. Woah~.”

            As he’s chuckling he stops in his tracks as he notices something.

            “Hm? Baekhyun-sshi?

            “Ah. Indie-sshi. We’ve been spotted.”

            Indie looked to where he was and sure enough near the school gates there was a small but growing group of high school girls squirming, pulling out their phones and calling over their friends. Some of them were already squealing at the site of the two celebrities.

            While they keep walking towards them BH calmly smiles and waves at them. Indie on the other hand seems to be having the time of her life as she is clutching her stomach and covering to stifle her giggles.

            “Ya! What are you laughing at?” BH hits her lightly on the arm.

            “Should I go join them?” she prompts eagerly. “Should I be over there screaming, ‘Kya~! Oppa~!’ with them?” She just chuckles as he lightly taps her head this time.

            As they are about to pass in front of the now massive collectivization of girls, Indie swiftly puts her hand in Baekhyun’s. “Sorry ladies,” she calls out, “Oppa is mine now.” Most of the girls screamed when they saw their connected hands.

            “Indie unnie! You’re so cute!” One of the girls calls out.

            “O! Gomayo!” Indie calls back to her and winks, causing many of them to squeal and scream. “But I’m nothing compared to you girls. You’re all beautiful so stay that way! Okay?”

            “Ne!” many of them nod all too eagerly.

            “Well unnie and oppa have to get going! Anyong~!” Indie waves at them as they walk away from the school.

            Studio: I’m starting to wonder who the man is in this relationship…

                        *Laughter* Omo! Indie is just too charismatic.

           “Honestly,” BH starts, noticeably still holding onto Indie’s hand, “I thought they would be my fans since it’s my school and hometown, but they seemed more interested in you. Kkaebsong.”

           “I am the ‘noona killer’ after all,” she chuckles. “My charisma tends to ooze out of me when I see a group of females like that. The company has trained me well.”

             “Hahahaha. How long was your training period again?”

             “Pretty short, since I wasn’t supposed to be an idol in the first place. Lee Soo Mun sansennim ended up tricking me into training because he ‘saw me in a vision’ of his. Kkk.”

             “Hahahaha. Lee Soo Mun sansennim, daebak.”


PD: What was it like seeing his hometown?

Ind: It was really nice. I met his family, and I got to cook with his mother. He showed me around, I got to see where he grew up, where he started music, where he learned hapkido, and where he studied. I feel like we got really close during the trip, especially since he wouldn’t let go of my hand towards the end. Kkk. But I really appreciated that he showed me around and that he allowed for me to learn so much about him in one day. I would really like to show him my hometown if we could.


            “Oh! We’re here!” BH points out.

            “Ohhhhhh! Traditional market! Traditional market!” Indie jumps around excitedly.

            “You’ve really never been to one?” BH says while smiling at her excitement.

            “I don’t even know Korean curse words yet. I haven’t had the opportunity to go to a traditional market before.”

            BH can’t help but laugh at her out-of-the-box explanation. “Okay, okay. Let’s go around and look. If there’s anything you really like, I’ll think about getting it for you.”

            “Jincha?” She smiles brightly at him. “Jincha? Jincha? You don’t have to.”

            “I’ll think about it,” he calmly replies. “It doesn’t mean that I will, but I’ll think about it.”


            They keep walking around the market, still hand in hand, until something catches Indie’s eyes that makes her let go of BH’s hand and shuffle over to it quickly. He looks at his empty hand and her waddling figure in shock.

            “Imo~” she calls to the old lady at the stand. “Do you have any Chinese style ones?”

            “We do, we do,” replies the lady joyfully. “How many do you want honey?”

            “Uhmmm. Five. I’ll take five please.” She says as she takes her wallet out of her backpack, having one strap still over her shoulder.

            “Okay, five Chinese style steam buns. Here you go.” The imo hands her the buns as she gives her the money. “I hope you like them~.”

            “Ne~!” Indie takes one bun out and puts the rest into her backpack. She shuffles her way back to BH since he was stopped in his tracks by her sudden actions. “Miyaneyo,” she says as she approaches him. “Melody and Harmony were feeling homesick so I bought some Chinese style steam buns for them.” He nods in understanding since he was also familiar with Chinese members feeling homesick.

            She splits the bun in her hands in half and hands one half to him as she takes a bite out of hers. “Ohh! Masshisoyo!”

            BH also takes a bite and hums in agreement. “Masshiso, masshiso.” He intentionally places the bun in his left hand since she was now standing the his right side. He glances over at her hands, which were both holding her half of the bun.

            Studio: Aww! He just wants to hold her hand again!

                        Just grab it! Just grab her hand! Be a man!

            Just then something catches Indie’s eyes once again. “Oppa!” she calls him naturally and grabs hold on his hand in the process. “Hat shop!” she nearly yells in excitement with full of dough and meat as she attempts to point with her other hand.

            Studio: Omo! Did she know that he wanted to?

                        If she did, she’s very attentive.

            “Can we go in?” She seems to be pleading with her eyes as they look up at him.

            “Of course, of course,” he nods; his happiness from getting his hand held again is oozing out of his body.

