Chapter 7: Suki, Joah, Like

We Got Married

            Indie has arrived first at their newlywed house. She is curiously exploring the little details of the house that is still extremely new to the couple. Today, she is wearing a red, long-sleeved T-shirt dress, that has the Chinese character for “love” printed on largely on it in white at the front and two white hearts on the sleeves by the elbows. With it she wears simple black leggings. Her hair is up in a neat bun on top of her head, but her straight bangs are down across her forehead.

            Instead of full camera crew crowding into the house, it was decided that multiple cameras would be placed around the house.

            Indie playfully goes up to one of the cameras. “Anyonghaseyo,” she bows to it. “Ne. I am here. All alone. In a newlywed house. There’s no staff either. They’re all outside because otherwise it’s too crowded in the house. So really am all alone. I don’t blame them; the house gets too hot and stuffy when they’re inside. That’s why I fell asleep last time; it was really warm throughout the house. But that doesn’t change the fact that I’m lonely and bored right now… Where is Baekhyun Oppa~?”

            She notices a full length body mirror to her side and looks at her own reflection. She fixes her hair a bit while muttering to herself. “I really look like a girl… This is weird… haha.”

            She shuffles over to the couch and collapses onto it. She rolls around for a few moments before sitting up and blowing her bangs out of her face. “I’ll call him,” she finally decides. Time, 10:23 AM. She takes out her cell phone and dials.

            After a few rings he picks up, “Yobooseyo?”

            “Oppa!” she nearly yells into the phone. “Our boarding houses are right next to each other! It isn’t even a three minute walk away from each other. So how come I’ve been sitting around waiting for thirty minutes!? Where are you!?”

            Baekhyun’s chuckle can be heard through the phone. “Miyane, miyane. Ai-yah. I’m on my way right now. I just finished up a schedule and I’m rushing my way over to you.”

            Indie’s face immediately changes. “Oh. Why didn’t you say anything about a schedule when you called last night?”

            Studio: Omo! They’ve been calling each other? Often?

                        They really seem like a real couple recently… Isn’t that a bit fast? *Laughter*

            “I totally forgot about it until my manager woke me up this morning. Hahaha.”

            “Mmm. Oppa, what time did you have to wake up then?”

            “4:30. Haha.”

            “Now I feel bad,” Indie says after a moment, her tone of annoyance now completely replaced with worry. “I feel like it’s my fault you didn’t get much sleep.”

            “Ani. That’s not true.”

            “Part of it is. We were on the phone till past midnight. You could have been sleeping. Ani, you should have been sleeping.”

            “Honestly, if I wasn’t talking with you, I probably would have been playing videogames until around the same time.”

            “You shouldn’t do that, it’s not good for you.”

            “Arasseo. Look, I’ll be there in ten minutes? Yeah about ten or fifteen minutes. So we’ll do whatever we need to do with the house, and if there’s any extra time, let’s take a nap together. Okay?”

            “Okay…Oppa, do you have another schedule later? I know you’re busy with all your comeback activities.”

            “No, but we’re leaving for China later at night.”

            “What time?” a look of loneliness seems to spread across Indie’s face.

            “Our flight’s at midnight.”

            “But you were just in China…” her voice starts to get whiney. “You’ve only been home for four days… that’s not fair.”

            “Mmmm, but Oppa has to work and I have to be with my members. And it’s only for a day, we’re recording a show. I’ll be home before you know it.”

            “Okay…” Indie barely mumbles out.

            BH laughs. “Don’t be so sad! I’m not even gone yet. I’ll be there in five minutes. Wait for me~.”

            “Ne,” she replies weakly before hanging up. She sniffles and shuffles her feet to a different camera than before. “Mmm.” She speaks to it. “Oppa is going to China again, but it’s only for a day. I don’t know why but last week when he was gone for six days I was really lonely and sad. So when he just said that he was going again that same kind of sadness hit me again. Ahhh. What’s wrong with me? I’m usually not like this.”


PD: You said that you’re usually not like this, could you explain that?

