Hyacinth Eyed Beauty


Rated PG13 for slight cussing. 

3rd Person's POV is having a mind of its own... ENJOY!!! :)

Luhan’s POV

The doors of the garden shattered when it D.O threw it open. Jin had collapsed into Sehun’s arms, while Kai laid in mine. Xiumin, Kris and Lay followed closely behind D.O as they rushed into the now ruined garden. “Oppa!” multiple voices called out. Krystal and her friends ceased attacking when they saw the others.


“Jongin!” D.O called out as he rushed to check on his unconscious friend. Lay quickly brushed pass the others to check on us. “Kai’s fine, he’s just unconscious… But Jin… she’s badly injured.” Xiumin’s eyes turned crystal blue when he saw the four of us on the ground, battered and bruised. Kris was no different, his eyes had turned smoky black and scales started emerging from underneath his skin.


The ground started rumbling. I turned to D.O and saw his eyes flickering from brown to forest green. A loud cracking sound was heard and the surface of the ground started to shift, the rumbling getting stronger by the second. The ground beneath Krystal and her friends shifted, throwing them off their balance and onto their butts.


“No, Kyungsoo. Stop.” D.O quickly turned his attention to Kris, his eyes now an unusual green. “B-But hyung-” black orbs met muted, soft medium green ones. “Take the others inside. Minseok hyung and I will take care of them.” Lay quickly hoisted D.O up and scooped Jin up. “Come on, Kyungsoo. Let the hyungs deal with them.”


D.O nodded silently and helped me get Kai up. I shifted Kai into a comfortable position on D.O’s back, letting him carry Kai piggy-back style. I locked eyes with Xiumin for a second before he gave me a reassuring nod. I helped D.O and Lay get the injured into the mansion as Xiumin and Kris stayed behind.


3rd Person’s POV

“The lot of you are trespassing right now.” The tall male said as scales emerged from underneath his skin. His right arm had shifted slightly, where tough scales covered the surface. “B-but oppa we came here to get rid of that clingy for you.” The oldest successor was enraged when he heard the youngest female.


“Umin hyung! We heard th-” Five other males froze when they saw the females on their property. “Noona.” “Baekhyun-” The concern he had moments before melted into rage as the black haired female stepped towards him. “Why the are you here?” The light user had his hands clenched by his side, knuckles turning white. “That girl that’s living here she-”


“She did nothing wrong.” “She’s trying to seduce you.” Dark brown eyes flashed pale golden. One would normally think that his eye colour is beautiful, but right now, he’s pissed. “You left me for somebody else.” Seeing that the successors were on the girl’s side, the female told her friends to attack.


The water from the pond was bended and aimed at the successors. The water was about to hit its mark when it was bended away. The man who had the water in his control directed it at the females. Krystal’s older sister threw up her hands, freezing the water into a giant block. It was then thrown aside by telekinesis. “Yuri, Yoona.” The block of ice turned back into water, soaking the ground. The one called Yuri channelled electric current into the water.


“Oh no you don’t .” The electricity was conducted by the sassy male. He quickly threw his arm out, shooting a more built up electric current at the females. “You .” A wall of dirt stopped the attack. “Calling yourself a man when you attack girls.” A smirk tugged on the corner of the tall fire user’s mouth. “You attacked us first. It’s called self-defence.” He was holding his friend back to prevent him from killing somebody. “Park Chanyeol! Let me go right now!” Chanyeol hugged Baekhyun tighter and beamed at him. “Nope! You aren’t getting your hands dirty. They are not worth it.”


It didn’t took Krystal long to see that her friends weren’t going to win. She gave her sister a look, telling her it was time to go. “Taeyeon unnie.” Illusion was used as a distraction as all nine females fled. Krystal gave them a warning “One day, all of you are going to regret taking that girl’s side.” Krystal whipped around, her bleach blonde hair flying wildly in the wind as she fled into the woods.


Kris pinched the bridge of his nose after he surveyed the garden. “.” The short water user looked at his hyungs. “So what happened?” “They injured the girl and Kai.” The lightning user perked up when he heard that Jin was injured. “Are they okay?” “Lay and D.O took them inside.”


Luhan’s POV

There’s a strange pulse of energy coming from the girl’s neck. Lay was about to touch her when I intercepted his hand. His eyes flashed aquamarine for a second before going back to brown. “There’s something wrong with her necklace.” He took a look at the necklace and furrowed his brows. “What’s wrong with it?” I released my grip on his wrist and touched the charm on the necklace.


I knew it. It was that girl with the illusions. “Illusions.” If we don’t remove the necklace soon this girl will keep having nightmares until her sanity snaps. “Can you remove it?” “Yes. Give me a second.”



