Chapter 1: The First Meeting

We Got Married

PD: Please introduce yourself.

Indie: Hello, I am CK-JAm’s leader, Indie! Please take care of me.

PD: what are you here for today?

Indie: *grin* I’m getting married today~

PD: What are you feeling right now?

Indie: Haha. Really nervous. A lot of things are running through my head right now. Korean isn’t my first language so will we be able to communicate well? Also! Not to be selfish but I’m really worried about my image. I realize that I’m a tomboy and that really shows on stage and on other variety programs but the public really hasn’t seen the feminine side of me, so I’m worried that people won’t like that side of me, especially my husband.


PD: Please introduce yourself.

Baekhyun: Yes, hello. I am Baekhyun from EXO.

PD: How are you feeling?

BH: Really nervous. Really. Haha.

PD: Who do you think your wife is going to be?

BH: I really have no idea. I’ve heard several rumors, but I really don’t know if I should believe them or not.

PD: What do you want your wife to be like?

BH: Physical things don’t matter, but it would be nice if she was on the short side. Hahaha. Since I’m so short. But as long as she is understanding of me and can support me with a bright smile, I’m sure I’ll be happy.


            Baekhyun arrives first to a classy little restaurant and lets out a breath as he opens the door. Time: 10:38 PM.

            “Nervous, nervous,” he mutters to himself.

            He is dressed semi-formally with some black slacks, a blazer, and a white button down shirt not tucked in.

            He sees the circular table at the center and sits down in one of the seats as he nervously looks around.

            “What to do…” he sighs. Time: 10:40 PM.


PD: What were you feeling? What was going through your head?

BH: When is she going to get here? I hope she does quickly. I want to meet her soon. *grin*


-Meanwhile- in the back room of the restaurant.

            “Ya, who do you think it is?” Chen asks the three other members with him.

            “Obviously someone pretty, it has to be,” Chanyeol responds. “Oh! And she has to be super tiny! Or else it will be awkward for our Baekhyunnie~.” The others chuckle and Chen bends over and let out a “HA!”

            “I heard a rumor that it was a junior from our company,” Suho interjects.

            “A junior from our company!?” Chanyeol nearly yells. “That’s almost nobody though! CK-JAm? That’s it!”

            “Hmmm… and all of them our pretty young,” Suho ponders. The only one really old enough for Baekhyun is…”

            “INDIE!” Chen and Chanyeol exclaim together.

            “No,” immediately responds Kris speaking for the first time.

            Chen chuckles as he says “Oh yeah Kris hyung thinks of Indie as his little sister, I totally forgot! Loosen up, hyung! Hahaha.”


Studio: Aish, they are just like Super Junior. Anyone else remember that?

            Omo! It’s the return of the Ajummas, but this time they’re EXOjumma haha.


                        -Back to Baekhyun- Time: 11:00 PM

            Baekhyun sighs as he wipes his palms down his pants and mindlessly runs them through his hair. “When is she going to…” He stops as the slow jazz that was playing in the back suddenly changes to one of EXO’s songs, “Growl.”

            EXO in back: Oh! It’s our song!

            Baekhyun nervously looks around confused. “Why is our song playing?”

            During the chorus of “Growl” the song changed again. This time CK-JAm’s debut song “Nomu Joah” started to play.

            EX O: I told you! CK-JAm!!

                        Shhh! Shut it Chen!

            Baekhyun keeps looking around nervously. “What’s going on?”

            While “Nomu Joah” keeps playing suddenly it doesn’t sound like that song along but it has somehow transitioned into a remix of “Growl” with CK-JAm’s song.

            Then the music suddenly stopped and the soft jazz that was playing before resumed. “What..? CK-JAm…?”

            As he was lost in thought, he is suddenly brought out of them when he hears the little bell ring signaling that someone has opened the door.

            EXO: She’s here! She’s here!

                        Chen! Can’t you shut up for five seconds!

            Baekhyun’s head whips toward the door.

