
What Am I Supposed To Do When You're Gone?

- Ken´s point of view -
"What is that smell? Is something burning?" Ken suddenly woke up when he noticed smoke getting in under his bedroom door.
"What is going on?" Ken pulled off his blanket and ran into the living room.
The smoke hit his face with such power that he almost fell backwards.
"Is there anyone here?" he fought his way towards the kitchen.
A person was laying still on the floor.
"Wonshik-ah!!!" Ravi wasn't moving one inch.
"Wonshik-ah! Get back to your senses!" he got down on his knees and started to shake Ravi´s body. The was no respons from Ravi.
Ken placed his hands under Ravi´s body, lifted him up and placed him on the floor in one of the bedrooms.
He opened a window, closed the bedroom door behind him as he ran back into the smoke filled kitchen.
The source of the smoke came from the stove, a burning chiken to be exact. He turned off the stove, placed the chicken in the sink under some cold water, opened every window before he ran back to Ravi.
"Wonshik-ah! Can you hear me?" Ken started to shake Ravi´s body again, He pulled up his phone, called 119, explained the situation and hanged up.
"Wonshik-ah! The ambulance is on it´s way! Please wake up!" No reponds.
That was when Ken realized, that if he wanted Ravi to live, he had to save right now. He built up the courage inside him and started to give Ravi CPR.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Ken put all his strength into every push he placed on Ravi´s chest.
Then Ken leaned down towards Ravi´s mouth to blow some air into his lungs when the paramedics came rushing into the room.
"We can take it from here" one of the workers pulled Ken away.
Everything suddenly became foggy around him.
*Maybe I´m going to lose the love of my life*
Then it all became dark.
"Jaehwan-ah, you need to wake up" Ken opened his eyes, Ravi was leaning over him with a big smile.
He sat up in his bed and looked around.
They were in the middel of a big flower field, with Ravi sitting on the edge of his bed.
All the pink and blue flowers made Ken feel happy inside.
"Jaehwan-ah, how are you feeling? Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Ravi smiled, leaned in and kissed Ken´s forehead.
"Wonshik-ah, are you okay? How are you feeling?" Ken grabbed Ravi´s face with both of his hands.
"Why would something be wrong with me? I'm with you now" Ravi smiled and placed his hands on Ken´s hands.
"But all of the smoke! You weren't breathing!" Ken looked around again while screaming and noticed that all of the flowers were gone.
Only a black, burned field was remaining.
"Jaehwan-ah... Did didn´t you just accept this world instead? We were going to be happy? Don´t you want to be happy with me?" Ravi´s voice creeped his way into Ken's ear as he slowly turned his head towards Ravi.
Ravi aura was black and his body language screamed KILL..
"Jaehwan-ah.. I thought you loved me... But you don´t!" Ravi jumped towards him, and in the same moment Ken woke up.
"Jaehwan-ah! Are you okay?" N placed his hand on Ken´s cheek and stared into his eyes.
"Where´s Wonshik?" Ken sat up in such a rush that he almost head banged N.
"Jaehwan-ah.. You did everything you could. You did all the right things, even the doctor said so. But you need to know that it will take some time for us to manage this situation. So don´t be too shocked, okay?" N grabbed the curtain to the bed next to him and opened it.
Ravi´s fracture body was laying stil on the hospital bed.
"Wonshik-ah!" Ken got up of the bed and tried to jump over to Ravi´s bed, but was stopped by Leo´s long strong arms.
"He's in a coma Jaehwan-ah. There is nothing be can do about it for the moment" Leo tried to keep his voice calm, but Ken could hear that he was on the edge of crying.
"Why? Why? Why? Why him? Why him?!" Ken was losing it, right there in that hospital bed.
"Everything is going to be okay Jaehwan-ah. The doctor told us that they don´t really know when he is going to wake up, or even if he is going to wake up, but I really think that--"
"Hakyeon-ah!" Leo's powerfull voice stopped N in midsentence.
"I´m sorry.. I just feel like my world is falling apart, but I need to be strong so the rest of you can believe that everything is going to be okay!..." N feel down on the floor and started to cry.
Leo let go of Ken and walked over to N and started to his back.
*Are you going to leave me Wonshik-ah?*



Hey there ! Some of you may have been waiting some time for this chapter and I hope you liked it ^^

It's a litle different from my other chapters, but I hope you will like it anyway ^^


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Chapter 13: Yes of course we need more Neo ! Haha xD this story is so good! ^^
Chapter 14: That was great author-nim!!! please do a raven too~ ^^
Chapter 13: Please author-nim, I need neo
Chapter 13: Write only if you have time :D
sinclair04 #5
Chapter 13: Thanks for a very nice fic author-nim.. and you need not ask about a for Neo and Hyukbin coz we're waiting for it already.. lol.. ^_^..
Chapter 13: Yay! It was beautiful author-nim ♥ of course we'd want ! why even ask lol ^^ It ended really well, good job :)
AoiMizuiro #7
Chapter 12: I read it in one sit :3 wkwkwk .. I love it !! please update again soon :)
Chapter 12: *crying uncontrollably* Oh my goshhhhhhh Raviiii Keeennnn Hongbiinnnn Hyuuukkkkk ㅠ.ㅠ I hope Mr. Lee doesn't get mad at Hyukkie and Hongbinnie's relationship and accept them! >< Authornim Fighting!
Chapter 11: Hongbin T.T poor bb. It's okay hyuks here for youuuu!
Chapter 11: Poor hobin ;(