Jin’s POV

“It’s been two days. Are you sure that she’s fine?” Huh? Why is it so dark? Jongdae oppa? “She was injured physically and mentally, Chen-ah. You need to give her mind some time to recover.” Lay ge? Am I asleep? I felt something soft brush against my cheek, making me more aware of my surroundings. I wanted to open my eyes but they felt like they were stuck together. I twitched my fingers, trying to let Jongdae oppa and Lay ge know that I’m awake. “Hyung! Her finger just moved!”


Immediately after that sentence was made, I felt a presence move closer to me. Prying my eyelids open was difficult. Having them closed for two days seemed to make opening them an impossible task. Slowly, I fluttered my eyelids, letting them adjust to the lighting. “Jin-ah, do you feel okay.” I felt exhausted, but I managed a nod. A pair of warm hands helped me into a sitting position to do a check.


I gently rubbed my eyes, getting the crust off my lids. “Here you go.” A glass of water was held up in front of me. I gratefully took the glass of cool water from Jongdae oppa, chugging it down in seconds. The sweet water soothed my dry throat, making my attempt to talk not as difficult. “How are you feeling right now?” Lay ge asked.




I felt blood rush to my head, no doubt turning my face red. Lay ge chuckled “I’ll be back with some food. Chen, go get Kai. He’s been panicking ever since he woke up.” Jongin oppa? Oh, that’s right! Jongin oppa got hurt! “I-Is Jongin oppa alright?” I mumbled, my voice still laced with sleep. “He’s fine. Luckily, those es didn’t do much damage to him.” Lay ge shot Jongdae oppa a disapproving look before he left. “Jin-ah there’s more water on the bedside table if you need any. I’ll be right back with Kai. Don’t overexert yourself alright?” I nodded as Jongdae oppa skipped out the door. Once oppa was down the hallway, a ball of black fur crawled out from underneath the bed, and climbed up onto my lap.


Are you really okay?


“Yep!” I said happily as I scratched Jimin’s furry chin. “Thank you, Jimin. For helping me.”


I just got that guy to follow me. And you still got hurt.


“If it weren’t for you, I might be dead. So in the end you did help.” Jimin purred and quietly settled himself on my lap. I could feel that Jimin still blamed himself.


“Angel! You’re finally awake!” Jongin oppa screamed as he materialise in my room. Jimin’s fur bristled at Jongin oppa’s sudden appearance, and jumped off when Jongin oppa threw himself at me. I found myself being pulled into a bone-crushing hug, my face pressed up against Jongin oppa’s chest. “Um… Oppa? I-I can’t- I can’t breathe.” He doesn’t seem to hear me. “My Angel. I was so worried.” The fact that I was pressed up against Jongin oppa’s body made my flustered. The only man that I knew was Eric, and he hated skinship.


“Okay, that’s enough hyung. Jin needs to breathe.” Sehun oppa! Lay ge entered with Sehun oppa behind him, a bowl in his hands. “D.O prepared this chicken porridge just now, just in case you wake up.” The bowl of chicken porridge looks delicious. It was topped with chicken shreds and some brown and green stuff. “Thank you for the food.” I said, receiving the bowl with two hands.


“Kim Jongin! You brat! You could have teleported with me instead of making me run here.” Jongdae oppa panted as he leaned on the door frame. Jongin oppa apologised to Jongdae oppa, and handed him some water.


“So Angel.” Jongdae oppa said as soon as he caught his breath. “Hmm?” “Tell us about yourself.” I swallowed a spoon of the porridge, savouring the taste. “Me?” I tilted my head. I don’t know much about my past. What am I going to say? “Yeah! Things like your age and what things you like.” My age?


“Well… Physically I’m 19 years old.” The oppas’ and Lay ge’s face furrowed in confusion. “Physically?” I nodded happily. “Yep! Eric told me that he dug me out from a frozen lake. He said that technically speaking, I’m already 179 years old!” “WHAT!?”


Jongdae oppa’s face was hilarious. His jaws hung wide open in shock. I giggled and closed his mouth gently. “Oppa, you’ll catch files if you don’t close your mouth.” Jongin oppa then came up to me and squeezed my cheeks together with his palms. “1-179?! B-but how?” I shrugged, I don’t really know either. Eric didn’t tell me much about how I stayed young.


I quietly ate more of the porridge as the oppas and Lay ge let the information of my real age sink in. “So… other than this Eric guy, do you have any other friends?” I smiled, thinking of my precious friend instantly. “Yep! Her name is Gina. She has a pretty shop in the city that sells a lot of plants.” Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Gina for a long time.


“Gina took care of me whenever Eric goes on a mission. Because he said that I’m too dumb to take care of myself.” I pouted, thinking of the times Eric called me a ‘stupid kid’. “But Gina says that he cares deeply for me. She says that it’s ‘tough love’.” Eric would always come back with pretty things for me, like clothes. I wonder if I can go see Gina sometime soon. I look up at the oppas and Lay ge. “C-can I visit Gina?”


