

3rd Person’s POV

Shortly after breakfast, Sehun and Kai asked Xiumin about bringing Jin to school again. Xiumin agreed but he gave SeKai a stern talk before he let them go. It was an hour before the morning meeting so they had to go get Jin immediately. “Angel? Are you awake?” There were some shuffling behind the door before it swung open.


In front of them stood Jin, who was dressed in a white romper that looked like a dress. The romper had a low back and two thin straps holding the top up. The chain with the ring hung from Jin’s pale neck, while a silver snake belt decorated her thin waist.


“Oppa!” Sehun and Kai looked at Jin in surprise. “You got ready…” The petite girl smiled at the two taller men as she open the door wider. “I got ready just in case.” Jin invited SeKai into her room as she slid on her flats. “Angel… What did I tell you about wet hair?” Sehun quickly dried her hair. Jin giggled as the warm breeze created by Sehun tickled her neck.


After making sure that Jin’s hair was adequately dry, SeKai teleported to school. “We will be attending the meeting now, but you can explore the school if you want.” Kai took out his phone and checked the time. “It’s still early so there won’t be a lot of students here other than the club members. Stay safe!” Kai ruffled Jin’s hair and ran into the meeting room, while Sehun just pat Jin’s head as he followed Kai. “Bye bye~”


While Jin was bouncing down a deserted hallway on the fifth floor, she heard some voices in the janitor’s closet. Being a curious person, Jin decided to go take a look.


Don’t you think that voices in a closet is a bit iffy?


“Iffy? I don’t know what that means. But somebody could be trapped in there.” Jin approached the door.


Whatever you say…


The noise in the closet gradually got louder as Jin neared the door. V coiled a little tighter around Jin’s waist when she yanked the door open. Lo and behold, in front of their eyes was a guy and a girl in an intimate situation.


“Hey!” The girl pulled down her shirt while the guy pulled up his pants. The girl threw a nasty glare at Jin when she noticed the guy looking suggestively at the stunned girl.


I told you so~


“O-oh! I’m so sorry.” Jin quickly closed the door and ran away from the scene of the crime. The clearly flustered girl was running up a flight of stairs when the girl in the closet caught up to her. “Oi! .” Jin froze. The girl walked in front of Jin. “Do not say anything to anyone about what you saw.” Jin nodded her head while avoiding eye contact. “Good girl. Oh and fyi you ruined my time with Blake.” The girl clamped her hand down on Jin’s shoulder. “This is a little payback.”


With a rough push, the girl send Jin flying down the stairs. “Bye~” Jin used her wings to protect herself and V to reduce the damage.


Urgh… Are you okay?


“Ow… I’m okay… What about you Taehyung-ssi?” Jin unwrap her wings from around her body.


I’m cool. You know what? You can call me V, it’s shorter. It will be easier for you.


“Okay…” Jin used the handrails to help herself up from the floor. Then out of nowhere, a pair of strong arms scooped Jin up into their arms. “Wah!” Jin looked up only to see a pair of eyes looking right back at her. “Mingyu-ssi.”


The man carrying her smiled as he walked down the hallway. “Hello.” “H-hello.” “You hungry?” “A little…” Mingyu carried Jin for a little while more until he reached the vending machines. He gently placed Jin back on her feet and proceeded to buy a drink and food from the machines. “You okay?” Mingyu asked as he passed Jin her drink. “Hm?” Jin looked up from her small carton of milk to look at Mingyu. “Your legs are starting to bruise.”


Jin immediately bend over a little to check her legs. “Oh… I’m okay…” Mingyu collected the sandwiches from the vending machine, and balanced one on Jin’s head. “Come on. You can watch us practice.” “Practice?” Mingyu headed for the practice room with Jin on his tail. “W-wait! I have to pay you back. How much did these cost?”




“I’m back.” Mingyu called out as he pushed open the practice room door. “What took you so long?” “Did you take a big or something?” Mingyu awkwardly glanced at Jin while she look back at him – puzzled at why he stopped. “I don’t think you should use words like that in front of a lady.” Somebody snorted. “Since when did you become a lady?”


“Hello~” Jin said as she popped out from under Mingyu’s arm. Thus, Jin spent the rest of her time with Seventeen. Hormonal males, a pretty girl, dancing… Ah… young love.




The trio returned home after a day at school. Jin had linked arms with Sehun and Kai while walking down a sidewalk. “Angel?” Kai started. “Hm?” “How did you get those bruises on your legs?” Jin’s happy expression fell from her face. “Oh…” The trio slowed down their pace. SeKai exchanged looks before fixing their gaze on Jin. “Did something happen at school?” Jin leaned her head against Kai’s arm. “If… if I tell you… you can’t tell Minseok oppa.”


“Okay.” “And Lay ge too.” Sehun sighed. “Okay, we won’t tell.” Seemingly satisfied by their answer, Jin decided to tell the guys what happened. “I got pushed down a flight of stairs.” “Woah. Woah. Woah. What? Somebody pushed you down a flight of stairs?” Both Sehun and Kai had stopped walking by now and were looking at Jin like she was crazy.


“Yeah… You can’t tell. Please.” “Fine.” After calming themselves, the trio continued their walk. However, instead of linking arms, they were holding hands now. “You really should treat those bruises though. They look really bad on your skin.” “I had medicine on me in my pouch. But I don’t know where it is right now.”


