Don't Hide, Sunflower


"Ya! Go back to where you came from!"

She shrinks back as the boy yelled at your face. She tries to get away, but he was backing her up against the wall and his buddies were helping. She only wished a teacher was around, but it was lunch, and teachers usually don't check the halls at this time.

"Please stop..." She whispers, trying to have some defense for herself.  It didn't help, though. The boy still shoved her against the wall and laughed at her face. 

Scoffing, the boy continued. "Why did you even come here? You're so pale and weak!" His buddies joined in with, "Yeah!"

A tear fell from her young face. She tried to hide it by looking down and making her long hair fall in front of her face. Again, it didn't help. One of his friends saw the tear and yelled, "Aha~! She's crying! Little Ms. Stupid Pale Girl is crying!" They laughed again at her face.

More tears fell and by now she knew: no one was going to help her.

That was, until a voice yelled out. "Hey! Get away from her!" 

Shocked, the young girl looks up to see a boy, no bigger than the bully, standing before her. The bully only smirked. "Oh yeah, and what are you going to do if I don't?"

The boy only grinned. "If you stay here any longer, you'll find out."

At that moment, the bell rang signaling lunch was over. The bully growled. "Whatever. Let's go boys." He then left.

She looked at the boy, astonished. She didn't even know him, yet her own "friends" didn't even come to help.

The boy walked over to her and smiled. "Ah, don't frown." He wiped away a tear that was making it's way down. He looked her straight in the eye and said, "Never forget to smile..."



You woke up from that nightmare/dream. It always was the same. Ever since the day you moved here, someone was always bullying you. That was, until that boy showed up. 

Sighing, you got up to get dress. "Who was that boy?" You asked yourself, grabbing your school outfit  and shoes. You started to get dressed while nothing but the boy on your mind. 




Taemin came up to you at lunch. Girls all around you spoke quietly to each other, but you knew without even eavesdropping that they were gossiping about you. You could only imagine what they were saying.

Smiling at Taemin, you say, "Annyeong! How are you?"

Taemin sighs a bit. He slides in next to you and replies, "I'm doing okay. I'm getting a bit behind school work and I'm also getting behind on my dancing." Sighing once more, he starts to eat. 

"Ah, I'm sorry." You sincerely say as you take at bit at your food. You make a face as you come to realize how bad tasting it was. 

Taemin chuckles at your face while he makes the same one. "Yah, the cooks aren't always the best, are they?" 

You nod in agreement. "Yeah, hahaha, they should just serve pizza everyday!" You continue eating the crappy food. 

Taemin follows suit, but soon turns towards you. "Hey, _______, are you good at tutoring?" He slightly moves closer to you.

Not realizing that, you nod. "Yeah, I've tutored kids in the past. I'm not completely the best, but they always exit their classes with good A's." You smile at your success. 

Only scooting closer, Taemin nods. "Can... can you tutor me?"

You turn to face Taemin. Your heart stops as you felt the breath of Taemin's on your face. You didn't even realize how close he was getting, but when you saw the reaction that was on Taemin's face, it looked as if he didn't know he was, either.

"Ah, mianhe!" Taemin retreats back to his original post. Blushing, he turns his full attention on poking his food.

Also red faced, you turn back to your food. "Sure." You finally say after a few awkward seconds. "I'd love to tutor you!" 

Taemin slightly jumps up. He grins greatly. "Oh, thank you!" He smiles big. 

"Heh, no problem."




"Get out of the way!" The big guy said as he pushed you against the wall. His hands were on both sides of your head while his face was only inches away from yours. "Do you really like me so much that you have to always be in my way?" The big guy only got closer.

Trying to push him away, and avoid his face, you yell out. "No! Get away!!" You start to hit him, but nothing happened. The big guy only go closer. 

"Hey, Minho!" Someone yelled from behind him. Minho looked away, which gave you an advantage for you to slip away. He yells at you and for a moment you were afraid that he'd chase you, but when you reached your next class, you realized that he didn't even step a foot towards your way.

Sighing in relief, you sit down in your chair and lay your head down. Gosh, when is this guy ever going to leave me alone! You think to yourself. Remembering your dream from earlier, you came to a conclusion that he'd probably never will stop.

Raising your head, you notice a small yellow sunflower laying on your teacher's desk that wasn't there when you entered. You glance around, checking of any signs that someone was in there. Having none, you slowly get up to check it out.

Right underneath the sunflower was a note to you. Picking it up, you read it:

I see you struggle away from him
I see him struggle to get you closer
Every day you're tortured by him
And everyday I sit in the backseat
Not knowing what to do.

I want to help you,
But I'm afraid that I'll be too weak
And in the end, won't be able to help you at all
But at the same time,
I don't really care about that.

But please don't hide
Please don't worry
Because that one day when I'll stand up for you is coming soon
So don't hide,
For I'm coming to save you.

You almost drop the letter, but catch it as you hold it to your chest. 

"Please come soon..."

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Heipaadeg #1
Chapter 11: Why did Minho suddenly change attitude? 0.0 I really like your story so please update soon!!! Taemin is soooo cute :)
mallows #2
this is really interesting!! Go taemin! aigoo, minho is mean *pouts* please don't let him get near her again! :(
Ambriel #4
MinYoonAh #5
Kyaaaaaaaah ;w; update soon pleeeeeeease !! <3 I'm hooked !
ImNinjatastic #6
Are you still working on this fanfic?
Kya~<br />
Taemin is obviously the guy.<br />
I'm still waiting ^^
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
Taemin has to be Mr. Sunflower D;
Wow update please!
Aw, they are just so cute! ^.^