“I don’t know if you can go out after what those es did. I mean Xiumin hyung would’ve killed them if it weren’t for us.” Sehun oppa then nudged Jongin oppa. “The academy reopens tomorrow. Sehun and I can probably persuade Umin hyung to let us bring Angel out.” “R-really?” This means I can go visit Gina. Well, if Minseok oppa agreed. “Sit tight Angel, Lay hyung and I will be right back.” “Wait-”




While waiting for Lay ge and Jongin oppa, I remembered something that Jongdae oppa said. “Oppa?” Both Sehun and Jongdae oppa turned their attention to me. “Yeah?” “What’s a ‘’?” “Oh crap.” Sehun oppa gave Jongdae oppa a look. “Hyung. What did you say?” “Jongin oppa’s ex-girlfriend said it. Is it a bad word like ‘’?”

Sehun oppa and Jongdae oppa’s eyes flashed a different colour for a spilt second. “Jin-ah don’t take what those girls said to heart.” “So it’s a bad word? Jiminnie said that it’s a word that is used to hurt people.” Jongdae oppa took a seat on the small chair and ruffled my hair. “That’s right. Don’t say those words, okay? Even when you’re really, really angry you can’t say those words.” “So people won’t get hurt?” I asked, tilting my head. “That’s right.”




“We’re back!” Lay ge looked paler than he had been a few minutes ago. “Lay ge are you alright?” Jongin oppa looked over at Lay ge and shrugged. “I guess Umin hyung threatened him.” Then he pulled me into another hug. “But he said yes! You can go out tomorrow!” I’m going to see Gina tomorrow? Yay!


“What about her clothes? You can’t expect her to go in her pyjamas.” Jongin oppa then pulled away. “My noona may have clothes that fit you.” His lips tugged into a mischievous smirk, and turned around to face the others. “We’ll be right back.” “No, Kai! She just woke up!”




I clutched tightly onto Jongin oppa’s shirt, the world spinning under my feet. Even with Jongin oppa holding me up, I still buried my head into his chest as I got a little lightheaded. “Jongin? What are you doing here? Who’s this?” Jongin oppa rubbed his hands up and down my arm, holding me securely to him. “Noona, this is Jin. Angel, this is my noona.” I shifted myself to face the pretty female in front of me, and bowed. “H-hello, my name is Jin.” The nausea I felt got stronger as I raised my head.


“Angel, do you want to take a seat first?” I nodded slightly, afraid that any big movement I will cause me to throw up. Jongin oppa sat me down on a white couch and took a seat beside me. “Here have some peppermint tea. It’ll help the nausea.” “Thank you.” I sipped on the cup of warm tea while oppa rubbed circles on my arm. “Jongin. What happened?” Jongin oppa’s noona’s deadpan look turned a look of pure horror. “Is she pregnant?!” Jongin oppa looked horrified. “No! Noona what are you thinking?!”


Pregnant? What’s that? “Good! I was about to kill you.” Oppa’s noona plopped down beside me and sipped on her cup of tea. I turned towards Jongin oppa, who was mumbling something under his breath. I tugged on his sleeve, getting his attention. “Oppa? What does ‘pregnant’ mean?” He sighed and ruffled my hair. “It’s nothing. Are you feeling better now?” I nodded. “Mmhmm.” “Great! Noona?” He looked over to his noona. “What is it?” “Angel needs new clothes for tomorrow.”


“Fine. Follow me.” Jongin oppa let me hold onto his arm and lead me over to where his noona went. “Okay. Jongin you can leave now. Us girls need some privacy.” Oppa was shoved out of the room and the door was slammed shut. She then turned to me and smiled. “I have the perfect outfit for you!” She rummage through her racks of clothes and pulled out a dress. “This dress is prefect! Here are some shoes to go complete the outfit.” I held the dress securely in my arms and looked at the lady. “Oh! Noona! Angel needs some underwear too!” the lady hit her closed fist on her open palm. “I think I have some disposable underwear… Somewhere…” She mumbled some incoherent words under her breath, and dove back into her huge pile of clothes. Multiple shirts, dresses and underwear were thrown across the room before the lady held up a small bag.


“Here’s some disposable underwear. I don’t have a bra with your cup size though…” she reached into a small box and pulled out a string. “Let me measure you bust size.” She wrapped the string around my chest at three different places before pulling away. “Alright! A D cup.” She told me to wait in her room as she went to get Jongin oppa. “Jongin-ah! We’re going shopping!”


