Who knew she would show up?

What Am I Supposed To Do When You're Gone?

- Hongbin’s point of view –
After they waved farewell to Wonshik and Jaehwan- hyung, Hyuk and himself walked down the street and entered a park. 
“Something fun you want to do today Hyung?” Hyuk looked at him with huge eyes. Hyuk even held on to his hand.
“Today.. hmm, we'll just relax and walk around, okay?” He smiled to Hyuk and patted his head. 
Hyuk had always been this cute donsaeng that he wanted to protect. And it even seemed like Hyuk really liked that he was being taken cared of as well. 
“Yey! Well first let’s just walk a little and then we will buy some ice cream afterwards, deal?” Hyuk was almost jumping out of excitement. 
“Sure enough Hyukkie” he smiled to Hyuk and continued to walk. 
After they had been walking around for a while they decided to sit down on a bench. 
“Hyukkie, I will go and buy some ice cream for us, so just stay there. I will be back very soon.” Hyuk waved and told him to hurry back. 
Hongbin ran to the closes store he could find and bought a vanilla ice cream for Hyuk and some chocolate ice cream for himself. On his way back to Hyuk he noticed someone familiar. The world’s most beautiful girl. 
*Oh, it’s Sohee noona!* 
“Sohee noona!” Hongbin ran over to Sohee noona and smiled widely at her. 
“Oh, Hongbin-ah. What are you doing out here? Don’t you have any schedule today?” Sohee leaned closer to him and gave him a hug. 
“No, we got the day off, I just bought some ice cream for Hyuk and me. He is waiting on a bench a few minutes away.” He lifted his hand to show her which direction Hyuk was sitting. 
“Oh, hurry up and give him the ice cream then, I will meet you at the company again you know.” Sohee was about to turn around and walk away when Hongbin threw away the ice creams and hugged Soohee from behind. 
“Don’t leave me behind noona, you know my feelings for you.” Hongbin tightened his grip around Sohee’s stomach. 
Sohee loosened his arms and turned around to face him. 
“Hongbin-ah, you know what I feel for you as well, but we’re out in the public at the moment. What if someone recognizes you?” Sohee created some space between them, but held on to his hand. 
“Noona, do you want to go out on a date with me today? I will just tell Hyuk to go home and then we can spend some time together, what do you think?” He squeezed Sohee’s hand and smiled. 
“Is it really okay? Don’t you think Hyuk will be sad?” Sohee looked worried. 
“No, Hyukkie will understand. He is such a faithful dongsaeng. 
“Hyung! What’re you doing over there?” Hyuk was running towards them. 
“Oh, Hyuk-ah. I just ran into Sohee” Hongbin gave Sohee a little pat on her back and Sohee bowed to Hyuk.
“Our makeup noona?” Hyuk looked confused. 
“Hyukkie.. We’re dating” Hongbin smiled and looked over at Sohee. 
Everything just happened so fast, that Hongbin himself didn’t see it all. 
Hyuk looked at them and noticed they were holding hands. Tears were starting to fall down his cheeks. He also saw the ice creams that were lying on the ground. Hyuk his heal and ran away. 
“What just happened?” Sohee looked at him with sad eyes. 
“I don’t know, should we just go on our date?” Hongbin smiled at Sohee and tried to push away the thoughts of Hyuk crying. 
“Where do you want to go first then?” Sohee had already put the incident behind her it seemed. 
“Let’s just walk around the park for a moment, okay?” 
Sohee noona was the first girl to put makeup on his face. She used to comment how handsome he was and how much she wanted a boyfriend that looked like him. After a few months, they started to talk over the phone and to meet out late at night while the other members were sleeping. Then they realized that it wouldn’t work out at that time, they promised each other that they would be together again. 
“Hongbin-ah, aren’t you hungry?” Sohee pulled him out of his thoughts and he realized that it had become dark outside. 
“A little bit?” He smiled and they headed to a dokbokki stall.
 “Sit down” Hongbin pulled out a chair and patted it for Sohee to sit down. 
“Hongbin-ah, you need to head back home when we’re done eating, it’s late.” She pulled up her phone and showed him the display. 
“You’re right, but first; let’s eat” After all the dokbokki was gone, it was almost already past midnight. 
"Let me walk you to the bus stop.” Hongbin grabbed Sohee’s hand and they walked together like that all the way to the bus stop. 
He gave her a kiss on the cheek and sent her away with the bus. 
*Ah, this was a great day. But I wonder what happened to Hyuk. I will talk to him when I get back to the dorm*
Easier said than done. 
Back at the dorm it was totally panic right from the moment he crossed the doorstep. 
“Yah! Hongbin-ah! Where have you been? Where is Hyukkie?!” Hakyeon was running towards him and pulled his collar. 
“I have no idea, I haven’t seen him. I have been alone the last five hours.” Hongbin took Hakyeon’s hands of him and turned to Ravi. 
“Where’s Jaehwan-hyung?” No matter where he looked around he could not see Ken anywhere. 
“I don’t know, I haven’t been able to contact him for a few hours now.” Ravi looked really concern while he was holding on to his phone. 
“I won’t be staying here. I will go out and look for Hyuk. If any of you others are going to look for Jaehwan, then please do. I will find Hyuk, so don’t worry.” He grabbed a jacket and was out the door before anyone could stop him. 


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Chapter 13: Yes of course we need more Neo ! Haha xD this story is so good! ^^
Chapter 14: That was great author-nim!!! please do a raven too~ ^^
Chapter 13: Please author-nim, I need neo
Chapter 13: Write only if you have time :D
sinclair04 #5
Chapter 13: Thanks for a very nice fic author-nim.. and you need not ask about a for Neo and Hyukbin coz we're waiting for it already.. lol.. ^_^..
Chapter 13: Yay! It was beautiful author-nim ♥ of course we'd want ! why even ask lol ^^ It ended really well, good job :)
AoiMizuiro #7
Chapter 12: I read it in one sit :3 wkwkwk .. I love it !! please update again soon :)
Chapter 12: *crying uncontrollably* Oh my goshhhhhhh Raviiii Keeennnn Hongbiinnnn Hyuuukkkkk ㅠ.ㅠ I hope Mr. Lee doesn't get mad at Hyukkie and Hongbinnie's relationship and accept them! >< Authornim Fighting!
Chapter 11: Hongbin T.T poor bb. It's okay hyuks here for youuuu!
Chapter 11: Poor hobin ;(