“Your pouch?” “If it was on you when Umin hyung brought you back, it might be with D.O hyung.” Jin raised her eyebrows at the mention of the owl-eyed male. “D.O-ssi?” Kai shrugged. “Well yeah. He might be mending your stuff. He’s good at that kind of stuff ya know.”


Jin started pulling on SeKai’s arms. “Come on, we have to get back. I can’t let D.O-ssi mend my clothes.” And so the trio ran into the sunset, to SeKai’s doom when their hyungs see the bruises on Jin’s legs.


[Meanwhile somewhere in the south]

After travelling non-stop for days, Gina finally reached her first stop. “Kay.” The hyacinth eyed woman called out. “Oh… Gina?” A tall, short black haired male turned around. He stopped sharpening one of his tantous and called out to his brother. “Qyu! Get your over here!” There was the sound of something shuffling around before another tall frame walked into Gina’s line of sight. “Gina-nee? Did you bring sweets?” “No. Sorry.” Qyu just shrugged and threw himself on a nearby couch.


So you must be wondering who these new people are. Welp, here are their introductions~

Kay – the older twin – has a head of short, messy black hair and a fringe that covers his right eye. Magically, even if it is his bed-head, it looks like it was styled. He is mostly seen wearing a red v-neck and black leather pants. Multiple silver earrings decorated his ears, while a simple leather necklace hung on his neck. The black leather jacket and combat boots he had on topped off his look.


Qyu – the younger twin – has shoulder length black hair that curtained his left eye. Similar to Kay, Qyu wore a leather jacket, leather pants and combat boots. However, he swapped the red v-neck out for a form-fitting navy shirt. He had bracelets instead of piercings, but had a similar leather necklace.


“What are you doing here?” Kay asked. Gina flicked a stray hair out of her face and crossed her arms. “Eric was ambushed and got killed.” The limp body on the couch shot up at the same when Kay dropped his weapon. “What! How? Where’s Jin?” “What happened to my rose?!” The two worried men started blasting Gina with questions as they frantically shook her shoulders. “Stop shaking me! And I’ll tell you!”


They immediately released the dizzy female. “Jin found Eric in a trap and was going to get him out, but the people who caught him were waiting. They killed him, decided to capture Jin and chased her into the city.” “Did they…” “No.” The twins heaved a sigh of relieve at the thought that Jin is safe. At least they think that she’s safe.


“Where is she now?” Gina scratched her cheek as she thought back to what Jin told her. “She said that she’s currently living with her saviours. Apparently, they are the successors of North.”


“MY PRECIOUS ROSE IS LIVING WITH A BUNCH OF BOYS?!?!” “Are you going to go find her?” “OF COURSE WE ARE!” The twins were already shoving supplies into their own knapsacks. Gina watch as Kay and Qyu went around their place, frantically throwing things into their bags. Kay hid throwing daggers on his body, two tantous in his combat boots, and strapped his two custom katanas onto his back. Qyu secured his gun holsters on his waist and his great-sword to his back.


“You guys are over-reacting.” Gina said as she leaned on the wall. “Over-reacting? She’s surrounded by men. THEY ARE GOING TO TAINT HER INNOCENT MIND!!” They are definitely over-reacting. “And you aren’t ?” Gina narrowed her eyes at the shadow twins. “If I remember correctly the both of you are technically incubi.” “That’s different!” Gina rolled her eyes at the reply. “Whatever. Just don’t get too overboard.”


“We won’t.” Gina watched the twins melt into the shadows before leaving the lavish treehouse. Heading east, the olive skinned female only had one goal in mind. 

Andddddddd I finally updated! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Updates might be slower due to me being in my 2nd Year this coming April... So I apologise in advance for disappearing ^^"

Oh and WOW 134 subscribers! I cannot believe so many people actually read my fic... I'M SO HAPPY I'M GOING TO GO CRY IN A CORNER




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iwill also be doing some editing so don't be surprised if there is an update! Thank you very much for reading this fic


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aliceinchanyeolland #1
Chapter 14: i just found this fiction recently and this is SO GOOD!! I hope you will update soon authornim~ HWAITING!!
67 streak #2
Chapter 14: Wow XD
Nice fic ♡
Alosya #3
Chapter 14: Update please!!!!
Chapter 14: oh my gosh~ this story is beautiful. i like how you portray the main character as innocent. tho, i wish you could include more of the exo members in the story. its usually kai, sehun, chen and minseok... not that i'm complaining since they're cool! we'll be waiting for your next update authornim! hwaiting!
Interesting story! Looking foward to read it..☺
Chapter 14: I am so addicted to reading this story, I even sacrificed my precious nap to read T_T but it's worth it!!
Jazlyn16 #7
Chapter 14: Her with all of exo ,infinite, bap, and bts would be so awesome! Maybe even seventeen and Boyfriend too!! Talk about major reverse harem.
blockbuster01 #8
Chapter 14: This is so cute, can't wait for the next one
Jaslynn #9
I'm addicted! Jin is so naive and adorable ! I like how they are protective of her. Good Luck with Finals. Hope you update as soon as you can! ;)