I heard Jongin oppa teleporting away and everything became very quiet. I preoccupied myself by examining the dress I had in my arms. It’s a simple dress without a back. It is also quite short, I wonder if the rest of the oppas will like it. Oh! There’s a tag? “Marenna Backless Skater Dress in .” Is this the name of the dress? The shoes also have a tag attached to them. “Beige Mary-Jane Ankle Strap Hidden Low-mid Wedge.” Uwah! I didn’t know that shoes have different names.


“We’re back!” “Kyaaa!” I felt my heart stop when Jongin oppa and the lady suddenly appeared. “Noona! Next time go get those things yourself. I’m a man!” Jongin oppa has a pink bag in his hands. “It’s just lingerie, Jongin-ah. Someday you’ll have to see your wife in them.” Jongin oppa’s face turned red and he started stuttering. “N-noona! I’m only 20 for goodness sake!” “Whatever. Kim Jongin, but if you want to get married, I approve of this cute girl.” I tilted my head. Me? What is getting married?


“So Jin-ah, you can call me unnie!” Unnie? “U-unnie?” I almost went deaf when unnie let out a high pitched squeal. She pounced on me and squeezed me. She’s stronger t-than Jongin oppa! “You’re so cute! I’m so glad Jongin brought you here today. Come back soon, okay?” I nodded my head frantically, trying to breathe. “Good!”


Unnie released her hold on me and pushed me out the door with Jongin oppa. “W-wait! Unnie! W-what about the dress?” She gave me a sweet smile and shoved me into Jongin oppa’s arms. “You can keep it, as a gift! Next time I see you, Jongin, you better make Jin-ah your girlfriend!” “Noona!” She giggled as she skipped back to her room. “Now shoo! I have a project to finish.”


“Bye noona.” “See you soon, u-unnie.”




And we are back in ‘my’ room. The oppas didn’t seem happy, judging from the looks they had on their faces. “Before you kill me, I got Angel her outfit… And her… Underwear…” “Kim Jongin you byuntae!” Lay ge turned to me and tucked me in. “Get some rest, Jin-ah. You’ll need energy for tomorrow.” I silently nodded as I watched Jongdae oppa and Sehun oppa dragged Jongin oppa out. “Are you really going to kill Jongin oppa?”


“It depends. Did he do anything to you?” I recounted what happened while we were at unnie’s house. “He rubbed me. Is that bad?” Lay ge’s left eye twitched slightly, his face forcing to keep a smile on. “H-he rubbed you?” “Mmhmm.” He switched off the lamp on the bedside table and stood up from the chair. He placed the pink bag on the mirror table, the shoes and dress on the chair in front of it. I could hear him chuckling under his breath as he walked to the door. “Sleep tight, Jin-ah.” “Goodnight~”


3rd Person’s POV

Lay exited the room and faced a sheepish looking Kai. “Y-you rubbed her?” Lay said, his eye twitching as he fumed internally. “Heheheheheheh~ Chen, Sehun?” “Yes hyung?” Lay gave Kai a sickly sweet smile. “N-no. Wait a second, Hyung!” “Kill him.” Never has a smile looked so sinister in Kai’s eyes until this moment.


That day, Kim Jongin learned not to anger his usually quiet and gentle hyung. Looks can deceive people, and Kai had to learn it the hard way. So young grasshoppers, do not to judge a book by its cover. Because a unicorn is still a horse, and what happens when you walk behind a horse? You get kicked.



Jin’s POV

I woke up to Jimin pawing softly at my arm.


Jin-ah? It’s time to wake up. That Jongin guy is coming in an hour.


I lay in the soft bed for a few more seconds. Wait…Why is Jongin oppa coming in an hour? Oh! That’s right! They are bringing me out today. “I need a shower!” I took the pink bag and headed to the door that has a ‘Bathroom’ label on it. I took off all my clothing and threw them into an empty basket at the corner of the bathroom.


Now… How do I shower?


I checked out the bathroom just now. Do you see some buttons with an overhead square thing?


I raised my head and saw a metal square attached to the ceiling. “I see it.”


That’s the shower. Press the button in the middle to turn on the shower. When you press it, a knob will click out. That knob controls the amount of water coming out. Whenever you want to turn it off just press the button and the water will stop running. Press it again to turn it on, but this time at the temperature and strength you set.


“That sounds complicated.” I looked at the buttons and scratched my head.


It’s not that bad. Now, to set the water temperature. The red button is to set the water hotter, while the blue one is used to set it cooler. You can use the red and blue button to adjust the water temperature to your liking. Oh and the soap is just on the holder thingy. The pink bottle is for the hair, and the white one is for your body.


“Okay! Thanks Jiminnie!” I quickly followed Jimin’s instructions and the shower. I quickly washed myself and used the nice smelling soaps. I didn’t touch my wings as they would get super heavy if the oil gets washed off by the soap. I grabbed the towel and dried myself off. I furrowed my eyebrows as I pulled the undergarments out from the pink bag. They look fancier than what Gina would normally get me, but they should fit.


