They forgot it, right ?

What Am I Supposed To Do When You're Gone?

- N’s point of view - 

After everyone else went to bed, N stayed up. He was just sitting there in the living room listening to music with his phone while cheking his twitter. 
*Tomorrow is just another day.. i guess no one is going to remember it anyway*
He jumped as he heard one of the bedroom doors opende. Out came a sleepy Leo. Taekwoon didn’t even look at him as he stumbled himself over to the bathroom.
N sighed and leaned back into the couch. At one point he fell asleep, but woke up when someone pulled a blanket over him. He could barely see a smiling Taekwoon before he fell asleep again.
*Is this a dream?* 
“Hyung! come on! we got a schedule!” Ravi jumping around while he was stuffing some bread into his mouth.
“Hakyeon, you need to get up.. we can’t be late. Manager-nim is waiting outside with the car.” Leo bent down and pulled off the blanket.
Everything suddenly became cold.
*They forgot, didn’t they?*
He stumbled himself up and went to the bathroom. He washed his face and wore some sweatpants. 
He was about to skip breakfast as well, but Leo handed him some bread before he headed out the door.
He blushed and headed out as well.
In the car everything was how it used to be. Everyone except him and Leo were asleep. 
They both listened to music not saying a word during the whole trip. 
the car ride took abut 45 minutes. When they finally arrived at the KBS bulding, N had to wake everyone up. Even Leo fell asleep right before they arrived. 
*He looks so peacefull when he is sleeping*
“Taekwoon-ah..” he slowly tried to shake Leo’s shoulder.
Leo made a sad face and leaned his head on N’s hand on his shoulder.
“Hakyeon…” Leo wispered his name quietly.  
N was taken aback by this.
*Did he just whisper my name?*
“Taekwoon-ah, we need to go” he placed his mouth to Leo’s ear.
“Jung Taekwoon, do I have to bite you?” that was all he had to say and Leo was up in one second.
“Yah, Hakyeon! Were you really going to bite me?” Leo blushed, rubbed his neck and got out of the car.
N laughed and followed Leo. 
“Yah! Taekwoon-ah, are you going to leave me behind?” he jumped and placed his hand around Leo’s shoulder.
“Yah, Hakyeon. Aren’t you going to let go?” Leo laughed and tried to remove N’s hand, but failed.
Instead N grabbed both of Leo’s hands and they ended up facing each other.
Everything became quiet. There was only them in the world. N stared into Leo’s eyes and smiled.
“Taekwoon..” N was moving closer to Leo, but the trance broke when they heard Ravi’s voice.
“Hurry up, makeup noona is waiting for us.”
“Yeah okay, we’ll be right there” He let go of Leo and ran towards Ravi.
Leo came in two minutes later with a straight look on his face.
After they finished their schedule, everybody headed to the car. 
N was sitting in front seat and the rest of the members were in the back.
After a few minutes, N fell asleep while listening to music.
When they arrived at the dorm they all threw of their shoes and ran for kitchen.
No one even bothered to wash their hands.
"Taekwoon-hyung, can't you make your famous ramen?" Ken was looking at Leo with huge eyes.
"Sure" Leo smiled and patted Ken's head.
Leo pulled everything that he needed and started to make the food.
Everybody else used their time to wash up and put on different clothes. N even walked over to the kitchen himself to look at Leo making food, while pretending to get some water.
*Oh god, why is he so perfect?* N found himself smiling while staring at Leo.
"Are you really that hungry Hakyeon? It's almost done" Leo smiled to him and went back to the cooking.
"The food is done!" Leo placed the food on the table and sat down right next to N.
"Eat a lot Hakyeon" Leo grabbed N's bowl and filled it up.
"Oh, thanks Taekwoon-ah" 
"Leo-hyung, jjang!" Hyuk showed Leo his thumb and smiled.
"How do you always manage to make such a great ramen hyung?" Hongbin seemed really interested.
"Well, I can tell you one thing. It's a secret" Leo smiled and started to eat.
After all the ramen was gone and Hyuk cleaned up everything, they all said sweet dreams and went to their rooms. 
Alone was N left behind on the couch.
"Happy birthday Hakyeon-ah" N wispered to himself.
Just when he said it Leo came out of his room. 
"Hakyeon, get up." Leo seemed to be in a hurry.
He got up and looked confused at Leo.
Then something unexpected happened. Leo grabbed N and gave him a big hug.
"Hakyeon, you know that we care for you,right? I care for you. And no matter what, you can always talk to me, Happy birthday. You know I love you, right?" Leo left a small kiss on N cheek and let go.
N was just standing there, but it didn't last for long before the rest of the member came running out of their rooms and Ken was running with a cake in his hands while screaming "Happy birthday hyung!" Everybody gave him a hug and told him their birthday wishes. After blowing out the candle and eating they all really went to sleep.
*this was a perfect day*

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Chapter 13: Yes of course we need more Neo ! Haha xD this story is so good! ^^
Chapter 14: That was great author-nim!!! please do a raven too~ ^^
Chapter 13: Please author-nim, I need neo
Chapter 13: Write only if you have time :D
sinclair04 #5
Chapter 13: Thanks for a very nice fic author-nim.. and you need not ask about a for Neo and Hyukbin coz we're waiting for it already.. lol.. ^_^..
Chapter 13: Yay! It was beautiful author-nim ♥ of course we'd want ! why even ask lol ^^ It ended really well, good job :)
AoiMizuiro #7
Chapter 12: I read it in one sit :3 wkwkwk .. I love it !! please update again soon :)
Chapter 12: *crying uncontrollably* Oh my goshhhhhhh Raviiii Keeennnn Hongbiinnnn Hyuuukkkkk ㅠ.ㅠ I hope Mr. Lee doesn't get mad at Hyukkie and Hongbinnie's relationship and accept them! >< Authornim Fighting!
Chapter 11: Hongbin T.T poor bb. It's okay hyuks here for youuuu!
Chapter 11: Poor hobin ;(