Sun and Flowers, Sunflower



"I have a present for you." The smirk on his face became like the devil's.

"P..present?" You managed to mumble underneath Minho's thumb. 

Nodding, Minho moved his face closer to yours. "It's a special one from your friend Taemin." He grinned, moving his lips only inches away from yours. 


Jerking up, you woke up from your dream in cold sweat. Your breath was heavy and all of your covers were thrown off. You sat there for a moment before you dared touch you lips. The memories of what happened the day before clear in your mind and you still couldn't believe it. You didn't want to believe it! As much as you tried to push the memory away, it wouldn't disappear. "This is not fair!" You yelled out to no one. 

A vibration next to you made you jump. Grabbing your phone, you realized that it was a text from Taemin. Opening your phone, you gazed at the text.

I have something important to tell you! Come meet me at the park next to the water fountain at noon! - Taemin

You smiled, but it soon faded as you thought about yesterday. "Should I tell Taemin?" You thought out loud. Shaking your head, you leaned against your pillows. "No, I shouldn't. Things would only get worse... Ugh!" You let out, throwing your head against your head board. "This isn't fair! If I do tell Taemin, he'll get mad at Minho. If I don't tell Taemin, he'll get mad at me and Minho!" You ruffled your hair. "I hate Minho!" 

Another buzz from your phone and you picked it up. 

That kiss yesterday, you remember? It's best to keep that between us, okay? Wouldn't want your precious Taemin drop his dream of being a singer, now would we? - Minho

"More like Mean-ho." You commented, saving his number and putting that in. You texted him back. 

It's your fault that you kissed me, you jerk! - _______

I wanted to kiss you, is that so bad? - Meanho

Yes! We don't even like each other! Do you not remember? - _______

I want to start a new. Bring out a clean slate, pretend that the past never happened - Meanho

Well, you can't. And you never will. - _______

We will see - Meanho

You gazed at his last text for what seemed like an eternity. "We will see?" You mocked, throwing your phone to the side and getting up to go see Taemin. "Whatever, I don't need to waste my time on him." You grabbed a cute shirt and jeans before heading out to the fountain. 




His arms wrapped around you before you could say anything. "_____-ah! I'm so happy you came!" He grinned, hugging you tightly and twisting you around. 

"Ah, Taemin! Can't breath here!" You choked out.

"Oh, sorry!" He let you go. "I'm just excited!" 

"About what?" You asked as Taemin took your hand. 

Taemin smiled. "You'll see!" He then was leading you out and away from the fountain. "It's something I found a while ago when I was walking around the park. It's very beautiful and it reminded me of you~" Taemin turned his head to gaze at you.

Wishing he didn't, you blushed and looked away. "How far is it?" You asked, trying to change the attention from your face. 

"Just around this hill!" Taemin pointed. "You'll love it, trust me!" Taemin pulled out a black piece of cloth. "Here, put this on."

Your eyes grew wide. "What for!?" 

"So it can be a surprise! Come on, for me?" Taemin pulled out his aegyo on you. You couldn't deny it one bit, so you took the cloth from him. "Yay!" He chimed, helping you tie it in the back.

You grumbled. "I'm not going to be hurt, am I?" I joked. When I didn't hear a reply, I asked again, a little more freaked out. "Taemin? Right?" 

"Oh, sorry." You heard a slap. "I forgot that you can't see head nodding. Come on!" He cheered, taking your hand again and leading you carefully up the hill. "Now, be careful, the hill is a bit of a slope. Ah!" 

Your foot slipped, but Taemin was quick to catch you. "Mianhe!" 

"It's fine. Hurry!" He started to pull you faster. "Here we are!" Taemin said as he took off your blindfold.

And he was right, it was beautiful!

Sunflowers filled the entire scene from left to right. There wasn't a spot of grass to be seen! Some were higher than others, while some were very short and still growing. They were all facing up towards the sun, basking in it's rays of warmth. 

You smiled. "Wow, it's the most beautiful sight I've seen!" You giggled.

"Yeah, it truly is..." Taemin sighed.

You turned to face Taemin, who was already staring at you. You blushed wildly while Taemin quickly turned to face the sunflowers. "You want to pick some?" He asked, already holding a hand out to you. 

You nodded but before you could take Taemin's hand, he was on the ground and rolling down the hill. "WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" He yelled all the way down. When he hit the bottom, he smiled and waved at you. "Come on! It's really fun! Just make sure you tuck in your face so it doesn't get hurt!" Taemin yelled up at you.

"Okay!" You yelled back, getting onto your side and rolling down the hill. "AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" You screamed. You hid your face just like Taemin told you until you felt your body hit a pair of feet. "Omph!" 

Taemin fell over and his legs landed on top of you. "Omo, I'm so sorry!" You said. 

Taemin laughed, got up, and brushed himself off. "No worries, I'm fine, your fine... You are fine, right?" He asked, checking to see if you got any bruises. 

"Yes, I'm fine!" You giggled, getting up and brushing your self off. 

Taemin sighed in relief. "Good. I don't know what I'd do if I found out that you were hurt and I was the cause of it." He took your hand. "Come on! I have a great sunflower waiting for you!" He started running with you close behind. 


Neee~~ ^-^ Soooo? :D How was that? ^-^ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! :D I know I enjoyed typing it ^-^ (especially the ending part :3 )

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Heipaadeg #1
Chapter 11: Why did Minho suddenly change attitude? 0.0 I really like your story so please update soon!!! Taemin is soooo cute :)
mallows #2
this is really interesting!! Go taemin! aigoo, minho is mean *pouts* please don't let him get near her again! :(
Ambriel #4
MinYoonAh #5
Kyaaaaaaaah ;w; update soon pleeeeeeease !! <3 I'm hooked !
ImNinjatastic #6
Are you still working on this fanfic?
Kya~<br />
Taemin is obviously the guy.<br />
I'm still waiting ^^
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
Taemin has to be Mr. Sunflower D;
Wow update please!
Aw, they are just so cute! ^.^