Ringing Kiss, Sunflower


Your eyes fell onto Taemin's back, who was too busy taking things from your fridge to notice your shock. "Bwoh!" you repeated, trying to get his attention back towards you and hi. Staying at your place.

Taemin turned towards you, smiling. "You heard what I said. Do I really need to repeat myself?" His smile turned into a chuckle as he took out a pan and started some water to boil.

You crossed your arms. "Yah, I know what you said!"

"Then why did you ask?" His voice hinted sa condescending tone, which was unusual, coming from him. You even noticed that his body was more tense than before.

You walked towards the counter with slow steps, carefully planning your next move. Still a bit shocked with his reply, you say, with a calmer tone, "I mean, why are you staying here? You have your own place and---"

"I got tired of being there. Just leave it alone." his tone didn't change as he added the noodles to the now boiling water.

You nod, taken aback by his unchanging tone. Instead of asking anything else, you just silently watch as he added honey to the noodles.

A vibration from Taemin's pocket invaded the silence. Taemin pulled it out, but as soon as he took it out, it was thrown across the room and onto the couch. You stood there in shock.

"Taemin..." You started, but was interrupted by Taemin.

"Gah, I'm sorry..." Taemin carefully set down the honey bottle. "I know I should explain, but I can't right now." His eys fell upon you. "I deeply apologize." 

Taemin moved away from the noodles and moved closer to you. Taking your hand, he pulled you close, wrapping his free arm around you.your face started to flush as his face grew closer to yours. He started to tease you by placing his thumb, which was still holding your hand, up onto your lips, slowly running his thumb across it.

Your heart nearly stopped as Taemin made his way closer to your lips with his. You could almost feel his lips against yours.


Taemin looked up towards the couch. Your eyes become fully open and your heart drops. Taemin gazed back down at you. "Heh, I think that was your phone..." He slowly pulled away from you, heading back towards his noodles.

You silently groaned as you made your way towards your phone. "Stupid phone..." You mumble, picking it up and replying to your friend.

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Heipaadeg #1
Chapter 11: Why did Minho suddenly change attitude? 0.0 I really like your story so please update soon!!! Taemin is soooo cute :)
mallows #2
this is really interesting!! Go taemin! aigoo, minho is mean *pouts* please don't let him get near her again! :(
Ambriel #4
MinYoonAh #5
Kyaaaaaaaah ;w; update soon pleeeeeeease !! <3 I'm hooked !
ImNinjatastic #6
Are you still working on this fanfic?
Kya~<br />
Taemin is obviously the guy.<br />
I'm still waiting ^^
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
Taemin has to be Mr. Sunflower D;
Wow update please!
Aw, they are just so cute! ^.^