I put on the matching undergarments and walked out into the bedroom.


W-what are you doing!?


“I’m going to put on the dress. I forgot to take it with me.”


That Jongin guy might pop in anytime! Quick! Get back into the bathroom!


“Okay.” I grabbed the dress and went back into the bathroom to put it on. It fit me snuggly, even though it’s a little tight around the chest area. I dried my hair with the towel and went back out. I plopped down on my bed and started swinging my legs.




Jongin oppa appeared in a cloud of black smoke, scaring the life out of me. “Are you ready?” I gave him a small nod and jumped to my feet. “Yep!” He paused and took a whole minute staring at me. “No, no, no. Angel you can’t go out like this, you’ll get a cold.” I tilted my head, I did this all the time when I was outside though. Jongin oppa then snapped his fingers. He sat me on the chair, in front of the table which had a mirror on it. “Be right back.”




I was just about to tell him I never got a cold like this. But he was back in seconds. With Sehun oppa? “I brought the hairdryer~” Hairdryer? “God dammit Kai. Can’t you wait until I finished breakfast?” “I could have, but Angel might get a cold by then.” Sehun oppa uncrossed his arms and stood behind me. “Suho hyung’s ability would be better for this you know.” Jongin oppa slung an arm around Sehun oppa and poked his cheek. “Suho hyung is busy with paperwork right now. He will drown us in the bath if we interrupted him.”


Sehun oppa just rolled his eyes before turning me around to face the mirror. “Fine.” He then slowly ran his fingers through my hair, a warm breeze weaving in-between his fingers. A shiver ran down my spine whenever the breeze brushed against my skin. “Can you open up your wings? It’ll help them dry faster.” “Hmm? Oh, okay~” I carefully stretched open my wings a little, trying not to knock into anything.


After a few minutes, my hair and wings was dry. “Great! Now let’s go!” “A-ah! Wait, oppa. I’m not wearing shoes.” Both Sehun and Jongin oppa looked at my bare feet and smacked their faces with their hands. Jongin oppa gently pushed me back onto the chair. “I’ll help you.” W-what? “N-no. That’s not necessary. I-I can manage.” He pushed my hands away and put the ‘wedges’ on. “Nah. I’ll do it. Besides you have never worn these shoes, right?”


I just sat quietly on the chair, my face turning red. Jongin oppa, for a moment, looked like Prince Charming in Cinderella, the fairy-tale that Gina always read to me at night. “Alright! Let’s go!” Jongin oppa pulled me into his arms and touched shoulders with Sehun oppa.




The three of us had teleported to the front of a structure. “Tahdah! This is N-Academy, named after North. He set this place up to help us mutants control and learn about our abilities.” I look up at the academy and couldn’t help but be amazed by it.


“Uwah! This ‘academy’ thing is big!” I exclaimed as I laid my eyes upon the big structure. “Come on Angel, our class is about to start soon.” I tore my eyes away from the magnificent sight and followed Sehun and Jongin oppa into the building. There was a loud ringing sound that irritated my ears. A hoard of people trampled pass, pushing and shoving me towards the direction I was heading to.


I felt somebody steady me as I was about to fall. I looked over my shoulder and saw a male with hazel coloured hair. He pulled me aside to safety as people rushed pass. “T-thank you for saving me… Um…” “Jeongmin. My name is Lee Jeongmin.” I quickly bowed and introduced myself. “Umm… M-my name is J-Jin. Nice to meet you, Jeongmin-ssi.” He gave me a smile and bowed a little. “Nice to meet you too, Jin-ah”


“Jin-ah?” “Angel?” “Oppa?” I saw Jongin oppa and Sehun oppa standing in front of a door, labelled ‘History’. Jeongmin-ssi looked at me puzzled and pointed at the oppas. “You know the trainers?” I tilted my head. “You mean Jongin oppa and Sehun oppa?” He nodded his head, his hair bouncing each time he nodded. “Yep!”


“Let’s go, I’m having History now. I’ll take you to them.” “Oh? Really! Okay, thank you so much for your help!” The oppas fussed over me when they saw Jeongmin-ssi walking me over. “Oh thank god! I thought we lost you. Come on, lesson is about to start.” “Thank you, Jeongmin-ssi.” He gave a wink and entered the room. “Anytime.”


Jongin oppa and Sehun oppa told me to sit at the empty seat that was at the back of the room, in-between a pair of identical twins. The males in the room kept looking at me, while the females scowled. Did I do something wrong again? The desks were long and three people shared one. The twins made space for me in the middle while some of the males continued looking.


