Bwoh! Sunflower?


It's been two days since Taemin tried to tell you something. Something you've started to wonder more and more about. Two days it has been since Taemin spoke to you. Two days since you last saw him.

For some reason, Taemin didn't show up yesterday, or the day before. You were afraid that it was all your fault, ignoring the fact that he had something important to tell you. 

The good thing, though, is that Minho has been gone.

For two days. 

"Ugh, what is up with this?" You shouted, opening your door to your home having another day without Taemin, or Minho, at school; making it three days since you last spoke/saw Taemin. It was starting to make your heart drop everyday that you didn't see him. What if they transfered schools, you thought.

You threw your books down onto the couch, not caring where they landed nor caring about them. You made your way into the kitchen, started some tea, and then headed towards your bedroom. Once you landed on the bed, you checked your cell. 

Heh, that's fun - Taemin

You re-read that last text for quite sometime, or at least until the tea went off. You debated whether or not you actually wanted to get up, but the annoying noise it made, made you get up. As you set it off the counter, you heard a knock on your door. 

You set the kettle down and answered the door. Your heart skipped a beat.

"H-h-hey..." You mumbled, getting a good look at the fellow in front of you. His familiar eyes shown their way down into yours, sending a million of chills into your body. You shuffle, trying to make those chills disappear.

"Hey, ______." Taemin's voice echoed through the room. His body sent off a cold message as he stood there. "Aren't you going to let me in? It is Friday." He said, as if he hasn't been gone for two--three days. 

"Oh, sorry." You whisper, leading him into the house. "I forgot that I tutor you on Fridays..." You glance up at Taemin, who was too busy shaking his head. 

Picking up your thrown books, Taemin asked, "Do you always live like this?" He placed them onto the table. 

You shook your head. "No, actually I was tired today, so I didn't feel like putting them up, properly." You spoke, trying to avoid the question to where he was for the past two days. You watch as he made his way into the kitchen. 

"Good, because I wouldn't want to move in with someone who lived in a dirty house."




Sorry for the short chapter >.< Been busy and I really wanted to update. Thank you for commenting and reading :D Update will be soon ^-^

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Heipaadeg #1
Chapter 11: Why did Minho suddenly change attitude? 0.0 I really like your story so please update soon!!! Taemin is soooo cute :)
mallows #2
this is really interesting!! Go taemin! aigoo, minho is mean *pouts* please don't let him get near her again! :(
Ambriel #4
MinYoonAh #5
Kyaaaaaaaah ;w; update soon pleeeeeeease !! <3 I'm hooked !
ImNinjatastic #6
Are you still working on this fanfic?
Kya~<br />
Taemin is obviously the guy.<br />
I'm still waiting ^^
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
Taemin has to be Mr. Sunflower D;
Wow update please!
Aw, they are just so cute! ^.^