Ind: What I meant by that is that, EXO often goes to China, and the CKJ half of my group is often going to China as well. I, myself am often going off overseas for activities and schedules, so I’ve seen many many people off happily. I’m usually just like “Have a nice flight~!” or “Have a nice trip~!” very brightly. And I did, I sent EXO off like I usually do that time when they went to China for a week. But as the week went on, I still had to keep my promise and send Oppa a selca everyday and he would always respond like “Ohhh, so cute, so cute” or “Your selcas really make my day.” He even called me once, but I had something going on at the time and I couldn’t pick up. But he left a message and when I listened to it, it really made me want to see him and be with him and this sense of loneliness hit me. I’m seriously usually not like this, Tao gege will spam me all the time with pictures and phone calls when he’s abroad and it really doesn’t have any effect on me whatsoever. I don’t understand what’s happening to me.

            Studio: Awwwh she seems to have genuine feelings for him.


            Indie shuffles around the kitchen as she waits for her “husband.” She looks around for all of the supplies and takes note of what they need.

            It seems that she has kept her mind busy enough to not realize that the front door had opened. “Ai-chan~,” comes a voice.

            Only then does she turn her head around to the source. “Oppa!” she calls back as she rushes to the door. “You’re late~!” she greets BH with a near tackle hug and they both nearly fall over while laughing. They regain their balance and she stands up straight and looks up at him. “I was starting to get hungry so I thought about just giving up and going shopping without you.” Time, 10:36 AM.

            BH smiles. “What happened to that baby that was crying over the phone?” He teases.

            Today he is wearing dark skinny jeans, a white graphic Tee and his black letterman jacket from the WOLF era.

            “I wasn’t crying~,” she pouts as she tries to push the subject away. “How was your schedule?” She sits down onto the sofa and pats the space next to her, gesturing for him to sit down with her.

            He chuckles at her sudden mood change. “Arasseo, you weren’t crying. And my schedule was good, it went without any problems.” He sits down next to her and puts his backpack down at his feet.

            “That’s good, that’s good,” Indie nods as she shuffles through her bag that is located near her feet. “Oppa, let’s make a shopping list for the house.” She pulls out a blue notebook and blue pen, and flips to a blank page in the notebook.

            “Mmmm.” BH ponders as he takes off his lettermen jacket. “Last time you said we needed groceries.”

            She nods and writes down, “#1: Food.” “What else do we need?” she ponders aloud. “Oh, things like aprons and dishtowels,” she remembers and writes them down as “#2: Household essentials.” “Should we be all lovey-dovey and get couple aprons?” she smiles up at him, half joking, half serious.

            He smiles brightly at her. “Joah!” he takes the notebook and pen from her and writes down “couple aprons” under household essentials knowing that she was kidding. “It’s another way for me to brag to people about you.”

            She rolls her eyes at him as she takes her notebook back from him. “Anything else?”

            “Music,” BH says after a moment of thought. Indie gives him a confused look. “Sheet music. Let’s play something together.” He eagerly makes the suggestion.

            She shakes her head. “I’m not good enough to play something like that anymore. I haven’t played a solo with accompaniment in years. Many many years.”

            “I’m not that good either,” he says, “so it’ll be a challenge for both of us.”

            “Liar, don’t act like I haven’t seen your concerts,” she looks at him suspiciously. “But if you say so, we can try to look for something.” She writes down, “#3: Sheet music,” on the notebook.

            Many items later, they decide that it’s enough for now, and get ready to go to the supermarket. “Hold on, Oppa.” She says as she is going through her bag. She holds up her exchange diary. “Did you remember?”

            “Oh! Of course,” he opens up his backpack and takes out the purple notebook. They exchange the notebook but both do not even bother to open them and puts them directly back into their bags.

            As they are leaving through the front door, Indie notices another camera and gets really close to it. “You want to know what he wrote right?” she says cutely. “Mmm. I want to know too, but I’m going to be selfish and keep it to myself. You hear me? It’s my secret! Well, we’ll be back~.” She winks at the camera and waves as she makes her way out.

            Studio: Ahhh~! I want to see what they wrote.