            She starts to jump around excitedly when they walk in. He laughs at this. “You really like hats that much?”

            She nods vigorously in response. “Nomu joahyo. Nomu nomu joahyo.”

            “What kind of hat do you like?”

            “Beanies and snapbacks.”

            “Snapback…not regular caps though?”

            “Not regular caps. I only like snapbacks.”

            “Okay got it. Beanies and snapbacks. Those are usually the kind that I wear too.”

            “Really?” She turns away from her browsing to him. “Wah. I’m starting to realize that we’re really alike.” He smiles brightly at her comment. “Oppa, help me pick something out.” She says cutely as she swings around her arm that’s connected to him.

            “Arasseo, but Oppa may not buy it for you even if you like it.”

            “Kure, then I’ll buy it for myself if I like it that much.”

            “As long as you know.”


PD: You kept saying that you may not buy the hat for her.

BH: I was just saying that to play around. Of course I was going to buy something for her, whether she asked or not. I’m a man and that’s only appropriate. Whether it was food, a hat, or something, I was going to get it for her.

PD: She also started to call you “Oppa.”

BH: It was the nicest sounding thing in the world, having her call me “Oppa.” When she first called me it, it was in a sarcastic connotation so it didn’t sound as good. But later on, when she called me “Oppa” very naturally, it felt really good. Really. I hope that she continues to call me that.


            They run around the little shop, trying different hats on. Indie looks around for snapbacks but doesn’t seem 100% satisfied with any of the designs, so she decides to move on to the beanies. BH still lingers around though and a design catches his eye.

            “Ai-chan,” he calls to her.

            “Ne?” he sighs in relief that she responded.

            “What does this say?” he holds up the hat that caught his eye that has English lettering embroidery on it. “I think it looks cool.”

            She turns to him. “PPPFFFFTTTT.” Her eyes go wide when she sees the hat. “ANDWE. Oppa! You can’t wear that!”

            “Wae??!! I think it looks cool. ‘I’M A PIMP,’” he carefully reads the English out loud. (A/N: Since Indie is American she will frequent English pharses so English will be put in CALIBRI FONT from this point forward.)

            “That doesn’t mean what you think it means… common mistake in any country…” Indie mumbles to herself. She lets out a deep sigh. “That says ‘I’m a pimp.’ And Oppa, I sure do hope that you aren’t one.”

            After hearing that, BH slowly puts the hat back to its place. “Minane…kkaebsong… Now I need to go back and check all my stuff with English on it and make sure it doesn’t say anything ridiculous like that…” he ponders as Indie returns to her browsing.

            “I remember when Jongdae—I mean Chen-sshi had a phone case with ridiculous English lettering on it.”

            “What did it say?”

            “If I told you now it would turn WGM into a +19 rating.” She says with a dead-pan face.

            Studio: …it was that bad?

                        I’m never buying anything with English on it again.

            “Plus,” Indie continues, “I don’t know how to say it in Korean.”

           Hearing this BH takes his cell phone out of his pocket and taps on a translator app. “Here,” he hands it to her. “Type in the English, but don’t press ‘enter.’ If it’s that bad I don’t want you to see it since I don’t want you to learn foul language in Korean.”

            She quickly inputs the words and hands it back to him. “Don’t be like Chen-sshi. Look up what English lettering means first.” She walks a couple feet away to go try on a stripped beanie that he found to her liking.

            BH presses “enter” as soon as she turns around. When he sees the translation, he almost falls over onto the floor laughing. “Jincha!? I know which phone case you’re talking about! Omo! We filmed something for TV with that one! What did our international fans think of that!?” He managed to say in between laughs.

            “Oppa, jebal. Calm down. The auntie is going to kick us out if you don’t.”

            He manages to calm down quickly. “Wahhh,” he gasps for air. “I can’t believe Kris hyung didn’t tell us anything about it.”

            “He was probably laughing at your guys inwardly, like ‘hehehe’” she makes a malicious face while doing her evil laugh. “That's what I do.” After a pause she adds quickly, “Not with my members though! What kind of leader would I be if I did that?”

            “Kris-style leader.” He chuckles at his own witty response. “Oh. That’s really cute on you.” He points at the beanie that she was trying on at the moment.

            “You think so?” she looks at him through the mirror. “It matches me right now.” Indeed, the hat is white with a line of black stars on the crown and it matches perfectly with her star print hoodie. She hums in approval as she looks at herself from several different angles. “I like this one best so far.” She takes the knit hat off and examines it. She flips it inside out, checks the tag, looks at the material, etc. After meticulously examining it she nods, completely satisfied. “I think I want to buy it.”

            “Okay~,” BH exclaims in English. He puts his hand out in front of her. “Oppa will buy it for you.”

            “Jincha?” Her smile beams happiness. “Jincha? Jincha?”

            “Of course.” He takes the hat from her. “But you have to teach me English and Japanese in return.”

            “Ha~i,” she replies cutely in Japanese.


PD: He bought you the hat.

