Let's watch a horror movie!

Long time, no see

                                                                                THE NEXT MORNING

You woke up and rubbed your eyes. You took a look on your wristwatch and were surprised how late it already was. *Oh my Gosh...How long did I sleep?? It's already noon!!* You thought to youself and went to the bathroom. You washed your face and brushed your teeth. You looked in the mirrow and were sad, because you always thought you are ugly. *I think Zelo was right when we were 5 years....I'm really ugly..*

You aren't ugly, on the contrary..You are very pretty, but the people in germany always called you ugly, which made you think that you are. You mother hated it when you said stuff like 'I'm ugly', so you never did it in front of her. You put some make-up on and straighted your hair...After you were satisfied you took a look on your phone and and saw that there was a missed call from Zelo so you called him back.

>>Hey Zelo, you called me? What is it?<< You asked.

>>Nothing much..i just wanted to say that we are going to watch the movie at home, not in the cinema, but if you want you can still come and watch the movie with us.<<

>>Of course I'll come!!<< You laughed.

>>Okay then see' ya later.<< Zelo laughed too and hung up.

After 5 hours o boredness in your hotel you took your stuff and left the hotel. You still remembered the way to Zelo's dorm so it didn't took a long time to get there.+ But before you arrived you decidet to buy some chocolate and chips for them. Some girls outside the store gave you strange looks but you just ignored them. ''Hey Girl, fell in a red paintbox?'' One of them said and joked around, but you didn't care. In your opinion they are just stupid B*tches. ''HEY ARE YOU DEAF??'' The other one shouted, but you still ignored them. All of a sudden one of them ran to you and pushed you. You turned around and saw that she raised her hand and wanted to slap you. You were faster and grabbed her arm. ''TOUCH ME ONE MORE TIME AND I SWEAR I'M GOING TO BREAK YOUR GOD-DAMN ARM!!! GOT IT??'' You gave her a scary glance. ''G-Got it.'' She stuttered. You took her closer to you and whispered something in her ear. ''I know you think I'm different...But for me you are all just the same!!'' You let go off her hand and she ran to her friends. You walked away without turning around on the way to Zelo's dorm. After 10 Minutes you finally reached the dorm and knocked on the door and someone opened. It was Himchan.

''Hello Himchan.'' You smiled at him.

''Hey Jeee. Come in my beautiful girl.'' He said and layed his arms around your shoulder. You knew he was just joking and laughed at it. Himchan is not that kind of man who would be in a relationship with someone who's much younger than him. He just likes to joke around. He brought you to the living room where all the others sat on the couch.

''Hello Guys!'' You greeted them friendly and of course they greeted you friendly back. ''Here I bought something for you guys.'' You said and gave them the Chocolate and the chips.

''Oh thank you, Jee!!'' Yongguk said.

''I'm starting to like you..I mean you bring us food!!'' Youngjae said and you all started to laugh.

''JeeJee do you like horror movies?'' Zelo asked you and looked at you with big eyes.

''I don't like them..I love them!! I'm always scared when I watch horror movies but I still love them!'' You chuckled.

''Gooood!!! Okay we're going to watch paranormal activity.'' Jongup showed the movie case to you.

''I saw the trailer..I know that the movie has shock moments!! This is going to be funny for you guys!!! I bet I'll scream.'' You laughed and looked at them.

''GREAT!! I like it to make girls scream.'' Himchan joked around again.



You guys did you like this chapter? :D  It's the second time I wrote it, guess why? I accidently pressed the ''Power'' Button on my computer and then everything was aways and I had to write it again xD I almost cried!! I'll update the chapter later or tomorrow, so keep reading if you wanna know what happens when they watch the horrow movie :D♥

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LovelyMyChan #1
Chapter 4: Awww he's such a gentleman! And jeejee has red hair, i have red hair too in relief !:P but in korean when they are answering the phone they always say "Yoboseyo?" <3
Chapter 3: SO CUTE!
I READ THIS CHAPTER AT A FRIEND HOUSE, and she's not with me right now~
So I just smiled while my insides are overflowed with feels~~ *melts..
*read it as JiLo. Not Jello~
Or even some fellow kpoppers from this web~
Sometimes living with strangers is fun, as you get closer!
chanyeolstagram #5
nice description! i am attracted to read this!
Daelo13 #6
Chapter 10: Omggggg that was beautiful!! Great job
BAP_96 #7
Chapter 2: Whaa omo zelo can't remember he's really a pabo haha
I only read two chapters but actually love this ff ♡
btw I'm from Germany too *^▁^*
Chapter 10: awesome!!!! i cried at the part of the i love you thingy... thank you for this story!!!!
IShipNielJoe #9
Chapter 10: I reeeeeeaaalllllly liked this fanfiction! It was really good! The only thing I had a problem with is that it ended a bit too quickly. Like all of a sudden Zelo confessed and then she moved in with BAP and all of a sudden its 3 years later and they have a baby. It was just a little to quick... Other than that, GREAT STORYYYY! :)