Pushing bushes

Catch a falling star

“Bye Min. Bye Cha.” Jae Hee started to walk away from her friends.

School has ended for today.

“Aren’t you going home with us?” Minhee asked Jae Hee.

“Ani. I’ll go home with you next time. I’m going to study tonight.” Jae Hee ran towards the bus stop, waving at her friends.


Jae Hee opened the door of the café and looked around for the perfect seat. She smiled, heading towards the corner. She sat on the seat opposite the window, putting down her bag.

Would he come here tonight? She could only hope that he would. She came all the way here, even made the hard decision of spending money to study outside their house or staying in the library. She really hoped that he would. Wait. Was she thinking of Jongup before her studies? Aish. She really should start getting her head into her books already; she had an exam to pass.

She arranged her things on the table, glancing at her watch. 4:30 P.M.


Jongup looked at his watch.  8:30 P.M. When would this show end?

Zelo glanced at Jongup and shook his head. How many times did his hyung look at his watch now? He lost count of it already. Was Jongup going somewhere? Ah! He remembered already. The girl at the café was the reason why his hyung was being like this.

“Hyung, are you going somewhere?” Zelo asked Jongup, even though he knew exactly what his answer will be.

Jongup shook his head vigorously. “Ani.”

Too predictable.

“Don’t lie to me hyung.” Zelo grinned. “I was the one who pushed you to get closer to her the last time I remembered.”

Jongup looked at his dongsaeng impatiently. “When will this show going to end?”

Zelo laughed loudly. “Soon hyung. Soon.” He heard Jongup let out a sigh beside him.

“Hyung, I should be the first one to be introduced to her. Understand? Don’t you dare forget that.”

It was Jongup’s turn to let out a hoot of laughter.


Jae Hee let out a yawn, stretching her arms upwards. She glanced at her watch. 10:30 P.M. How many chapters has she finished reviewing from her books already? She was almost finished with the fifth chapter now. There was still no sign of Jongup. Has she really wasted her resources by going here? She wanted to bang her head on the table for her stupidity. Luck, why of all days must you not be on her side today?

She heaved a sigh. I’ll just finish this chapter for tonight and go home.


Jongup jumped out off his seat and ran out from the convention center as soon as the show came to an end.

Four boys looked at one another. “Jongup seemed to have run out of secrecy tonight.” Youngjae remarked, grinning from ear to ear.

Zelo was whistling to himself.

“Yah Junhong! Hurry! We have a nice guy to catch.”


Jongup jumped on the bus as soon as it stopped. 11:00 P.M. Was Jae Hee still there? It was already late and he hoped that she was still there, still studying. But what if she did not go there in the first place? No time to think about that possibility now. He needed to check the place for him to know.

He rubbed his palms together, looking outside the moving scenery. Why was he acting like this? He did not stop to ask himself that question, nor think why he desperately wished to see her there. He just felt.

He leaned his head on the window just to feel the bus stop. He was already on his destination. He immediately hopped out of the bus and ran towards a particular café . Everything around him was becoming a blur. He entered the café and immediately landed his eyes on the only customer inside.

 Jongup made his way towards a sleeping Jae Hee and sat across her, still catching his breath.

Thank God. Jongup closed his eyes, smiling.


Jae Hee looked up, rubbing his eyes. Her eyes widened when she recognized who was seated before her. She couldn’t help but smile.

Luck wasn’t the only one on her side now.

Jongup too.



Jae Hee glanced at her watch, eyes looking like they will pop out. “Oppa will kill me!” she immediately gathered her things and dumped them inside her bag.

She was turning towards the door when a hand grabbed hers.

“Where are you going?” Jongup asked her, looking puzzled.

Jae Hee seemed agitated. “Home. Oppa will kill me, it’s almost midnight.” She glanced at the door.

Cinderella needed to get home soon. Err, now.

Jongup stood up. “I’ll take you home.” He declared.

“Huh?” Jae Hee couldn’t quite believe what he just said.

“I’ll take you home.” Jongup intertwined their hands and pulled her outside.

Unbeknownst to them, five pairs of eyes looking from behind the bushes were following their every movement.


Himchan gasped when he saw Jongup walking out of the café, holding hands with someone unknown to them. “Oh my…………” Yongguk clamped his hand on Himchan’s mouth. “Shhhhhhhhh.”

“Was that really our Jongup?” Daehyun whispered at his friends.

Zelo nodded, mouth forming an “O”.

“Let’s go.” Youngjae stood up first, shaking leaves away from his clothes. “Hurry! We might lose them!”

B.A.P went after Jongup and Jae Hee, following Youngjae’s ‘spy moves’ (that’s what he liked to call it), hiding from tree to tree and looking like idiots.


Jongup and Jae Hee were already aboard the bus, heading towards Jae Hee’s place.

“What were you doing in the café?” Jae Hee stared hard at the window, afraid that Jongup might notice her pink tinged cheeks.

Jongup hasn’t let go of her hand yet.

Looking for you. “I was just passing by when I saw you.” Jongup lied. He hoped she wouldn’t detect the nervousness in his voice.

She didn’t. She was also already nervous to do so.

“You’re hand.” She took a peek at Jongup.


Jae Hee pointed at their intertwined hands, “You can let go of me now.”

Jongup was surprised. “Oh!” He pulled his hands away from hers and looked away, rubbing his neck. “I didn’t notice.”

Jae Hee nodded. She turned at the window, tracing circles.

“What were you doing at the café this late?” Jongup asked her.

“I was studying.”

Jongup nodded. “It’s already our stop.”


“Where is he taking her?” Daehyun couldn’t rest his on the seat.

“Shut up. We’re concentrating.” Youngjae told Daehyun off.

“But really. Where is he taking the girl?” Yongguk asked. His voice tinged with concern.

Zelo was the only one who looked so calm in the group. “He’s taking her to her home hyung.”

“How did you know?” Himchan turned to Zelo.

Zelo shrugged. “She was the reason Jongup hyung went home late the last time. He took her home.”

Yongguk, Himchan, Daehyun, and Youngjae glared at him. “Last time you told us you did not know anything.” Youngjae growled.

“Ani. I told you I’m innocent hyung.” Zelo wagged his finger at Youngjae.

Himchan sighed dramatically. “Our Jongup has gotten himself a girl.”

“She’s not his girl yet hyung. They just met recently.” Zelo told Himchan sounding like a great expert on Jongup’s whereabouts.

“Just recently?” Yongguk asked.

Zelo nodded.

Leader Bang smiled knowingly. “What’s his name Junhong-ah?”

“I don’t know hyung.”

“We don’t need to know.” Himchan told them. Like Yongguk, he also knew what the nice guy was up to. Now, it was up to them to support their other maknae. “Let’s get to the dorm.”

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chabi01 #1
Author nim,., are you dead? pls. update
theironthrone #2
*you're, not your. haha
theironthrone #3
i just have to say that I choked up on the foreword! Mabs, your face keeps flashing in my mind while I'm reading it and your melodramatically reading it to me! :D