Mission 11 - Cravings

World Warp!

A pillow was unceremoniously fwapped onto the just about ready to drift off Shishi’s head causing the grey matoki to let out a slight squeak of surprise which was almost but not quite followed by a groan, “Yes Tats?” he asked tiredly.


“Pocky!” Tats immediately whined, sounding like a spoilt two year old, “Go and get me some pocky.”


For a second Shishi thought about complaining and then remembered what had happened the last time he had done such a thing, “Which flavour?”


“I don’t know,” Tats immediately complained, “you should know. Go and get me some.”


Letting out a just about restrained sigh, Shishi clambered out of his nice warm bed and headed to go and get what Tats wanted despite it being nearly three in the morning and considering that he had probably already eaten a whole lot of stuff already. But at least pocky was one of the others easier to manage cravings, Shishi had lost count of the number of late night excursions to the human supermarkets to get a variety of oddities and ends for Tats.


His partner’s cravings ranged from peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwiches to a full on hot pot at five in the morning, crisps, cheese, something called bubble tea which had not migrated across to the place they were currently staying and possibly the strangest thing of all, ham and peas pudding in a stottie. That had taken some serious finding and several complicated warps. Consequently it had become one of Tats favourite things in the world and it was typically used as a good excuse to get Dada and Keke out of the space ship for a night because they had finally managed to get past first, second and third bases and were going at it fairly frequently like the rabbits that they were.


Not that Shishi and Tats had any right to complain after the trauma that they had put the others through when they had first gotten together but it was just a touch too tricky to try and explain to Toto and no one wanted his innocence ruined yet. Hell they hadn’t even fully explained how babies came to be despite the fact that Tats was pregnant.


Letting out a yawn, Shishi got into the kitchen and headed for the cupboard which had a large pink and black sticker placed on it, saying ‘Tats Craving Cupboard’ which by the spelling had possibly come from Joko at some point and opened it. Thankfully Dada had sorted it all out so that Shishi didn’t get hit by a mixture of different things like had happened the other night when he had come to get some pickled eggs for Tats.


Finding the pocky, Shishi picked up six different flavours to hopefully not have to come back if he had gotten the wrong flavour and yawned as he made his way back towards bed.


Tats was sitting upright expectantly and virtually snatched the first box that was passed to him, not caring about the flavour in the slightest and just wanting the treat. Raising his eyebrow Shishi just dropped the rest of the pocky on the bed and clambered onto his side with the plan of going back to sleep.


“Shishi?” Tats’ soft voice cut into Shishi’s thoughts.


“Hmmm?” the elder matoki replied.


Tats smiled, “Do you want some pocky?”


Twisting over to stare at his lover, Shishi wondered for a second what craziness had possessed the other but then smiled at seeing that Tats was genuinely offering him some pocky. Sighing he took the treat and happily munched on it whilst he let Tats snuggle up against him. “You’re lucky that I love you so much.”


“I know,” Tats said happily feeding another pocky stick to him, “I wouldn’t have anyone else in the world to look after me.”


Shishi chuckled, placed a quick kiss on top of his lovers head and sighed, “Can I go to sleep now?”


“Yeah, thank you Shishi,” Tats returned the kiss and hiccupped slightly as the baby inside him kicked at his stomach, “though say nanight to baby, it’s getting jealous.”


Playfully groaning, Shishi shifted his head to the others belly and pressed a kiss to it, “Go to sleep baby, let Daddy get some sleep for a little okay?” A light kick was his response and Shishi let out a tired yawn before falling almost immediately back asleep. 

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blauen #1
Chapter 15: So cuutee...Hope your going to continue this story.
Chapter 15: So nice~ I imagine cute lil Toto dressed in his ghosty costume had me grinning all day~ too precious he is! Another great update! Settling down now means soon baby will be here right :] ? Kukuku
Chapter 14: Awwwww~♡♡♡♡♡ Toto so sweet~♡♡ can't wait for baby~ xD
Chapter 13: So sweet~ I'd love to have a date night at home~ sadly I'm in no relationship and I'm not a movie person lol~
Chapter 1: Just started readin ur story & it seems very interestin
GuiltyAlice #6
Chapter 10: Aww Himchan is so sweet. Hormones perhaps?
Chapter 10: How Sweet of Joko~ I can relate though buying things for a baby whose gender is still unknown is quite trivial~

Hmm hmm can't wait for the bundle of joy~♡ or chaos~ xD
Chapter 9: ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡BABY!!!! ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡ ♡♡♡

they're gonna have a baby?!

Dada and Keke soooo cute too~ ^^