            A petite girl stood there and she slowly removed the hood of the furry cape that she wore (it’s still cold in February).

            Baekhyun just smiles and gets out of his seat when he sees her. “Anyonghaseo” he bows.

            EXO’s prediction was correct; the petite girl in front of BH is indeed Indie from CK-JAm!


PD: How did you feel when you first saw your wife?

BH: Honestly, I couldn’t stop smiling. She’s very cute and pretty.


            “A…Anyonghaseo, sunbaenim. Uhm. I’m Jinnai Ai, Indie.” She bowed slightly.

            “Ah, yes, I know who you are. Haha. I’m Byung BaekHyun.” He bowed again. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

            “Oh well, yes. I’m kind of unrecognizable right now with all of this,” she nervously said as she gestured toward her ensemble. She was wearing a fluffy short yellow dress along with thigh high white socks and three inch black heels. A stark difference from the tomboy image that she has.

            After that they just nervously laughed and stood there awkwardly smiling at each other.

            EXO: Aish! So rude! Sit down already!

                        Hahahahaha! They’re so awkward!

                        Pull her chair out for her!


            “Oh! Let’s sit down then. Are you hungry?” Baekhyun gestured toward the table.

            “A little bit yes.” She responded.

            They sat down in their respective seats.

            EXO: Ahhhhhhh!!!! He didn’t pull out the seat for her! That Baekhyun!

            “So is there anything you want to eat?” He glanced up at her.

            “Anything is fine.” She politely answered.


            EXO: (Kris) She likes Seafood Pasta and Caesar Salad. If he can get it I will admit that

                        he has good sense.

            “Uhmmmm…then how about something light since we’re both idols?” She nods in response. “Okay. Pasta and Salad?” She nods again.


PD: Why were you only nodding in response?

Indie: I was so nervous, and it was a bit awkward. But I was just so nervous that I couldn’t trust my words.


            “Then Alfredo Pasta with Caesar Salad sound okay?” She nods again but this time she is seen taking a sip of water from a straw as she does making her appear childlike.

            Studio: Ohhhh. He got the salad right!

                        Wow. I’m just surprised that the “manliest female” can act like that.

            BH ordered their food and a silence soon followed at they would look around the room and then glance at each other, smiling nervously.

            “uhm…so…” Indie finally broke the silence after five minutes. “Baekhyun-sshi? Since we’re married,” they both smiled brightly at the mention of being married. “What should we call each other?”

            Studio: Ahh yes. Always one of the first questions.

            “For now, our names?” BH replies. “Without any formalities possibly?”

            EXO: Aish! So lame!


                        That’s no fun!


            “Oh, okay. I will try, but it may be a bit difficult to not put formalities on…So I shouldn’t call you something like ‘Oppa’?”

            “Haha. Maybe later if you want to. Right now, I just want to get to know each other first in order to come up with proper nicknames. That way it will be more natural.”

            “That sounds good.”

-Awkward silence with nervous glances and smiles yet again-

            EXO: They’re awkward again!

                        Hyung, let’s go bust in!

                        Ah-jincha! Stay still where you are!


            They food had arrived and they were eating constantly in sience.

            “So…uhm Indie?”


            “You’re image in public is usually very manly and charismatic for a female, even for a rapper. But you look very good in the feminine style too. You’re very pretty.”

            “Haha, thank you very much Baekhyun. You also look very nice tonight.”

            EXO: Complement her more!

                        Yeah! That’s not a proper complement!

            Studio: Ahh! They’re so noisy!

            “Oh, Baekhyun-sshi.”

            “Hm?” He answered with his mouth full.

            “Let’s play ’20 Questions’’ she said the name of the game in English.

            “What’s that?”

            “It’s a game where we ask each other twenty questions that we have to answer no matter what. So we can get to know each other.”

            “Ohhh…That’s good! Let’s play!”

            “Okay, then please go first.”

