Chapter 2: The First Meeting (Part Two)

We Got Married

            “Where do you want to go? That’ll be my last question.” Baekhyun asks.

            “I want to walk around. I’ve never really had the chance to explore Seoul because of my schedule,” replies Indie earnestly,

            “Okay, kaja!” BH hastily made his way to the door and held it open for her, smiling.

            They walked out at a moderate pace side by side (not holding hands, kind of close, but distanced enough where it’s kind of awkward).

            “Indie, you haven’t asked your last question.” BH broke the silence.

            “Uhmm… how many hours of sleep do you get?”

            Studio: Haha she sounds like a mother.

                        Aish! She’s just concerned for his health because she knows he’s busy!

                        Awww that’s so cute!

            “Sleep?” He looks over to her curiously. “Uhm. When I’m really busy two or three. But I get two or three rest days a month where I sleep for most of the day and I get a lot of time in the car to sleep. But regularly four to five?”

            “And you aren’t a zombie yet? Aigoo. You’re amazing Baekhyun-sshi. Four to five is like my high school days but at least I had the weekends guaranteed to sleep. Goodness.”

            “Were you and idol in training during high school? Haha.”

            “Ani. I was a stressed American high school student.”

            With a couple chuckles the conversation died out.

            Indie kept looking around her, observing the unfamiliar area that she’s lived in for two and a half years now.

            Suddenly BH spotted a store and smiles. “Indie-sshi! Have you been to one of these before?” he points at a bright sign by a store.

            “What is it?”

            “It’s where you can find good stuff for cheap! It’s where everything is around 1,000 won.”

            “Ahhhh…ne. In Japan and America,”

            “Which one is better?”


            “Between Korea and Japan which one do you think is better?”


            “Kkaebsong. You’re probably right though. Let’s go in anyways!” He held the door open for her and they walk in.

            They roamed around for a while. Freely, since they were the only ones there 1 AM.

            “Is there anything you want?” BH asks loudly since they were in different sections.

            “Hmmm…something that will help improve my Korean!” she responded back just as loudly. “Baekhyun-sshi is there anything you want?”

            “Your love,” he whispered softly and then he chuckled at himself. “Hmm..” he pondered loudly. “Something couple-like, so I can show off to everybody…Oh! Let’s make this our first mission! Buy each other satisfactory presents.”

            “Okay sounds good!” came the response back. “So shall we meet back at the front of the store in fifteen minutes?”


            And then suddenly, “Oh wait, Baekhyun-sshi!” Indie shuffled her way into the aisle that BH was in with her cellphone in hand. “Hana, deul, set.” *click* “Thank you~.”

            “What was that for?”

            “To brag to my members. Tehe!”

            “Awh! That’s no fair! Me too, no wait, I want a selca with you.” *click* “Okay… ‘Pretty right?’” BH began to type out loud. “’...She’s my wife~!’...Who are you the closest to in EXO?” he turns to her.

            “Uhm. Kris, Tao, and Sehun oppa?”

            “Kris and Tao really think of you as their sister…but I’m not one hundred percent sure about Sehun so… ‘Sehun back off!’ Send.”

            “Was that necessary?”

            “Of course. Well fifteen minutes begins now! Gogogo~.” He smiled at her. She smiled back and walked in the other direction.



            “Couple, couple. Couple-like?” What can I get him here that’s couple like? Hmmm…oh!” She spotted the sign for the kids section. “I think I got it!” She waddled her way into the area.

            As she’s looking around at all the toys, she suddenly pulls out her cellphone. “When is Byun Baekhyun’s birthday?” … “May 6th!? Oh! That’s super close to mine…so our birthstone is the same…Perfect!” She started to advidly look around again. “Something green, something green…waits but his favorite colors are purple and red. Hmmm…his fans probably give him stuff in those colors all the time. Let’s stick to green if possible, if not silver. Yeah, that’s nice and simple.”

            “I found it! I found it!” Indie shuffled over to what she was looking for. She was inspecting a display with cute, dainty, metal rings that children often buy. “Hahaha, I used to get stuff like this all the time when I was younger.”

            “Oh! Couple-style!” she exclaimed when she found two similar rings: one with a thin band with a green start rhinestone atop it, and the other with a thicker band with green stars all around it. “Perfect…but wait…aish! I can’t wear it all the time because my concept right now is punk, hip hop. So I have to wear knuckled gloves a lot. Hmmm…” she put her hand on her chin while deep in thought. “Oh! Idea! Indie you’re a genius.” She gave herself a pat on the back.

            She took a necklace with one of the longer chains and lined it up with her neck to check how long it would be.

            Seeming satisfied with the outcome she told herself, “Good job, good job!” and hurried her way to check out her things.

            She quickly found a chair near the front of the store and got to work. She removed the weird charms from the necklaces and replaced them with the rings making cute little charm necklaces. She put them back in the bag and waited for BH as the promised fifteen minutes came to a close.



