Mistook, Sunflower



MInho just couldn't stop it, could he?

No. No, he couldn't. In fact, if he could, he'd probably die of boredom or something and fall off the sides of Earth, crumpling to the fact that he couldn't do it anymore. 

Wait, maybe he should stop

Ah! Who am I kidding, if he stopped, he'd probably find someone else to do this to. It might even be worse? 

No, it'd never be worse than me, how can it ever? He's been doing this to me since... Well since I first met him.

Will it ever stop?


You thought all this through while Minho held your books above your head. He knew how tall he was compared to you, so he used this to all of his advantages. From books to food, he'd always have something above your head. In any case, you'd try to jump up, knowing you'd fail. Somedays you'd just leave him be, tired of all the jumping. 

Jumping one last time, you knew that the book was history. It was your favorite, like all the ones he'd take, but this one was your grandmother's and she gave it to you for safe keeping. Minho probably didn't know this, but was all of this jumping worth it?


You were never the one to hurt someone, but you needed this book back. And without even thinking about the consequences or what Minho could do to you, you jab your knee right where he hurts most.

As Minho bent over in pain, you quickly grab the book and run away from him, feeling victorious. Even though you knew that he'd come back for you, knowing that you got the book and put a little pain to him made you feel one hundred feet taller. 

A hand grabbing your arm kept you from walking into your class. About to yell, you reconize the person to be none other than Lee Taemin.

Breathing, you look up at him. "Hey!" You speak, cheerfully.

Taemin didn't show the same happiness as you. A bit scared from his serious face, you hold your book up and joyfully say, "Look! I got it back from him!" You smile, but notice that Taemin's face doesn't change. You bite your lip.

What lasted seconds of cold silence felt like several minutes to you. With a cold voice, Taemin finally spoke, "You could get in trouble for what you just did." He crossed his arms. 

Looking down, you knew he was right. Knowing Minho, and his hate for loosing to things, you knew that he'd try to frame everything on you to the teachers. Or even worse, send his gang members after you while you walk home.

For once, you wouldn't mind getting a call from teachers.

Speaking with a more happy tone, Taemin took your chin. He sighed. "You know, why are you afraid of him? I mean, yeah, he's taller and more built than you are---thankfully since you are a girl---but what does he have over you that makes you shrieval from him?" Taemin let your chin go, but the distance he gained stayed put. He watched as you tried to come up with an answer. When you couldn't think of one, Taemin said, "You don't have to keep hiding from him."

You quickly look up at Taemin, trying to figure out what he meant. When no ideas came to you, you asked him, "What do you mean? He's always been like this to me..."


You scrunched your face, wondering the same question. You look to the side while crossing your arms, knowing that you had no answer to give him. 

Taemin catches this and leans against the wall next to you. "Hey, if it makes anything better, I'm free later today. You think you can squeeze in a tutoring lesson?"

With a small smile, you act, "Ah! Today is so busy! I mean, with school work and trying to dodge Minho... I'm booked!" You take a side glance at Taemin. His face showed confusion and sadness, but quickly went away when he realized you were joking. 

"Oh, gosh, you're such a busy lady! How can you ever tutor me?" He joined in to your fake schedule. 

"I know!" You smile. You look at Taemin, who was looking at you. With a nod, you relax. "Yeah, you can come over. No one will be home, though. So we'll be all alone." 

With a smirk, Taemin joked, "Oh, even better." He gave you a wink and then was off.

"Oi!" Your mouth was open. Did he seriously just say that? You scoffed, walking into your next class. Either way, you now have an entire day to look forward to studying with him!




"So this is where you live?" Taemin asked as you both entered your house. He took a look around as you shut and locked the door behind you. 

You nod. "Yep. It's not much, but it keeps us warm in the winter and cold during the summer." You took you own tour of the house. It was a regular, one story house. The ceilings were tall enough for a 10 ft person to stand under---or at least, that's what you think. The floors were all a dark, beautiful wood and lead to five different rooms. The kitchen; the living room; the bathroom; your room; and your parents room. It was a good 2500 square foot house, so it was normal size. It was clean, which was good. Then again, with a mother like yours, it was always clean. 

Taemin made his way to the living room while you went into the kitchen to make Taemin and you a nice cup of tea. "What flavor do you like more; green or black?"

"Green tea would be fine." Taemin sat down on your sofa as you made the drinks. 

While the tea set, you walked over to Taemin and sat down next to him. He'd already gotten everything out and it was all organized across the table. You were slightly amazed since your last kid was a big mess.

Taemin eyed you. "You ready?"

Nodding, you picked up a pencil, leaned over, and watched as he showed you what problems he had. 




A knock on the door interrupted your now three hour tutoring lesson with Taemin. You hadn't expected this to take that long, but every now and then the both of you would get distracted by something. For one of the hours, the two of you ended up just dancing because your favorite song was playing (you had your music playing in the background). 

Getting up and answering the door, you were shocked to see Minho standing there. His heavy aurora  filled the space between the both of you as he stood there. A bit scared, you ask, "W... what are you doing here, Minho?" You felt movement behind you, but you didn't look back. 

Minho leaned against the door frame, picking out his next moves throughly. When he spoke, it was as if he was speaking to an old friend. "You've never stood up to me before." His gaze on you changed.

Confused and curious, your hand clutches the door. "So, and?" You couldn't help but feel awkward standing there---in your home outfit, to make it any better.

He looks past you to whom you could guess was Taemin. He chuckled and then handed you something.

Your body froze as you took it into your hands. The petals were even more vibrant than those from previous times. It's length also longer than that. Mouth falling open, the word "thanks" fell from it.

Taemin was now in front of you, taking the door from your hands. "Thanks, Minho. I'm sure she'll just love it." 

You didn't catch the intense glares they were sending as you gazed upon the beautiful flower. No note was there, but it didn't need one. Your heart skipped beats and cold sweat found it's way onto your skin. No. No way. He... He can't be!

Taemin slammed the door, before turning back towards you. He felt like he should say something, but got interrupted by you falling to the ground. 

"N-n-n-no. He... he can't be..." 

The sunflower fell from you hands and onto Taemin's foot.

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Heipaadeg #1
Chapter 11: Why did Minho suddenly change attitude? 0.0 I really like your story so please update soon!!! Taemin is soooo cute :)
mallows #2
this is really interesting!! Go taemin! aigoo, minho is mean *pouts* please don't let him get near her again! :(
Ambriel #4
MinYoonAh #5
Kyaaaaaaaah ;w; update soon pleeeeeeease !! <3 I'm hooked !
ImNinjatastic #6
Are you still working on this fanfic?
Kya~<br />
Taemin is obviously the guy.<br />
I'm still waiting ^^
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
Taemin has to be Mr. Sunflower D;
Wow update please!
Aw, they are just so cute! ^.^