Sehun’s POV

We were about to start lessons when a hand shoot up into the air, waving around frantically. “Excuse me, Teach?” I sighed. Sometimes I question my decision on becoming a trainer. “Yes? Minwoo-ssi.” “Who’s that girl?” Of course you would ask about Jin. “She’s someone under our care. Now, stop asking questions and start listening.”


Jin’s POV

The twin with the angular jawline kept leaning towards me, causing me to move back, right into the other twin. I jolted away from the other twin and found myself bumping into the first twin. “Oh… Um… Sorry.” I mumbled, quickly averting my eyes from the both of them. I could feel my face burning from embarrassment as I tried to pay attention to Sehun oppa and Jongin oppa.


I started playing with my long hair, distracting myself from the attention that some of the males were giving me. “So? What’s your name?” I lifted my head and faced the more feminine looking twin. “H-huh?” “I’m Youngmin, and that’s Kwangmin.” The feminine looking twin said as he smiled, a rose suddenly materialising in his hand. “A beautiful rose for a beautiful lady.” I hesitantly received the rose from Youngmin-ssi and thanked him. I then felt cold metal making contact with my skin. A ring?


The ring was held by the stem of the rose, but it wasn’t there before. I looked up at the first twin, called Kwangmin? He gave me a smirk before removing the ring from the stem. As he ran his index finger over the simple ring band, it changed into a more detailed rose ring. The plain metal band turned into the stem, twisting into an intricate design. “Uwah~” I heard Youngmin-ssi chuckle at my reaction as Kwangmin-ssi redesigned the ring. Kwangmin-ssi then held up my hand, sliding the completed ring onto my ring finger.


“I- erm- T-thank y-y-you.” I buried my face into my hands as my face heated up. I kept my head down most of the time, trying not to look at the twins. However, once the bell sounded again, I heard most of the people in the room getting p from their seats.


I felt arms wrap around my shoulders and my waist. I jumped from the sudden contact and instinctively pulled away. I shrank back as a group of guys started to crowd around me. “Youngmin, Kwangmin. Who’s the cutie?” I felt another pair of hands prying the twins’ arms away from me, before the person sat down in-between Youngmin-ssi and me. “J-Jeongmin-ssi?” The male with platinum-pink hair looked shocked as he questioned Jeongmin-ssi. “Jeongmin hyung. You know her?” He gave me a reassuring smile and nodded. “I saved her from being trampled to death in the hallway. So yeah, I know her.”


3rd Person’s POV

While our poor Jin is being crowded by handsome males, Sehun and Kai are suffering from their deranged fangirls. “Oppa can you help me with my homework?” “Oppa can you teach me how to dance?” These fangirls are practically shoving their s into poor SeKai’s faces. However, being the awesome and charming men they are, Sehun and Kai told the girls to go back to their seats. Seeing that their students so pumped up today, SeKai decided to push P.E. forward.


“Alright class. Listen up.” The class quietened down, listening to their poker faced trainer. “We have decided to push P.E. forward.” Cheers filled the class as the students couldn’t wait to show off their skills. The males were trying to impress our poor innocent Jin, while the females were just trying to flaunt their bodies.


The class followed the two handsome trainers to the academy’s gym, the males and females separating to their respective changing rooms. Jin was told to sit at the bleachers, where a barrier separated the gigantic court from the seats. A few minutes later, the males and females exited the changing rooms. Jin was horrified when she saw the females wearing short gym shorts and tied up t-shirts, revealing their legs and pale stomachs. Other than that, the others were dressed decently.


SeKai then started a game called Capture-the-Flag. The flag is placed on opposite ends of the huge court, and the objective is to get the rival team’s flag. The using of abilities is allowed, but the students cannot kill or severely injure another student. The students were then split into two groups, each with a mix of genders. However, only the males are hyped up. The females, on the other hand, just wanted to ‘stretch’.


The whole game went by interestingly. Each of the males tried to do something to catch Jin’s attention. This, of course, was noticed by the female students. They were enraged by the fact that a single female could charm more males than all of them combined. One can say that they are jealous.


With the males busy trying to impress Jin, SeKai started getting frustrated. As soon as the bell rang, SeKai and the students went to change. Poor, clueless Jin just sat on the bleachers, her arms filled with small gifts that the male students made with their abilities.


The Jo twins were one of the first ones to finish changing. They saw how distressed little Jin looked and decided to cheer her up. They saw her looking at the pile of presents and instantly knew why she looked so down. They used their awesome powers and made a cute bag for her. Kwangmin, the masculine twin, had made a stylish sling bag for Jin. While Youngmin, the care-free older twin, made a cute bracelet for Jin.


The happily handed Jin her presents and shoved the small gifts into the bag. “Aww~ I can’t fit all of them inside…” Youngmin just pat Jin on her head softly, making a paper bag materialise out of thin air.


