Lazy Day With Ghost Stories, Sunflower


Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of Taemin's voice talking. Taking a look around, you realized that you has fallen asleep on the couch with Taemin. Rubbing your eyes, you looked towards the direction of Taemin's voice, who was in the hallway talking on his cell.

"Hyung... Please, let me.......okay, yes, but...... Onew....." Taemin ruffled his hair as he paced back and forth. "Yes, but Minho isn't exactly innocent, either......look, until things can be settled, I'm staying over at her!" Taemin sighed and leaned against the wall.

Not wanting to make much sound, you carefully got up and headed towards the kitchen. 

Taemin didn't notice your movements as he continued to argue with the other person, whom you figured, Onew. "Hyung! Why are you taking his side?! ......Key doesn't know anything!! .......ugh..... Fine! Fine, I'll head back, but don't expect things to be the same as before." Taemin hung up his cell without even saying goodbye. His hand ran through his hair before he stood up.

Watching him, you quickly turned around, pretending that you weren't just listening to his conversation. 

"Oh... you're up?" Taemin mumbled behind you. "How long have you been up?"

"Only a few seconds, actually." You lied, grabbing some eggs from the fridge. "Eggs?" You asked, taking some out for yourself.

Taemin nodded as he found himself a seat at the kitchen table. Looking at everything you had out, he asked, "Are you going to feed the army?" 

With a small laugh, you shook your head. "No, I just didn't know exactly what I wanted to make, so I put everything out, hoping for some kind of breakfast-like meal." You took out a frying pan and started on some pancakes.

"Want some help?" Taemin asked, getting up and taking out a whisk.

You smiled. "Yes, that would be great! Here, you can start mixing the pancake ingredients together." 

As he worked on that, you started on bacon and eggs. The smell if the foods reminded your stomach just how hungry you were. "Omo, I almost can't wait for it to be done and cooked!" You smiled, trying to make the food cook faster.

"Aish, woman!" Taemin teased, nudging you while flipping some pancakes. "You can't do anything about how fast something cooks. The best food is made with patience." Taemin said, adding an old guys accent at the end, making you giggle.

"Ah, well, it was worth a shot!" You giggle, turning around to grab a glass of orange juice.




You made your way to the couch with Taemin after the food was done. Chatting faintly, you grabbed the remote and the TV, hoping that something would be on. But, as usual, only the crappy cartoons and the creepy news people were on. You almost turned off the TV when Taemin stopped you.

"Hold on, this seems interesting..." Taemin scooted closer to you, taking the flicker away from you and turning up the volume. Glancing towards you, he asked, "Have you ever seen this show? It's kind of scary, so if you don't want to watch it--"

"No, I'm okay. I love this show. Uh, what is it called?"

"Ghost Finders."

"Ghost Finders..." You echoed, watching as the screen switched from story telling to the ghost finders searching the home. Oddly enough, this was the one episode that you've ever had watched. You remembered that it was about a couple of friends and instead of something happening only one night, it happened almost every night. Mainly with the two main girls. The mother of the house and the daughter of the house claimed to have seen ghosts going around and taking things out of the fridge at night. Heck, the daughter even boasted about a demon living in her mother's closet. It was creepy.

"We were just hanging out side one night when we saw the flag from across the street move. At first we didn't think anything of it," The girl, who was friends with the daughter of the house, paused, looking around the set. "until we noticed that there was no wind. Not even the tree branches were moving. And the flag was moving at such a rate that it seemed that a storm was coming through!

"That's creepy..." Taemin mumbled, taking the last bite of his pancake before setting the empty plate on the coffee table. You chuckled at him.

"What, you don't really believe this, do you? It's full of junk!" I went to grab for the flicker but Taemin stopped me. Your eyes met his and for a moment you was scared.

"Have you ever seen a ghost? Ever been in a situation where it's more the likely that there has been a ghost?" Taemin asked, eyes wide open. His face had gone pale and you noticed that cold sweat was forming on his face.

You backed away. "S-sorry..." You stuttered, amazed at Taemin's difference. Your turned your attention back to the TV and watched the story line unfold.

Every now and then you'd check Taemin and watch his expression. You wanted to ask him what was going on in his mind, but something held you back as he clenched the pillow closer to his face. Wanting to comfort him, you softly touched his shoulder.

Taemin jumped a little, which shocked you, but you kept calm as Taemin smiles. "Oh, what is it?" 

"Are you okay? You're looking a little pale..." You noticed how his skin felt a little cold. "Taemin, please tell me what's wrong..." Sitting back, you took his hand and held it as he took a breath.

Messing with your hand a bit, Taemin gazed down. "It's nothing, really, don't worry." He glanced at you and smiled. "To be honest, it's just the fact that I've seen ghosts before and it still freaks me out sometimes, you know?" 

Taemin bit his lip. Squeezing his hand, you scooted closer and pulled him into a hug. "I know how you feel. I have been in a ghost incidence before." 

Taemin hugged back and smiled. "Thanks for understanding. Here, let's change the channel!" Taemin grabbed the flicker and quickly changed it to some random station.




About three hours later, Taemin had to leave. The good bye was quick since you were bad at giving them. Shutting the door behind Taemin, you walked over to your bed room to lie down for a bit. Thinking about Taemin, you started to daydream about what life would of been like if he did have to live here. How every morning, you'd make him pancakes and a cup of coffee (or banana milk), and how the two of you would laugh around and play some video games and joke with each other. For a moment, you wished that he stayed.

A knock on the door sent you from your happy dreamland. Getting up, you made your way towards the door. "Annyeo---" you started. Jaw dropping, you stared at the familiar, dark hair and eyes, charismatic guy standing in front of you. Gulping, you mumbled, "Annyeong, Minho. Wh-what are you doing here?"

Minho's eyes turned into flames while his mouth turned into a smirk. His arms slithered their way around your waist and his body became close. Gently taking your chin, he smiled. 

Frozen, you stared up into the charming charisma boy. Every part of your body wanted to break free, move, and get away from him! But for some reason your body wouldn't budge. Crap....

"Mi... Minho. Wh...what are you---" 

Minho silenced you with his thumb. "I have a present for you." The smirk on his face became like the devil's.

"P..present?" You managed to mumble underneath Minho's thumb. 

Nodding, Minho moved his face closer to yours. "It's a special one from your friend Taemin." He grinned, moving his lips only inches away from yours.



Sorry!!!! Dx I'm so, so, so, so, SOOO sorry that this story became forgotten!! x.x I didn't mean for it to be!!!

But, lucky for you, I have the entire story planned out, so all I have to do is type it out ^-^

But, question is...

Who are you going to end up with?


Or Minho....?


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Heipaadeg #1
Chapter 11: Why did Minho suddenly change attitude? 0.0 I really like your story so please update soon!!! Taemin is soooo cute :)
mallows #2
this is really interesting!! Go taemin! aigoo, minho is mean *pouts* please don't let him get near her again! :(
Ambriel #4
MinYoonAh #5
Kyaaaaaaaah ;w; update soon pleeeeeeease !! <3 I'm hooked !
ImNinjatastic #6
Are you still working on this fanfic?
Kya~<br />
Taemin is obviously the guy.<br />
I'm still waiting ^^
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
Taemin has to be Mr. Sunflower D;
Wow update please!
Aw, they are just so cute! ^.^