When EXO goes to Hogwarts

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The school year has once again begun. And for a few of the students, it was the beginning of the story that they will remember for the rest of their life.


Jongdae was never been committed when it comes to dating and relationship. He likes to flirt but never bothered to ask anyone to a second date. It was always the first with everyone. He began to act that way after his father left him and his mother on the road for another woman. He will go on several dates and all of the girls were different from one date to another. Back home it was easier for him and after three years of studying here; he finally met one girl that he can’t put his charm on the front line. Being the womanizer that always has a way to swoon a girl, he never stops trying to make her eyes laid on him. She was unbelievably quiet. She has a stone-like expression that anyone never puts their attention to. She is a wallflower while he was the opposite. And when the danger comes, can the girl lower her pride for him? What will happen to Jongdae when he found out the truth about her?

“Why are you keeping avoiding me?” Jongdae asked while he was walking down the hall. He was trying to match his feet with the girl that walked in front of him. She grunts and fastens her steps. “Hey wait!” he finally reaches her arm and held onto it. “What do you want?” she asked coldly. “I just wanted to get to know you better. Why are you being like this?” he asked with concern on his voice. They were just about to go up to the Astronomy tower when he finally had her to stop walking. The tower is awfully quite because today is Thursday and there is no Astronomy class on Thursday. “Just.. Leave me alone.” She tried yanking her arm but Jongdae kept on his grip. Suddenly he looked down to her arm and found a serpent carved in her arm. She looked down to her arm and gasped. “Why did you have this?” he asked but before he could finish his sentence, she was already climbing up the Astronomy tower.


Kyungsoo was the shy and quiet boy you easily found on your school. The one that always be seen either alone being on his own world or being with his closest friends only. He only nodded in response and talked only a word like ‘yes’ ‘no’ or just a short ‘hmm’ or ‘I don’t know’. And he tends to stare at people to show his feeling and reaction towards them which is ‘not interested’ or just to try telling them to ‘stop annoy me and leave me alone’ or those kind of stuff. People around him who were his friends tried to make him talk more. He would always give a response to them but when someone that was a stranger to him approaches him, he would only stare at them until they left themselves. But what will happen if one day, he finally took the first step to some stranger and start a conversation? And that stranger turns out to be the girl that has everything a guy could’ve asked for, even a guy like him? 

“I guess we’re not alone after all.” Kyungsoo said to her. “You’re never alone when you’re an outcast. There’s always a person out there that feels the same as you,” she said and smiled while her hands the creature’s cheek, “a wallflower.” “What?” Kyungsoo asked with his eyes widened. “A wallflower. That’s what we are, an outcast.” She said with a grin and her face turned to him. Kyungsoo chuckled and answered her, “yeah but you’re not the type of girl to be called a wallflower.” “Excuse me?” she scoffed. “I’ve seen you before and you drew a lot of attention from what I can see.” She had agape and then she spoke with a sharp tone. “Oh really? What about you huh? I saw you with your friends. And I can see how girls talked about you.” she crossed her arms and continue speaking. “You don’t judge from people’s appearance, you judge them from your heart.” She turned her body to the Thestral and began walking away with it. And for the first time, how Kyungsoo wish he can speak to her again one more time.


Joonmyeon was always wanted to be a Prefect and he finally had his wish came true. He was chosen to be the house prefect by the teachers and he was proud of that. He always has been the diligent and hard-working student that will always study their off every day. And on top of that, his angelic face and well-mannered personality added the list of his plus that makes him more like one of a kind man. Girls would go all crazy for him but all he can do was smile and said that he is not interested in dating yet. And being the perfect Prefect for his houses is the title that he wants to carry on when he graduate. But what happened if he found one particular girl that catches his eye? And one of the unexpected things was that she isn’t what his dream girl would look like. Can he finally find the answer of his love life when he knows that his time on Hogwarts is coming to an end?  

“Just because the professors has chosen you to be the house Prefect doesn’t mean you can boss me around like you own me. You’re not even my mother!” she yelled earning a shush from the other student in the library. “Please, I’m just trying to help you. If you can’t pass this you’re going to fail your OWL test.” Joonmyeon said to her feeling a bit concern. She crossed her arms and sit up straight, “well I don’t need the help from you and I’m sure it’s none of your concern whether I fail or not.” She stood up from her sit and stopped when she was right in front of him. “Good day Kim Joonmyeon.” She bade her bow and walked away, leaving Joonmyeon that started to get frustrated by her actions. He thought he had nothing to worry about when he was chosen to be the house Prefect, but he was wrong. He was wrong at all.