“Yo! Angel! It’s time to go!” at the call of her oppas, Jin bid goodbye to the twins. Seeing that the twins had gave her so many gifts, Jin decided to give them a little thank you present. Our short Jin pulled the twins down to her height and gave each of them a peck on the cheek. The Jo twins were able to live another day as neither Kai nor Sehun saw that exchange. Jin quickly thanked them again before she ran off to her oppas.


The poor twins were left in the empty court, stunned. They slowly placed a hand on the cheek that Jin had kissed and smiled. When the rest of Boyfriend came out form the changing room, they were left to think what happened to the twins.


Oh dear. Jin, you have no idea how much power you have over men, do you?


Our three main characters happily made their way to the city, where a beautiful purple eyed woman, whom goes by the name of Gina Kim, resides.


Gina’s POV

I was just doing my usual routine of watering the plants when I heard a familiar voice call out. “Onee-san!” Jin-chan? What is she doing in the city? I quickly turned around, only to be brought into a hug. “Onee-san!” “Jin-chan! What are you doing here? Is Eric-san with you?” Jin-chan pulled away and shook her head sadly. “E-Eric… He died.” Oh no. I quickly pulled Jin into another embrace, comforting her. An innocent soul like her should never be exposed to such violence. I willed a plant nearby to hold onto my watering can as I hugged Jin.


I was knocked out from my train of thought when I noticed two males standing a few feet away from me and Jin. Rather awkwardly if I must add. “I’m sorry, but I’m closing for today. There’s another florist right down the street, if you’re looking for flowers.” Jin-chan rubbed the tears away, and pulled away slightly. “Nee-san, they aren’t customers. They are Sehun oppa and Jongin oppa. They saved me.” Saved? “What do you mean by ‘save’?”


I opened the door and let them in. I flipped the sign to ‘Closed’ so that customers won’t disturb us. I lead them over to the small rest area I had set up and asked Jin to continue with her explanation. “Well… Minseok oppa saved me from the gang people. Then Sehun oppa saved me from the evil lady. After that some of the other oppas saved me from a group of mean ladies.” By the light of the goddess, what happened to my precious Jin-chan?


“Jin-chan?” “Yes?” I looked over to the two silent males. “Why don’t you go play with Yin and Yang? I’m sure they missed you.” “Okay!” I whistled a single high-pitched note to call my wolves out. Soon a giant blur of black and white emerged from their den and pounced on Jin. “Jin!” “Angel!” Then males shot out from their seats and were ready to attack if it weren’t for me holding them back.


“Relax. They are just playing with her.” The men reluctantly held themselves back as Jin and Yang rolled around on the ground. I got the tense men to sit back down as my wolves and Jin ran around play fighting.


I just sat in front of the men and observed them. Well, I was, until Jin fell into a blackberry bush.


“Oww…” Jin had tripped over one of the vines on the ground and crashed into the blackberry bush. “Jin!” “Angel!” The men quickly rushed over to her and help her up. “Oh, no no. Don’t cry Angel. Shh. I’ll go get Lay hyung. Sehun, you stay here.” And the shorter male disappeared with a snap of his fingers.


“Jin-chan!” “Onee-san…” The thorns didn’t cut deeply. “It’s going to be okay. The thorns didn’t cut too deeply.” Well, everything was okay until she showed me her palms. “Oh no. We have to get those out, before it gets infected.” I stood up from my crouched position to get a pair of tweezers from my emergency first-aid kit.




“Jin-ah!” “Lay ge…” They do seem to care for her. Maybe I can go on my trip now. But before leaving I have to ask them some questions first. I quickly returned to Jin’s side and proceeded to remove the thorns embedded in her palms. I looked at the male they called “Lay” and pushed him back a little. “I’ll remove the thorns first, then you can heal her.” The male reluctantly stayed back and let me proceed. “It’ll sting.” The men comforted Jin as I carefully removed the blackberry thorns.


The man called “Lay” healed Jin’s wounds as soon as I made sure that no more thorns were in the cuts. “Are you hurt anywhere else?” the man asks as he helped her up. Jin shook her head as stood up. I moved to the small kitchen at the back of my shop to make a cup of lavender tea, Jin’s favourite.


“Jin-chan, here’s some tea.” Her eyes lit up and happily took the cup from my hands. “Thank you, nee-san.” While Jin was drinking her tea, she was distracted by the glowing butterflies I saved. I turned towards the men – whom had introduced themselves as Sehun, Lay and Kai. I could see them physically freeze as I scrutinise them. They are scared of me. Good. “You three.” I said, making eye contact with the trio.


“Y-yes, ma’am?” They really are scared of me. Good, this way I can ensure that Jin will be well taken care. “I want you to take good care of Jin for me.” The three of them just froze in their positions, processing what I just told them. “W-what?”