            “Ohhh, Oppa, you can drive?” Indie asks as she walks up to the car that BH is already sitting in.

            “Of course,” he responds as she hops into the passenger seat. “Can you drive?”

            “Un,” she responds.

            “Jincha?” he asks in disbelief. “You’re lying~.” He starts the engine and starts heading toward the supermarket.

            “Wae? Why do you think I’m lying? Do you want proof?” She starts to dig through her bag. Then she suddenly stops. “Ani, I’ll show it to you later. Beginners should keep their eyes on the road.”

            He almost flinches in surprise. “Ani~, I’m not a beginner.” It’s almost as if his anxiety sweat is visible.


PD: Were you really a beginner like she said?

BH: Ne… How did she know!? She kept saying things like “Scary, scary!”” and “Be careful for this, be careful for that!” Am I really such a bad driver? Kkkk.

            Studio: You probably are.

Baekhyun-sshi~, please practice more so you don’t endanger your wife~. *Laughter*


            They arrive at the supermarket and Indie teasingly gets out of the car as fast as she can. “Ahhh! Beginner’s driving is scary!” BH also gets out of the car, then makes his way to Indie and lightly swats her head. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” she smiles up at him as they walk inside the building. “You’re driving wasn’t that bad.”

            “Kure,” BH agrees as he pulls over a shopping cart. “I don’t understand why you kept calling me a beginner.


            After a few hours they return home with bags full of groceries and other necessities.

            When they are done with putting most of the things away, Indie suddenly turns to BH and says, “Oppa, I’ll make lunch, so go take a nap while I do.” Time, 1:26 PM.

            “You don’t need any help?”

            “Ani~,” she is already busily making her way around the kitchen.



-Up at the bedroom-

            BH is seen on his phone.

            “Yobooseyo?” a voice is heard from the other end of call.

            “Chohee-sshi,” BH calls out.

            “Oh! Baekhyun-sunbaenim. Anyonghaseyo.”

            Studio: Hm? Why is he calling one of her members?

            “Anyong. Listen, Chohee, you’re the closest with Ai-chan right?”

            “Uhhh. We’re all pretty close, but I think Kaishi and I understand her the most since we’re the closest to her in age and we can both speak English with each other.”

            “Okay. I just need to ask about Ai-chan.”

            “Uhhh. Okay.”

            “From what you know, what makes her heart beat the fastest?”

            “Her heart beat the fastest?”


            “Uhhh…..Oh! Japanese dramas!”

            “…Chohee-sshi…that doesn’t really help me.”

            “Oh…” Chohee’s laughter can be heard on the other end. “She really likes the love confession scenes. The same cheesy lines could be said in a Korean drama but she squeals like crazy when they happen in the Japanese ones.”

            “Ahhh,” BH nods as he finally understands, “Japanese words appeal to her more, they have more meaning to her.”

            “Ne, I think it’s because Japanese is her first language.”

            “That makes sense. Well, Chohee gomaoyo. Anyong.”

            “Ne~. Anyonghaseyo sunbaenim.”

            They end the call and BH slowly lies down onto the bed. He sighs. Time, 1: 34 PM. He picks up his phone and taps around on it. “Japanese drama love confessions,” he types out loud.


PD: Why did you call Chohee.

BH: Because Indie and Chohee are very close. Indie has been making my heart flutter so much that I feel like it will bust out of my heart sometimes, and I feel like only she is pushing our relationship forward and that I’m always on the receiving end. So I wanted to do something that would really make her heart beat fast. But I didn’t want to do something embarrassing and not have it work. So that is why I got Chohee’s number from my manager and called her.


PD: What makes your heart beat fast?

Ind: Me? Uhh…. Suddenly being hugged? Hahaha. *hides her blushing face with her hands*. You know like in dramas when the male protagonist with pull the female protagonist’s wrist and hug her or being hugged from behind. Anything sudden or surprising. Like the famous finale scene from Hana Yori Dango (Japanese Boys over Flowers). If I were to be talking about something and then suddenly Oppa stops me midsentence by hugging and whispering something into my ear like “Joaheyo,” into my ear. Kyaaa!! Just thinking about it makes my heart beat fast. Hahaha.