Minseok was the cute boy next door that would easily be a sweetheart and a gentleman at the same time. But behind those cute puffy cheeks and sparkling dog-like eyes, he has a temper that even his friends can’t handle. All this time, he holds his hatred on his uncle that killed his parents in front of his eyes. And the only people that he cared about were his friends. His love for Herbology led him to an extraordinary adventure where he met a girl that was crazy for mandrake – which was what he was working on when he met her. And how one seemingly harmless thing can be the one and only difference that he shared with her. But what will happen if their differences were the one that brings them together? Can he lower down his temper when he has to deal with her face to face? Or will they find a way to solve their differences and just made up?

“Stop that! You’re hurting them!” Minseok shrieked as he entered the greenhouse. He dropped the bucket that was filled with soil that he had brought from outside and ran inside the room. He approaches the girl that was holding some sort of root and a knife. “You’re doing it wrong!” he shrieked again.  “This is the right way to do it idiot!” she answered. He snickered and shoved her body to the side. He took the root and the knife she was holding and glared at her, “you need to have some respect whether they’re dead or alive!” She scoffed and spat back at him, “it’s dead. Why are you still treating them like it was still alive?” “Because dead or alive, they still have the function to cure people, unlike you who only makes my work harder!” She took off her earpiece, gloves and apron and slammed it on the table. “Forget it. I’m done, I’m done helping you. Go do it yourself.” She hit his shoulder on purpose when she walks pass him. He scoffed looking at her disappearing figure. “You always treated Mandrake with respect.” He said under his breath.


Baekhyun was always wanted to be a Quidditch player and his dream was to score on the goal and bring victory to Gryffindor. He obviously wanted to be the best Chaser that Gryffindor has ever had. But from all of those beautiful dreams, he only have one thing to worry about; heights. He was afraid of heights because of the incident he had ten years ago. He was tripped and fell from the window from his room and landed on the bushes. He felt grateful that he still alive after that but after what happened; he always been afraid of heights, he didn’t even have the bravery to look down the window. So when he put all the courage he has for the tryouts and make his way through the test, he felt like he was on the cloud nine. But that won’t be the last time. When it comes to the big game, can he manage to loosen up his fear and just go with it? Or maybe with the help of the girl that happens to be his opponent for the game? Can he trust her?

“I can’t do it!” Baekhyun yelled while he was on his broomstick and he is now floating five meters above the ground. “Of course you can! You just doubted yourself!” she said below him. She was watching him from the ground and she always keep her eye on his figure. “Come on Baekhyun! You can’t be a Chaser if you’re afraid of heights!” she yelled. “YOU CAN’T JUST SCREAM IT OUT LOUD YOU IDIOT!” he screamed louder now. “Oops,” she clamped her hand on . Baekhyun started to calmed himself and then after a moment he felt relaxed on his broom. “Yeah just keep like that. You’re doing great up there!” she said with both of her thumbs raised. He then felt so happy like he was finally free from his shell. But then suddenly, his broom started to move around. He was shocked and immediately had both of his hand grip the broom. The broom moved back and forth like it was yanking him and the fell off the broom. She ran to his figure that his now lied down on the ground. His broom is still above them and stopped moving. “Oww what happened?” he asked while he rubbed the back of his head. She knew to herself someone cursed his broom. And she swears to God that it wasn’t her that did it.  





Kim Minseok/Xiumin

Hufflepuff house and currently in the fifth year. Loves Herbology and has a dream to develop and expand the use of Mandrake for a treatment.

Xi LuHan/Luhan

Gryffindor house and currently in the fifth year. Plays as a Chaser of Gryffindor team and has an interest in becoming an Auror. Bestfriend with Sehun.

Wu YiFan/Kris

Slytherin house and currently in the fifth year. Plays as a Beater and the Team Captain of Slytherin team. Hates Herbology but loves Astronomy. He hates it when Xiumin talks about Mandrake.

Kim JoonMyeon/Suho

Ravenclaw Houses and currently in the fifth year. Ravenclaw’s Prefect and the youngest because usually Prefect is only a seventh year student. He is the wisest in the group.

