Forgetful fan girl

Catch a falling star


Jae Hee buried her head again in the book she’s reading.

“So what happened yesterday?” Minhee asked Jae Hee, munching some chips.

Jae Hee looked up at Minhee. “What happened yesterday?”

The three of them, Jae Hee, Minhee, and Chanmin were lounging in Minhee and Chanmin’s place just next door from Woohyun and Jae Hee’s flat.

“She’s asking you if you really tripped,” Chanmin enlightened Jae Hee.

Jae Hee threw a pillow to Minhee. “Don’t ask if you already know the answer. It makes me feel bad.”

Minhee grinned. “That’s exactly why I’m asking,” she threw the pillow back to Jae Hee. “And stop reading that bloody book. It’s weekend for goodness’ sake, you party pooper.”

“Just let me finish this chapter will you? I’ll feel uneasy if I don’t, and besides our exams before winter break is fast approaching,” Jae Hee appealed to Minhee.

“That’s two weeks from now.” Minhee sighed. “I just don’t get it why she gets mad whenever I call her a nerd. Look at her, studying her lessons when it’s a time to relax,” she said to herself.


“I’m talking to myself.”

Chanmin laughed.

“Cha stop laughing. That seems to be the only thing you do apart from sleeping,” Minhee said, throwing Chanmin a pillow.

“Jae, just finish that already. Let’s get out of here; I want to eat ice cream,” Chanmin proclaimed, already standing up and getting her coat.

“In this kind weather?!” Minhee couldn’t help but shout. Was her friend crazy? It’s freezing for goodness’ sake!

Jae Hee put down the book she’s reading. “Let’s do that,” she smiled at Chanmin. “Wait for me while I get my wallet and put my book back in our flat.”



“Cookies and cream”

“Chocolate, cookies and cream, and rocky road”

Chanmin and Jae Hee turned to gawk at Minhee. They were already in the ice cream shop and were currently ordering.

Minhee gave them a pointed look. “What?”

“You were the one who complained about eating ice cream in a cold weather,” Jae Hee pointed out.

Minhee just shrugged at her.

Jae Hee and Chanmin shook their heads, laughing. “Aish this girl really.”


Jae Hee, Chanmin and Minhee were walking side by side, elbows linked. They passed by a magazine stall when Chanmin suddenly pulled the two girls.

“What now, Cha?” Minhee growled at Chanmin. The latter pointed her hand at the magazine on the stall.

Minhee raised her eyebrow. “Who’s that?”

Jae Hee looked at what Chanmin was pointing. “Are they from a new group?”

“They’re handsome!” Chanmin dreamily exclaimed.

“Pay and take the damn magazine and don’t just stand there blocking the view of my merchandise like you own the place!” an angry owner shouted at the girls, shooing them away.

“Were just looking at it ahjusshi! It’s not as if we’re going to eat it!” Minhee shouted back at the owner.

“Ssssh. Min,” Jae Hee pulled her friend out of the owner’s sight.

“I’ll pay for the magazine ahjusshi,” Chanmin told the owner and followed her friends.

“Why did you take that damn magazine?!” Minhee bellowed.

Chanmin grinned, hugging the magazine close to her heart. “I’m interested in the boys on the cover,” she calmly told her raging sister.

“Don’t tell me your not interested Min? You’re looking at the boys as if you were going to eat them.” Jae Hee grinned and wriggled her eyebrows suggestively at Minhee.

“Aish! Just find a bench already.”


“Mine!” Chanmin shouted.

“What’s his name?” Jae Hee asked and looked at the magazine again.

“Choi Junhong!”

“Mine!” Minhee shouted next.

“What’s his name?” Jae Hee asked and looked at the magazine again.

“Kim Himchan!”

And then, Minhee squealed, “KYAAAAAA!!”


Jae Hee and Chanmin looked at each other with blank faces.

“Did she just squeal?”

“Did she just say “KYAAAAAA!!”?”

“Minhee’s stone heart just got melted.”

“I’m going to faint.”

“Is the world going to end tomorrow?”

 “YAH! Why are you so mean? I don’t have a stone heart, and the world isn’t going to end to end tomorrow,” Minhee pouted at them.

Jae Hee pointed at Minhee’s pouted lips. “You just pouted! Park Minhee doesn’t pout!”

“You really are giving me the creeps Min,” Chanmin added.

“Aish! Stop it already! And you Nam Jae Hee haven’t chosen yet!” Minhee shouted.

“Do I really have to choose?”

“Yes you do. We’ll have to fan girl together.”

“What’re they called?”



“Best. Absolute. Perfect”

“Just choose already,” Chanmin impatiently told Jae Hee.

“This one,” Jae Hee pointed at a boy with blond hair and muscular physique.

“That’s Moon Jongup,” Chanmin provided her the name immediately.

“Why did you choose him? Because you find him hot?” Minhee asked a little too excitedly.

“Because he has a mole on his nose.”


“He looks cute.” Jae Hee she smiled and nodded as if she’s really pleased with herself because she has chosen a really cute one.

Minhee shook her head. “You really are weird Jae, when people see him they will surely say that he’s hot. But then you’re weird saying that he’s cute instead.”

“You make it sound like I’m going crazy.”

“You sometimes do go crazy,” Chamnim smiled an eye smile.

“Your smile can’t deceive me Cha. You’re as mean as Minhee. Behind that cheerful façade lies a lady with a black heart. You’re two-faced!”

Chanmin just laughed at Jae Hee’s remark and told them that they should get home already because it’s getting late and she’s hungry.

“Ohmygod!” Jae Hee shouted while they were walking home. “Woohyun oppa told me to go to the grocer because we’re running out of supplies! Oppa will really get mad at me if he gets home and found the pantry empty. You guys go home first!”

And she ran.

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chabi01 #1
Author nim,., are you dead? pls. update
theironthrone #2
*you're, not your. haha
theironthrone #3
i just have to say that I choked up on the foreword! Mabs, your face keeps flashing in my mind while I'm reading it and your melodramatically reading it to me! :D