Ind: *big smile* I was so happy when he did. He kept saying “I’ll think about it. I’ll think about it. I might not buy it for you.” So I was a bit disappointed, but I understood being an idol is hard and it requires a lot of money just to take care of yourself and your members. For example, I spend about 10% of my income on different kinds of vitamins, medicine, skincare products, and make-up. Take care of other people is really difficult so I understood. But when he told me that he would buy the hat, it felt like Christmas morning when you open up a present and inside is the gift that your parents told you that they wouldn’t buy. It was that kind of happy feeling. It’s my favorite hat right now and I wear it quite often.


            As they walk out of the little shop Indie puts on her new hat. She looks at Baekhyun, grinning from ear to ear.

            “What?” BH asks noticing her smile. He smiles as well, happy that he had brought that smile on her face.

            She happily hooks her arm around his. “Oppa, you’re the best.


            They arrive at the underground shopping center under the train station. “We have a little over an hour and a half until our train leaves,” Baekhyun explains to Indie. Time: 5:05 PM. “We should be on the train by 6:30 okay?” She nods in response. “Okay. You can’t eat spicy things so…what should we eat? Korean food? Pork? Chinese food? Beef? Chicken? Western food? Japanese food?”

            “Is there a place to eat Samgyeopsam here?” (A/N: Samgyeopsam is pork belly meat. It's soooooo good.)

            He claps his hands together loudly as he is suddenly reminded of something. “Only the best place to eat Samgyeopsam. Ai-chan, good choice!” he gives her a firm thumbs-up which she returns just as firmly.

            As they are grilling the pork belly slices, the two of them grow quite. It appears that they are both tired from all of the activity of the day.

            “How was today?” BH starts the conversation as he flips over the meat on the grill.

            She nods smiling brightly. “I had a lot of fun today. Gomaoyo~.”

            “You’re welcome. I wish that we could visit your hometown too. It would be very nice to meet your family too.”

            “Mmm.” She hums in agreement. “America is just a little too far though. And it’s too big, I wouldn’t be able to show you everything that I want to.”

            He takes the meat that is ready and puts it onto her plate. “Is there any other way that I could meet your parents?” he asks while putting more meat on the grill.

          “Video call?” Indie suggests. “We would have to schedule it carefully though because of the time difference.” She takes a piece of meat, and puts sauce on it before wrapping it up in lettuce. She holds it up to BH who gladly accepts it from her in one bite.

            “Masshiso, masshiso,” he says with his mouth full. “A video call would be nice. Maybe next time?”

            “Ne,” she agrees. “If not, you’ll meet my other family soon enough.”

            “Ohhh. Maybe we can bring EXO too, to get all the ‘family greetings done at once.” They look at each other after a moment’s thought. “Nevermind. That’s probably a bad idea.”

          “If you put EXO and CK-JAm in one room, the building might experience all of the natural disasters at once.” She emphasizes.

            “The scary part is that that’s not 100% a joke. Ne. Let’s avoid it at all costs.” He almost mutters, his voice dark from just the thought of both groups being together.

            Indie nods in response as she eats another piece of pork belly.


            They finsh eating and just as they were thinking about leaving the imo comes and brings a big bowl of ice cream.

            “Ohh! Ice cream!” Indie claps her hands in excitement.

            The imo puts down the bowl and two spoons in front of them. But just before she leaves to go back to the kitchen he hands Baekhyun a red envelope.

            “Oh…kamsanhamida…” He says a little surprised at her sudden gesture. “Mission card.” He opens it up and then holds it up for both of them to see. Indie happily eats the vanilla ice cream as she follows along. “To BAEKHYUN AND INDIE: Your newlywed house is now read for you. Please go and move in together!”

            “Wooooo,” Indie says as she claps her hands. “Our house. It really feels like we’re a married couple now.”

            “It really does, doesn’t it?” BH chuckles nervously. “What kind of house do you think it is?” He takes his own spoon and joins in on the ice cream feast.

            “Hmmm. I want a house with a big kitchen. The house itself doesn’t have to be big, but I want a big kitchen. I also want it to be a house that has a warm atmosphere that we can create many memories in,” she answers earnestly. “What kind of house do you want, Oppa?”

            “I want a music space in our house. Since you play the flute, and I play piano, it would be nice to have a room just for instruments and music.”

            She nods in agreement. “Ohhh, joah.”

            BH scoops some ice cream into his spoon and lifts it up to Indie. “Ahhhh.” He feeds her and she happily opens .

            “Mmmm~. Ice cream, masshiso~!”

            Studio: Once it starts it doesn’t stop!

                        No hands couple! No hands couple!

            “We need to get going,” BH gets up from his seat when he checks the time, 6:23 PM. “If we miss our train, we won’t be able to see our house until 3 AM.”

            “Kure~. Kaja.” Indie gets up as well.

            The two of them get on their train to see their newlywed house. What kind of home awaits them?!



Sorry this chapter took longer than I anticipated >n<

But how was it? I yet again apoligize for my writing style being so dialogue heavy... blegh.

And please comment! (I need suggestions for their "couple name." Sad that the author can't even come up with a good one lol) 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter~!

And much love to you~~~ <3


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