
What Am I Supposed To Do When You're Gone?

- Leo´s point of view - 

"Taekwoon-ah, let's get up, hm?" N placed his hand on Leo´s cheek and smiled to him.
"Why? We don´t even have any plans or work today.. It´s like 10am, let´s just sleep for another hour, okay?" Leo thightened his grip around N and closed his eyes.
"Nooo, let´s get up now, eat some food and go out for a date, don´t you think that sounds like a good idea?" N grabbed both of Leo´s cheeks now and started to pull his face.
"Hakyeon-ah, I'm warning you, stop it!" He tried to make his voice as manly as he could get it and stared into N's eyes.
Their shirtless bodies was getting pushed against eachother as they were struggeling to win or the other one.
Suddenly N was sitting on top of Leo.
"Taekwoon-ah, I won. Now let´s get up." N leaned towards Leo and kissed him on the lips.
The kiss got deeper as Leo grabbed N´s face and flipped him over, so that Leo ended on top of N.
"Hakyeon-ah, I won, now let´s just stay in bed, okay?" He leaned foward N as well and they started to kiss again.
"Eh, I will just leave then." They stopped as they realised that Ravi was laying just a meter away from them.
"Ahh, Wonshik-ah.. We didn´t notice that you were here. Sorry.." N sent Ravi a little smile then looked down on Leo.
"I told you we should have gotten up." 
Leo laughed a small laugh and reached for his shirt.
"Yah, Hakyeon-ah, I will get myself cleaned up and then I´m going to make some breakfast. Clean up in here, would you?" He put his shirt on and  Hakyeon "the look" and walked out of the bedroom.
*I hope Hakyeon got the hint about talking with Wonshik*
Just as he enter the living room he noticed that nobody was up yet.
He headed toward the bathroom and tried to open the bathroom door, but it was locked.
"Who's there?" Leo knocked on the door and waited for an answer.
"It's me, Hyuk. I'm soon done showering, just wait 10 minutes, okay?"
"Okay, I will start making breakfast then, hurry up!" He knocked on the door one last time before he turned around and started to walk towards the kitchen, but stopped for a minute.
*He was showering without even turning the water on?* 
Just as he had the thought he could hear the water turning on.
He shrugged and started to make the food.  But then he noticed that they were out of rice.
Leo grabbed his wallet, put on his shoes, grabbed his jacket and knocked on the bathroom door before he left the dorm.
"Hyuk-ah, I´m heading out to buy some rice, do you want anything?"
"Some yogurt milk would have been great, hyung" Hongbin yelled out from the bathroom.
"Okay Bean-ah" Leo smiled and walked out the frontdoor.
It was silent outside and Leo smiled for himself as he headed to the store. a few people drove by him with their bikes, but no one reconized him. It was days like this that he liked the most. 
A little chill in the air, but not too cold as it was heading towards winter. He wrapped his clothes closer around him and looked up into sky.
*If only everyday was just as beautiful*
He grabbed a 5kg sack of rice, paid and was on his way home to the dorm.
Back in the dorm everybody was up, N was at the kitchen making side dishes. Hongbin and Hyuk was sitting in the couch, both with wet hair. Ravi was sitting by the table, while Ken was standing by the window. 
"Oh Taekwoon-ah, you're back" N smiled to him as he put down the sack of rice and kissed N´s cheek.
"Yah, not when we´re with the others" N lightly hit Leo´s shoulder and kept on making the side dishes.
Leo filled up the rice cooker up, turned it on and sat down on the other side of the table facing Ravi.
"So Wonshik-ah, did you sleep well last night?" he tilted his head to the left and looked at Ravi.
"I guess.." Ravi looked down on the table while answering.
"Wonshik-ah, please look at me" Leo placed his hand under Ravi´s chin and lifted up his head.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not now hyung.. Maybe another time" Ravi got up and walked into the room they shared last night.
"Don´t push him Taekwoon-ah. He talked some with me this morning, I will tell you more about it on our date later"

    "The food is done!" N put the last plate on the table and looked at all the kids as the stormed toward the food.
"Hyung, weren´t you going to buy some yogurt milk?" Hongbin looked at Leo with big eyes.
"Oh sorry, I forgot." at first Leo put on the "sorry"-face, but then he remembered the bathroom scene from this morning and gave Hongbin a dirty look.
Hongbin saw it, blushed and looked away.
Hyuk was sitting between Ken and Ravi. A awkward silence was slowly floating through the room.
"Taekwoon and I are heading out after we´re done eating, you guys should clean up, okay?" N looked over all of his children and nodded for himself.
"I will do it hyung, don´t worry about it" Ken gave N a little smile and kept on eating.
    "See you guys later then" N gave Leo his coat and they both headed out.
"Where should we go first?" N asked as they walked down the street.
"The park? So that we can talk" Leo smiled to N and they headed to the nearest park.
They sat down on a bench and just sat there for a minute listening to all the people that walked by.
"So what did Wonshik say to you this morning?" Leo was curious.
"You remember that Jaehwan is in love with Wonshik, right? Well, Jaehwan confessed. But Wonshik rejected him. They had a talk after Wonshik found Jaehwan drunk yesterday, but he didn´t tell me what they talked about" N looked over at Leo who was in deep thoughts.
"What are you thinking about?" N placed his hand on Leo´s cheeck.
Leo put his hand on top of N´s hand and squeezed it.
"No matter what happens Cha Hakyeon, I want you to know that I love you and that you can always talk to me" a tear fell from Leo´s eyes and hit N´s hand.
"Oh Taekwoon-ah, I love you too. And I will always turn to you when there´s something I'm struggeling with. And remember, the same goes for you" N smiled and locked his hand around Leo´s neck.






Hey guys, so I used a long time to write this chapter, but I hope you guys like it ^^

For those who haven´t noticed, I´m writing this fanfic based on VIXX´s old dorm. I have no idea how their new dorm looks like, so yeah ;; Remember to subscribe, up vote and comment ^^ 


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Chapter 13: Yes of course we need more Neo ! Haha xD this story is so good! ^^
Chapter 14: That was great author-nim!!! please do a raven too~ ^^
Chapter 13: Please author-nim, I need neo
Chapter 13: Write only if you have time :D
sinclair04 #5
Chapter 13: Thanks for a very nice fic author-nim.. and you need not ask about a for Neo and Hyukbin coz we're waiting for it already.. lol.. ^_^..
Chapter 13: Yay! It was beautiful author-nim ♥ of course we'd want ! why even ask lol ^^ It ended really well, good job :)
AoiMizuiro #7
Chapter 12: I read it in one sit :3 wkwkwk .. I love it !! please update again soon :)
Chapter 12: *crying uncontrollably* Oh my goshhhhhhh Raviiii Keeennnn Hongbiinnnn Hyuuukkkkk ㅠ.ㅠ I hope Mr. Lee doesn't get mad at Hyukkie and Hongbinnie's relationship and accept them! >< Authornim Fighting!
Chapter 11: Hongbin T.T poor bb. It's okay hyuks here for youuuu!
Chapter 11: Poor hobin ;(