Call me

Long time, no see

...''JEE!!! KIM JEE SUN!!!!!'' He shouted that everyone around you could hear it. He ran over to you and hugged you very tightly...

''I missed you so much my JeeJee!!'' He whispered in your ear, still hugging you. He didn't want to let you go. You heard that he cried a bit.

''Awww I missed you too, Zelo!! I missed you so much!!'' You said and cried too. He let go of you and looked at you from Head to toe...He was still taller than you.

''Y-You changed a lot Jee!! You dyed your hair, right? Since when are you here? And HOW ARE YOU??'' He bombed you with questions.

''Zelo I think we both have a lot to tell...Over there is a Café, may we can go there?'' You smiled at him.

''Of course.'' He still couldn't believe it..He was speechless.


You both walked over to the café. You wanted to sit down but Zelo was faster. He pulled out a chair for you like a gentleman.

''Pls sit.'' He said and looked in you eyes.

''Thank you, Zelo!'' You smiled at him. He sat down too...He was still shy like he was as kid.

''Jee I can't believe it...Since when are you here? Why didn't you tell me?'' He asked you.

''I arrived today..After I checked in I went to the store because I forgot my toothbrush at home..And now I'm here, WITH YOU. Zelo this is unbelievable!!! 7 Years!! I haven't seen you for ages!!'' You said totally upset.

''I know!! B-But what are you doing here  and how long will you stay?''

''I'm going to study art here...For 2 or 3 years. The school starts in 2 month.'' You smiled at him.

''it means you'll stay here??  C-Can I have your phone number..? I-If you want we can meet up again..But only if you want.'' He looked at you with big eyes.

''Of course! Nothing I want more. Gimme your phone, I'll save my number for you.'' He gave you his phone and you saved your number in it. You saw that he saved you under 'JeeJee Sunshine'...The two nicknames he gave you when you were kids. After you saw this you blushed a bit and looked away that he couldn't see you.

''It's already late..I think I got to go now Zelo.'' You said.

''Do you really think I'll let you go home alone in the dark?'' He chuckled.

''I'm not a little girl, I can go home by myself.'' You knew it was useless to tell him this...He would never let you go home alone in the dark.

''Don't be absurd!!'' He said. 

You were both on the way to your hotel. It was nice to go with your best Childhood friend. He changed so much.

*He is still taller than me and his hair is longer too. And he also got...prettier?* You thought to yourself and blushed. Some older men gave you strange glances. One of them shouted ''Hey Baby, wanna have fun?''...You were scared, but Zelo calmed you down and said. ''Don't worry...No one will hurt you..I'll take care of you.'' You were relived that he came with you...

Finally you reached your hotel. 

''Thank you that you brought me home.'' You were really thankful.

''No Problem. Promise me that you'll call me tomorrow.'' He said and gave you a goodbye hug. 

''Of course! Promised!!'' You smiled at him. You waved him a last time and went into the hotel were you finally fell asleep...



Hey Guys..Did you like the third chapter? Wohoo Zelo recognized you!!! I will update the next chapter tomorrow...Or maybe later? C: I'm not sure yet, but keep reading :D♥

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LovelyMyChan #1
Chapter 4: Awww he's such a gentleman! And jeejee has red hair, i have red hair too in relief !:P but in korean when they are answering the phone they always say "Yoboseyo?" <3
Chapter 3: SO CUTE!
I READ THIS CHAPTER AT A FRIEND HOUSE, and she's not with me right now~
So I just smiled while my insides are overflowed with feels~~ *melts..
*read it as JiLo. Not Jello~
Or even some fellow kpoppers from this web~
Sometimes living with strangers is fun, as you get closer!
chanyeolstagram #5
nice description! i am attracted to read this!
Daelo13 #6
Chapter 10: Omggggg that was beautiful!! Great job
BAP_96 #7
Chapter 2: Whaa omo zelo can't remember he's really a pabo haha
I only read two chapters but actually love this ff ♡
btw I'm from Germany too *^▁^*
Chapter 10: awesome!!!! i cried at the part of the i love you thingy... thank you for this story!!!!
IShipNielJoe #9
Chapter 10: I reeeeeeaaalllllly liked this fanfiction! It was really good! The only thing I had a problem with is that it ended a bit too quickly. Like all of a sudden Zelo confessed and then she moved in with BAP and all of a sudden its 3 years later and they have a baby. It was just a little to quick... Other than that, GREAT STORYYYY! :)