“Look. She doesn’t like to trouble people, and she will lie about it. So whenever she fidgets too much take that as a sign.” I said, looking at Lay. “She tends to bottle up her problems too, so the three of you try to help her. Especially you.” I clamped my hand down on Lay’s shoulder. “I trust you more than the other two. You better not let me down.” Then I made eye contact with all three of them. “If I find out that Jin gets hurt, be it physical, mental or emotional, the next time you eat a carrot.” I grinned sadistically “You will die.” “Y-y-yes ma’am.”


“Good boys.” I gave each of them a pat on the back as I walked to Jin. I quickly stopped and faced the men gain. “Oh! I almost forgot! The trees are whispering about an attack on the EXO’s mansion.” I saw confusion and anger flash across their faces. “Judging from you expression, I guess you people live there.” They nodded. Good boys, they are being honest with me. “So you better protect Jin well. You got it?” “Yes ma’am.”


I went back to Jin just as she finished her tea. “Jin-chan?” “Yes nee-san?” Goddess. This is going to be harder than I thought it would be. “I’m going on a business trip, and I want you to take Ying and Yang with you.” “A business trip? Are you travelling again?” I nodded. I hated saying goodbyes, but it had to be done. “B-but won’t you be safer with them?” I shook my head. Travelling requires me to cross over, with two abnormally large wolves with me will only make me more vulnerable.


“Take care of them, okay? I’ll be back in a few months.” Jin nodded, her eye glazed with unshed tears. “And remember to listen for my messages.” I gave Jin a final hug before sending her off with her three bodyguards. We will meet again, Jin-chan. If I survive this trip.


3rd Person’s POV

A figure smirked as the platinum blonde haired male gave his daily report. “This is great! Namjoon.” The platinum blonde haired male bowed his head. “Yes, sir.” “Tell Jimin to keep his eye on that girl. She could help us in our course to take over the Pangea.” “Yes, sir.”


The male laughed an insane laughter as he planned his grand attack on EXO. However, right outside the door, someone overhead the whole conversation. The male emerged from the shadows as he looked at the back of his retreating leader.


It’s a good thing I mimicked Jimin the other day.


The brunette’s eyes shifted gunmetal grey as his body shrunk. The man was now a cat. A pure white bobcat with gunmetal grey eyes. He stretched his flexible cat body before slipping out of the hidden facility. Once he was outside, he shifted into a bald eagle. He took off from the highest ledge and flew North, where his same aged friend is at right now.


Oh lord! I did it! 14 pages and 6000+ words! Unedited =_= I worked non-stop from 1pm to 9.20am… I need caffeine… Barista Minseok where are you!?!?


I need a break T^T I rushed this chapter to celebrate my precious baby boy’s birthday. Happy birthday Minseok!!!! I already have the draft for the next chapter so stay tuned for some more drama!




While we are all preoccupied by Pathcode EXO and their ‘hints’, I thought why not throw in some of my own. So who wants to guess who that white cat is? I already gave away his age… so yeah. If any of you are wondering what Jin is wearing… I already gave out the name… Because I don’t have any fashion sense… So you guys can just copy and paste… or you can just come up with a better outfit for her… oh and I apologise for that battle scene… It was epic in my head… but my description couldn’t bring it out… so imagine some badass fight scene if you think that it sounded ….


Did you guys see the preview of the Exodus album? It’s gold and silver… and 10 different covers for each… I’m broke so I can kiss the album goodbye. Exodus, exodus, it’s my Exodus~


Any questions, feel free to ask away in the comment section! I’m always creepin’



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iwill also be doing some editing so don't be surprised if there is an update! Thank you very much for reading this fic


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aliceinchanyeolland #1
Chapter 14: i just found this fiction recently and this is SO GOOD!! I hope you will update soon authornim~ HWAITING!!
67 streak #2
Chapter 14: Wow XD
Nice fic ♡
Alosya #3
Chapter 14: Update please!!!!
Chapter 14: oh my gosh~ this story is beautiful. i like how you portray the main character as innocent. tho, i wish you could include more of the exo members in the story. its usually kai, sehun, chen and minseok... not that i'm complaining since they're cool! we'll be waiting for your next update authornim! hwaiting!
Interesting story! Looking foward to read it..☺
Chapter 14: I am so addicted to reading this story, I even sacrificed my precious nap to read T_T but it's worth it!!
Jazlyn16 #7
Chapter 14: Her with all of exo ,infinite, bap, and bts would be so awesome! Maybe even seventeen and Boyfriend too!! Talk about major reverse harem.
blockbuster01 #8
Chapter 14: This is so cute, can't wait for the next one
Jaslynn #9
I'm addicted! Jin is so naive and adorable ! I like how they are protective of her. Good Luck with Finals. Hope you update as soon as you can! ;)