-Meanwhile in the kitchen-

            Indie is busy in the kitchen doing all sorts of things to prepare for lunch. She spots another camera in front of her as she is stir frying something. She turns off the heat of the stove as she leans in to it.

            “I bet you’re wondering what I’m making,” she says to it. “I’ll give you a hint. It is something that the Japanese invented, and now the entire world can enjoy for really cheap! It’s really delicious! Jincha! Oh, but if you’re a poor college student and eat it every day, maybe not so delicious.”

            Studio: Ramyun! It’s definitely ramyun!

                        Mmmm it’s definitely something that you can only have every once in a while.

            She shuffles over to her bag and pulls out something. “Jjan!” she says to another one of the cameras as she holds it up. “My favorite Japanese ramen~!” she shakes the package in excitement. “People say that Korean ramyun is good, but I can’t taste it…all I taste is spicy and my mouth feels like it’s on fire, so I don’t eat ramyun. I have the tongue of a baby…” she mutters the last portion as she retreats to the kitchen.

            While she is boiling the water, BH makes his way down to the kitchen. “It smells too good, I can’t sleep like this,” he says.

            She tilts her head back to see him. “It’s almost done, I just need to boil the noodles.” She returns to facing the stove after giving him a smile.

            He smiles back at her as he approaches her. He quickly wraps his arms around her waist before she can stop him. He rests his chin on her shoulder as he watches her hands move about.

            Studio: Omo! Back hug! Back hug!


            “Ne, Oppa?”

            “Suki.” I like you.

            Indie’s eyes go wide and a smile sprawls across her face at the sudden confession.

            “Ai-chan wa, boku no koto suki?” Do you like me too? He turns his head inward to see her face.

            “Uhn.” Indie nods as she turns her head slightly to the other side out of embarrassment.

            “Huh? ‘Uhn,’ what?” He teases her, wanting to hear the phrase from her.

            “Oppa, I can’t move. Can you let go? The ramen…” she tries to change the subject.

            “Mmmm. I’ll let go if you say it.”

            After a moment of silence she finally says timidly, “Uhn, I like Baekhyun Oppa too.”

            The bright smile that was already present on BH’s face seemed to have gotten even wider, if that’s possible. Satisfied at the response, he kisses the top of her head and finally releases her waist. “I’m really glad that you do,” he says quietly as he walks toward the square dining table.

            Studio: Waaaaaah!


PD: Do you think that you were you able to make her heart beat fast?

BH: I back hugged her and confessed to her in Japanese. Mmm. She looked really flustered so I think that I was successful. I’m glad that it went successfully since I put my feelings on the line. Hahaha.

PD: Those were your true feelings?

BH: Of course…Why would I tell her something like that if it wasn’t true? … Is it too early to be feeling this way? But honestly, that is how I sincerely feel. I try to contact her as often as I can but since we’re both busy it doesn’t always happen. And when I’m not with her or talking to her on the phone, most of my thoughts become filled with her. And this has been going on for some time but I didn’t realize until the other week when I was in China that maybe I have genuine feelings for her. Mm. I want to be with her all the time.


PD: How did Baekhyun’s confession make you feel?

Ind: Oh my goodness. It seriously made my heart skip a beat. If he had just said that he liked me in Korean it would have made my heart flutter a bit, but I suppose that Japanese just resonates better, and sounds better to my ears, so it was really nice hearing the first confession from him in Japanese. The entire time he was hugging me my heart was like, thumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthumpthump, nonstop.


            “Jjan~!” Indie says happily as she brings the two bowls of ramen over to the little dining table.

            “Ohh! It looks good!” BH grabs his chopsticks and starts eating right away. “Jalmokesupnida~.”

            Indie grabs her phone and quickly snaps a picture of her bowl as she sits down across from him.

            “Did you get a good picture?” He asks with a mouthful of noodles.

            She nods as she picks up her own chopsticks to taste her first bite. “How does it taste? Do you like it?”