            “Hmmm something that will improve her Korean.” BH muttered as he walked around. “Books? Notebook? Study materials? Like writing utensils?” He found the book section and only found children’s books. He pulled one out of the shelf. “Victoria noona often says she watched Pororo. Tao watched ‘My Girlfriend is a Gumiho.’” He put the book down and picked up another. “But the best way to learn a language is to experience it. Oh wait, she’s been doing that and she’s studied Korean at an American university…her hangul is probably better than mine. Haha.”

            Studio: These two are really talkative when they’re by themselves. *Laughter*

            “Pens? Pencils? Ne. That’s probably the best.” He walked into the writing utensils section. “Hmm I should get her a cute one!” he picks up a pink pen with white flowers and red hearts all over it. “Ne. Cute.” Then he keeps look around. “What kind of pen helps you study? A plain black one?” He pulls out his cell phone. After a minute or so, “Ahhhhh. Blue. Blue ink helps the mind take in information better. Blue pens, blue pens…” he snags a couple blue pens and nods in satisfaction. “But I feel like that’s not enough… Oh! I got it, I got it, I got it!” he grineed as he made a b-line to his destination. “Notebooks, notebooks.” He picked out two notebooks, one red and one purple. Both solid colors and very simple. He nodded satisfied and proud of his selection.

            He quickly checked out his items.


            “Baekhyun-sshi! You’re three minutes late~,” Indie pouted as he made his way toward her.

            “Miyaneyo~. Come on, let’s go get something warm to drink while we show each other what we got.”

            “Oh! Hot Choco jooseyo~!”

            They made their way to a small café and got hot chocolate.

            “So ladies first,” BH gestured to her.

            “Ne.” she took the two ring necklaces out of the plastic bag. “This one is for you,” she handed him the thicker band one. “Our birthdays are in the same month so I used the color of our birthstone, and the star is because, you’re a star BH-sshi! And the reason why it’s on a chain is more convenience reasons for me. I have to wear a lot of things on my hands and fingers right now because of CK-JAm’s concept but if it’s a necklace I can tuck it away and not have to take it off, and I figured that it’d be more convenient for you as well.”

            “Ohh. Gomaoyo.” BH put it on right away. “I can brag to my friends now about my wonderful wife. Hahaha.”

            Indie giggled a bit before prompting in his direction, “What did you get for me?”

            He smiled proudly before taking out his items with a loud “Jjan!” As he handed her the pens he said “Pens, the blue kind. Did you know that blue ink helps the brain perceive information the most?”


            “Yeah! So blue pens. Here you go. And these!” He laid out the two notebooks. “What do you think they are?”


            “Not just any notebooks…these…will be our couple diaries!” He announced proudly.


            He hands her the purple one. “So, I have one and you have one. Every day that we don’t see each other, we have to write an entry. And the next time we see each other we trade notebooks.” He carefully explained his idea.

            “But Baekhyun-sshi, you’re busy. Will you have the time to do this?”

            “You too. Will you be able to do this every day you don’t see me? Let’s say you can write anything you want, and as short as you want, just as long as you’re write something every day. A question that you had, what you ate, what you did, a selca with a caption…anything.”

            She held out her pinky finger. “Every day we don’t see each other?”

            “Every day we don’t see each other.” He linked his pinky with hers, and they rubbed thumbs to seal the deal.


PD: What did you think of your self assigned mission?

BH: I thought that I did well. But I really hope that she felt my sincerity because I really did think hard about what to get her. Plus, I think it will be really interesting to read what she writes in our exchange diaries. I really don’t know her as well as I should even though we are from the same company. So I really want to get to know her, and I really want her to get to know me.

PD: Did she complete her mission well?

BH: She did. Hahaha. I’m wearing it right now actually. *he pulls out the ring from his shirt* But I was a bit shy to show it from the beginning. When I got home my members noticed it right away and they hackled me pretty hard about it, but that’s okay because it shows them that she’s mine. *cheeky grin*


PD: How was the first mission?

Ind: I really thought that I did well. I hope that he likes it and that we can keep these for a long time as reminders of each other since there will most likely be big gaps of time in which we don’t see each other since we’re both very busy.

PD: Did he complete his part of the mission well?

Ind: Honestly, I already knew about the blue pen fact. Hahaha. But he put so much emphasis on it and he seemed so proud of it that I played dumb and pretended to be surprised. I was really happy that he put a lot of thought into it though. I’m also really excited to see what he writes in our exchange diaries, but I also don’t want him to do too much with it since he is probably very busy and has better things to do than writing in a notebook.

PD: Please say a message to Baekhyun.

Ind: Baekhyun-sshi, I had a lot of fun tonight. Even though I was really nervous and didn’t talk much, I really enjoy your company and hope that we can get closer in the near future. I also apologize in advance for any communication barriers that may occur due to my poor Korean. Let’s have a fun and happy marriage.



Sorry. I can only write short(ish) chapters because of my attention span.

The next two chapters will be of the diary/journal entries that the two of the write.

Hope you enjoyed~.

Much love to you~!


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eneied #1
Chapter 12: I like your story, please update soon
Chapter 12: She had an ex-boyfriend ?!
yunjae23 #3
Chapter 7: omg I like it
please update more author