A long night

What Am I Supposed To Do When You're Gone?

- Leo´s point of view –



All the kids had been gone for hours and Hakyeon was almost making a trench in the floor from going around in circles.

 "Have you heard anything yet?" N turned to him with a straight face.

"Hakyeon-ah, if I had heard anything, you would be the first one to know." he got up from the couch and gave N a hug.

"I know Taekwoon, I´m just so scared. They have been gone for over three hours now" N looked really tired as he walked over to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water.

Suddenly Hakyeon´s phone started to ring. It only took Leo one second to get the phone and pick it up. It was Ravi who called.

"Ah, Wonshik-ah, did you find Jaehwan"

"Yeah hyung, I found him. He is a little drunk, but we are out for a walk right now to sober him up. We will be back in a hour or two." Ravi sounded really calm on the other side of the phone.

"Oh really, well then. We will be seeing you guys then. Okay, bye." Leo hanged up the phone and realized the N had been staring at him the whole time from only 20 cm away.

"So, what did he say? Did he find Jaehwan? Are they okay? Have they seen Hyuk as well?" Hakyeon´s face had turned red now and he was almost crying.

"it´s okay, Wonshik found him. Jaehwan is a little drunk at the moment, but he is sobering up right now." he gave Hakyeon another hug and patted his back.

"He didn´t say anything about Hyuk or Hongbin." He felt his heart sank a little as they both placed themselves on the couch next to each other.

"How could this even happen Taekwoon-ah? Did they fight or something?" Hakyeon turned his body toward Taekwoon and stared deeply into his eyes.

"You know that Jaehwan has feelings for Wonshik, right?" Taekwoon had known for a while now that Ken was in love with Ravi.

"What?! I thought it was Hyuk who was in love with Hongbin?" Hakyeon looked at him with big eyes, as they both realized what was going on.

"Ah, now it makes sense." he laughed a bit, but stopped when Hakyeon´s phone started to ring again.

Taekwoon once again picked up the phone and placed it by his ear and listened.

"Hey Hyung, I found Hyuk. He´s a little drunk, but we are on our way back to the dorm now. We met Wonshik and Jaehwan as well. But I have no idea where they went." Hongbin sounded like he had been running for an hour straight as he was breathing heavily.

 "Okay, Hongbin-ah. See you soon then" He hanged up and smiled to N.

"He found Hyuk and they´re their way back to the dorm now. Let´s stay up until they´re all back, okay?" He patted Hakyeon´s head and suddenly felt sleepy.

"Taekwoon-ah, let´s just stay on the couch for now. And if we fall asleep, we will probably wake up when they´re entering the dorm, you know." N closed his eyes and pressed his body closer to Leo´s.


"Hakyeon-hyung, Taekwoon-hyung! What are you two doing there on the couch?" A drunken Hyuk woke them up.

Leo got up and pulled N with him.

"Yah, Sanghyuk-ah! We have been so worried about you!" N ran over to him and hugged him, but just as he let go he grabbed the chance to hit him over his next.

"Yah! How dare you make us worried?!" N smiled to Hyuk, but Hyuk didn´t really seem like he knew what was up and what was down.

"Hyungs.. Are you two dating? Wait, can you even date? You two are guys, right? You´re a guy? Right hyung?" Hyuk faced N and was staring at him with only one eye open.

"Hyuk-ah, let´s get you to bed, okay?" Leo walked over to Hyuk and tried to push him towards their bedroom.

Hongbin was only standing there, looking confused.

"Hongbin-ah, go to bed. We will wait up for Jaehwan and Wonshik, okay?" Leo came back after putting Hyuk to bed.

"Hyuk is calling your name, so better hurry, okay?" He gave Hongbin a pat on the back and smiled to him.

"Oh, yes. Good night Hyungs." Hongbin smiled to them and headed to the same room Hyuk just went into.

"Yah, Taekwoon-ah. Do you thing they are together now?" N got closer to him and lowered his voice.

"Maybe" Taekwoon smiled to N and they both headed back to the couch.


Three hours later they both got waked again, this time by Ken and Ravi.

"Yah! You guys are finally here. What took you so long?" N faced Ravi, but he didn´t want to look into his eyes and was only looking at the ground.

"Jaehwan-ah, are you okay?" Taekwoon walked over to Ken and put his hand on Ken´s shoulder.

"Yeah hyung, I´m still a little drunk, so I will just go to bed. Good night." Ken bowed a little bow and headed to the same room that Hyuk & Hongbin went into a few hours ago.

"Yah! Wonshik-ah, what happened?" N was up in Ravi´s face from the moment Ken closed the room behind him.

"Not now Hyung.. Let´s talk later, okay?" Ravi bowed as well and headed to the other bedroom.

"Yah! Wonshik-ah, you know that you have to share the room with us two if you go through that door, right?" N kind of whisper shouter after Ravi.

"That´s okay Hyung." Ravi turned his back to them again and closed the bedroom door behind him.

"Taekwoon-ah, do you thing something bad happened?" N looked worried at him.

"I don´t know, but I hope they will make up soon." He wrapped his hands around N and gave him a long hug.

"What was that for?" N looked at him with big eyes.

"I love you" Taekwoon smiled to N and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too Jung Taekwoon" N stood on his tiptoes and kissed Taekwoon´s soft lips.





Hey guys, so I just wrote another chapter.

I’m not really pleased about this chapter.

And I had to edit it myself.

But I would love it, if you guys subscribed, voted up and commented my story ^^

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Chapter 13: Yes of course we need more Neo ! Haha xD this story is so good! ^^
Chapter 14: That was great author-nim!!! please do a raven too~ ^^
Chapter 13: Please author-nim, I need neo
Chapter 13: Write only if you have time :D
sinclair04 #5
Chapter 13: Thanks for a very nice fic author-nim.. and you need not ask about a for Neo and Hyukbin coz we're waiting for it already.. lol.. ^_^..
Chapter 13: Yay! It was beautiful author-nim ♥ of course we'd want ! why even ask lol ^^ It ended really well, good job :)
AoiMizuiro #7
Chapter 12: I read it in one sit :3 wkwkwk .. I love it !! please update again soon :)
Chapter 12: *crying uncontrollably* Oh my goshhhhhhh Raviiii Keeennnn Hongbiinnnn Hyuuukkkkk ㅠ.ㅠ I hope Mr. Lee doesn't get mad at Hyukkie and Hongbinnie's relationship and accept them! >< Authornim Fighting!
Chapter 11: Hongbin T.T poor bb. It's okay hyuks here for youuuu!
Chapter 11: Poor hobin ;(