            “Ne. Uhmm…What’s the one thing you can’t live without?” BH looked at her with curiosity as she chewed her food and thought about it.

            “Love? Yeah, it’s love.”


PD: How did you feel about the game?

BH: Honestly, I was thankful that she initiated it since it was becoming awkward and I obviously wasn’t very good at initiating conversation. When she responded “love” to my first question I thought, “Ahhh, she must have a lot of love to give and has also received a lot of love.” So I resolved to give her as much love as I possibly can. *grins*

            Studio: Awww, it’s the first date and they’re already adorable.


            “Love? Yeah it’s love.” BH’s smile becomes brighter when he hears this. “Okay my turn to ask. What do you do in your freetime?”

            “Videogames. Fighting games with my members.”

            “Oh you do? I play fighting games as well. But none of my members will play with me.”

            “Really? How did you start playing?”

            “Is that your next question?


            “Okay well. I have two little brothers and growing up, most of the kids my age were boys, so I ended up playing with them sometimes because I wouldn’t want to be left out. Of course I was bad at first, but I have a bit of a competitive spirit so I practiced until I was at their level.”


            “My turn! Baekhyun-sshi, what’s your favorite color?”

            “Red and purple.”

            “Jincha? Those are my favorites as well.”

            “Omo, I guess we are destined to be husband and wife.” BH smiled cheekily.

            EXO: They seem to be fine now,

                        Awwwh but I wanted to be like SuJu sunbaenim and bust in at least once.

                        We’ll bust in on them another time, for now let’s go.

                        Let’s go.

            Studio: About time they did! Aish! Noisy EXOjummas.


            “What is your favorite fruit?”

            “Oh that’s a tough one. Hmm…kiwi or strawberries. What’s your least favorite food?”

            “Cucumber. I can’t stand the smell of it. What’s yours?”


            BH’s mouth turned into a big O. “What?! Kimichi??”

            “Haha. I can’t eat spicy things.”

            “Ahhh…I see.”


-Several questions later-

            “What’s your first impression of me? Not from today, but the first time we’ve met” Indie asked.

            “hmmm… well I’ve seen you around of course and we’ve spoken before, but you’re a lot closer to the M members.”

            “Mhm, because I can speak Mandarin, kind of…my pronunciation needs work.”

            “Hahaha you and I both. But you also speak a lot more to the maknae line since they’re close to you in age. So even if we haven’t spoken much in the past, I’ve heard a lot of things from them that have created an image of you before we have formally met each other today.”

            “Oh. I had no idea.”

            “Yeah,” he scratched the back of his head nervously. “So my image of you was that you were a very bubbly, intelligent, and cute girl that wasn’t afraid to yell at Kris hyung through the phone. Hahaha.”

            “Oh my gosh…you know about that!?”

            “You call him at least once a week to lecture him on his health, of course we the members know about it. Hahaha.”

            “Oh my God…” She mutters in English as she puts her face in her hands.

            “Oh no, don’t be embarrassed! We’re actually really grateful that you do that since no one else can stand up to him.”

            “But you know that I can nag like no other sometimes….”

            “Well you yell at him in English and use complicated words so we really have no idea what you’re saying. Even hyung has to look up some words you say on the internet.”

            “Oh boy…”

            “Well my turn… What’s your favorite EXO song?”

            “Thunder. What’s your favorite CK-JAm song?”

            “Nomu Joah.”


-Even more questions later-

            “Aish. I’m getting restless.” BH got out of his seat and started stretching. “Let’s go somewhere. Where do you want to go? That’ll be my last question.”

            “I want to walk around. I’ve never really had the chance to explore Seoul because of my schedule.”

            “Okay, kaja!” 



I realize that my way of writing is really dialogue heavy and I apoligize if you got confused >.>

And yes, I live the in galaxy of ot12 so Kris is still a member of EXO in this futurefic.

Hope you enjoyed! (^^)

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Chapter 12: She had an ex-boyfriend ?!
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