            He just gives her a thumbs up since his head is nearly inside the large bowl. “Seriously, the best,” he says after a moment of chewing


            When they are just about finished eating, the door bell rings. The two look at each other bewildered. BH gets up to open the door.

            “Who in the world could it be?” Indie says to herself as she waits for him to return. She picks up the now empty bowls of ramen and puts them into the sink to begin washing them.

            He returns with a small smile on his face and a red envelope in his hand. He opens it as he sits back down and reads it silently to himself first. The mission seems to displease him since his eyes go wide and he quickly puts the card away.

            “What does it say?” She asks with a smile.

            “Nothing.” He avoids her gaze and turns his head the other way.

            “What do you mean nothing?” She quickly wipes her hands on a red dishtowel and walks up to him. “Let me see it~.” she wiggles her fingers at him as she reaches her arm out.

            He hesitantly gives the mission card to her.

            “Ahem,” she clears as she stands up straight to read the card out loud. “To Baekhyun and Indie Couple. For Baekhyun to understand the hardships of being living in a foreign country and speaking a foreign language, starting at 2:20 PM until 6:00 PM Indie cannot speak in Korean.” Indie bursts out laughing when she is finished reading. “Ohtoke~! What time is it right now?” Time, 2:14 PM. “What should we do?” She says to BH. “I can’t even call you ‘Oppa,’ then can I? since it’s Korean.”

            BH just puts his hands through his hair and sighs. “I don’t know… How many languages can you speak again?”

            “Mostly fluent in four, but I can speak a bit in three more.”

            BH sighs even harder after hearing this. “I see…”

            Indie can’t help but laugh at his reaction. “So what should I speak to you in? English? Japanese?”

            After a moment of thought, a light bulb seems to appear above BH’s head. “English,” he says confidently as he pulls out his cell phone.

            “Jincha?” Indie asks in disbelief. “You’re okay with English?”

            “Mmm.” BH is busily tapping around on his phone. “I’m calling reinforcements right now…Oh it’s 2:20…” he says as he puts the phone call on speaker.

            “English time~,” Indie sings.

            Studio: I wonder who he’s calling.

            “Yobooseyo?” answers a deep voice.

            “Hyung!” BH calls out.


            “What are you doing right now?”

            “Right now? Uhh. I’m eating.”

            “Are you doing anything later?”

            “Other than the flight to China, no.”

            Studio: Is that another EXO member?

                        Probably, but which one? He has a really deep voice.

            “Can you come over? SOS. I really need your help.”


            “Just come over quickly.”


            “Gomao hyung. Bali~!”

            He ends the call and sighs. He looks over to Indie who has moved over to the sofa. “Ohtoke,” he sighs.

            “I don’t know,” she shrugs. “What do we do~?”


PD: The no Korean mission.

BH: I thought I was going to die. Jincha. My English is bad, my Chinese is bad, my Japanese is even worse, I’m not very good at languages. I only know the words from the songs that I sing. Even then I don’t know what I’m saying 100% of the time. Mmmn. That’s why I sent out an SOS to my lifeline.


            Indie finally breaks the awkward silence. “What should I call you?” She says slowly for him with large hand gestures. “I can’t call you O-P-P-A, because that’s in Korean. And calling you 'big brother' just sounds like .

           BH obviously doesn’t understand the last portion, but he nods anyways getting the gist of what she is saying. “Whatever you called your boyfriends in America,” he says nonchalantly.

            “Baby?” she says questionably without hesitation.

            BH gets up from his seat suddenly, startling her. “So you’ve had one before!?”

            She starts laughing and collapses sideways on the sofa while covering her face with her hands.

            “And you called him ‘Baby’!?”


Dun dun duuuuu~n.

There past will be revealed in the next chapter... What will happen!?


And I sincerley apoligize for how late this chapter is. I have no excuses for it, other than I was too lazy to edit.

Well I hope you enjoyed~!

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Much much much love to you~! >w<

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Chapter 7 is UP! Enjoy kiddies~


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Chapter 12: I like your story, please update soon
Chapter 12: She had an ex-boyfriend ?!
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Chapter 7: omg I like it
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