Sing, Sunflower



You were nervous and scared. It was your first time to sing in front of a crowd. Sure, you’ve sung in front of friends and family, and occasionally randomly out in public. But that was for fun. This was to win.

You gulped as they called your name to come up and sing. You breathed in deeply and walked out onto the stage.

“What song will you be singing, ___________?” They ask you while writing stuff down on their papers.

You took a breath and replied, “I’ll be singing Life by SHINee.” You tried not to mumble. 

The judges nodded and wrote down your song choice.

At first, you sung a bit quite, but that was fine, at the moment.

“In this world

Let me love only you.”

You saw movement out of the corner of your eye that seemed familiar, but you were to busy into singing your song to really tell anything. 

“Oh, when this passing life withers away, you came to me

The moment I touch your frozen heart, my life begins

When you’re tired and having a hard time,

Please let me stay by your side

So I can give back to you the love I had only received

Before this life ends.”

By now, your voice was strong and sounded nearly perfect. Your face beamed as you noticed everyone in the audience stare at you in awe. That’s when you noticed the movement again.

This time, you saw who it was. Keeping a calm, collect face and voice, you recognized the person as none other than Lee Taemin. 

He was smiling up at you. Your heart skipped at beat as you gazed at him and his smile. You took note that in his hand was a sunflower.

“When I get on my knees and cry before the world

When I stop my tracks inside the storm

If you are alone standing

I can surpass whatever pain and tears

All I want is you

Only one is you in my life.”

You nearly missed a line as you glanced back at Taemin. But when you did, you noticed him and his sunflower where gone. 

You frowned to yourself, but that didn’t stop you from your song.

As you finished the song, everyone started to clap and yell, “yeah!” and stuff.

You smiled brightly as you bowed and said “thank you”. Even the judges were smiling. You hoped that they didn’t see you mess up when you were trying to look at Taemin. Luckily, by the looks of it, they didn’t seem to.

You went off the stage and into the backstage area. Once there, your best friend and parents ran to you, cheering.

“You did so well!” your best friend shrieked.

Your mother hugged you tightly. “You’re my lovely baby! You did so well! I never thought you had it in you to sing in front of all of those strangers!”

“Heh…yeah mom….” Your legs started to shake as you remember what you just did. You took that as a time to go over to the door that lead out into the crowd. Hoping to catch a glance of Taemin, you looked out. Again, he was nowhere to be found.

“Who are you looking for?” Your best friend came up behind you, scaring you.

“Holy cows! (friends name)!!! Don’t do that!” You held your hand to your chest, trying to calm back down, It was bad enough you were still nervous from singing on stage. None-the-less, singing in front of Taemin.
Your mother and father were now at the door. “Well, we better head back out. Don’t want to miss seeing you be crowned the best!”

“Oh, whatever.” You laughed, slightly, as they gave you a big hug before rushing out the door.

You heard the judges call for all the contestants to go back out on the stage. You took a deep breath and did so.

As you walked back out, you took one last look around the audience. Again, no such luck. Taemin was gone. You sighed. Maybe the song wasn’t as good as I thought…maybe he didn’t even like it at all. You sadly thought to yourself.

The main judge grabbed the envelope. “And the winner is…” The judge did a dramatic pause as he opened the envelope. You sighed greatly, becoming slightly impatient.

“And the person who won the SInging Award, is…”

A movement from the corner of your eye caught your attention. You quickly looked over to see what it was, but what happened next kept you from seeing.

”______________ ______________!!!!” 

You looked out. “What?” You asked, shocked.

The main judge took your hand. “You’re the winner!” He handed you the trophy.

You smiled so big that you’d never had your cheeks hurt so much!

“Oh my…thank you!!!” You’re entire attention was now on the cheering crowd and the trophy. You completely forgot about Taemin and the moving figure from the corner of your eye.

As you headed backstage to get your things, everyone who was a contestant went up to you and congratulated you. You smiled, said thanks, and told them that they did good as well. They smiled back, said thanks, and then left.

Everyone was gone before you actually touched your things. As you walked over to them, you noticed a yellow and green thing on top of your bag.

As you got closer, you noticed that it was a sunflower. The most beautifulsunflower you had ever seen, to be exact.

You picked it up, only to see a note fall to the floor. You picked it up and read it.

“You did very well, __________. I honestly forgot the song was originally sung by someone else. I’m glad to know that you like that song. Happen to like it myself!

Well, I hope we meet again, __________. It would be ashamed if we don’t


You were now on your knees, mouth open, re-reading everything on the letter.

“Could it…really be….Taemin?” You stood up, holding the sunflower close to your chest. You grabbed your stuff and walked out, still gazing at the note.

“Sunflower…” You whispered to yourself.

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Heipaadeg #1
Chapter 11: Why did Minho suddenly change attitude? 0.0 I really like your story so please update soon!!! Taemin is soooo cute :)
mallows #2
this is really interesting!! Go taemin! aigoo, minho is mean *pouts* please don't let him get near her again! :(
Ambriel #4
MinYoonAh #5
Kyaaaaaaaah ;w; update soon pleeeeeeease !! <3 I'm hooked !
ImNinjatastic #6
Are you still working on this fanfic?
Kya~<br />
Taemin is obviously the guy.<br />
I'm still waiting ^^
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
OMO<br />
Taemin has to be Mr. Sunflower D;
Wow update please!
Aw, they are just so cute! ^.^