Zhang YiXing/Lay

Hufflepuff house and currently in the third year. Plays as Chaser and has an extraordinary talent on Transfiguration. He likes to shift-shape into animals, the other found it annoying though.

Byun BaekHyun/Baekhyun

Gryffindor house and currently in the third year. Dream to be the Chaser of Gryffindor but back down from the tryouts on his second year. Bestfriend with Chanyeol.

Kim JongDae/Chen

Ravenclaw house and currently in the third year. Everyone called him ‘Ravenclaw’s dream boy’ because of his flirty personality. Has a sensitive side when it comes to his parents.  

Park ChanYeol/Chanyeol

Gryffindor house and currently in the third year. Assigned as the Quidditch’s commentator and Gryffindor’s ‘Happy Virus’. Has a lack of experience when it comes to potion making. Bestfriend with Baekhyun.  

Do KyungSoo/D.O

Gryffindor house and currently in the third year. Quite and shy but has the appearance that attracts people. He has an interest in Charms and he can perform a patronus charm since his second year.

Huang ZiTao/Tao

Slytherin house and currently in the first year. Has a sharp death-like glare but has a soft personality. Only his friends understands him.

Kim JongIn/Kai

Slytherin house and currently in the first year. Slick and easy-going, like a serpent. Both of his parents are from Slytherin which makes him a true-born heir of the house. He has an interest on becoming a Seeker.

Oh SeHun/Sehun

Slytherin house and currently in the first year. His mature face hides his child-like personality and attitude. He is the youngest in the group and sometimes gets pranked all the time by the others.




hello *bows* 

I finally decided to write the  of the story! And I am so glad that I made the decision. For you guys that helped me vote the poll that I made, I would like to give my biggest gratitude. Because without the help from you guys, I would still be up on my mind thinking about which houses should they be in and blah blah blah and all of that. I can now say that the result has finally out for real and it was simultaneously with the personality that they have in real life. And for those of you that is still new to this, I would like to say 'WELCOME!' and thank you for reading this. 

This is a story of EXO studying in Hogwarts after the Second Wizarding War – which was the war against Voldemort. Yes, Hogwarts is still open for studying after the war. In fact, I found that that the story of the war was added to the curriculum (I found a roleplaying site and it was full of information that you need to know about Hogwarts). So there will be 5 pairings in the story and I will make some other K-Pop idols appear on the story. 

I'm going to post the first chapter next week because sadly I have my mid term test next week (boohoo) and right now is the only time I had before I have to deal with those books *throwing them away through the window*. So again, THANK YOU for reading this. And if you like it please subscribe and support this story. All story ideas and plot are mine and plagiarism is highly prohibited. 

We'll meet again on the first chapter. Good bye! Hwaiting!! :D oh and i added a little teaser from the story, i hope you like it :) 

credit to Aegyo Poster Shop dor the great poster and background!<3



25 subscribers and 4 upvote! THANK YOU!


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I'm gonna inform you, the author of this story (Ratih) is already in heaven right now :') she passed away on Sunday (July 6th) let's pray so she can rest in peace besides god there. Amen.
Chapter 10: i will wait for you author~ good luck~ you wrote the story like harry potter but your version is 12 males ._.
omg the houses and the members wdvhidbojscbojvahoxvohdwhv so perfect
Chapter 2: *beautiful -.-v your idea is great dongsaeng :) but maybe you can make a longer chapter /after your exam is over ofc *winkwink/ I like how the three of them got into Slytherin lol idek I just found Sehun with white blonde hair looks familiar with Malfoy C: and for Tao and Kai I think the Slytherin image would fits them perfectly ;) hoho anyway I'm waiting for my Jongdae's part! waiting for the next update you! and sorry for the late comment -.-v Hwaiting!
Chapter 1: This is...... baeutiful :') chapter 1 kerasa banget Hogwarts-nya, serius! I'm reading the 2nd chap nao hoho
Chapter 1: i love this story! the idea is new!! :3
smartone #8
YESSS! First commenter :D haha also I peaked at your profile xD I took a test a few years ago saying I was Ravenclaw too! It may has changed since then because I've changed however I just wanted to say that haha ANYWAYS excited for this Exo-Hogwarts fanfic ^_^ should be really interesting!