Bwoh! What is this, Sunflower?


The next day at school was really weird for you. Everyone seemed to act differently in some shape or form. The girls seemed to push you a bit more while the guys seemed to push you less. And it didn't help that Minho kept bumping into you, handing you a small sunflower every time he did. 

Okay, not every time. But he did give you one right before school; at lunch; and right before you left for school. It was madness!

You dragged your feet to the exit of the school, throwing away the three sunflowers. You could of sworn the it was Taemin, because he had a sunflower at your contest. You don't even remember seeing Minho there, at all! Why would he be? He was always mean and picking on you and always putting you down. 

But what if he was? What if he was with Taemin and Taemin was just holding the sunflower for him? How can I be sure if Minho wasn't there if I wasn't even looking for him? Your thoughts wondered at a million miles per hour. You couldn't stop your heart from beating fast nor could you stop the cold sweat from appearing onto your skin. You could of fainted if it wasn't for a hand landing onto your shoulder.

Jumping, you turn to see Taemin with a concerned look gazing at you. Jumping a bit himself, he takes your hand and examines your face. "Are you okay? You seem a bit off..." 

Trying to hide your thoughts, you simply, "Psssh, yeah I'm fine!" and pull your hand away. You stead yourself for a moment before Taemin became like a ninja. He swiftly took your messenger bag from your shoulder, wrapped it around his shoulder, and then picked you up.

"Bwoh!" Your face turned six colors redder. "What are you doing?"

"I'm carrying you. You don't look well and I have a car. I can take you home from it." Taemin made a sharp look at you. "And there's nothing you can do about it." He continued to his car.

You crossed your arms, a bit upset that he figured out your outside feelings. You hate it when people can read you, or at least the outer part of you. The inner part, people were yet to read. 

Scrunching your face, you look up at Taemin. You took this time to actually look at him. 

His jawline was perfect, running smoothly from his chin to the base of his ear. His ears were normal size and curved perfectly with his hair. Checking his hair, now, you saw how it laid itself onto Taemin's face, just above his eyes, as if it was aiming for perfection. Sliding your eyes downward, you take a look at his lips. Practically perfectly rounded on the bottom and beautifully pointed on the top, you felt a huge sensation to kiss him. You mentally shook your head as you continued to check him out. Going back up, you realize his nose is cute and nice looking. Finally, you look up at his eyes.

And that's when your heart skipped several beats. 

His eyes were alluring and stunning. It was as if God decided that he wanted to put his eyes into someone and chose Taemin. You also noted how his eyes shown in the light of the sun; how they were so focused and so determined. Peace. That was another thing that flowed through. 

Taemin stopped, which shocked your from your trance; which also made you almost fall out of his hands.

Steading the both of you, Taemin raised his eyebrows. "Are you okay?" His eyes continued to beam through you. 

Wrapping your arms around his neck to keep you from falling, you nod. "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I was just daydreaming." 

Taemin nodded and set you down so he could unlock the car. He opened your door and waited until you were inside to close it. He walked to the other side, opened the door, and started the car. 

"Now, where do you live again?" 




You finally reached your house after a good 30 minutes of bad direction. You face palmed and apologized over and over in which Taemin chuckled and told you not to worry. You couldn't help but feel that he was a bit frustrated but was too kind to say anything else. You sighed as he pulled up next to it. 

"Thank you once again." You said after about 100 times. You felt that no matter how much you said it, it would never actually mean what you felt. 

Taemin chuckled, grabbing your stuff and getting out of the car. You exited as well and followed Taemin up to your door. You pulled out your keys.

"May I stay? I mean, for you to tutor me? I know I was here yesterday, but I thought that since I'm here and every thing---"

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind." You unlock the door and lead the both of you inside. You point to the couch, showing Taemin where to put your stuff. "Are you hungry? I can make us something to eat?"

Taemin rubbed his stomach. "Now that you've mentioned it, I am a bit hungry. Do you have rice?" Taemin followed you into your kitchen, watching you as you opened the fridge for a drink.

"Yeah, I have rice. You wish for me to make you some?"

"Yes, that would be lovely." Taemin smiled, leaning over the counter to watch you work on the rice.

A few minutes of silence fell upon the room before Taemin asked, "Hey... um... _____?"

Not taking your eyes off the rice, afraid that you might burn it, you replied, "Yeah?" You take a quick glance up at him before adding a secret ingredient to your rice.

Taemin rubbed the back of his neck, debating on what to say. "Um... you know how Minho gave you that sunflower yesterday...?" 

You nod, not really wanting to talk about him. "Yeah, what about it?"

Taemin cleared his throat. "Why did he give you a sunflower? What does it stand for?" Taemin shifted his position, waiting patiently for you to answer. You notice that he was messing with his fingers.

Confused, you said, "Well, I'm not exactly sure what it means. To me, at first, was comfort and care. Now..." you pause, gazing down at the counter top. "Now I'm not sure at all what it means..."

Taemin took ahold of your hand, which made you look up. With serious eyes, he asked, "Do you like Minho now that you know he's the one sending you the sunflowers?"

The question shook you more than it should have. The thought of actually liking Minho never crossed your mind before, especially with the way he's treated you for all of these years. You've never even thought of him being nice or actually liking you in any sort of way could ever happen. No, you couldn't have any emotions for Minho.

Then why was there cold sweat on your skin?

You finally denied, "No, I could never love someone like him." Realizing the rice was starting to burn, you take it off the stove and put it into two bowls. 

Taemin stood behind you. You could feel his heat from his body on your back, which sent shivers down your spine. Taemin wrapped his arms around you and put his head onto your shoulders. "So, even if he was Sunflower, you'd still wouldn't like him?"

You nod.

"And if he wasn't Sunflower?"

You chuckle. "Then nothing would matter, right?" You turn your head and stop. His face was so close to yours that you almost dropped the chopsticks. Regaining yourself, you turn back towards the rice. "And besides, why does it matter?"

Taemin shrugged, moving away from you. "No reason." 




Taemin left after about an hour. The both of you ended up just talking about whatever and didn't even touch your stuff. You left for a bit to answer the phone and after you hung up, Taemin said that he got a text to head home. You exited him out and then headed over to your bag. 

"Ugh. Homework." You groaned, opening your bag. 

You stopped when you saw a yellow petal fall from your bag. "Bwoh?" You quickly looked inside. Sitting there, perfectly as if it was just put there, was a sunflower. A note was attached to it.

Who I am should never matter, you've probably never even seen me. Keep your eyes closed and your heart open, because no matter who I am, or what I've become... You should always love everyone---even your enemies.

- Sunflower

You sat back down into your couch. Your thoughts wondered. "Minho couldn't of put this in here..." You thought out loud. "Right?"

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Heipaadeg #1
Chapter 11: Why did Minho suddenly change attitude? 0.0 I really like your story so please update soon!!! Taemin is soooo cute :)
mallows #2
this is really interesting!! Go taemin! aigoo, minho is mean *pouts* please don't let him get near her again! :(
Ambriel #4
MinYoonAh #5
Kyaaaaaaaah ;w; update soon pleeeeeeease !! <3 I'm hooked !
ImNinjatastic #6
Are you still working on this fanfic?
Kya~<br />
Taemin is obviously the guy.<br />
I'm still waiting ^^
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
Taemin has to be Mr. Sunflower D;
Wow update please!
Aw, they are just so cute! ^.^